SUBROUTINE READI(N,IVAR,ERROR) DIMENSION IVAR(N) LOGICAL ERROR C-------------------------------------------------- C Reads N integer variables, leaving unchanged C if only is entered. C-------------------------------------------------- DIMENSION IVTMP(40) CHARACTER*80 LINE C READ(*,1000) LINE 1000 FORMAT(A80) C DO 10 I=1, N IVTMP(I) = IVAR(I) 10 CONTINUE C NTMP = 40 CALL GETINT(LINE,IVTMP,NTMP,ERROR) C IF(ERROR) RETURN C DO 20 I=1, N IVAR(I) = IVTMP(I) 20 CONTINUE C RETURN END ! READI SUBROUTINE READR(N,VAR,ERROR) DIMENSION VAR(N) LOGICAL ERROR C------------------------------------------------- C Reads N real variables, leaving unchanged C if only is entered. C------------------------------------------------- DIMENSION VTMP(40) CHARACTER*80 LINE C READ(*,1000) LINE 1000 FORMAT(A80) C DO 10 I=1, N VTMP(I) = VAR(I) 10 CONTINUE C NTMP = 40 CALL GETFLT(LINE,VTMP,NTMP,ERROR) C IF(ERROR) RETURN C DO 20 I=1, N VAR(I) = VTMP(I) 20 CONTINUE C RETURN END ! READR SUBROUTINE GETINT(INPUT,A,N,ERROR) CHARACTER*(*) INPUT INTEGER A(*) LOGICAL ERROR C---------------------------------------------------------- C Parses character string INPUT into an array C of integer numbers returned in A(1...N) C C Will attempt to extract no more than N numbers, C unless N = 0, in which case all numbers present C in INPUT will be extracted. C C N returns how many numbers were actually extracted. C---------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*130 REC CHARACTER*1 TAB C TAB = CHAR(9) C C---- only first 128 characters in INPUT will be parsed ILEN = MIN( LEN(INPUT) , 128 ) ILENP = ILEN + 2 C C---- put input into local work string (which will be munched) REC(1:ILENP) = INPUT(1:ILEN) // ' ,' C C---- ignore everything after a "!" character K = INDEX(REC,'!') IF(K.GT.0) REC(1:ILEN) = REC(1:K-1) C NINP = N C C---- count up how many numbers are to be extracted N = 0 K = 1 DO 10 IPASS=1, ILEN C------ search for next space or comma or tab starting with current index K KSPACE = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),' ') + K - 1 KCOMMA = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),',') + K - 1 KTAB = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),TAB) + K - 1 C IF(K.EQ.KSPACE .OR. K.EQ.KTAB) THEN C------- just skip this space K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C IF(K.EQ.KCOMMA) THEN C------- comma found.. increment number count and keep looking N = N+1 K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C C------ neither space nor comma found, so we ran into a number... C- ...increment number counter and keep looking after next space or comma N = N+1 K = MIN(KSPACE,KCOMMA) + 1 C 9 IF(K.GE.ILEN) GO TO 11 10 CONTINUE C C---- decide on how many numbers to read, and go ahead and read them 11 IF(NINP.GT.0) N = MIN( N, NINP ) READ(REC(1:ILEN),*,ERR=20) (A(I),I=1,N) ERROR = .FALSE. RETURN C C---- bzzzt !!! 20 CONTINUE ccc WRITE(*,*) 'GETINT: String-to-integer conversion error.' N = 0 ERROR = .TRUE. RETURN END ! GETINT SUBROUTINE GETFLT(INPUT,A,N,ERROR) CHARACTER*(*) INPUT REAL A(*) LOGICAL ERROR C---------------------------------------------------------- C Parses character string INPUT into an array C of real numbers returned in A(1...N) C C Will attempt to extract no more than N numbers, C unless N = 0, in which case all numbers present C in INPUT will be extracted. C C N returns how many numbers were actually extracted. C---------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*130 REC CHARACTER*1 TAB C TAB = CHAR(9) C C---- only first 128 characters in INPUT will be parsed ILEN = MIN( LEN(INPUT) , 128 ) ILENP = ILEN + 2 C C---- put input into local work string (which will be munched) REC(1:ILENP) = INPUT(1:ILEN) // ' ,' C C---- ignore everything after a "!" character K = INDEX(REC,'!') IF(K.GT.0) REC(1:ILEN) = REC(1:K-1) C NINP = N C C---- count up how many numbers are to be extracted N = 0 K = 1 DO 10 IPASS=1, ILEN C------ search for next space or comma starting with current index K KSPACE = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),' ') + K - 1 KCOMMA = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),',') + K - 1 KTAB = INDEX(REC(K:ILENP),TAB) + K - 1 C IF(K.EQ.KSPACE .OR. K.EQ.KTAB) THEN C------- just skip this space K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C IF(K.EQ.KCOMMA) THEN C------- comma found.. increment number count and keep looking N = N+1 K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C C------ neither space nor comma found, so we ran into a number... C- ...increment number counter and keep looking after next space or comma N = N+1 K = MIN(KSPACE,KCOMMA) + 1 C 9 IF(K.GE.ILEN) GO TO 11 10 CONTINUE C C---- decide on how many numbers to read, and go ahead and read them 11 IF(NINP.GT.0) N = MIN( N, NINP ) READ(REC(1:ILEN),*,ERR=20) (A(I),I=1,N) ERROR = .FALSE. RETURN C C---- bzzzt !!! 20 CONTINUE ccc WRITE(*,*) 'GETFLT: String-to-integer conversion error.' N = 0 ERROR = .TRUE. RETURN END ! GETFLT SUBROUTINE GETNUM(INPUT,INUM,RNUM,NI,NR,NUMTYP,ERROR) CHARACTER*(*) INPUT, NUMTYP INTEGER INUM(*) REAL RNUM(*) LOGICAL ERROR C---------------------------------------------------------------- C Parses character string INPUT into separate arrays C of integer and real numbers returned in C INUM(1..NI), RNUM(1..NR). C C Will attempt to extract no more than NI,NR numbers C of each type, unless NI,NR = 0, in which case all C numbers present in INPUT will be extracted. C C NI,NR return how many numbers were actually extracted. C C String NUMTYP indicates into which array each number went... C C NUMTYP(N:N) = 'i' N'th number in INPUT went into INUM(N) C 'r' N'th number in INPUT went into RNUM(N) C 'n' N'th number in INPUT was blank (just a comma) C---------------------------------------------------------------- C C---- number of characters to be examined ILEN = LEN(INPUT) C C---- ignore everything after a "!" character K = INDEX(INPUT,'!') IF(K.GT.0) ILEN = K-1 C C---- set limit on numbers to be read NIINP = NI NRINP = NR IF(NIINP.EQ.0) NIINP = ILEN/2 + 1 IF(NRINP.EQ.0) NRINP = ILEN/2 + 1 NINP = MAX( NIINP , NRINP ) C NI = 0 NR = 0 NUMTYP = ' ' C IF(ILEN.EQ.0) RETURN C C---- extract numbers N = 0 K = 1 DO 10 IPASS=1, ILEN C------ find next space (pretend there's one after the end of the string) KSPACE = INDEX(INPUT(K:ILEN),' ') + K - 1 IF(KSPACE.EQ.K-1) KSPACE = ILEN + 1 C IF(KSPACE.EQ.K) THEN C------- just skip this space K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C C------ also find next comma KCOMMA = INDEX(INPUT(K:ILEN),',') + K - 1 IF(KCOMMA.EQ.K-1) KCOMMA = ILEN + 1 C C------ space is farther down, so we ran into something... N = N+1 C C------ bug out early if no more numbers are to be read IF(N.GT.NINP) GO TO 11 C C------ set ending delimiter position for this number KDELIM = MIN(KSPACE,KCOMMA) C IF(K.EQ.KDELIM) THEN C------- nothing but a comma... just set null type indicator and keep looking NUMTYP(N:N) = 'n' K = K+1 GO TO 9 ENDIF C C------ whatever we have, it is in substring K:KEND KEND = KDELIM - 1 C C------ search for floating-point number indicator in substring KFLOAT = MAX( INDEX(INPUT(K:KEND),'.'), & INDEX(INPUT(K:KEND),'E'), & INDEX(INPUT(K:KEND),'e'), & INDEX(INPUT(K:KEND),'D'), & INDEX(INPUT(K:KEND),'d') ) + K - 1 C IF(KFLOAT.GE.K .AND. KFLOAT.LE.KEND) THEN C------- real number... read it only if max has not been reached IF(N.LE.NRINP) THEN READ(INPUT(K:KEND),*,ERR=20) RNUM(N) NUMTYP(N:N) = 'r' NR = N ENDIF ELSE C------- integer number... IF(N.LE.NIINP) THEN READ(INPUT(K:KEND),*,ERR=20) INUM(N) NUMTYP(N:N) = 'i' NI = N ENDIF ENDIF C C------ keep looking after delimiter K = KDELIM + 1 C 9 IF(K.GE.ILEN) GO TO 11 10 CONTINUE C C---- normal return 11 CONTINUE ERROR = .FALSE. RETURN C C---- bzzzt !!! 20 CONTINUE ccc WRITE(*,*) 'GETNUM: List-directed read error.' ERROR = .TRUE. RETURN END SUBROUTINE GETARG0(IARG,ARG) C------------------------------------------------ C Same as GETARG, but... C C the case of Intel Fortran, this one C doesn't barf if there's no Unix argument C (just returns blank string instead) C------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER*(*) ARG C NARG = IARGC() IF(NARG.GE.IARG) THEN CALL GETARG(IARG,ARG) ELSE ARG = ' ' ENDIF C RETURN END ! GETARG0