; These words not part of the essentials ; but written in assembly language / notoation ; for one of the following reason ; * they use data available at compile time only (e.g. build-info) ; * they are useful during core debugging (e.g. .S) ; * they cannot be implemented in high level forth and ; are not necessary for the core system (e.g. D+) ; ; various tools .include "words/dot-s.asm" ;.include "words/dump.asm" ; bleeding edge ;.include "words/build-info.asm" .include "words/mcu-sr-fetch.asm" ; additional environment queries ;.include "words/env-usersize.asm" ; next some words that may be useful in certain ; applications only. Including them by default ; would make the image too large to fit into 8kB ; all other words are written in forth and have to ; be uploaded as such. ; location of some configuration stacks ;.include "words/cfg-order.asm" ;.include "words/cfg-recognizer.asm" ;; generic tools ;.include "words/n_to_r.asm" ;.include "words/n_r_from.asm" ;.include "words/get-stack.asm" ;.include "words/set-stack.asm" ;; wordlist management. ;.include "words/infodp.asm" ;.include "words/wordlist.asm" ;.include "words/set-order.asm" ;.include "words/get-order.asm" ;.include "words/set-current.asm" ;.include "words/forth-wordlist.asm" ;; double cell arithmetics ;.include "words/d-plus.asm" ;.include "words/d-minus.asm" ;.include "words/d-2slash.asm" ;.include "words/d-2star.asm" ;; some (external) assembly required ;.include "words/code.asm" ;.include "words/end-code.asm" ;; compiler ;.include "words/bracketcompile.asm" ;; legacy words ;.include "words/word.asm" ;.include "words/count.asm" ;; bit level operations ;.include "words/bm-set.asm" ;.include "words/bm-clear.asm" ;.include "words/bm-test.asm"