\ Partname: ATmega16HVA \ Built using part description XML file version 40 \ generated automatically hex \ AD_CONVERTER 79 constant VADCH \ VADC Data Register High Byte 78 constant VADCL \ VADC Data Register Low Byte 7A constant VADCSR \ The VADC Control and Status register 7C constant VADMUX \ The VADC multiplexer Selection Register \ BANDGAP D0 constant BGCCR \ Bandgap Calibration Register D1 constant BGCRR \ Bandgap Calibration of Resistor Ladder \ BATTERY_PROTECTION F9 constant BPCHCD \ Battery Protection Charge-High-current Detection Level Register F7 constant BPCOCD \ Battery Protection Charge-Over-current Detection Level Register FD constant BPCR \ Battery Protection Control Register F8 constant BPDHCD \ Battery Protection Discharge-High-current Detection Level Register F6 constant BPDOCD \ Battery Protection Discharge-Over-current Detection Level Register FC constant BPHCTR \ Battery Protection Short-current Timing Register F3 constant BPIFR \ Battery Protection Interrupt Flag Register F2 constant BPIMSK \ Battery Protection Interrupt Mask Register FB constant BPOCTR \ Battery Protection Over-current Timing Register FE constant BPPLR \ Battery Protection Parameter Lock Register F5 constant BPSCD \ Battery Protection Short-Circuit Detection Level Register FA constant BPSCTR \ Battery Protection Short-current Timing Register \ BOOT_LOAD 57 constant SPMCSR \ Store Program Memory Control and Status Register \ COULOMB_COUNTER E0 constant CADAC0 \ ADC Accumulate Current E1 constant CADAC1 \ ADC Accumulate Current E2 constant CADAC2 \ ADC Accumulate Current E3 constant CADAC3 \ ADC Accumulate Current E4 constant CADCSRA \ CC-ADC Control and Status Register A E5 constant CADCSRB \ CC-ADC Control and Status Register B E9 constant CADICH \ CC-ADC Instantaneous Current E8 constant CADICL \ CC-ADC Instantaneous Current E6 constant CADRC \ CC-ADC Regular Current \ CPU 61 constant CLKPR \ Clock Prescale Register 7E constant DIDR0 \ Digital Input Disable Register 66 constant FOSCCAL \ Fast Oscillator Calibration Value 3E constant GPIOR0 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 4A constant GPIOR1 \ General Purpose IO Register 1 4B constant GPIOR2 \ General Purpose IO Register 2 55 constant MCUCR \ MCU Control Register 54 constant MCUSR \ MCU Status Register 37 constant OSICSR \ Oscillator Sampling Interface Control and Status Register 64 constant PRR0 \ Power Reduction Register 0 53 constant SMCR \ Sleep Mode Control Register 5E constant SPH \ Stack Pointer High 5D constant SPL \ Stack Pointer Low 5F constant SREG \ Status Register \ EEPROM 41 constant EEAR \ EEPROM Read/Write Access 3F constant EECR \ EEPROM Control Register 40 constant EEDR \ EEPROM Data Register \ EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT 69 constant EICRA \ External Interrupt Control Register 3C constant EIFR \ External Interrupt Flag Register 3D constant EIMSK \ External Interrupt Mask Register \ FET F0 constant FCSR \ FET Control and Status Register \ PORTA 21 constant DDRA \ Port A Data Direction Register 20 constant PINA \ Port A Input Pins 22 constant PORTA \ Port A Data Register \ PORTB 24 constant DDRB \ Data Direction Register, Port B 23 constant PINB \ Input Pins, Port B 25 constant PORTB \ Data Register, Port B \ PORTC 26 constant PINC \ Port C Input Pins 28 constant PORTC \ Port C Data Register \ SPI 4c constant SPCR \ SPI Control Register 4e constant SPDR \ SPI Data Register 4d constant SPSR \ SPI Status Register \ TIMER_COUNTER_0 48 constant OCR0A \ Output compare Register A 49 constant OCR0B \ Output compare Register B 44 constant TCCR0A \ Timer/Counter0 Control Register 45 constant TCCR0B \ Timer/Counter0 Control Register 47 constant TCNT0H \ Timer Counter 0 High Byte 46 constant TCNT0L \ Timer Counter 0 Low Byte 35 constant TIFR0 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register 6E constant TIMSK0 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register \ TIMER_COUNTER_1 43 constant GTCCR \ General Timer/Counter Control Register 88 constant OCR1A \ Output Compare Register 1A 89 constant OCR1B \ Output Compare Register B 80 constant TCCR1A \ Timer/Counter 1 Control Register A 81 constant TCCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register B 85 constant TCNT1H \ Timer Counter 1 High Byte 84 constant TCNT1L \ Timer Counter 1 Low Byte 36 constant TIFR1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register 6F constant TIMSK1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register \ VOLTAGE_REGULATOR C8 constant ROCR \ Regulator Operating Condition Register \ WATCHDOG 60 constant WDTCSR \ Watchdog Timer Control Register \ Interrupts 0002 constant BPINTAddr \ Battery Protection Interrupt 0004 constant VREGMONAddr \ Voltage regulator monitor interrupt 0006 constant INT0Addr \ External Interrupt Request 0 0008 constant INT1Addr \ External Interrupt Request 1 000A constant INT2Addr \ External Interrupt Request 2 000C constant WDTAddr \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt 000E constant TIMER1_ICAddr \ Timer 1 Input capture 0010 constant TIMER1_COMPAAddr \ Timer 1 Compare Match A 0012 constant TIMER1_COMPBAddr \ Timer 1 Compare Match B 0014 constant TIMER1_OVFAddr \ Timer 1 overflow 0016 constant TIMER0_ICAddr \ Timer 0 Input Capture 0018 constant TIMER0_COMPAAddr \ Timer 0 Comapre Match A 001A constant TIMER0_COMPBAddr \ Timer 0 Compare Match B 001C constant TIMER0_OVFAddr \ Timer 0 Overflow 001E constant SPI;STCAddr \ SPI Serial transfer complete 0020 constant VADCAddr \ Voltage ADC Conversion Complete 0022 constant CCADC_CONVAddr \ Coulomb Counter ADC Conversion Complete 0024 constant CCADC_REG_CURAddr \ Coloumb Counter ADC Regular Current 0026 constant CCADC_ACCAddr \ Coloumb Counter ADC Accumulator 028 constant EE_READYAddr \ EEPROM Ready