\ ********************************************************************* \ Interrupts example for FlashForth * \ Filename: irqAtmega2560.txt * \ Date: 04.10.2013 * \ FF Version: 5.0 * \ MCU: Atmega2560 * \ Copyright: Mikael Nordman * \ Author: Mikael Nordman * \ ********************************************************************* \ FlashForth is licensed acording to the GNU General Public License* \ ********************************************************************* \ Disable interrupt before removing the interrupt code irqOvf3Dis -irqOvf3 marker -irqOvf3 \ Timer 3 definitions from m2560def.inc $91 constant tccr3b $71 constant timsk3 #36 constant ovf3Ivec \ Counter for timer overflows variable counter \ The interrupt routine : t3OverflowIsr 1 counter +! ;i : irqOvf3Init \ Store the interrupt vector ['] t3OverflowIsr ovf3Ivec int! \ Activate counter 3 1 tccr3b mset \ Activate timer3 overflow interrupt 1 timsk3 mset ; : irqOvf3Dis 1 timsk3 mclr ; irqOvf3Init counter @ . #1000 ms counter @ .