7seg.gitSimple ASCII 7 segment display8 years
Xfoil.gitXfoil8 years
aclock.gitASCII clock8 years
acme.gitAutomated Certificate Management Environment 6 years
add.gitPrimitive recursive functions 7 years
anki.gitAnki Drive SDK8 years
anoncvs.gitAnonymous CVS shell8 years
apl.gitAPL\Go 5 years
asn1.gitASN.1 Documentation 7 years
avr.gitDimOS -- real time preemptive kernel for Atmegas8 years
bf.gitBrainFuck interpreter8 years
blinkstick.gitBlinkStick6 years
blog.gitdim13 blog 9 months
blogsum.gitBlogSum fork8 years
bogom.gitSendMail Milter to interface Bogofilter8 years
boot.gitSimple bootmanager inspired by booteasy8 years
booteasy.gitExtended BootEasy8 years
bot.gitIRC Bot 4 years
bsd_lists.gitBSD sys/queue.h lists example8 years
btget.gitGo BitTorrent client6 years
calc.gitsimple calc 16 months
cgi.gitMisc CGI6 years
coherent.gitCoherent UNIX Serial Keygen 9 years
correct-horse-battery-staple.gitcorrect-horse-battery-staple6 years
db.gitBerkeley DB 1.853 years
dcpu16.gitDCPU-16 Interpreter8 years
dddup.gitDynDns updater8 years
demomonitor.gitX11 Demo Monitor15 months
dice.gitASCII Dice8 years
dso138.gitDSO138 Firmware 9 years
duck.gitduckduckgo 9 years
elegoo.gitRobot Car Kit5 years
exercism.gitexercism.io3 months
float.gitGo float helper7 years
git.gitR/O Git in pure Go
gopot.gitGo Tea Pot in Tek4 years
gowiki.gitGo Wiki Tutorial 8 months
goxy.gitGo proxy 7 years
hershey.gitHershey Vector Font 5 years
homo.git years
itermcolors.gitiTerm to Xresource color scheme convertor8 years
j1.gitJ1: a small Forth CPU Core for FPGAs5 years
larswm.gitLarsWM Config8 years
lavenshtein.gitLavenshtein Distance7 years
linkchecker.gitLink checker 8 years
livewatch.gitLivewatch server 9 years
lkm.gitOpenBSD LKMs8 years
lsort.gitLinked-link sort8 years
malbolgo.gitMalbolge interpreter in Go8 years
mars.gitMemory Array Redcode Simulator7 years
messenger.gitErlang messenger 9 years
monkey.gitMonkey programming language16 months
netmet.gitGraphical Network Monitor for OpenBSD8 years
netmet2.gitGraphical Network Monitor for OpenBSD5 years
newcert.gitGenerate a self-signed X.509 certificate 8 years
pbx.gitNCP500 Erlang Playground9 years
philo.gitDining philosophers 8 years
pinata.gitBTC Piñata 7 years
pl_calc.gitKR reverse polish calc8 years
pomodoro.gitPomodoro timer6 years
pq.gitProgress Quest7 years
pvtrace.gitC code instrumentation5 years
reboot.gitReboot hacks from DOS era8 years
redbutton.gitDream Cheeky Big Red Button 6 years
rfc.gitRFC Parser 9 years
robo.gitGraphtec Craft ROBO CC100 7 years
roman.gitRoman numerals10 months
rsa.gitDumb RSA Factorizer8 years
rss.gitRSS Fetcher 5 years
setnumlock.gitX11 Set Num-Lock8 years
signify.gitOpenBSD signify in Go7 years
snow.gitSimple ncurses/queue screen hack10 months
sp12.gitSP12 LPT AVR Programmer5 years
spectrogram.gitVisualisation hack for aucat8 years
stack.gitsimple stack 8 years
stern.gitOld 3D hack8 years
strlen.gitstring length 8 years
tekclock.gitTektronix clock8 years
tekilda.gitTektronix ILDA8 years
tekpot.gitTektronix Utah teapot8 years
telejet.gitTELEJET Web Resetter8 years
tgeb.gitTGeb Parasite8 years
theo.gitTheo quotes 6 years
turing.gitTuring Machine interpreter8 years
urban.gitUrbandictionary API 7 years
vt100.gitVT100 Formating 10 years
watch.gitExecute program periodically, showing output fullscreen5 years
weasel.gitMethinks it is like a weasel8 years
weather.gitopenweathermap API 9 years
wol.gitWake on LAN8 years
writeroom.gitGTK Write Room8 years
x.gitExperimental5 years
xbittorrent.gitX11 BitTorrent client8 years