\ POSSIBLY ( "name" -- ) \ Execute _name_ if it exists; otherwise, do nothing. \ Useful implementation factor of `ANEW`. \ ANEW ( "name" -- ) \ Compiler directive used in the form: `ANEW _name_`. \ If the word _name_ already exists, it and all \ subsequent words are forgotten from the current \ dictionary, and then a `MARKER` word _name_ is \ created that does nothing. This is usually placed \ at the start of a file. When the code is reloaded, \ any prior version is automatically pruned from the \ dictionary. \ \ Executing _name_ will also cause it to be forgotten, \ since it is a `MARKER` word. \ \ Useful implementation factor of `EMPTY`. \ meta comment for amforth-shell. \ #require marker.frt : possibly ( "name" -- ) parse-name find-xt if execute then ; : anew ( "name" -- ) >in @ possibly >in ! marker ;