; Partname: AT90PWM2 ; Built using part description XML file version 168 ; generated automatically, do not edit .nolist .include "pwm2def.inc" .list .equ ramstart = $0100 .equ CELLSIZE = 2 .macro readflashcell lsl zl rol zh lpm @0, Z+ lpm @1, Z+ .endmacro .macro writeflashcell lsl zl rol zh .endmacro ; the following definitions are shortcuts for the respective forth source segments if set to 1 .set WANT_AD_CONVERTER = 0 .set WANT_ANALOG_COMPARATOR = 0 .set WANT_BOOT_LOAD = 0 .set WANT_CPU = 0 .set WANT_DA_CONVERTER = 0 .set WANT_EEPROM = 0 .set WANT_EUSART = 0 .set WANT_EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT = 0 .set WANT_PORTB = 0 .set WANT_PORTD = 0 .set WANT_PORTE = 0 .set WANT_PSC0 = 0 .set WANT_PSC2 = 0 .set WANT_SPI = 0 .set WANT_TIMER_COUNTER_0 = 0 .set WANT_TIMER_COUNTER_1 = 0 .set WANT_USART = 0 .set WANT_WATCHDOG = 0 .ifndef SPMEN .equ SPMEN = SELFPRGEN .endif .ifndef SPMCSR .equ SPMCSR = SPMCR .endif .ifndef EEPE .equ EEPE = EEWE .endif .ifndef EEMPE .equ EEMPE = EEMWE .endif .equ intvecsize = 1 ; please verify; flash size: 8192 bytes .equ pclen = 2 ; please verify .overlap .equ INTVECTORS = 32 .org $0001 rcall isr ; PSC2 Capture Event .org $0002 rcall isr ; PSC2 End Cycle .org $0003 rcall isr ; PSC1 Capture Event .org $0004 rcall isr ; PSC1 End Cycle .org $0005 rcall isr ; PSC0 Capture Event .org $0006 rcall isr ; PSC0 End Cycle .org $0007 rcall isr ; Analog Comparator 0 .org $0008 rcall isr ; Analog Comparator 1 .org $0009 rcall isr ; Analog Comparator 2 .org $000A rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 0 .org $000B rcall isr ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event .org $000C rcall isr ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A .org $000D rcall isr ; Timer/Counter Compare Match B .org $000E rcall isr ; .org $000F rcall isr ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow .org $0010 rcall isr ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A .org $0011 rcall isr ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow .org $0012 rcall isr ; ADC Conversion Complete .org $0013 rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 1 .org $0014 rcall isr ; SPI Serial Transfer Complete .org $0015 rcall isr ; USART, Rx Complete .org $0016 rcall isr ; USART Data Register Empty .org $0017 rcall isr ; USART, Tx Complete .org $0018 rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 2 .org $0019 rcall isr ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt .org $001A rcall isr ; EEPROM Ready .org $001B rcall isr ; Timer Counter 0 Compare Match B .org $001C rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 3 .org $001D rcall isr ; .org $001E rcall isr ; .org $001F rcall isr ; Store Program Memory Read .nooverlap mcu_info: mcu_ramsize: .dw 512 mcu_eepromsize: .dw 512 mcu_maxdp: .dw 3072 ; minimum of 0xC00 (from XML) and 0xffff mcu_numints: .dw 32 mcu_name: .dw 8 .db "AT90PWM2" .set codestart=pc