================================================== Changes observed, forensically, from v6.2 to v6.3: ================================================== New items, monsters and so forth: Spells: Shoelaces History Lesson Weapon: Kreen Specials: Vulpeculum Boring items: writ Monster: Chromatic Dragon drops scales rather than mineral water Hogbird Races: Hob-Hobbit replaces Greater Gnome (candidates: Gobhobbit, Hobrabbit) Classes: Vermineer replaces Toungeblade Jungle Clown replaces Lowling Config.*: NewGuy.*: - Races & Classes moved into Config form from code in NewGuy Front.* - Version bumped - File extension bumped Main.dfm - Moves and resizes Main.pas - Cheats enabled for now - HTTP rev number bumped - Save ext changed - Interplot cinematics between acts (NamedMonster & ImpressiveGuy) - Execute named RPCs now and then ("Sir Roger the Elf") - New leveling schedule(!) - WinItem & WinEquip at end of each act Info.*: Login.*: SelServ.*: Web.*: - none