/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dimitri Sokolyuk * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, dATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include extern int yylineno; extern FILE *yyin; int yylex(void); int yyparse(void); void yyerror(const char *, ...); void push(int, char *); void popop(int); void popall(void); void popallr(void); void addref(char *); #if YYDEBUG extern int yydebug; #endif struct pair { unsigned short val; int lineno; char *label; } *stack, *ref; static int sp = 0; static int rp = 0; static int pc = 0; static int haserrors = 0; unsigned short *buffer; struct label { char *label; int lineno; } *label; %} %union { int ival; char *sval; }; %token A B C X Y Z I J %token PUSH POP PEEK PICK SP PC EX %token SET ADD SUB MUL MLI DIV DVI MOD MDI AND BOR XOR SHR ASR SHL %token IFB IFC IFE IFN IFG IFA IFL IFU ADX SBX STI STD %token NOP BRK DAT ORG %token JSR HCF INT IAG IAS IAP IAQ HWN HWQ HWI %token LBR RBR LBRACE RBRACE LPAR RPAR %token COMMA DP %token PLUS MINUS EMUL EDIV EMOD ENOT EXOR EAND EOR SHIFTL SHIFTR %token DOT HASH MACRO INCLUDE %token NUMBER %token STRING QSTRING %type register opcode operand expr extended noop %left EOR %left EXOR %left EAND %left SHIFTL SHIFTR %left PLUS MINUS %left EMUL EDIV EMOD %left ENOT NEG %% prog : /* empty */ | prog statement ; statement : opcode operand COMMA operand { popop(($4 << 10) | ($2 << 5) | $1); popallr(); } | extended operand { popop(($2 << 10) | ($1 << 5)); popallr(); } | noop { popop($1 << 5); } | DP STRING { addref($2); } | DAT data { popall(); } | ORG expr { pc = $2; } | error ; data : /* empty */ | data block | data COMMA block ; block : QSTRING { char *s = $1; while (*s) push(*s++, NULL); } | STRING { push(0, $1); } | expr { push($1, NULL); } ; expr : NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | MINUS expr %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } | ENOT expr { $$ = ~$2; } | expr PLUS expr { $$ = $1 + $3; } | expr MINUS expr { $$ = $1 - $3; } | expr EMUL expr { $$ = $1 * $3; } | expr EDIV expr { $$ = $3 ? $1 / $3 : 0; } | expr EMOD expr { $$ = $1 % $3; } | expr EXOR expr { $$ = $1 ^ $3; } | expr EAND expr { $$ = $1 & $3; } | expr EOR expr { $$ = $1 | $3; } | expr SHIFTL expr { $$ = $1 << $3; } | expr SHIFTR expr { $$ = $1 >> $3; } | LPAR expr RPAR { $$ = $2; } ; operand : register { $$ = $1; } | LBR register RBR { $$ = 0x08 + $2; } | PUSH { $$ = 0x18; } | POP { $$ = 0x18; } | PEEK { $$ = 0x19; } | PICK { $$ = 0x1a; } | SP { $$ = 0x1b; } | PC { $$ = 0x1c; } | EX { $$ = 0x1d; } | LBR expr RBR { $$ = 0x1e; push($2, NULL); } | LBR STRING RBR { $$ = 0x1e; push(0, $2); } | LBR expr PLUS register RBR { $$ = 0x10 + $4; push($2, NULL); } | LBR register PLUS expr RBR { $$ = 0x10 + $2; push($4, NULL); } | LBR STRING PLUS register RBR { $$ = 0x10 + $4; push(0, $2); } | LBR register PLUS STRING RBR { $$ = 0x10 + $2; push(0, $4); } | expr { if ($1 <= 30 && $1 >= -1) $$ = 0x20 + $1 + 1; else { $$ = 0x1f; push($1, NULL); } } | STRING { $$ = 0x1f; push(0, $1); } ; register : A { $$ = 0x00; } | B { $$ = 0x01; } | C { $$ = 0x02; } | X { $$ = 0x03; } | Y { $$ = 0x04; } | Z { $$ = 0x05; } | I { $$ = 0x06; } | J { $$ = 0x07; } ; opcode : SET { $$ = 0x01; } | ADD { $$ = 0x02; } | SUB { $$ = 0x03; } | MUL { $$ = 0x04; } | MLI { $$ = 0x05; } | DIV { $$ = 0x06; } | DVI { $$ = 0x07; } | MOD { $$ = 0x08; } | MDI { $$ = 0x09; } | AND { $$ = 0x0a; } | BOR { $$ = 0x0b; } | XOR { $$ = 0x0c; } | SHR { $$ = 0x0d; } | ASR { $$ = 0x0e; } | SHL { $$ = 0x0f; } | IFB { $$ = 0x10; } | IFC { $$ = 0x11; } | IFE { $$ = 0x12; } | IFN { $$ = 0x13; } | IFG { $$ = 0x14; } | IFA { $$ = 0x15; } | IFL { $$ = 0x16; } | IFU { $$ = 0x17; } | ADX { $$ = 0x1a; } | SBX { $$ = 0x1b; } | STI { $$ = 0x1e; } | STD { $$ = 0x1f; } ; extended : JSR { $$ = 0x01; } | HCF { $$ = 0x07; } | INT { $$ = 0x08; } | IAG { $$ = 0x09; } | IAS { $$ = 0x0a; } | IAP { $$ = 0x0b; } | IAQ { $$ = 0x0c; } | HWN { $$ = 0x10; } | HWQ { $$ = 0x11; } | HWI { $$ = 0x12; } ; noop : NOP { $$ = 0x00; } | BRK { $$ = 0x02; } ; %% void yyerror(const char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: ", yylineno); vfprintf(stderr, s, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(ap); haserrors = 1; } void push(int i, char *s) { stack[sp].val = i; stack[sp].lineno = yylineno; stack[sp++].label = s; } void popop(int n) { buffer[pc++] = n; } void popall(void) { int n = sp; while (sp) { buffer[pc] = stack[n - sp].val; label[pc].label = stack[n - sp].label; label[pc++].lineno = stack[n - sp--].lineno; } } void popallr(void) { while (sp) { buffer[pc] = stack[--sp].val; label[pc].label = stack[sp].label; label[pc++].lineno = stack[sp].lineno; } } void addref(char *s) { ref[rp].label = s; ref[rp].lineno = yylineno; ref[rp++].val = pc; } int findref(struct label *l) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rp; i++) if (strcmp(ref[i].label, l->label) == 0) return ref[i].val; yylineno = l->lineno; yyerror("missing label reference: %s", l->label); return 0; } void restorerefs(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pc; i++) if (label[i].label) buffer[i] = findref(&label[i]); } unsigned short * compile(FILE *fd, size_t sz) { buffer = calloc(sz, sizeof(unsigned short)); label = calloc(sz, sizeof(struct label)); stack = calloc(sz, sizeof(struct pair)); ref = calloc(sz, sizeof(struct pair)); #if YYDEBUG yydebug = 1; #endif yyin = fd; yyparse(); restorerefs(); free(ref); free(stack); free(label); if (haserrors) { free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } return buffer; }