( eForth 1.04 for j1 Simulator by Edward A., July 2014 Much of the code is derived from the following sources: j1 Cross-compiler by James Bowman August 2010 8086 eForth 1.0 by Bill Muench and C. H. Ting, 1990 ) only forth definitions hex wordlist constant meta.1 wordlist constant target.1 wordlist constant assembler.1 : (order) ( w wid*n n -- wid*n w n ) dup if 1- swap >r recurse over r@ xor if 1+ r> -rot exit then r> drop then ; : -order ( wid -- ) get-order (order) nip set-order ; : +order ( wid -- ) dup >r -order get-order r> swap 1+ set-order ; : ]asm ( -- ) assembler.1 +order ; immediate get-current meta.1 set-current : [a] ( "name" -- ) parse-word assembler.1 search-wordlist 0= abort" [a]?" compile, ; immediate : a: ( "name" -- ) get-current >r assembler.1 set-current : r> set-current ; target.1 +order meta.1 +order a: asm[ ( -- ) assembler.1 -order ; immediate create tflash 1000 cells here over erase allot variable tdp : there tdp @ ; : tc! tflash + c! ; : tc@ tflash + c@ ; : t! over ff and over tc! swap 8 rshift swap 1+ tc! ; : t@ dup tc@ swap 1+ tc@ 8 lshift or ; : talign there 1 and tdp +! ; : tc, there tc! 1 tdp +! ; : t, there t! 2 tdp +! ; : $literal [char] " word count dup tc, 0 ?do count tc, loop drop talign ; : tallot tdp +! ; : org tdp ! ; a: t 0000 ; a: n 0100 ; a: t+n 0200 ; a: t&n 0300 ; a: t|n 0400 ; a: t^n 0500 ; a: ~t 0600 ; a: n==t 0700 ; a: n>t 0900 ; a: t-1 0a00 ; a: rt 0b00 ; a: [t] 0c00 ; a: n<n 0080 or ; a: t->r 0040 or ; a: n->[t] 0020 or ; a: d-1 0003 or ; a: d+1 0001 or ; a: r-1 000c or ; a: r-2 0008 or ; a: r+1 0004 or ; a: alu 6000 or t, ; a: return [a] t 1000 or [a] r-1 [a] alu ; a: branch 2/ 0000 or t, ; a: ?branch 2/ 2000 or t, ; a: call 2/ 4000 or t, ; a: literal dup 8000 and if ffff xor recurse [a] ~t [a] alu else 8000 or t, then ; variable tlast variable tuser 0001 constant =ver 0004 constant =ext 0040 constant =comp 0080 constant =imed 7f1f constant =mask 0002 constant =cell 0010 constant =base 0008 constant =bksp 000a constant =lf 000d constant =cr 4000 constant =em 0000 constant =cold 8 constant =vocs 80 constant =us =em 100 - constant =tib =tib =us - constant =up =cold =us + constant =pick =pick 100 + constant =code : thead talign tlast @ t, there tlast ! parse-word dup tc, 0 ?do count tc, loop drop talign ; : twords cr tlast @ begin dup tflash + count 1f and type space =cell - t@ ?dup 0= until ; : [t] parse-word target.1 search-wordlist 0= abort" [t]?" >body @ ; immediate : [last] tlast @ ; immediate : ( [char] ) parse 2drop ; immediate : literal [a] literal ; : lookback there =cell - t@ ; : call? lookback e000 and 4000 = ; : call>goto there =cell - dup t@ 1fff and swap t! ; : safe? lookback e000 and 6000 = lookback 004c and 0= and ; : alu>return there =cell - dup t@ 1000 or [a] r-1 swap t! ; : t: >in @ thead >in ! get-current >r target.1 set-current create r> set-current 947947 talign there , does> @ [a] call ; : exit call? if call>goto else safe? if alu>return else [a] return then then ; : t; 947947 <> if abort" unstructured" then true if exit else [a] return then ; : u: >in @ thead >in ! get-current >r target.1 set-current create r> set-current talign tuser @ dup , [a] literal exit =cell tuser +! does> @ [a] literal ; : [u] parse-word target.1 search-wordlist 0= abort" [t]?" >body @ =up - =cell + ; immediate : immediate tlast @ tflash + dup c@ =imed or swap c! ; : compile-only tlast @ tflash + dup c@ =comp or swap c! ; 0 tlast ! =up tuser ! : hex# ( u -- addr len ) 0 <# base @ >r hex =lf hold # # # # r> base ! #> ; : save-hex ( -- ) parse-word w/o create-file throw there 0 do i t@ over >r hex# r> write-file throw 2 +loop close-file throw ; : save-target ( -- ) parse-word w/o create-file throw >r tflash there r@ write-file throw r> close-file ; : begin there ; : until [a] ?branch ; : if there 0 [a] ?branch ; : skip there 0 [a] branch ; : then begin 2/ over t@ or swap t! ; : else skip swap then ; : while if swap ; : repeat [a] branch then ; : again [a] branch ; : aft drop skip begin swap ; : noop ]asm t alu asm[ ; : + ]asm t+n d-1 alu asm[ ; : xor ]asm t^n d-1 alu asm[ ; : and ]asm t&n d-1 alu asm[ ; : or ]asm t|n d-1 alu asm[ ; : invert ]asm ~t alu asm[ ; : = ]asm n==t d-1 alu asm[ ; : < ]asm nn alu asm[ ; : dup ]asm t t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : drop ]asm n d-1 alu asm[ ; : over ]asm n t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : nip ]asm t d-1 alu asm[ ; : >r ]asm n t->r r+1 d-1 alu asm[ ; : r> ]asm rt t->n r-1 d+1 alu asm[ ; : r@ ]asm rt t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : @ ]asm [t] alu asm[ ; : ! ]asm t n->[t] d-1 alu n d-1 alu asm[ ; : dsp ]asm dsp t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : lshift ]asm n<>t d-1 alu asm[ ; : 1- ]asm t-1 alu asm[ ; : 2r> ]asm rt t->n r-1 d+1 alu rt t->n r-1 d+1 alu n t->n alu asm[ ; : 2>r ]asm n t->n alu n t->r r+1 d-1 alu n t->r r+1 d-1 alu asm[ ; : 2r@ ]asm rt t->n r-1 d+1 alu rt t->n r-1 d+1 alu n t->n d+1 alu n t->n d+1 alu n t->r r+1 d-1 alu n t->r r+1 d-1 alu n t->n alu asm[ ; : unloop ]asm t r-1 alu t r-1 alu asm[ ; : dup@ ]asm [t] t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : dup>r ]asm t t->r r+1 alu asm[ ; : 2dupxor ]asm t^n t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : 2dup= ]asm n==t t->n d+1 alu asm[ ; : !nip ]asm t n->[t] d-1 alu asm[ ; : 2dup! ]asm t n->[t] alu asm[ ; : up1 ]asm t d+1 alu asm[ ; : down1 ]asm t d-1 alu asm[ ; : copy ]asm n alu asm[ ; a: down e for down1 next copy exit ; a: up e for up1 next noop exit ; : for >r begin ; : next r@ while r> 1- >r repeat r> drop ; =pick org ]asm down up asm[ there constant =pickbody copy ]asm return asm[ 9c ]asm call asm[ bc ]asm branch asm[ 9a ]asm call asm[ ba ]asm branch asm[ 98 ]asm call asm[ b8 ]asm branch asm[ 96 ]asm call asm[ b6 ]asm branch asm[ 94 ]asm call asm[ b4 ]asm branch asm[ 92 ]asm call asm[ b2 ]asm branch asm[ 90 ]asm call asm[ b0 ]asm branch asm[ 8e ]asm call asm[ ae ]asm branch asm[ 8c ]asm call asm[ ac ]asm branch asm[ 8a ]asm call asm[ aa ]asm branch asm[ 88 ]asm call asm[ a8 ]asm branch asm[ 86 ]asm call asm[ a6 ]asm branch asm[ 84 ]asm call asm[ a4 ]asm branch asm[ 82 ]asm call asm[ a2 ]asm branch asm[ 80 ]asm call asm[ a0 ]asm branch asm[ ]asm return asm[ =cold org 0 t, there constant =uzero =base t, ( base ) 0 t, ( temp ) 0 t, ( >in ) 0 t, ( #tib ) =tib t, ( tib ) 0 t, ( 'eval ) 0 t, ( 'abort ) 0 t, ( hld ) ( context ) 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, 0 t, ( forth-wordlist ) 0 t, ( na, of last definition, linked ) 0 t, ( wid|0, next or last wordlist in chain ) 0 t, ( na, wordlist name pointer ) ( current ) 0 t, ( wid, new definitions ) 0 t, ( wid, head of chain ) 0 t, ( dp ) 0 t, ( last ) 0 t, ( '?key ) 0 t, ( 'emit ) 0 t, ( 'boot ) 0 t, ( '\ ) 0 t, ( '?name ) 0 t, ( '$,n ) 0 t, ( 'overt ) 0 t, ( '; ) 0 t, ( 'create ) there constant =ulast =ulast =uzero - constant =udiff =code org t: noop noop t; t: + + t; t: xor xor t; t: and and t; t: or or t; t: invert invert t; t: = = t; t: < < t; t: u< u< t; t: swap swap t; t: u> swap u< t; t: dup dup t; t: drop drop t; t: over over t; t: nip nip t; t: lshift lshift t; t: rshift rshift t; t: 1- 1- t; t: >r r> swap >r >r t; compile-only t: r> r> r> swap >r t; compile-only t: r@ r> r> dup >r swap >r t; compile-only t: @ ( a -- w ) @ t; t: ! ( w a -- ) ! t; t: <> = invert t; t: 0< 0 literal < t; t: 0= 0 literal = t; t: > swap < t; t: 0> 0 literal swap < t; t: >= < invert t; t: tuck swap over t; t: -rot swap >r swap r> t; t: 2/ 1 literal rshift t; t: 2* 1 literal lshift t; t: 1+ 1 literal + t; t: sp@ dsp ff literal and t; t: execute ( ca -- ) >r t; t: bye ( -- ) f002 literal ! t; t: c@ ( b -- c ) dup @ swap 1 literal and if 8 literal rshift else ff literal and then exit t; t: c! ( c b -- ) swap ff literal and dup 8 literal lshift or swap tuck dup @ swap 1 literal and 0 literal = ff literal xor >r over xor r> and xor swap ! t; t: um+ ( w w -- w cy ) over over + >r r@ 0 literal >= >r over over and 0< r> or >r or 0< r> and invert 1+ r> swap t; t: dovar ( -- a ) r> t; compile-only t: up dovar =up t, t; t: douser ( -- a ) up @ r> @ + t; compile-only u: base u: temp u: >in u: #tib u: tib u: 'eval u: 'abort u: hld u: context =vocs =cell * tuser +! u: forth-wordlist =cell tuser +! =cell tuser +! u: current =cell tuser +! u: dp u: last u: '?key u: 'emit u: 'boot u: '\ u: 'name? u: '$,n u: 'overt u: '; u: 'create t: ?dup ( w -- w w | 0 ) dup if dup then exit t; t: rot ( w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1 ) >r swap r> swap t; t: 2drop ( w w -- ) drop drop t; t: 2dup ( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 w2 ) over over t; t: negate ( n -- -n ) invert 1+ t; t: dnegate ( d -- -d ) invert >r invert 1 literal um+ r> + t; t: - ( n1 n2 -- n1-n2 ) negate + t; t: abs ( n -- n ) dup 0< if negate then exit t; t: max ( n n -- n ) 2dup > if drop exit then nip t; t: min ( n n -- n ) 2dup < if drop exit then nip t; t: within ( u ul uh -- t ) over - >r - r> u< t; t: um/mod ( udl udh u -- ur uq ) 2dup u< if negate f literal for >r dup um+ >r >r dup um+ r> + dup r> r@ swap >r um+ r> or if >r drop 1+ r> else drop then r> next drop swap exit then drop 2drop -1 literal dup t; t: m/mod ( d n -- r q ) dup 0< dup >r if negate >r dnegate r> then >r dup 0< if r@ + then r> um/mod r> if swap negate swap then exit t; t: /mod ( n n -- r q ) over 0< swap m/mod t; t: mod ( n n -- r ) /mod drop t; t: / ( n n -- q ) /mod nip t; t: um* ( u u -- ud ) 0 literal swap f literal for dup um+ >r >r dup um+ r> + r> if >r over um+ r> + then next rot drop t; t: * ( n n -- n ) um* drop t; t: m* ( n n -- d ) 2dup xor 0< >r abs swap abs um* r> if dnegate then exit t; t: */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- r q ) >r m* r> m/mod t; t: */ ( n1 n2 n3 -- q ) */mod nip t; t: cell+ ( a -- a ) =cell literal + t; t: cell- ( a -- a ) =cell literal - t; t: cells ( n -- n ) 1 literal lshift t; t: bl ( -- 32 ) 20 literal t; t: >char ( c -- c ) 7f literal and dup 7f literal bl within if drop 5f literal then exit t; t: +! ( n a -- ) tuck @ + swap ! t; t: 2! ( d a -- ) swap over ! cell+ ! t; t: 2@ ( a -- d ) dup cell+ @ swap @ t; t: count ( b -- b +n ) dup 1+ swap c@ t; t: here ( -- a ) dp @ t; t: aligned ( b -- a ) dup 0 literal =cell literal um/mod drop dup if =cell literal swap - then + t; t: align ( -- ) here aligned dp ! t; t: pad ( -- a ) here 50 literal + aligned t; t: @execute ( a -- ) @ ?dup if execute then exit t; t: fill ( b u c -- ) swap for swap aft 2dup c! 1+ then next 2drop t; t: erase 0 literal fill t; t: digit ( u -- c ) 9 literal over < 7 literal and + 30 literal + t; t: extract ( n base -- n c ) 0 literal swap um/mod swap digit t; t: <# ( -- ) pad hld ! t; t: hold ( c -- ) hld @ 1- dup hld ! c! t; t: # ( u -- u ) base @ extract hold t; t: #s ( u -- 0 ) begin # dup while repeat t; t: sign ( n -- ) 0< if 2d literal hold then exit t; t: #> ( w -- b u ) drop hld @ pad over - t; t: str ( n -- b u ) dup >r abs <# #s r> sign #> t; t: hex ( -- ) 10 literal base ! t; t: decimal ( -- ) a literal base ! t; t: digit? ( c base -- u t ) >r 30 literal - 9 literal over < if dup 20 literal > if 20 literal - then 7 literal - dup a literal < or then dup r> u< t; t: number? ( a -- n t | a f ) base @ >r 0 literal over count over c@ 24 literal = if hex swap 1+ swap 1- then over c@ 2d literal = >r swap r@ - swap r@ + ?dup if 1- for dup >r c@ base @ digit? while swap base @ * + r> 1+ next r@ nip if negate then swap else r> r> 2drop 2drop 0 literal then dup then r> 2drop r> base ! t; t: ?rx ( -- c t | f ) f001 literal @ 1 literal and 0= invert t; t: tx! ( c -- ) begin f001 literal @ 2 literal and 0= until f000 literal ! t; t: ?key ( -- c ) '?key @execute t; t: emit ( c -- ) 'emit @execute t; t: key ( -- c ) begin ?key until f000 literal @ t; t: nuf? ( -- t ) ?key dup if drop key =cr literal = then exit t; t: space ( -- ) bl emit t; t: spaces ( +n -- ) 0 literal max for aft space then next t; t: type ( b u -- ) for aft count emit then next drop t; t: cr ( -- ) =cr literal emit =lf literal emit t; t: do$ ( -- a ) r> r@ r> count + aligned >r swap >r t; compile-only t: $"| ( -- a ) do$ noop t; compile-only t: .$ ( a -- ) count type t; t: ."| ( -- ) do$ .$ t; compile-only t: .r ( n +n -- ) >r str r> over - spaces type t; t: u.r ( u +n -- ) >r <# #s #> r> over - spaces type t; t: u. ( u -- ) <# #s #> space type t; t: . ( w -- ) base @ a literal xor if u. exit then str space type t; t: cmove ( b1 b2 u -- ) for aft >r dup c@ r@ c! 1+ r> 1+ then next 2drop t; t: pack$ ( b u a -- a ) dup >r 2dup ! 1+ swap cmove r> t; t: ? ( a -- ) @ . t; t: (parse) ( b u c -- b u delta ; ) temp ! over >r dup if 1- temp @ bl = if for count temp @ swap - 0< invert r@ 0> and while next r> drop 0 literal dup exit then 1- r> then over swap for count temp @ swap - temp @ bl = if 0< then while next dup >r else r> drop dup >r 1- then over - r> r> - exit then over r> - t; t: parse ( c -- b u ; ) >r tib @ >in @ + #tib @ >in @ - r> (parse) >in +! t; t: .( ( -- ) 29 literal parse type t; immediate t: ( ( -- ) 29 literal parse 2drop t; immediate t: <\> ( -- ) #tib @ >in ! t; immediate t: \ ( -- ) '\ @execute t; immediate t: word ( c -- a ; ) parse here cell+ pack$ t; t: token ( -- a ; ) bl word t; t: name> ( na -- ca ) count 1f literal and + aligned t; t: same? ( a a u -- a a f \ -0+ ) 1- for aft over r@ + c@ over r@ + c@ - ?dup if r> drop exit then then next 0 literal t; t: find ( a va -- ca na | a f ) swap dup c@ temp ! dup @ >r cell+ swap begin @ dup if dup @ =mask literal and r@ xor if cell+ -1 literal else cell+ temp @ same? then else r> drop swap cell- swap exit then while 2 literal cells - repeat r> drop nip cell- dup name> swap t; t: ( a -- ca na | a f ) context dup 2@ xor if cell- then >r begin r> cell+ dup >r @ ?dup while find ?dup until r> drop exit then r> drop 0 literal t; t: name? ( a -- ca na | a f ) 'name? @execute t; t: ^h ( bot eot cur -- bot eot cur ) >r over r@ < dup if =bksp literal dup emit space emit then r> + t; t: tap ( bot eot cur c -- bot eot cur ) dup emit over c! 1+ t; t: ktap ( bot eot cur c -- bot eot cur ) dup =cr literal xor if =bksp literal xor if bl tap exit then ^h exit then drop nip dup t; t: accept ( b u -- b u ) over + over begin 2dup xor while key dup bl - 7f literal u< if tap else ktap then repeat drop over - t; t: query ( -- ) tib @ 50 literal accept #tib ! drop 0 literal >in ! t; t: abort2 do$ drop t; t: abort1 space .$ 3f literal emit cr 'abort @execute abort2 t; t: if do$ abort1 exit then abort2 t; compile-only t: forget ( -- ) token name? ?dup if cell- dup dp ! @ dup context ! last ! drop exit then abort1 t; t: $interpret ( a -- ) name? ?dup if @ =comp literal and $literal compile-only" execute exit else number? if exit then abort1 then t; t: [ ( -- ) [t] $interpret literal 'eval ! t; immediate t: .ok ( -- ) [t] $interpret literal 'eval @ = if ."| $literal ok" then cr t; t: eval ( -- ) begin token dup c@ while 'eval @execute repeat drop .ok t; t: $eval ( a u -- ) >in @ >r #tib @ >r tib @ >r [t] >in literal 0 literal swap ! #tib ! tib ! eval r> tib ! r> #tib ! r> >in ! t; compile-only t: preset ( -- ) =tib literal #tib cell+ ! t; t: quit ( -- ) [ begin query eval again t; t: abort drop preset .ok quit t; t: ' ( -- ca ) token name? if exit then abort1 t; t: allot ( n -- ) aligned dp +! t; t: , ( w -- ) here dup cell+ dp ! ! t; t: call, ( ca -- ) 1 literal rshift 4000 literal or , t; compile-only t: ?branch ( ca -- ) 1 literal rshift 2000 literal or , t; compile-only t: branch ( ca -- ) 1 literal rshift 0000 literal or , t; compile-only t: [compile] ( -- ; ) ' call, t; immediate t: compile ( -- ) r> dup @ , cell+ >r t; compile-only t: recurse last @ name> call, t; immediate t: pick dup 2* 2* =pickbody literal + >r t; t: literal ( w -- ) dup 8000 literal and if ffff literal xor [t] literal ]asm call asm[ compile invert else 8000 literal or , then exit t; immediate t: ['] ' [t] literal ]asm call asm[ t; immediate t: $," ( -- ) 22 literal parse here pack$ count + aligned dp ! t; t: for ( -- a ) compile [t] >r ]asm call asm[ here t; compile-only immediate t: begin ( -- a ) here t; compile-only immediate t: (next) ( n -- ) r> r> ?dup if 1- >r @ >r exit then cell+ >r t; compile-only t: next ( -- ) compile (next) , t; compile-only immediate t: (do) ( limit index -- index ) r> dup >r swap rot >r >r cell+ >r t; compile-only t: do ( limit index -- ) compile (do) 0 literal , here t; compile-only immediate t: (leave) r> drop r> drop r> drop t; compile-only t: leave compile (leave) noop t; compile-only immediate t: (loop) r> r> 1+ r> 2dup <> if >r >r @ >r exit then >r 1- >r cell+ >r t; compile-only t: (unloop) r> r> drop r> drop r> drop >r t; compile-only t: unloop compile (unloop) noop t; compile-only immediate t: (?do) 2dup <> if r> dup >r swap rot >r >r cell+ >r exit then 2drop exit t; compile-only t: ?do ( limit index -- ) compile (?do) 0 literal , here t; compile-only immediate t: loop ( -- ) compile (loop) dup , compile (unloop) cell- here 1 literal rshift swap ! t; compile-only immediate t: (+loop) r> swap r> r> 2dup - >r 2 literal pick r@ + r@ xor 0< 0= 3 literal pick r> xor 0< 0= or if >r + >r @ >r exit then >r >r drop cell+ >r t; compile-only t: +loop ( n -- ) compile (+loop) dup , compile (unloop) cell- here 1 literal rshift swap ! t; compile-only immediate t: (i) ( -- index ) r> r> tuck >r >r t; compile-only t: i ( -- index ) compile (i) noop t; compile-only immediate t: until ( a -- ) ?branch t; compile-only immediate t: again ( a -- ) branch t; compile-only immediate t: if ( -- a ) here 0 literal ?branch t; compile-only immediate t: then ( a -- ) here 1 literal rshift over @ or swap ! t; compile-only immediate t: repeat ( a a -- ) branch [t] then ]asm call asm[ t; compile-only immediate t: skip here 0 literal branch t; compile-only immediate t: aft ( a -- a a ) drop [t] skip ]asm call asm[ [t] begin ]asm call asm[ swap t; compile-only immediate t: else ( a -- a ) [t] skip ]asm call asm[ swap [t] then ]asm call asm[ t; compile-only immediate t: while ( a -- a a ) [t] if ]asm call asm[ swap t; compile-only immediate t: (case) r> swap >r >r t; compile-only t: case compile (case) 30 literal t; compile-only immediate t: (of) r> r@ swap >r = t; compile-only t: of compile (of) [t] if ]asm call asm[ t; compile-only immediate t: endof [t] else ]asm call asm[ 31 literal t; compile-only immediate t: (endcase) r> r> drop >r t; t: endcase begin dup 31 literal = while drop [t] then ]asm call asm[ repeat 30 literal <> $literal bad case construct." compile (endcase) noop t; compile-only immediate t: $" ( -- ; ) compile $"| $," t; compile-only immediate t: ." ( -- ; ) compile ."| $," t; compile-only immediate t: >body ( ca -- pa ) cell+ t; t: (to) ( n -- ) r> dup cell+ >r @ ! t; compile-only t: to ( n -- ) compile (to) ' >body , t; compile-only immediate t: (+to) ( n -- ) r> dup cell+ >r @ +! t; compile-only t: +to ( n -- ) compile (+to) ' >body , t; compile-only immediate t: get-current ( -- wid ) current @ t; t: set-current ( wid -- ) current ! t; t: definitions ( -- ) context @ set-current t; t: ?unique ( a -- a ) dup get-current find if ."| $literal redef " over .$ then drop t; t: <$,n> ( na -- ) dup c@ if ?unique dup count + aligned dp ! dup last ! cell- get-current @ swap ! exit then drop $"| $literal name" abort1 t; t: $,n ( na -- ) '$,n @execute t; t: $compile ( a -- ) name? ?dup if @ =imed literal and if execute exit else call, exit then then number? if [t] literal ]asm call asm[ exit then abort1 t; t: abort" compile $," t; immediate t: ( -- ) last @ get-current ! t; t: overt ( -- ) 'overt @execute t; t: exit r> drop t; t: <;> ( -- ) compile [t] exit ]asm call asm[ [ overt 0 literal here ! t; compile-only immediate t: ; ( -- ) '; @execute t; compile-only immediate t: ] ( -- ) [t] $compile literal 'eval ! t; t: : ( -- ; ) token $,n ] t; t: immediate ( -- ) =imed literal last @ @ or last @ ! t; t: user ( u -- ; ) token $,n overt compile douser , t; t: ( -- ; ) token $,n overt [t] dovar ]asm literal asm[ call, t; t: create ( -- ; ) 'create @execute t; t: variable ( -- ; ) create 0 literal , t; t: (does>) ( -- ) r> 1 literal rshift here 1 literal rshift last @ name> dup cell+ ]asm 8000 literal asm[ or , ! , t; compile-only t: compile-only ( -- ) =comp literal last @ @ or last @ ! t; t: does> ( -- ) compile (does>) noop t; immediate t: char ( -- char ) ( -- c ) bl word 1+ c@ t; t: [char] char [t] literal ]asm call asm[ t; immediate t: constant create , (does>) @ t; t: defer create 0 literal , (does>) @ ?dup 0 literal = $literal uninitialized" execute t; t: is ' >body ! t; immediate t: .id ( na -- ) ?dup if count 1f literal and type exit then cr ."| $literal {noname}" t; t: wordlist ( -- wid ) align here 0 literal , dup current cell+ dup @ , ! 0 literal , t; t: order@ ( a -- u*wid u ) dup @ dup if >r cell+ order@ r> swap 1+ exit then nip t; t: get-order ( -- u*wid u ) context order@ t; t: >wid ( wid -- ) cell+ t; t: .wid ( wid -- ) space dup >wid cell+ @ ?dup if .id drop exit then 0 literal u.r t; t: !wid ( wid -- ) >wid cell+ last @ swap ! t; t: vocs ( -- ) ( list all wordlists ) cr ."| $literal vocs:" current cell+ begin @ ?dup while dup .wid >wid repeat t; t: order ( -- ) ( list search order ) cr ."| $literal search:" get-order begin ?dup while swap .wid 1- repeat cr ."| $literal define:" get-current .wid t; t: set-order ( u*wid n -- ) ( ) dup -1 literal = if drop forth-wordlist 1 literal then =vocs literal over u< $literal over size of #vocs" context swap begin dup while >r swap over ! cell+ r> 1- repeat swap ! t; t: only ( -- ) -1 literal set-order t; t: also ( -- ) get-order over swap 1+ set-order t; t: previous ( -- ) get-order swap drop 1- set-order t; t: >voc ( wid 'name' -- ) create dup , !wid (does>) @ >r get-order swap drop r> swap set-order t; t: widof ( "vocabulary" -- wid ) ' >body @ t; t: vocabulary ( 'name' -- ) wordlist >voc t; t: _type ( b u -- ) for aft count >char emit then next drop t; t: dm+ ( a u -- a ) over 4 literal u.r space for aft count 3 literal u.r then next t; t: dump ( a u -- ) base @ >r hex 10 literal / for cr 10 literal 2dup dm+ -rot 2 literal spaces _type next drop r> base ! t; t: .s ( ... -- ... ) cr sp@ 1- f literal and for r@ pick . next ."| $literal name) ( ca va -- na | f ) begin @ ?dup while 2dup name> xor while cell- repeat nip exit then drop 0 literal t; t: >name ( ca -- na | f ) >r get-order begin ?dup while swap r@ swap (>name) ?dup if >r 1- for aft drop then next r> r> drop exit then 1- repeat r> drop 0 literal t; t: see ( -- ; ) ' cr begin dup @ ?dup 700c literal xor while 3fff literal and 1 literal lshift >name ?dup if space .id else dup @ 7fff literal and u. then cell+ repeat 2drop t; t: (words) ( -- ) cr begin @ ?dup while dup .id space cell- repeat t; t: words get-order begin ?dup while swap cr cr ."| $literal :" dup .wid cr (words) 1- repeat t; t: ver ( -- n ) =ver literal 100 literal * =ext literal + t; t: hi ( -- ) cr ."| $literal eforth j1 v" base @ hex ver <# # # 2e literal hold # #> type base ! cr t; t: cold ( -- ) =uzero literal =up literal =udiff literal cmove preset forth-wordlist dup context ! dup current 2! overt 4000 literal cell+ dup cell- @ $eval 'boot @execute quit cold t; target.1 -order set-current there [u] dp t! [last] [u] last t! [t] ?rx [u] '?key t! [t] tx! [u] 'emit t! [t] <\> [u] '\ t! [t] $interpret [u] 'eval t! [t] abort [u] 'abort t! [t] hi [u] 'boot t! [t] [u] 'name? t! [t] [u] 'overt t! [t] <$,n> [u] '$,n t! [t] <;> [u] '; t! [t] [u] 'create t! [t] cold 2/ =cold t! save-target j1.bin save-hex j1.hex meta.1 -order bye