\ \ process this file with amforth-upload.py and \ the proper setting of $AMFORTH_LIB (basedir of \ you amforth file tree) \ WIN (untested, DOS Box) \ cd c:\amforth-x.y \ set AMFORTH_LIB=c:\amforth-x.y \ python tools\amforth-upload.py -t com1: examples\run-hayes.frt \ UNIX / MAC (Terminal) \ cd $HOME/amforth-x.y \ export AMFORTH_LIB=$HOME/amforth-x.y \ tools/amforth-upload.py -t /dev/ttyUSB0 examples/run-hayes.frt \ enjoy! \ \ it is meant to be run on a newly flashed \ controller, e.g. all the dict_* are included \ \ include all sources #include core.frt #include double.frt #include marker.frt #include tester-amforth.frt \ and finally run all the tests #include core.fr