object K: TK Left = 350 Top = 121 Width = 800 Height = 567 Caption = 'K' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 116 Width = 28 Height = 13 Caption = 'Spells' end object Label2: TLabel Left = 168 Top = 4 Width = 64 Height = 13 Caption = 'Offense Attrib' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 280 Top = 228 Width = 70 Height = 13 Caption = 'Defense Atrtrib' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 140 Top = 228 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = 'Shields' end object Label5: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 228 Width = 27 Height = 13 Caption = 'Armor' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 41 Height = 13 Caption = 'Weapon' end object Label7: TLabel Left = 164 Top = 428 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Speicals' end object Label8: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 428 Width = 47 Height = 13 Caption = 'Item Attrib' end object Label9: TLabel Left = 320 Top = 428 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = 'Item Of' end object Label10: TLabel Left = 172 Top = 116 Width = 58 Height = 13 Caption = 'Boring Items' end object Label11: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 344 Width = 125 Height = 13 Caption = 'Monsters (name level item)' end object Label12: TLabel Left = 236 Top = 344 Width = 162 Height = 13 Caption = 'Monster mods (adjustment pattern)' end object Label13: TLabel Left = 324 Top = 8 Width = 56 Height = 13 Caption = 'OffenseBad' end object Label14: TLabel Left = 404 Top = 232 Width = 59 Height = 13 Caption = 'DefenseBad' end object Label15: TLabel Left = 480 Top = 8 Width = 26 Height = 13 Caption = 'Race' end object Label16: TLabel Left = 480 Top = 120 Width = 25 Height = 13 Caption = 'Class' end object Label17: TLabel Left = 328 Top = 120 Width = 25 Height = 13 Caption = 'Titles' end object Label18: TLabel Left = 476 Top = 428 Width = 74 Height = 13 Caption = 'Impressive titles' end object Spells: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 132 Width = 153 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Slime Finger' 'Rabbit Punch' 'Hastiness' 'Good Move' 'Sadness' 'Seasick' 'Gyp' 'Shoelaces' 'Innoculate' 'Cone of Annoyance' 'Magnetic Orb' 'Invisible Hands' 'Revolting Cloud' 'Aqueous Humor' 'Spectral Miasma' 'Clever Fellow' 'Lockjaw' 'History Lesson' 'Hydrophobia' 'Big Sister' 'Cone of Paste' 'Mulligan' 'Nestor'#39's Bright Idea' 'Holy Batpole' 'Tumor (Benign)' 'Braingate' 'Nonplus' 'Animate Nightstand' 'Eye of the Troglodyte' 'Curse Name' 'Dropsy' 'Vitreous Humor' 'Roger'#39's Grand Illusion' 'Covet' 'Astral Miasma' 'Spectral Oyster' 'Acrid Hands' 'Angioplasty' 'Grognor'#39's Big Day Off' 'Tumor (Malignant)' 'Animate Tunic' 'Ursine Armor' 'Holy Roller' 'Tonsilectomy' 'Curse Family' 'Infinite Confusion') TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end object OffenseAttrib: TMemo Left = 168 Top = 20 Width = 141 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Polished|+1' 'Serrated|+1' 'Heavy|+1' 'Pronged|+2' 'Steely|+2' 'Vicious|+3' 'Venomed|+4' 'Stabbity|+4' 'Dancing|+5' 'Invisible|+6' 'Vorpal|+7') TabOrder = 1 WordWrap = False end object DefenseAttrib: TMemo Left = 280 Top = 244 Width = 113 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Studded|+1' 'Banded|+2' 'Gilded|+2' 'Festooned|+3' 'Holy|+4' 'Cambric|+1' 'Fine|+4' 'Impressive|+5' 'Custom|+3') TabOrder = 2 WordWrap = False end object Shields: TMemo Left = 140 Top = 244 Width = 133 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Parasol|0' 'Pie Plate|1' 'Garbage Can Lid|2' 'Buckler|3' 'Plexiglass|4' 'Fender|4' 'Round Shield|5' 'Carapace|5' 'Scutum|6' 'Propugner|6' 'Kite Shield|7' 'Pavise|8' 'Tower Shield|9' 'Baroque Shield|11' 'Aegis|12' 'Magnetic Field|18') TabOrder = 3 WordWrap = False end object Armors: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 244 Width = 129 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Lace|1' 'Macrame|2' 'Burlap|3' 'Canvas|4' 'Flannel|5' 'Chamois|6' 'Pleathers|7' 'Leathers|8' 'Bearskin|9' 'Ringmail|10' 'Scale Mail|12' 'Chainmail|14' 'Splint Mail|15' 'Platemail|16' 'ABS|17' 'Kevlar|18' 'Titanium|19' 'Mithril Mail|20' 'Diamond Mail|25' 'Plasma|30') TabOrder = 4 WordWrap = False end object Weapons: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 20 Width = 153 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Stick|0' 'Broken Bottle|1' 'Shiv|1' 'Sprig|1' 'Oxgoad|1' 'Eelspear|2' 'Bowie Knife|2' 'Claw Hammer|2' 'Handpeen|2' 'Andiron|3' 'Hatchet|3' 'Tomahawk|3' 'Hackbarm|3' 'Crowbar|4' 'Mace|4' 'Battleadze|4' 'Leafmace|5' 'Shortsword|5' 'Longiron|5' 'Poachard|5' 'Baselard|5' 'Whinyard|6' 'Blunderbuss|6' 'Longsword|6' 'Crankbow|6' 'Blibo|7' 'Broadsword|7' 'Kreen|7' 'Morning Star|8' 'Pole-adze|8' 'Spontoon|8' 'Bastard Sword|9' 'Peen-arm|9' 'Culverin|10' 'Lance|10' 'Halberd|11' 'Poleax|12' 'Bandyclef|15') TabOrder = 5 WordWrap = False end object Specials: TMemo Left = 164 Top = 444 Width = 149 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Diadem' 'Festoon' 'Gemstone' 'Phial' 'Tiara' 'Scabbard' 'Arrow' 'Lens' 'Lamp' 'Hymnal' 'Fleece' 'Laurel' 'Brooch' 'Gimlet' 'Cobble' 'Albatross' 'Brazier' 'Bandolier' 'Tome' 'Garnet' 'Amethyst' 'Candelabra' 'Corset' 'Sphere' 'Sceptre' 'Ankh' 'Talisman' 'Orb' 'Gammel' 'Ornament' 'Brocade' 'Galoon' 'Bijou' 'Spangle' 'Gimcrack' 'Hood' 'Vulpeculum') TabOrder = 6 WordWrap = False end object ItemAttrib: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 444 Width = 149 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Golden' 'Gilded' 'Spectral' 'Astral' 'Garlanded' 'Precious' 'Crafted' 'Dual' 'Filigreed' 'Cruciate' 'Arcane' 'Blessed' 'Reverential' 'Lucky' 'Enchanted' 'Gleaming' 'Grandiose' 'Sacred' 'Legendary' 'Mythic' 'Crystalline' 'Austere' 'Ostentatious' 'One True' 'Proverbial' 'Fearsome' 'Deadly' 'Benevolent' 'Unearthly' 'Magnificent' 'Iron' 'Ormolu' 'Puissant') TabOrder = 7 WordWrap = False end object ItemOfs: TMemo Left = 320 Top = 444 Width = 149 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Foreboding' 'Foreshadowing' 'Nervousness' 'Happiness' 'Torpor' 'Danger' 'Craft' 'Silence' 'Invisibility' 'Rapidity' 'Pleasure' 'Practicality' 'Hurting' 'Joy' 'Petulance' 'Intrusion' 'Chaos' 'Suffering' 'Extroversion' 'Frenzy' 'Solitude' 'Punctuality' 'Efficiency' 'Comfort' 'Patience' 'Internment' 'Incarceration' 'Misapprehension' 'Loyalty' 'Envy' 'Acrimony' 'Worry' 'Fear' 'Awe' 'Guile' 'Prurience' 'Fortune' 'Perspicacity' 'Domination' 'Submission' 'Fealty' 'Hunger' 'Despair' 'Cruelty' 'Grob' 'Dignard' 'Ra' 'the Bone' 'Diamonique' 'Electrum' 'Hydragyrum') TabOrder = 8 WordWrap = False end object BoringItems: TMemo Left = 168 Top = 132 Width = 149 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'nail' 'lunchpail' 'sock' 'I.O.U.' 'cookie' 'pint' 'toothpick' 'writ' 'newspaper' 'letter' 'plank' 'hat' 'egg' 'coin' 'needle' 'bucket' 'ladder' 'chicken' 'twig' 'dirtclod' 'counterpane' 'vest' 'teratoma' 'bunny' 'rock' 'pole' 'carrot' 'canoe' 'inkwell' 'hoe' 'bandage' 'trowel' 'towel' 'planter box' 'anvil' 'axle' 'tuppence' 'casket' 'nosegay' 'trinket' 'credenza' 'writ') TabOrder = 9 WordWrap = False end object Monsters: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 360 Width = 221 Height = 61 Lines.Strings = ( 'Anhkheg|6|chitin' 'Ant|0|antenna' 'Ape|4|ass' 'Baluchitherium|14|ear' 'Beholder|10|eyestalk' 'Black Pudding|10|saliva' 'Blink Dog|4|eyelid' 'Cub Scout|1|neckercheif' 'Girl Scout|2|cookie' 'Boy Scout|3|merit badge' 'Eagle Scout|4|merit badge' 'Bugbear|3|skin' 'Bugboar|3|tusk' 'Boogie|3|slime' 'Camel|2|hump' 'Carrion Crawler|3|egg' 'Catoblepas|6|neck' 'Centaur|4|rib' 'Centipede|0|leg' 'Cockatrice|5|wattle' 'Couatl|9|wing' 'Crayfish|0|antenna' 'Demogorgon|53|tentacle' 'Jubilex|17|gel' 'Manes|1|tooth' 'Orcus|27|wand' 'Succubus|6|bra' 'Vrock|8|neck' 'Hezrou|9|leg' 'Glabrezu|10|collar' 'Nalfeshnee|11|tusk' 'Marilith|7|arm' 'Balor|8|whip' 'Yeenoghu|25|flail' 'Asmodeus|52|leathers' 'Baalzebul|43|pants' 'Barbed Devil|8|flame' 'Bone Devil|9|hook' 'Dispater|30|matches' 'Erinyes|6|thong' 'Geryon|30|cornucopia' 'Malebranche|5|fork' 'Ice Devil|11|snow' 'Lemure|3|blob' 'Pit Fiend|13|seed' 'Anklyosaurus|9|tail' 'Brontosaurus|30|brain' 'Diplodocus|24|fin' 'Elasmosaurus|15|neck' 'Gorgosaurus|13|arm' 'Iguanadon|6|thumb' 'Megalosaurus|12|jaw' 'Monoclonius|8|horn' 'Pentasaurus|12|head' 'Stegosaurus|18|plate' 'Triceratops|16|horn' 'Tyranosauraus Rex|18|forearm' 'Djinn|7|lamp' 'Doppleganger|4|face' 'Black Dragon|7|*' 'Plaid Dragon|7|sporrin' 'Blue Dragon|9|*' 'Beige Dragon|9|*' 'Brass Dragon|7|pole' 'Tin Dragon|8|*' 'Bronze Dragon|9|medal' 'Chromatic Dragon|16|scale' 'Copper Dragon|8|loafer' 'Gold Dragon|8|filling' 'Green Dragon|8|*' 'Platinum Dragon|21|*' 'Red Dragon|10|cocktail' 'Silver Dragon|10|*' 'White Dragon|6|tooth' 'Dragon Turtle|13|shell' 'Dryad|2|acorn' 'Dwarf|1|drawers' 'Eel|2|sashimi' 'Efreet|10|cinder' 'Sand Elemental|8|glass' 'Bacon Elemental|10|bit' 'Porn Elemental|12|lube' 'Cheese Elemental|14|curd' 'Hair Elemental|16|follicle' 'Swamp Elf|1|lilypad' 'Brown Elf|1|tusk' 'Sea Elf|1|jerkin' 'Ettin|10|fur' 'Frog|0|leg' 'Violet Fungi|3|spore' 'Gargoyle|4|gravel' 'Gelatinous Cube|4|jam' 'Ghast|4|vomit' 'Ghost|10|*' 'Ghoul|2|muscle' 'Humidity Giant|12|drops' 'Beef Giant|11|steak' 'Quartz Giant|10|crystal' 'Porcelain Giant|9|fixture' 'Rice Giant|8|grain' 'Cloud Giant|12|condensation' 'Fire Giant|11|cigarettes' 'Frost Giant|10|snowman' 'Hill Giant|8|corpse' 'Stone Giant|9|hatchling' 'Storm Giant|15|barometer' 'Mini Giant|4|pompadour' 'Gnoll|2|collar' 'Gnome|1|hat' 'Goblin|1|ear' 'Grid Bug|1|carapace' 'Jellyrock|9|seedling' 'Beer Golem|15|foam' 'Oxygen Golem|17|platelet' 'Cardboard Golem|14|recycling' 'Rubber Golem|16|ball' 'Leather Golem|15|fob' 'Gorgon|8|testicle' 'Gray Ooze|3|gravy' 'Green Slime|2|sample' 'Griffon|7|nest' 'Banshee|7|larynx' 'Harpy|3|mascara' 'Hell Hound|5|tongue' 'Hippocampus|4|mane' 'Hippogriff|3|egg' 'Hobgoblin|1|patella' 'Homonculus|2|fluid' 'Hydra|8|gyrum' 'Imp|2|tail' 'Invisible Stalker|8|*' 'Iron Peasant|3|chaff' 'Jumpskin|3|shin' 'Kobold|1|penis' 'Leprechaun|1|wallet' 'Leucrotta|6|hoof' 'Lich|11|crown' 'Lizard Man|2|tail' 'Lurker|10|sac' 'Manticore|6|spike' 'Mastodon|12|tusk' 'Medusa|6|eye' 'Multicell|2|dendrite' 'Pirate|1|booty' 'Berserker|1|shirt' 'Caveman|2|club' 'Dervish|1|robe' 'Merman|1|trident' 'Mermaid|1|gills' 'Mimic|9|hinge' 'Mind Flayer|8|tentacle' 'Minotaur|6|map' 'Yellow Mold|1|spore' 'Morkoth|7|teeth' 'Mummy|6|gauze' 'Naga|9|rattle' 'Nebbish|1|belly' 'Neo-Otyugh|11|organ ' 'Nixie|1|webbing' 'Nymph|3|hanky' 'Ochre Jelly|6|nucleus' 'Octopus|2|beak' 'Ogre|4|talon' 'Ogre Mage|5|apparel' 'Orc|1|snout' 'Otyugh|7|organ' 'Owlbear|5|feather' 'Pegasus|4|aileron' 'Peryton|4|antler' 'Piercer|3|tip' 'Pixie|1|dust' 'Man-o-war|3|tentacle' 'Purple Worm|15|dung' 'Quasit|3|tail' 'Rakshasa|7|pajamas' 'Rat|0|tail' 'Remorhaz|11|protrusion' 'Roc|18|wing' 'Roper|11|twine' 'Rot Grub|1|eggsac' 'Rust Monster|5|shavings' 'Satyr|5|hoof' 'Sea Hag|3|wart' 'Silkie|3|fur' 'Shadow|3|silhouette' 'Shambling Mound|10|mulch' 'Shedu|9|hoof' 'Shrieker|3|stalk' 'Skeleton|1|clavicle' 'Spectre|7|vestige' 'Sphinx|10|paw' 'Spider|0|web' 'Sprite|1|can' 'Stirge|1|proboscis' 'Stun Bear|5|tooth' 'Stun Worm|2|trode' 'Su-monster|5|tail' 'Sylph|3|thigh' 'Titan|20|sandal' 'Trapper|12|shag' 'Treant|10|acorn' 'Triton|3|scale' 'Troglodyte|2|tail' 'Troll|6|hide' 'Umber Hulk|8|claw' 'Unicorn|4|blood' 'Vampire|8|pancreas' 'Wight|4|lung' 'Will-o-the-Wisp|9|wisp' 'Wraith|5|finger' 'Wyvern|7|wing' 'Xorn|7|jaw' 'Yeti|4|fur' 'Zombie|2|forehead' 'Wasp|0|stinger' 'Rat|1|tail' 'Bunny|0|ear' 'Moth|0|dust' 'Beagle|0|collar' 'Midge|0|corpse' 'Ostrich|1|beak' 'Billy Goat|1|beard' 'Bat|1|wing' 'Koala|2|heart' 'Wolf|2|paw' 'Whippet|2|collar' 'Uruk|2|boot' 'Poroid|4|node' 'Moakum|8|frenum' 'Fly|0|*' 'Hogbird|3|curl') TabOrder = 10 WordWrap = False end object MonMods: TMemo Left = 232 Top = 360 Width = 221 Height = 61 Lines.Strings = ( '-4 f'#339'tal *' '-4 dying *' '-3 crippled *' '-3 baby *' '-2 adolescent' '-2 very sick *' '-1 lesser *' '-1 undernourished *' '+1 greater *' '+1 * Elder' '+2 war *' '+2 Battle-*' '+3 Were-*' '+3 undead *' '+4 giant *' '+4 * Rex') TabOrder = 11 WordWrap = False end object OffenseBad: TMemo Left = 316 Top = 20 Width = 141 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Dull|-2' 'Tarnished|-1' 'Rusty|-3' 'Padded|-5' 'Bent|-4' 'Mini|-4' 'Rubber|-6' 'Nerf|-7' 'Unbalanced|-2') TabOrder = 12 WordWrap = False end object DefenseBad: TMemo Left = 396 Top = 244 Width = 141 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Holey|-1' 'Patched|-1' 'Threadbare|-2' 'Faded|-1' 'Rusty|-3' 'Motheaten|-3' 'Mildewed|-2' 'Torn|-3' 'Dented|-3' 'Cursed|-5' 'Plastic|-4' 'Cracked|-4' 'Warped|-3' 'Corroded|-3') TabOrder = 13 WordWrap = False end object Races: TMemo Left = 480 Top = 24 Width = 249 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Half Orc|HP Max' 'Half Man|CHA' 'Half Halfling|DEX' 'Double Hobbit|STR' 'Hob-Hobbit|DEX,CON' 'Low Elf|CON' 'Dung Elf|WIS' 'Talking Pony|MP Max,INT' 'Gyrognome|DEX' 'Lesser Dwarf|CON' 'Crested Dwarf|CHA' 'Eel Man|DEX' 'Panda Man|CON,STR' 'Trans-Kobold|WIS' 'Enchanted Motorcycle|MP Max' 'Will o'#39' the Wisp|WIS' 'Battle-Finch|DEX,INT' 'Double Wookiee|STR' 'Skraeling|WIS' 'Demicanadian|CON' 'Land Squid|STR,HP Max') TabOrder = 14 end object Klasses: TMemo Left = 480 Top = 136 Width = 249 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'Ur-Paladin|WIS,CON' 'Voodoo Princess|INT,CHA' 'Robot Monk|STR' 'Mu-Fu Monk|DEX' 'Mage Illusioner|INT,MP Max' 'Shiv-Knight|DEX' 'Inner Mason|CON' 'Fighter/Organist|CHA,STR' 'Puma Burgular|DEX' 'Runeloremaster|WIS' 'Hunter Strangler|DEX,INT' 'Battle-Felon|STR' 'Tickle-Mimic|WIS,INT' 'Slow Poisoner|CON' 'Bastard Lunatic|CON' 'Jungle Clown|DEX,CHA' 'Birdrider|WIS' 'Vermineer|INT') TabOrder = 15 end object Titles: TMemo Left = 328 Top = 136 Width = 57 Height = 81 Lines.Strings = ( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Sir' 'Sgt.' 'Ms.' 'Captain' 'Chief' 'Admiral' 'Saint') TabOrder = 16 end object ImpressiveTitles: TMemo Left = 476 Top = 442 Width = 149 Height = 89 Lines.Strings = ( 'King' 'Queen' 'Lord' 'Lady' 'Viceroy' 'Mayor' 'Prince' 'Princess' 'Chief' 'Boss' 'Archbishop') TabOrder = 17 WordWrap = False end end