$Id$ TGeb parasite 1.0 About: Select the cheapest phone provider in Germany. Install: OpenBSD: make -f Makefile.bsd make -f Makefile.bsd install GNU Autoconf: ./configure make make install Usage: tgeb [-CRP9n5fo12O] [-h ] [-q ] [-u] [-?] -C Call-by-Call (default) -R Call-by-Call with registration -P Preselect -9 with 0190 (default - without) -n Nah -5 Region 50km -f Fern (default) -o Ort -1 D1 -2 D2 -e E+ -O o2 -h hour (default - now) -q output quantity (default - 3) -u update db -? usage Aknowlegments: http://www.billiger-telefonieren.de/ - databases http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.html - Unzip library