# Allergies Write a program that, given a person's allergy score, can tell them whether or not they're allergic to a given item, and their full list of allergies. An allergy test produces a single numeric score which contains the information about all the allergies the person has (that they were tested for). The list of items (and their value) that were tested are: * eggs (1) * peanuts (2) * shellfish (4) * strawberries (8) * tomatoes (16) * chocolate (32) * pollen (64) * cats (128) So if Tom is allergic to peanuts and chocolate, he gets a score of 34. Now, given just that score of 34, your program should be able to say: - Whether Tom is allergic to any one of those allergens listed above. - All the allergens Tom is allergic to. To run the tests simply run the command `go test` in the exercise directory. If the test suite contains benchmarks, you can run these with the `-bench` flag: go test -bench . For more detailed info about the Go track see the [help page](http://exercism.io/languages/go). ## Source Jumpstart Lab Warm-up [http://jumpstartlab.com](http://jumpstartlab.com) ## Submitting Incomplete Problems It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.