#include #include #include /* Handle various system requirements for trailing underscores, or other fortran-to-C interface shenanigans thru defines for routine names The provided set gives the option of setting a compile flag -DUNDERSCORE to include underscores on C routine name symbols */ #ifdef UNDERSCORE #define GETOSFILE getosfile_ #endif void GETOSFILE(osfile,len) char *osfile; int *len; { char *bufp; int l; /* get environment variable OSMAP for location of OS map data file */ bufp = getenv("OSMAP"); /* printf("bufp: %s\n",bufp); printf("osfile: %s\n",osfile); */ if(bufp){ strcpy(osfile,bufp); l = strlen(bufp); } else { l = 0; } *len = l; /* printf("len %d\n",*len); */ }