-- ver 0.3 (C)Cyr DEFINITIONS :== BEGIN CSTAapdu ::= CHOICE { svcRequest ROIVapdu, svcResult RORSapdu, svcError ROERapdu -- svcReject RORJapdu } ROIVapdu ::= [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { invokeID INTEGER, serviceID INTEGER, serviceArgs ANY DEFINED BY serviceID } RORSapdu ::= [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { invokeID INTEGER, result SEQUENCE { serviceID INTEGER, serviceResult ANY DEFINED BY serviceID OPTIONAL } } ROERapdu ::= [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { invokeID INTEGER, code INTEGER, -- local:1 parameter UniversalFailure } UniversalFailure ::= CHOICE { operation [0] EXPLICIT OperationErrors, stateIncompatibility [2] EXPLICIT StateIncompatibilityErrors, systemResourceAvailability [3] EXPLICIT SystemResourceAvailabilityErrors, unspecified [7] UnspecifiedErrors } OperationErrors ::= ENUMERATED { invalidAgentGroup (32), invalidAgentState (35), invalidCalledDeviceID (6), invalidConnectionID (13), invalidDeviceID (12), invalidParameterValue (31), notSameDevice (86), privilegeViolationSpecifiedDevice (8), requestIncompatibleWithObject (2), serviceNotSupported (50) } StateIncompatibilityErrors ::= ENUMERATED { invalidObjectState (2) } SystemResourceAvailabilityErrors ::= ENUMERATED { deviceOutOfService (15), resourceBusy (2), resourceLimitExceeded (26), resourceOutOfService (4) } UnspecifiedErrors ::= NULL systemStatus ::= CHOICE { ARGUMENT SystemStatusArg, RESULT SystemStatusRes -- ERRORS {universalFailure} -- CODE local: 211 } SystemStatusArg ::= SEQUENCE { systemStatus SystemStatus} SystemStatusRes ::= CHOICE { noData NULL} SystemStatus ::= ENUMERATED { normal (2), messageLost (3), overloadReached (6) } monitorStart ::= CHOICE { ARGUMENT MonitorStartArgument, RESULT MonitorStartResult -- ERRORS {universalFailure} -- CODE local: 71 } MonitorStartArgument ::= SEQUENCE { monitorObject MonitorObject, requestedMonitorFilter [0] IMPLICIT MonitorFilter OPTIONAL } MonitorStartResult ::= SEQUENCE { crossRefIdentifier MonitorCrossRefID, actualmonitorFilter [0] IMPLICIT MonitorFilter OPTIONAL } MonitorObject ::= CSTAObject CSTAObject ::= CHOICE { deviceObject DeviceID, callObject ConnectionID} MonitorFilter ::= SEQUENCE -- default is no filter (i.e. all events) { callControl [0] IMPLICIT CallControlEvents OPTIONAL, -- callAssociated [6] IMPLICIT CallAssociatedEvents OPTIONAL, physicalDeviceFeature [8] IMPLICIT PhysicalDeviceFeatureEvents OPTIONAL, logicalDeviceFeature [9] IMPLICIT LogicalDeviceFeatureEvents OPTIONAL, -- maintenance [3] IMPLICIT DeviceMaintenanceEvents OPTIONAL, private [4] IMPLICIT VendorSpecEvents OPTIONAL } cSTAEventReport ::= CHOICE { ARGUMENT CSTAEventReportArgument -- ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE -- CODE local:21 } CSTAEventReportArgument ::= SEQUENCE { crossRefIdentifier MonitorCrossRefID, eventSpecificInfo EventSpecificInfo} EventSpecificInfo ::= CHOICE { callControlEvents [0] CallControlEvents, -- callAssociatedEvents [1] CallAssociatedEvents, -- mediaAttachmentEvents [2] MediaAttachmentEvents, physicalDeviceFeatureEvents [3] PhysicalDeviceFeatureEvents, logicalDeviceFeatureEvents [4] LogicalDeviceFeatureEvents, -- deviceMaintenanceEvents [5] DeviceMaintenanceEvents, -- voiceUnitEvents [6] VoiceUnitEvents, vendorSpecEvents [7] VendorSpecEvents } CallControlEvents ::= CHOICE { conferenced [ 2] IMPLICIT ConferencedEvent, connectionCleared [ 3] IMPLICIT ConnectionClearedEvent, delivered [ 4] IMPLICIT DeliveredEvent, -- digitsDialed [ 5] IMPLICIT DigitsDialedEvent, diverted [ 6] IMPLICIT DivertedEvent, established [ 7] IMPLICIT EstablishedEvent, failed [ 8] IMPLICIT FailedEvent, held [ 9] IMPLICIT HeldEvent, networkReached [11] IMPLICIT NetworkReachedEvent, originated [13] IMPLICIT OriginatedEvent, queued [14] IMPLICIT QueuedEvent, retrieved [15] IMPLICIT RetrievedEvent, serviceInitiated [16] IMPLICIT ServiceInitiatedEvent, transferred [17] IMPLICIT TransferredEvent } ConferencedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { primaryOldCall ConnectionID, secondaryOldCall ConnectionID OPTIONAL, conferencingDevice SubjectDeviceID, addedParty SubjectDeviceID, conferenceConnections ConnectionList, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause -- extensions [5] IMPLICIT CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } ConnectionClearedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { droppedConnection ConnectionID, releasingDevice SubjectDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause -- extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } DeliveredEvent ::= SEQUENCE { connection ConnectionID, alertingDevice SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } DivertedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { connection ConnectionID, divertingDevice SubjectDeviceID, newDestination SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, calledDevice CalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL } EstablishedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { establishedConnection ConnectionID, answeringDevice SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } FailedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { failedConnection ConnectionID, failingDevice SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL } HeldEvent ::= SEQUENCE { heldConnection ConnectionID, holdingDevice SubjectDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } NetworkReachedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { outboundConnection ConnectionID, networkInterfaceUsed SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause -- networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, -- networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, -- associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL -- extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } OriginatedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { originatedConnection ConnectionID, callingDevice SubjectDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } QueuedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { queuedConnection ConnectionID, queue SubjectDeviceID, callingDevice CallingDeviceID, calledDevice CalledDeviceID, lastRedirectionDevice RedirectionDeviceID, callsInFront [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, associatedCalledDevice AssociatedCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL } RetrievedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { retrievedConnection ConnectionID, retrievingDevice SubjectDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause } ServiceInitiatedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { initiatedConnection ConnectionID, initiatingDevice SubjectDeviceID, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause, networkCallingDevice NetworkCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL, networkCalledDevice NetworkCalledDeviceID OPTIONAL, -- associatedCallingDevice AssociatedCallingDeviceID OPTIONAL extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } TransferredEvent ::= SEQUENCE { primaryOldCall ConnectionID, secondaryOldCall [0] IMPLICIT ConnectionID OPTIONAL, transferringDevice SubjectDeviceID, transferredToDevice SubjectDeviceID, transferredConnections [1] IMPLICIT ConnectionList, localConnectionInfo LocalConnectionState OPTIONAL, cause EventCause -- extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } PhysicalDeviceFeatureEvents ::= CHOICE { -- buttonInformation [ 0] IMPLICIT ButtonInformationEvent, buttonPress [ 1] IMPLICIT ButtonPressEvent, -- displayUpdated [ 2] IMPLICIT DisplayUpdatedEvent, -- hookswitch [ 3] IMPLICIT HookswitchEvent, -- lampMode [ 4] IMPLICIT LampModeEvent, -- messageWaiting [ 5] IMPLICIT MessageWaitingEvent, -- microphoneGain [ 6] IMPLICIT MicrophoneGainEvent, -- microphoneMute [ 7] IMPLICIT MicrophoneMuteEvent, ringerStatus [ 8] IMPLICIT RingerStatusEvent -- speakerMute [ 9] IMPLICIT SpeakerMuteEvent, -- speakerVolume [10] IMPLICIT SpeakerVolumeEvent } ButtonPressEvent ::= SEQUENCE { device SubjectDeviceID, button ButtonID, buttonLabel IA5String OPTIONAL, buttonAssociatedNumber DeviceID OPTIONAL, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } ButtonID ::= OCTET STRING RingerStatusEvent ::= SEQUENCE { device SubjectDeviceID, ringer RingerID, ringMode RingMode OPTIONAL, extensions CSTACommonArguments OPTIONAL } RingerID ::= OCTET STRING RingMode ::= ENUMERATED { ringing (0), notRinging (1) } LogicalDeviceFeatureEvents ::= CHOICE { agentBusy [ 0] IMPLICIT AgentBusyEvent, -- agentLoggedOn [ 1] IMPLICIT AgentLoggedOnEvent, -- agentLoggedOff [ 2] IMPLICIT AgentLoggedOffEvent, -- agentNotReady [ 3] IMPLICIT AgentNotReadyEvent, agentReady [ 4] IMPLICIT AgentReadyEvent -- agentWorkingAfterCall [ 5] IMPLICIT AgentWorkingAfterCallEvent, -- autoAnswer [ 6] IMPLICIT AutoAnswerEvent, -- autoWorkMode [ 7] IMPLICIT AutoWorkModeEvent, -- callBack [ 8] IMPLICIT CallBackEvent, -- callBackMessage [ 9] IMPLICIT CallBackMessageEvent, -- callerIDStatus [10] IMPLICIT CallerIDStatusEvent, -- doNotDisturb [11] IMPLICIT DoNotDisturbEvent, -- forwarding [12] IMPLICIT ForwardingEvent, -- presenceState [14] IMPLICIT PresenceStateEvent, -- routeingMode [13] IMPLICIT RouteingModeEvent } AgentBusyEvent ::= SEQUENCE { agentDevice SubjectDeviceID } AgentReadyEvent ::= SEQUENCE { agentDevice SubjectDeviceID } VendorSpecEvents::= CHOICE { privateEvent [ 0] IMPLICIT PrivateEvent} PrivateEvent ::= SEQUENCE {-- security CSTASecurityData OPTIONAL, privateData CSTAPrivateData } ConnectionID ::= [APPLICATION 11] CHOICE { deviceID [1] LocalDeviceID, both SEQUENCE { callID [0] IMPLICIT CallID, deviceID [1] LocalDeviceID } } CallID ::= OCTET STRING LocalDeviceID ::= CHOICE { staticID DeviceID } ConnectionList ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { newConnection [0] EXPLICIT ConnectionID OPTIONAL, --! добавлен EXPLICIT associatedNID [3] associatedNID_ OPTIONAL --! CHOICE вынесен отдельно } associatedNID_ ::= CHOICE { deviceID DeviceID } LocalConnectionState ::= [APPLICATION 14] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED { null (0), initiated (1), alerting (2), connected (3), hold (4), queued (5), fail (6) } CallingDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 1] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} CalledDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 2] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} SubjectDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 3] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} RedirectionDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 4] CHOICE {numberdialed DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL, notRequired [8] IMPLICIT NULL, notSpecified [9] IMPLICIT NULL} AssociatedCallingDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 5] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} AssociatedCalledDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 6] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} NetworkCallingDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 7] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} NetworkCalledDeviceID ::= [APPLICATION 8] CHOICE {deviceIdentifier DeviceID, notKnown [7] IMPLICIT NULL} DeviceID ::= SEQUENCE { deviceIdentifier CHOICE { dialingNumber [0] IMPLICIT NumberDigits, deviceNumber [1] IMPLICIT DeviceNumber, other [6] IMPLICIT OtherPlan } } OtherPlan ::= OCTET STRING -- Allows future expansion to cover other numbering plans NumberDigits ::= IA5String DeviceNumber ::= INTEGER MonitorCrossRefID ::= [APPLICATION 21] INTEGER CSTACommonArguments ::= [APPLICATION 30] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { privateData [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CSTAPrivateData OPTIONAL } CSTAPrivateData ::= CHOICE { string OCTET STRING, private KmeSpecificPrivateData } -- The actual encoding is added here, KmeSpecificPrivateData ::= CHOICE { -- kmeCallControl [1] KmeCallControlSrvEvt, -- kmeDeviceStatus [2] KmeDeviceStatus, -- kmeDeviceMonitor [3] KmeDeviceMonitor, kmeSystemData [4] KmeSystemData, -- kmeLocalAlerm [5] KmeLocalAlerm, kmeAdditionalData [6] KmeAdditionalData, kmePrivateEvent [7] KmePrivateEvent, kmeResourceControl [8] KmeResourceControl -- kmeGeneric [9] KmeGenericSrvEvt, -- kmeExtendedDataAccess [10] OCTET STRING -- kmePDFControl [11] KmePDFSrvEvt, -- Ver2.0 -- kmeAlterIf [12] KmeAlterIfSrvEvt, -- TDA600 -- kmeHotelControl [13] KmeHotelSrvEvt -- TDA600 v4.0 } KmeAdditionalData ::= CHOICE { -- fowardType [1] KmeForwardType, -- SetForwarding -- trunkId [2] KmeTrunkId, -- Not Used. -- otherDevice [3] KmeOtherDevice, -- GetSwitchingFunctionDevices -- vmRecExtNo [4] IA5String, -- ConsultationCall -- deviceCategory [5] KmeChangedDeviceCategory, -- SwitchingFunctionDevice Changed device [6] EXPLICIT DeviceID, -- GetAutoWorkMode-Request, SetAutoWorkMode-Request -- featureNumber [7] KmeFeatureNumber, -- AnswerCall-Request, Delivered-Event -- proprietaryContents [8] KmeProprietaryChars, -- Set Display holdType [9] EXPLICIT KmeHoldType, -- Held Event -- conditionCode [10] KmeCdrConditionCode, -- Call Detail Records Report -- lockDisplay [11] BOOLEAN, -- SetDisplay -- forcedAlerting [12] KmeForcedAlerting, -- DeflectCall callID [13] EXPLICIT CallID, -- RingStatus -- ogmContinuation [14] BOOLEAN, -- DeflectCall -- broadcastGroupNo [15] INTEGER, -- SInit,Orig,Delivered,Established -- ringPattern [16] INTEGER, -- DeflectCall V2.0 didNo [17] EXPLICIT DeviceID -- Delivered V2.0 -- confGroupNo [18] INTEGER -- SInit,Orig,Deliv,Estab,Trans-Evt } KmeHoldType ::= ENUMERATED { consultation (0), normal (1), exclusive (2) } escape ::= CHOICE { ARGUMENT EscapeArgument, RESULT EscapeResult -- ERRORS {universalFailure} -- CODE local: 51 } EscapeArgument ::= SEQUENCE { --escapeRegisterID EscapeRegisterID OPTIONAL, --security CSTASecurityData OPTIONAL, privateData CSTAPrivateData } EscapeResult ::= CHOICE { extensions CSTACommonArguments, noData NULL } KmeSystemData ::= CHOICE { getSystemData [0] KmeGetSystemData,--! setSystemData [1] KmeSetSystemData, --systemDataChanged [2] KmeSystemDataChanged, systemDataLinkedReply [3] EXPLICIT KmeSystemDataLinkedReply, getSystemDataPosAck [4] EXPLICIT KmeGetSystemDataPosAck --lockSystemData [5] KmeLockSystemData, -- 2002/05/17 --systemDataStatus [6] KmeSystemDataStatus, -- 2002/05/17 --dataRevisionRecord [7] KmeSystemDataRevision, -- 2002/12/19 --getDataRevisionRecord [8] KmeGetSystemDataRevision, -- V2.0 --setprogrammingEventOn [9] KmeSetProgrammingEventOn -- V2.0 } KmeGetSystemData ::= CHOICE { request KmeGetSystemDataReq --! --result KmeGetSystemDataRsp } KmeGetSystemDataReq ::= CHOICE { systemData [0] EXPLICIT ENUMERATED {sysTimeStamp (0), devTimeStamp (1), -- Not used featureList (2), speedDial (3), -- Not used trunkGroup (4), extensionGroup (5), pickupGroup (6), pagingGroup (7), incomingGroup (8), dayNightMode (9), doorPhone (10), vmGroup (11), manufacturerName (12), -- 3rd Party subdomainName (13), -- 3rd Party softwareVersion (14), -- 3rd Party ctiVersion (15), -- 3rd Party regionCode (16), -- 3rd Party systemTime (17), -- 3rd Party numberOfMsgPort (18), -- 3rd Party psGroup (19), -- 3rd Party whoAmI (20), -- V1.1 broadcastGroup (21), -- V1.1 pbxType (22), -- V2.0 externalSensor (23), -- V2.0 svm (24), -- TDA30 V2.2 pdn (25)}, -- TDA600 V3.1 incomGMember [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {groupNo DeviceID }, deviceList [4] KmeRequestedDevice --! } KmeRequestedDevice ::= CHOICE -- for GetSystemData.deviceList { --device [0] DeviceID, category [1] KmeDeviceCategory} --! KmeDeviceCategory ::= CHOICE { standardDevice [0] EXPLICIT DeviceCategory--! -- kmeDevice [1] KmeOtherDevice } DeviceCategory ::= ENUMERATED { acd (0), group (1), networkInterface (2), --! park (3), routeingDevice (4), station (5), --! voiceUnit (6), other (7) } KmeSystemDataLinkedReply ::= SEQUENCE { crossRefID [0] EXPLICIT ServiceCrossRefID, -- 01/12/17 segmentID [1] EXPLICIT INTEGER, lastSegment [2] EXPLICIT BOOLEAN, sysData [3] EXPLICIT KmeGetSystemDataRsp OPTIONAL -- 02/04/22 } ServiceCrossRefID ::= OCTET STRING KmeGetSystemDataPosAck ::= ServiceCrossRefID -- Cross Reference Identifier01/12/17 KmeGetSystemDataRsp ::= SEQUENCE { -- Whole system data --timeStamp [0] KmeTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- PCC --featureList [1] KmeFeatureList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --speedDial [2] KmeSpeedDial OPTIONAL, -- PCC --trunkGroup [3] KmeExtTrkGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --extGroup [4] KmeExtTrkGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --pickGroup [5] KmePckPagGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --pagingGroup [6] KmePckPagGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --incomingGroup [7] KmeIncomingGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --dayNightMode [8] KmeDayNightMode OPTIONAL, -- PCC --wakeUp [9] KmeWakeUpInfo OPTIONAL, -- PCC --remoteLock [10] KmeDeviceLock OPTIONAL, -- PCC --callLogLock [11] KmeDeviceLock OPTIONAL, -- PCC --absentMessage [12] KmeAbsentMessage OPTIONAL, -- PCC --forwardDnd [13] ForwardList OPTIONAL, -- PCC --trkGMembers [14] KmeTrkMembers OPTIONAL, -- PCC --extGMembers [15] KmeExtMembers OPTIONAL, -- PCC --incomGMembers [16] KmeIcmGrpMembers OPTIONAL, -- PCC --doorPhone [17] KmeDoorPhone OPTIONAL, -- PCC --vmGroup [18] KmeVmGroupList OPTIONAL, -- PCC manufacturerName [19] IA5String OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party subdomainName [20] IA5String OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party softwareVersion [21] IA5String OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party ctiVersion [22] IA5String OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party regionCode [23] IA5String OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party systemTime [24] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party numberOfMsgPort [25] EXPLICIT NumberOfMsgPort OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --psGroup [26] KmePsGroupList OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --youAre [27] DeviceID OPTIONAL, -- V1.1 --svm [28] KmeSvmList OPTIONAL, -- TDA30 V2.2 --pdn [29] KmePdnGMembers OPTIONAL, -- TDA600 V3.1 -- Each device data --cos [34] INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --phoneProperty [35] KmePhoneProperty OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --assocIncomGroup [36] KmeGroupMembers OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --messageWaiting [37] SEQUENCE OF DeviceID OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party deviceList [38] EXPLICIT KmeDeviceStateList OPTIONAL, -- 3rd Party --assocExtGroup [39] INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- 01/12/17 --vmGMembers [40] KmeIcmGrpMembers OPTIONAL, -- 02/05/20 --extName [41] KmeExtName OPTIONAL, -- V1.1 --broadcastGroup [42] KmeBroadcastGroupList OPTIONAL, -- V1.1 --broadcastGMembers [43] KmeBroadcastGrpMembers OPTIONAL, -- V1.1 --fcoKeyList [44] KmeFcoKeyList OPTIONAL, -- V2.0 --sxdpMaster [45] DeviceID OPTIONAL, -- V2.0 pbxType [46] INTEGER OPTIONAL -- V2.0 --externalSensor [47] KmeExternalSensorList OPTIONAL, -- V2.0 --deviceDataList [48] KmeDeviceDataList OPTIONAL, -- TDA600 --guestCheckStatus [49] KmeCheckStatusList OPTIONAL -- TDA600 V4.0 } NumberOfMsgPort ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfMsgPort INTEGER, numberOfFreePort INTEGER} KmeDeviceStateList ::= SEQUENCE OF KmeDeviceStateEntry KmeDeviceStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { device DeviceID, number IA5String OPTIONAL, -- Ext No, CO No, Park Area No. status KmeDeviceState } KmeDeviceState ::= ENUMERATED { ins (0), ous (1) } KmePrivateEvent ::= CHOICE {--digitsReport [1] KmeDigitsReport, ogmStatus [2] EXPLICIT KmeOgmStatus, -- wakeupResult [3] KmeWakeupResult, -- unconferenced [4] KmeUnconferenced, -- tamEnded [5] KmeTamEnded, -- 2002/04/26 05/17 mod. -- pcRecEnded [6] KmePcRecEnded, -- 2002/05/17 Added. -- callbackNotification [7] CallBackNotification, -- 2002/05/28 Added freeOgmPort [8] KmeFreeOgmPort -- 2002/08/26 Added -- pDFStatus [9] KmePDFStatus -- Ver2.0 } KmeOgmStatus ::= SEQUENCE { connection ConnectionID, state KmeOgmPlayState, ogmId INTEGER, ogmPortNumber DeviceID} KmeOgmPlayState ::= ENUMERATED { started (0), ended (1)} KmeFreeOgmPort ::= INTEGER KmeSetSystemData ::= CHOICE {acdQueue [3] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE {device DeviceID, attribute CHOICE {acdMode BOOLEAN, ctiWaitTime INTEGER} } } KmeResourceControl ::= CHOICE { ogmStart [0] EXPLICIT KmeOgmStart, ogmStop [1] EXPLICIT KmeOgmStop} KmeOgmStart ::= SEQUENCE { connection ConnectionID, ogmId INTEGER} KmeOgmStop ::= ConnectionID EventCause ::= ENUMERATED -- a general list of cause codes -- Present in Added in Added in -- Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 { aCDBusy (57), aCDForward (58), aCDSaturated (59), activeParticipation (1), alertTimeExpired (60), alternate (2), autoWork (61), blocked (35), busy (3), callBack (4), callCancelled (5), callForward (9), callForwardImmediate (6), callForwardBusy (7), callForwardNoAnswer (8), callNotAnswered (10), callPickup (11), campOn (12), campOnTrunks (62), characterCountReached (36), conference (63), consultation (37), destDetected (64), destNotObtainable (13), destOutOfOrder (65), distributed (38), distributionDelay (66), doNotDisturb (14), dTMFDigitDetected (39), durationExceeded (40), endOfMessageDetected (41), enteringDistribution (42), forcedPause (43), forcedTransition (67), incompatibleDestination (15), intrude (68), invalidAccountCode (16), invalidNumberFormat (69), joinCall (70), keyOperation (17), keyOperationInUse (71), lockout (18), maintenance (19), makeCall (44), makePredictiveCall (72), messageDurationExceeded (73), messageSizeExceeded (45), multipleAlerting (74), multipleQueuing (75), networkCongestion (20), networkDialling (76), networkNotObtainable (21), networkOutOfOrder (77), networkSignal (46), newCall (22), nextMessage (47), noAvailableAgents (23), normal (78), normalClearing (48), noSpeechDetected (49), notAvaliableBearerService (79), notSupportedBearerService (80), numberChanged (50), numberUnallocated (81), overflow (26), override (24), park (25), queueCleared (82), recall (27), redirected (28), remainsInQueue (83), reorderTone (29), reserved (84), resourcesNotAvailable (30), selectedTrunkBusy (85), silentParticipation (31), singleStepConference (51), singleStepTransfer (52), speechDetected (53), suspend (86), switchingFunctionTerminated (54), terminationCharacterReceived (55), timeout (56), transfer (32), trunksBusy (33), unauthorisedBearerService (87)} SnapshotDeviceArgument ::= SEQUENCE { snapshotObject DeviceID} SnapshotDeviceResult ::= SEQUENCE { crossRefIDorSnapshotData CHOICE { serviceCrossRefID ServiceCrossRefID, snapshotData SnapshotDeviceData } } ServiceCrossRefID ::= OCTET STRING SnapshotDeviceData ::= [APPLICATION 22] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo ::= SEQUENCE { connectionIdentifier ConnectionID, localCallState CallState} CallState ::= CHOICE { compoundCallState [0] IMPLICIT CompoundCallState} CompoundCallState ::= SEQUENCE OF LocalConnectionState AnswerCallArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 2 { callToBeAnswered ConnectionID} ClearConnectionArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 5 { connectionToBeCleared ConnectionID} MakeCallArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 10 { callingDevice DeviceID, calledDirectoryNumber DeviceID } MakeCallResult ::= SEQUENCE { callingDevice ConnectionID} HoldCallArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 9 { callToBeHeld ConnectionID} TransferCallArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 16 { heldCall ConnectionID, activeCall ConnectionID} TransferCallResult ::= SEQUENCE { transferredCall ConnectionID} ButtonPressArgument ::= SEQUENCE --CODE local: 260 { device DeviceID, button ButtonID} ButtonID ::= OCTET STRING END