#!/usr/bin/env wish # ff-shell.tcl # The Manual # ---------- # This simple shell is built around the Tcl/Tk text widget. # Using a custom binding, key presses sent to the widget # are redirected to the serial port and the FlashForth micro # attached to that port. Incoming characters from the micro # are received from the serial port and are inserted into the # widget at the end of the text. An update to the GUI is # triggered at the end of every line. # # A file is sent to the serial port, one line at a time. # To allow the GUI to update smoothly in this single-threaded # program, the lines to send are accumulated into a list and a # procedure to send the first line is scheduled. # For each line to be sent, the procedure checks if it is # still waiting for a carriage-return from the microcontroller. # If it is, the work of sending the line is rescheduled for # a later time. If it is not waiting, the line is sent # one character at a time. Incoming characters are inserted # at the end of the text widget as they arrive. # # Copy-and-Paste insertions to the text widget are intercepted # by the <> binding and handled in a similar manner # as sending lines from a file. # # At any point in time, the text from the widget may be saved # to a file. This might be good a way to save a session or # collect large amounts of output from the microcontroller. # # You will need to run with sufficient privilege to access # the serial port. # On Ubuntu, this can be done by starting the program like so: # $ sudo ./ff-shell.tcl # # Author # ------ # P.A.Jacobs # School of Engineering, Uni of Qld. # # Version # ------- # 2015-04-03 # Initial code cobbled together from a few examples, especially # Rolf Schroedter's simple terminal at http://wiki.tcl.tk/3642 # and Mikael Nordman's ff-shell.py. # 2015-04-25, 26 # Added status line and selection of speed, etc, from the GUI. # # Licence # ------- # GPL, as per the rest of FlashForth. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration # Set defaults that suit your environment. set ::baudRate 9600; # 38400 set ::parity "n"; # n=none e=even o=odd m=mark s=space set ::dataBits 8; # 7 8 set ::stopBits 1; # 1 2 set ::parityAndBits "$::parity,$::dataBits,$::stopBits" set ::handShake xonxoff; # none xonxoff rtscts if { [string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows] } { console show set ::serialPortName {\\.\com5} } else { set ::serialPortName "/dev/ttyACM0" }; # end if set ::portState closed set ::textWidth 80 set ::textHeight 24 set ::textFont Courier set ::afterLineMilliseconds 20 # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Sending and receiving characters, one at a time. set ::waitingForCR false proc serialIn { channel } { if { [chan eof $channel] } { puts "Oops serial channel read: eof" closeSerialPort return } if { [catch {chan read $channel 1} character] } { puts "Oops serial channel read: $character" return } if { [string length $character] == 0 } { return } switch -regexp -- $character { \x07 { bell } \x08 { deleteLastChar } \x09 { addToLogText $character } \x0a { } \x0d { addToLogText "\n"; set ::waitingForCR false; showLogTail; update } \x11 { puts -nonewline Xon } \x13 { puts -nonewline Xoff } [\x20-\x7e] { addToLogText $character } }; # end switch }; # end serialIn proc serialOut { channel character } { # puts -nonewline $channel $character; flush $channel # send CR and BS through but not LF switch -regexp -- $character { \x0a {} \x08 - \x09 - \x0d - \x0f - [\x20-\x7e] { puts -nonewline $channel $character; flush $channel } }; # end switch }; # end serialOut proc openSerialPort {} { if { [catch {open $::serialPortName r+} result] } { puts "openSerialPort: $result" set ::portState closed } else { set ::tty $result puts "Serial channel is open as $::tty" # We allow a short timeout period to prevent the read function # from stalling for too long. chan configure $::tty -mode $::baudRate,$::parityAndBits -timeout 10 \ -encoding binary -translation binary -handshake $::handShake \ -buffering none -buffersize 8192 -blocking false if { [string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows] } { chan configure $::tty -sysbuffer 8192 } chan event $::tty readable [list serialIn $::tty] set ::portState open } }; # end openSerialPort proc closeSerialPort {} { if { [catch {close $::tty} err] } { puts "Close serial port failed: $err" } set ::portState closed }; # end closeSerialPort # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GUI elements wm title . "FlashForth Shell" # Main menu allow us a convenient way to exit. menu .mb . configure -menu .mb menu .mb.file -tearoff 0 .mb.file add command -label "Send..." -command { sendFile } .mb.file add command -label "Exit" -command { displayExitDialog } .mb add cascade -label File -menu .mb.file menu .mb.log -tearoff 0 .mb.log add command -label "Clear" -command { clearLogText } .mb.log add command -label "Save..." -command { saveLogText } .mb add cascade -label Log -menu .mb.log menu .mb.micro -tearoff 0 .mb.micro add command -label "Warm restart" -command { warmRestart } .mb add cascade -label Micro -menu .mb.micro menu .mb.help -tearoff 0 .mb.help add command -label "About..." -command { displayAboutMessage } .mb.help add command -label "Hints" -command { displayHints } .mb add cascade -label Help -menu .mb.help proc displayExitDialog {} { if [tk_messageBox -type yesno -icon question -message "Really exit?"] { closeSerialPort exit } } proc displayAboutMessage {} { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -parent . \ -message "ff-shell in Tcl\nA simple shell for FlashForth.\n2015-05-01" } proc displayHints {} { set message { "\n----------------------------------------------------------" "\nType directly into the text window. Characters will go to" "\nthe microcontroller, one at a time. Incoming characters" "\nfrom the microcontroller will appear in the text window." "\n" "\nSending a file: For every line of the file, characters go" "\none at a time to the microcontroller, but the shell will" "\nwait for a carriage-return from the microcontroller before" "\nsending the next line." "\n" "\nPasting a selection of text works in a similar way to" "\nsending a file. You should be able to paste large sections" "\nof text without overruns." "\n" "\nKeyboard short-cuts:" "\nControl-Shift-v send selection to micro" "\nControl-Shift-s save log" "\nControl-Shift-x exit" "\nControl-Shift-o warm restart of micro" "\n----------------------------------------------------------" "\n" } foreach line $message { addToLogText $line } } # A scrolling text window to log messages set textFrame [ttk::frame .tf] set ::logText [text .tf.t -height $::textHeight -width $::textWidth \ -font $::textFont -wrap char \ -yscrollcommand [list $textFrame.vsb set] ] set textScrollBar [ttk::scrollbar .tf.vsb -orient vertical \ -command {$::logText yview} ] pack $::logText -side left -expand 1 -fill both pack $textScrollBar -side left -fill y pack $textFrame -fill both -expand 1 # A status line set statusFrame [ttk::labelframe .sf -text "Serial Port"] set lab1 [ttk::label .sf.lab1 -text "Device:"] set deviceEntry [ttk::entry .sf.entr1 -width 15 -textvariable ::serialPortName] pack $lab1 $deviceEntry -side left set lab2 [ttk::label .sf.lab2 -text "Speed:"] set speedEntry [ttk::entry .sf.entr2 -width 8 -textvariable ::baudRate] pack $lab2 $speedEntry -side left set lab3 [ttk::label .sf.lab3 -text "ParityAndBits:"] set entr3 [ttk::entry .sf.entr3 -width 6 -textvariable ::parityAndBits -state readonly] pack $lab3 $entr3 -side left set lab4 [ttk::label .sf.lab4 -text "Hand Shake:"] set entr4 [ttk::entry .sf.entr4 -width 7 -textvariable ::handShake -state readonly] pack $lab4 $entr4 -side left set lab5 [ttk::label .sf.lab5 -text "State:"] set entr5 [ttk::entry .sf.entr5 -width 6 -textvariable ::portState -state readonly] pack $lab5 $entr5 -side left pack $statusFrame -fill x -expand 0 bind $deviceEntry { closeSerialPort; openSerialPort } bind $speedEntry { closeSerialPort; openSerialPort } proc addToLogText { txt } { $::logText insert end "$txt" } proc showLogTail {} { $::logText yview moveto 1.0 } proc deleteLastChar {} { $::logText delete "end-2c" $::logText yview moveto 1.0 } proc clearLogText {} { $::logText delete 1.0 end } set ::saveFileName {} proc saveLogText {} { set ::saveFileName [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile $::saveFileName \ -title "Save log text to file"] if {[string length $::saveFileName] > 0} { set fp [open $::saveFileName "w"] puts $fp [$::logText get 1.0 end] close $fp } }; # end saveLogText proc sendTextChar { character } { # We use this function in the key-binding for the logText widget. # The break is to stop the default binding from inserting another # character into the widget. serialOut $::tty $character return -code break } set ::linesToSend {} proc sendFirstLine {} { if {$::waitingForCR} { # reschedule the current work after $::afterLineMilliseconds sendFirstLine return } # Pop the first line from the list and send it. set line [lindex $::linesToSend 0] set ::linesToSend [lreplace $::linesToSend 0 0] foreach character [split $line {}] { serialOut $::tty $character after 1; # 1ms pause after each character } serialOut $::tty "\r" set ::waitingForCR true if {[llength $::linesToSend] > 0} { # there is more work to do after $::afterLineMilliseconds sendFirstLine } }; # end sendLine set ::sendFileName {} proc sendFile {} { set ::sendFileName [tk_getOpenFile -initialfile $::sendFileName \ -title "Open file to send"] if {[string length $::sendFileName] > 0} { set fp [open $::sendFileName "r"] while {[gets $fp line] >= 0} { lappend ::linesToSend $line } close $fp sendFirstLine } }; # end sendFile proc sendSelection { text } { foreach line [split $text "\n"] { lappend ::linesToSend $line } sendFirstLine return -code break }; # end sendSelection # The following binding redirects key presses in the text widget # to the serial-port. bind $::logText [list sendTextChar %A] # The following virtual event can be triggered with Control-Shift-v # or with clicking the middle mouse button in X-Windows. # The selected region of text is sent to the serial port. event add <> bind $::logText <> { sendSelection [selection get] } # Keyboard short-cuts. bind $::logText { sendFile } bind $::logText { saveLogText } bind $::logText { displayExitDialog } proc warmRestart {} { serialOut $::tty "\x0f"; # Control-O } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize streams and hand control over to the event loop. openSerialPort update idletasks focus $::logText