\ \ Basic Access to I2C EEPROM \ \ useful words are \ [ยข]@i2c.ee/[c]!i2c.ee \ See cookbook for further information #require i2c.frt : i2c.ee.send-addr ( n -- ) dup >< i2c.tx ( high byte ) i2c.tx ( low byte ) \ no stop condition ; \ The write methods do not wait afterwards! \ at least 5ms have to pass : c!i2c.ee ( c addr hwid -- ) i2c.begin i2c.ee.send-addr i2c.tx i2c.end ; : !i2c.ee ( c addr hwid -- ) i2c.begin i2c.ee.send-addr dup >< i2c.tx i2c.tx i2c.end ; : c@i2c.ee ( addr hwid -- c ) dup i2c.begin swap i2c.ee.send-addr i2c.start \ repeated start i2c.rd i2c.tx \ hwid for reading i2c.rx i2c.end ; : @i2c.ee ( addr hwid -- n ) dup i2c.begin swap i2c.ee.send-addr i2c.start \ repeated start i2c.rd i2c.tx \ hwid for reading i2c.rx >< i2c.rxn or i2c.end ;