/* $Id$ */ /******************************************************************** * File: symbols.c * * Symbols functions. This file has functions for symbols mgmt * (such as translating addresses to function names with * addr2line) and also connectivity matrix functions to keep * the function call trace counts. * * Author: M. Tim Jones * */ #include #include #include #include "stack.h" #include "symbols.h" func_t functions[MAX_FUNCTIONS]; unsigned int totals[MAX_FUNCTIONS]; unsigned int calls[MAX_FUNCTIONS][MAX_FUNCTIONS]; char imageName[50]; void initSymbol(char *image) { int from, to; strlcpy(imageName, image, sizeof(imageName)); for (from = 0; from < MAX_FUNCTIONS; from++) { functions[from].address = 0; functions[from].funcName[0] = 0; totals[from] = 0; for (to = 0; to < MAX_FUNCTIONS; to++) calls[from][to] = 0; } } int lookupSymbol(unsigned int address) { int index; for (index = 0; index < MAX_FUNCTIONS; index++) { if (functions[index].address == 0) break; if (functions[index].address == address) return index; } return 0; } int translateFunctionFromSymbol(unsigned int address, char *func) { FILE *p; char line[100]; int len, i; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "addr2line -e %s -f -s 0x%x", imageName, address); p = popen(line, "r"); if (p == NULL) return 0; len = fread(line, 99, 1, p); for (i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++) { if ((line[i] == 0x0d) || (line[i] == 0x0a)) { func[i] = 0; break; } else { func[i] = line[i]; } } pclose(p); return 1; } void addSymbol(unsigned int address) { int index; for (index = 0; index < MAX_FUNCTIONS; index++) { if (functions[index].address == address) return; if (functions[index].address == 0) break; } if (index < MAX_FUNCTIONS) { functions[index].address = address; translateFunctionFromSymbol(address, functions[index].funcName); } } void addCallTrace(unsigned int address) { if (stackNumElems()) calls[lookupSymbol(stackTop())][lookupSymbol(address)]++; } void emitSymbols(void) { int from, to; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("graph.dot", "w"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Couldn't open graph.dot\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(fp, "digraph %s {\n\n", imageName); /* Identify node shapes */ for (from = 0; from < MAX_FUNCTIONS; from++) { if (functions[from].address == 0) break; for (to = 0; to < MAX_FUNCTIONS; to++) { if (functions[to].address == 0) break; if (calls[from][to]) totals[from]++; } fprintf(fp, " %s [shape=%s]\n", totals[from] ? "rectangle" : "ellipse", functions[from].funcName); } /* Emit call graph */ for (from = 0; from < MAX_FUNCTIONS; from++) { if (functions[from].address == 0) break; for (to = 0; to < MAX_FUNCTIONS; to++) { if (calls[from][to]) { fprintf(fp, " %s -> %s [label=\"%d call%s\" fontsize=\"10\"]\n", functions[from].funcName, functions[to].funcName, calls[from][to], calls[from][to] > 1 ? "s" : ""); } if (functions[to].address == 0) break; } } fprintf(fp, "\n}\n"); fclose(fp); }