\ Partname: AT90PWM3 \ Built using part description XML file version 179 \ generated automatically hex \ AD_CONVERTER 79 constant ADCH \ ADC Data Register High Byte 78 constant ADCL \ ADC Data Register Low Byte 7A constant ADCSRA \ The ADC Control and Status register 7B constant ADCSRB \ ADC Control and Status Register B 7C constant ADMUX \ The ADC multiplexer Selection Register 76 constant AMP0CSR \ 77 constant AMP1CSR \ 7E constant DIDR0 \ Digital Input Disable Register 0 7F constant DIDR1 \ Digital Input Disable Register 0 \ ANALOG_COMPARATOR AD constant AC0CON \ Analog Comparator 0 Control Register AE constant AC1CON \ Analog Comparator 1 Control Register AF constant AC2CON \ Analog Comparator 2 Control Register 50 constant ACSR \ Analog Comparator Status Register \ BOOT_LOAD 57 constant SPMCSR \ Store Program Memory Control Register \ CPU 61 constant CLKPR \ 3E constant GPIOR0 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 39 constant GPIOR1 \ General Purpose IO Register 1 3A constant GPIOR2 \ General Purpose IO Register 2 3B constant GPIOR3 \ General Purpose IO Register 3 55 constant MCUCR \ MCU Control Register 54 constant MCUSR \ MCU Status Register 66 constant OSCCAL \ Oscillator Calibration Value 49 constant PLLCSR \ PLL Control And Status Register 64 constant PRR \ Power Reduction Register 53 constant SMCR \ Sleep Mode Control Register 5E constant SPH \ Stack Pointer High 5D constant SPL \ Stack Pointer Low 5F constant SREG \ Status Register \ DA_CONVERTER AC constant DACH \ DAC Data Register High Byte AB constant DACL \ DAC Data Register Low Byte AA constant DACON \ DAC Control Register \ EEPROM 42 constant EEARH \ EEPROM Read/Write Access High Byte 41 constant EEARL \ EEPROM Read/Write Access Low Byte 3F constant EECR \ EEPROM Control Register 40 constant EEDR \ EEPROM Data Register \ EUSART C8 constant EUCSRA \ EUSART Control and Status Register A C9 constant EUCSRB \ EUSART Control Register B CA constant EUCSRC \ EUSART Status Register C CE constant EUDR \ EUSART I/O Data Register CD constant MUBRRH \ Manchester Receiver Baud Rate Register High Byte CC constant MUBRRL \ Manchester Receiver Baud Rate Register Low Byte \ EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT 69 constant EICRA \ External Interrupt Control Register A 3C constant EIFR \ External Interrupt Flag Register 3D constant EIMSK \ External Interrupt Mask Register \ PORTB 24 constant DDRB \ Port B Data Direction Register 23 constant PINB \ Port B Input Pins 25 constant PORTB \ Port B Data Register \ PORTC 27 constant DDRC \ Port C Data Direction Register 26 constant PINC \ Port C Input Pins 28 constant PORTC \ Port C Data Register \ PORTD 2A constant DDRD \ Port D Data Direction Register 29 constant PIND \ Port D Input Pins 2B constant PORTD \ Port D Data Register \ PORTE 2D constant DDRE \ Port E Data Direction Register 2C constant PINE \ Port E Input Pins 2E constant PORTE \ Port E Data Register \ PSC0 D5 constant OCR0RAH \ Output Compare RA Register High D4 constant OCR0RAL \ Output Compare RA Register Low D9 constant OCR0RBH \ Output Compare RB Register High D8 constant OCR0RBL \ Output Compare RB Register Low D3 constant OCR0SAH \ Output Compare SA Register High D2 constant OCR0SAL \ Output Compare SA Register Low D7 constant OCR0SBH \ Output Compare SB Register High D6 constant OCR0SBL \ Output Compare SB Register Low DA constant PCNF0 \ PSC 0 Configuration Register DB constant PCTL0 \ PSC 0 Control Register DC constant PFRC0A \ PSC 0 Input A Control DD constant PFRC0B \ PSC 0 Input B Control DF constant PICR0H \ PSC 0 Input Capture Register High DE constant PICR0L \ PSC 0 Input Capture Register Low A0 constant PIFR0 \ PSC0 Interrupt Flag Register A1 constant PIM0 \ PSC0 Interrupt Mask Register D0 constant PSOC0 \ PSC0 Synchro and Output Configuration \ PSC1 E5 constant OCR1RAH \ Output Compare RA Register High E4 constant OCR1RAL \ Output Compare RA Register Low E9 constant OCR1RBH \ Output Compare RB Register High E8 constant OCR1RBL \ Output Compare RB Register Low E3 constant OCR1SAH \ Output Compare SA Register High E2 constant OCR1SAL \ Output Compare SA Register Low E7 constant OCR1SBH \ Output Compare SB Register High E6 constant OCR1SBL \ Output Compare SB Register Low EA constant PCNF1 \ PSC 1 Configuration Register EB constant PCTL1 \ PSC 1 Control Register EC constant PFRC1A \ PSC 1 Input B Control ED constant PFRC1B \ PSC 1 Input B Control EF constant PICR1H \ PSC 1 Input Capture Register High EE constant PICR1L \ PSC 1 Input Capture Register Low A2 constant PIFR1 \ PSC1 Interrupt Flag Register A3 constant PIM1 \ PSC1 Interrupt Mask Register E0 constant PSOC1 \ PSC1 Synchro and Output Configuration \ PSC2 F5 constant OCR2RAH \ Output Compare RA Register High F4 constant OCR2RAL \ Output Compare RA Register Low F9 constant OCR2RBH \ Output Compare RB Register High F8 constant OCR2RBL \ Output Compare RB Register Low F3 constant OCR2SAH \ Output Compare SA Register High F2 constant OCR2SAL \ Output Compare SA Register Low F7 constant OCR2SBH \ Output Compare SB Register High F6 constant OCR2SBL \ Output Compare SB Register Low FA constant PCNF2 \ PSC 2 Configuration Register FB constant PCTL2 \ PSC 2 Control Register FC constant PFRC2A \ PSC 2 Input B Control FD constant PFRC2B \ PSC 2 Input B Control FF constant PICR2H \ PSC 2 Input Capture Register High FE constant PICR2L \ PSC 2 Input Capture Register Low A4 constant PIFR2 \ PSC2 Interrupt Flag Register A5 constant PIM2 \ PSC2 Interrupt Mask Register F1 constant POM2 \ PSC 2 Output Matrix F0 constant PSOC2 \ PSC2 Synchro and Output Configuration \ SPI 4C constant SPCR \ SPI Control Register 4E constant SPDR \ SPI Data Register 4D constant SPSR \ SPI Status Register \ TIMER_COUNTER_0 43 constant GTCCR \ General Timer/Counter Control Register 47 constant OCR0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register 48 constant OCR0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register 44 constant TCCR0A \ Timer/Counter Control Register A 45 constant TCCR0B \ Timer/Counter Control Register B 46 constant TCNT0 \ Timer/Counter0 35 constant TIFR0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Flag register 6E constant TIMSK0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Mask Register \ TIMER_COUNTER_1 87 constant ICR1H \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register High Byte 86 constant ICR1L \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Low Byte 89 constant OCR1AH \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register High Byte 88 constant OCR1AL \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Low Byte 8B constant OCR1BH \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register High Byte 8A constant OCR1BL \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Low Byte 80 constant TCCR1A \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register A 81 constant TCCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register B 82 constant TCCR1C \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register C 85 constant TCNT1H \ Timer/Counter1 High Byte 84 constant TCNT1L \ Timer/Counter1 Low Byte 36 constant TIFR1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register 6F constant TIMSK1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register \ USART C5 constant UBRRH \ USART Baud Rate Register High Byte C4 constant UBRRL \ USART Baud Rate Register Low Byte C0 constant UCSRA \ USART Control and Status register A C1 constant UCSRB \ USART Control an Status register B C2 constant UCSRC \ USART Control an Status register C C6 constant UDR \ USART I/O Data Register \ WATCHDOG 60 constant WDTCSR \ Watchdog Timer Control Register \ Interrupts 0001 constant PSC2_CAPTAddr \ PSC2 Capture Event 0002 constant PSC2_ECAddr \ PSC2 End Cycle 0003 constant PSC1_CAPTAddr \ PSC1 Capture Event 0004 constant PSC1_ECAddr \ PSC1 End Cycle 0005 constant PSC0_CAPTAddr \ PSC0 Capture Event 0006 constant PSC0_ECAddr \ PSC0 End Cycle 0007 constant ANALOG_COMP_0Addr \ Analog Comparator 0 0008 constant ANALOG_COMP_1Addr \ Analog Comparator 1 0009 constant ANALOG_COMP_2Addr \ Analog Comparator 2 000A constant INT0Addr \ External Interrupt Request 0 000B constant TIMER1_CAPTAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Capture Event 000C constant TIMER1_COMPAAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A 000D constant TIMER1_COMPBAddr \ Timer/Counter Compare Match B 000E constant RESERVED15Addr \ 000F constant TIMER1_OVFAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow 0010 constant TIMER0_COMP_AAddr \ Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A 0011 constant TIMER0_OVFAddr \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow 0012 constant ADCAddr \ ADC Conversion Complete 0013 constant INT1Addr \ External Interrupt Request 1 0014 constant SPI_STCAddr \ SPI Serial Transfer Complete 0015 constant USART_RXAddr \ USART, Rx Complete 0016 constant USART_UDREAddr \ USART Data Register Empty 0017 constant USART_TXAddr \ USART, Tx Complete 0018 constant INT2Addr \ External Interrupt Request 2 0019 constant WDTAddr \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt 001A constant EE_READYAddr \ EEPROM Ready 001B constant TIMER0_COMPBAddr \ Timer Counter 0 Compare Match B 001C constant INT3Addr \ External Interrupt Request 3 001D constant RESERVED30Addr \ 001E constant RESERVED31Addr \ 001F constant SPM_READYAddr \ Store Program Memory Read