-- Module ACSE-1 (X.227:04/1995) -- See also ITU-T X.227 (04/1995) -- See also the index of all ASN.1 assignments needed in this document ACSE-1 {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) modules(0) apdus(0) version1(1)} -- ACSE-1 refers to ACSE version 1 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS acse-as-id, ACSE-apdu, aCSE-id, Application-context-name, AP-title, AE-qualifier, AE-title, AP-invocation-identifier, AE-invocation-identifier, Mechanism-name, Authentication-value, ACSE-requirements, ObjectSet; IMPORTS Name, RelativeDistinguishedName FROM InformationFramework {joint-iso-itu-t ds(5) module(1) informationFramework(1) 3}; -- The data types Name and RelativeDistinguishedName are imported from ISO/IEC 9594-2. -- object identifier assignments acse-as-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) abstract-syntax(1) apdus(0) version1(1)} -- may be used to reference the abstract syntax of the ACSE APDUs aCSE-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) ase-id(3) acse-ase(1) version(1)} -- may be used to identify the Association Control ASE. -- top level CHOICE ACSE-apdu ::= CHOICE { aarq AARQ-apdu, aare AARE-apdu, rlrq RLRQ-apdu, rlre RLRE-apdu, abrt ABRT-apdu, ... } AARQ-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { protocol-version [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING {version1(0)}, application-context-name [1] Application-context-name, called-AP-title [2] AP-title OPTIONAL, called-AE-qualifier [3] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL, called-AP-invocation-identifier [4] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, called-AE-invocation-identifier [5] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, calling-AP-title [6] AP-title OPTIONAL, calling-AE-qualifier [7] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL, calling-AP-invocation-identifier [8] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, calling-AE-invocation-identifier [9] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, -- The following field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used. sender-acse-requirements [10] IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONAL, -- The following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected. mechanism-name [11] IMPLICIT Mechanism-name OPTIONAL, -- The following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected. calling-authentication-value [12] EXPLICIT Authentication-value OPTIONAL, application-context-name-list [13] IMPLICIT Application-context-name-list OPTIONAL, -- The above field shall only be present if the Application Context Negotiation functional unit is selected implementation-information [29] IMPLICIT Implementation-data OPTIONAL, ..., ..., user-information [30] IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONAL } AARE-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { protocol-version [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING {version1(0)}, application-context-name [1] Application-context-name, result [2] Associate-result, result-source-diagnostic [3] Associate-source-diagnostic, responding-AP-title [4] AP-title OPTIONAL, responding-AE-qualifier [5] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL, responding-AP-invocation-identifier [6] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, responding-AE-invocation-identifier [7] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL, -- The following field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used. responder-acse-requirements [8] IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONAL, -- The following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected. mechanism-name [9] IMPLICIT Mechanism-name OPTIONAL, -- This following field shall only be present if the Authentication functional unit is selected. responding-authentication-value [10] EXPLICIT Authentication-value OPTIONAL, application-context-name-list [11] IMPLICIT Application-context-name-list OPTIONAL, -- The above field shall only be present if the Application Context Negotiation functional unit is selected implementation-information [29] IMPLICIT Implementation-data OPTIONAL, ..., ..., user-information [30] IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONAL } RLRQ-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { reason [0] IMPLICIT Release-request-reason OPTIONAL, ..., ..., user-information [30] IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONAL } RLRE-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { reason [0] IMPLICIT Release-response-reason OPTIONAL, ..., ..., user-information [30] IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONAL } ABRT-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { abort-source [0] IMPLICIT ABRT-source, abort-diagnostic [1] IMPLICIT ABRT-diagnostic OPTIONAL, -- This field shall not be present if only the Kernel is used. ..., ..., user-information [30] IMPLICIT Association-information OPTIONAL } ABRT-diagnostic ::= ENUMERATED { no-reason-given(1), protocol-error(2), authentication-mechanism-name-not-recognized(3), authentication-mechanism-name-required(4), authentication-failure(5), authentication-required(6), ... } ABRT-source ::= INTEGER {acse-service-user(0), acse-service-provider(1) }(0..1, ...) ACSE-requirements ::= BIT STRING { authentication(0), application-context-negotiation(1)} Application-context-name-list ::= SEQUENCE OF Application-context-name Application-context-name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Application-entity title productions follow (not in alphabetical order) AP-title ::= CHOICE { ap-title-form1 AP-title-form1, ap-title-form2 AP-title-form2, ... } AE-qualifier ::= CHOICE { ae-qualifier-form1 AE-qualifier-form1, ae-qualifier-form2 AE-qualifier-form2, ... } -- When both AP-title and AE-qualifier data values are present in an AARQ or AARE APDU, both must -- have the same form to allow the construction of an AE-title as discussed in CCITT Rec. X.665 | -- ISO/IEC 9834-6. AP-title-form1 ::= Name -- The value assigned to AP-title-form1 is The Directory Name of an application-process title. AE-qualifier-form1 ::= RelativeDistinguishedName -- The value assigned to AE-qualifier-form1 is the relative distinguished name of a particular -- application-entity of the application-process identified by AP-title-form1. AP-title-form2 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER AE-qualifier-form2 ::= INTEGER AE-title ::= CHOICE { ae-title-form1 AE-title-form1, ae-title-form2 AE-title-form2, ... } -- As defined in CCITT Rec. X.650 | ISO 7498-3, an application-entity title is composed of an application- -- process title and an application-entity qualifier. The ACSE protocol provides for the transfer of an -- application-entity title value by the transfer of its component values. However, the following data type -- is provided for International Standards that reference a single syntactic structure for AE titles. AE-title-form1 ::= Name -- For access to The Directory (ITU-T Rec. X.500-Series | ISO/IEC 9594), an AE title has AE-title-form1. -- This value can be constructed from AP-title-form1 and AE-qualifier-form1 values contained in an -- AARQ or AARE APDU. A discussion of forming an AE-title-form1 from AP-title-form1 and AE-qualifier- -- form1 may be found in CCITT Rec. X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6. AE-title-form2 ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- A discussion of forming an AE-title-form2 from AP-title-form2 and AE-qualifier-form2 may be -- found in CCITT Rec. X.665 | ISO/IEC 9834-6. AE-invocation-identifier ::= INTEGER AP-invocation-identifier ::= INTEGER -- End of Application-entity title productions Associate-result ::= INTEGER { accepted(0), rejected-permanent(1), rejected-transient(2)}(0..2, ...) Associate-source-diagnostic ::= CHOICE { acse-service-user [1] INTEGER {null(0), no-reason-given(1), application-context-name-not-supported(2), calling-AP-title-not-recognized(3), calling-AP-invocation-identifier-not-recognized(4), calling-AE-qualifier-not-recognized(5), calling-AE-invocation-identifier-not-recognized(6), called-AP-title-not-recognized(7), called-AP-invocation-identifier-not-recognized(8), called-AE-qualifier-not-recognized(9), called-AE-invocation-identifier-not-recognized(10), authentication-mechanism-name-not-recognized(11), authentication-mechanism-name-required(12), authentication-failure(13), authentication-required(14)} (0..14, ...), acse-service-provider [2] INTEGER {null(0), no-reason-given(1), no-common-acse-version(2)} (0..2, ...) } Association-information ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1, ..., 0 | 2..MAX) OF EXTERNAL Authentication-value ::= CHOICE { charstring [0] IMPLICIT GraphicString, bitstring [1] IMPLICIT BIT STRING, external [2] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL, other [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {other-mechanism-name MECHANISM-NAME.&id({ObjectSet}), other-mechanism-value MECHANISM-NAME.&Type ({ObjectSet}{@.other-mechanism-name})} } -- The abstract syntax of (calling/responding) authentication-value is determined by the authentication -- mechanism used during association establishment. The authentication mechanism is either explicitly -- denoted by the &id field (of type OBJECT IDENTIFIER) for a mechanism belonging to the class -- MECHANISM-NAME, or it is known implicitly by -- prior agreement between the communicating partners. If the "other" component is chosen, then -- the "mechanism-name" component must be present in accordance with -- ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824. If the value "mechanism-name" occurs in the AARQ-apdu or the -- AARE-apdu, then that value must be the same as the value for "other-mechanism-name" Implementation-data ::= GraphicString Mechanism-name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER MECHANISM-NAME ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER ObjectSet MECHANISM-NAME ::= {...} Release-request-reason ::= INTEGER {normal(0), urgent(1), user-defined(30) }(0 | 1 | 30, ...) Release-response-reason ::= INTEGER { normal(0), not-finished(1), user-defined(30)}(0 | 1 | 30, ...) END -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D