package evaluator import ( "monkey/ast" "monkey/lexer" "monkey/object" "monkey/parser" "testing" ) func TestDefineMacros(t *testing.T) { input := ` let number = 1; let function = fn(x, y) { x + y }; let mymacro = macro(x, y) { x + y; }; ` env := object.NewEnvironment() program := testParseProgram(input) DefineMacros(program, env) if len(program.Statements) != 2 { t.Fatalf("Wrong number of statements. got=%d", len(program.Statements)) } _, ok := env.Get("number") if ok { t.Fatalf("number should not be defined") } _, ok = env.Get("function") if ok { t.Fatalf("function should not be defined") } obj, ok := env.Get("mymacro") if !ok { t.Fatalf("macro not in environment.") } macro, ok := obj.(*object.Macro) if !ok { t.Fatalf("object is not Macro. got=%T (%+v)", obj, obj) } if len(macro.Parameters) != 2 { t.Fatalf("Wrong number of macro parameters. got=%d", len(macro.Parameters)) } if macro.Parameters[0].String() != "x" { t.Fatalf("parameter is not 'x'. got=%q", macro.Parameters[0]) } if macro.Parameters[1].String() != "y" { t.Fatalf("parameter is not 'y'. got=%q", macro.Parameters[1]) } expectedBody := "(x + y)" if macro.Body.String() != expectedBody { t.Fatalf("body is not %q. got=%q", expectedBody, macro.Body.String()) } } func testParseProgram(input string) *ast.Program { l := lexer.New(input) p := parser.New(l) return p.ParseProgram() } func TestExpandMacros(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { input string expected string }{ { ` let infixExpression = macro() { quote(1 + 2); }; infixExpression(); `, `(1 + 2)`, }, { ` let reverse = macro(a, b) { quote(unquote(b) - unquote(a)); }; reverse(2 + 2, 10 - 5); `, `(10 - 5) - (2 + 2)`, }, { ` let unless = macro(condition, consequence, alternative) { quote(if (!(unquote(condition))) { unquote(consequence); } else { unquote(alternative); }); }; unless(10 > 5, puts("not greater"), puts("greater")); `, `if (!(10 > 5)) { puts("not greater") } else { puts("greater") }`, }, } for _, tt := range tests { expected := testParseProgram(tt.expected) program := testParseProgram(tt.input) env := object.NewEnvironment() DefineMacros(program, env) expanded := ExpandMacros(program, env) if expanded.String() != expected.String() { t.Errorf("not equal. want=%q, got=%q", expected.String(), expanded.String()) } } }