path: root/index.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'index.cgi')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/index.cgi b/index.cgi
index d23a588..c79f761 100755
--- a/index.cgi
+++ b/index.cgi
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-# Blogsum
+# Blogsum NG
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Dimitri Sokolyuk <>
# Copyright (c) 2010 DixonGroup Consulting
# All rights reserved.
@@ -61,18 +62,32 @@ $page_not_found_error ||= '404 page not found';
# main execution #
-my %dispatch = (
- 'article' => \&output_article,
- 'sitemap' => \&output_sitemap,
- 'rss' => \&output_rss,
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$database", '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) || die $DBI::errstr;
my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => "themes/${blog_theme}/index.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0);
-my $view = $cgi->param('view');
-$view = 'article' unless exists $dispatch{$view};
+my $path = $cgi->path_info();
+my $output = \&output_article;
+my @args;
+if ( $path =~ /^\/(\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/([^\/]+)$/ ) {
+ @args = ( year => $1, month => $2, uri => $3 );
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/(\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/?$/ ) {
+ @args = ( year => $1, month => $2 );
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/(\d{4})\/?$/ ) {
+ @args = ( year => $1 );
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/Page\/(\d+)$/ ) {
+ @args = ( page => $1 );
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/Tags\/(\w+)$/ ) {
+ @args = ( tag => $1 );
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/rss\.xml$/ ) {
+ $output = \&output_rss;
+} elsif ( $path =~ m/^\/sitemap\.xml$/ ) {
+ $output = \&output_sitemap;
+$output->( @args );
@@ -80,12 +95,14 @@ $dbh->disconnect;
sub output_article {
- read_comment() if $comments_allowed;
- my $articles = get_articles();
- my $archives = get_archives();
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $articles = get_articles( %args );
+ my $archives = get_archives( %args );
my $tagcloud = get_tag_cloud();
my @status = ();
+ read_comment() if $comments_allowed;
$template->param( script_name => $cgi->script_name() );
$template->param( archives => $archives );
$template->param( tagcloud => $tagcloud );
@@ -98,7 +115,7 @@ sub output_article {
$template->param( google_webmaster_id => $google_webmaster_id );
if (@{$articles}) {
$template->param( articles => $articles );
- if ($cgi->param('uri') && $comments_allowed) {
+ if ($comments_allowed && $args{'uri'}) {
$template->param( comment_form => 1 );
$template->param( comment_max_length => $comment_max_length );
$template->param( id => $articles->[0]->{'id'} );
@@ -123,7 +140,7 @@ sub output_rss {
language => 'en',
- my $articles = get_articles();
+ my $articles = get_articles( more => 1 );
for my $item (@{$articles}) {
my $link = $blog_url . $item->{'year'} . '/' . $item->{'month'} . '/' . $item->{'uri'};
$rss->add_item (
@@ -148,8 +165,7 @@ sub output_sitemap {
priority => 1.0,
- $articles_per_page = -1;
- my $articles = get_articles();
+ my $articles = get_articles( nolimit => 1 );
for my $item (@{$articles}) {
my $link = $blog_url . $item->{'year'} . '/' . $item->{'month'} . '/' . $item->{'uri'};
$map->add (
@@ -171,36 +187,34 @@ sub output_sitemap {
sub get_articles {
+ my %args = @_;
my $page = 1;
my $offset = 0;
my $limit_clause;
my $where_clause;
- my $j = 0;
+ my $full_text = 0;
my $show_comments = 0;
- $articles_per_page = ($articles_per_page > 0) ? $articles_per_page : -1;
- if ($cgi->param('page') && POSIX::isdigit($cgi->param('page'))) {
- $page = $cgi->param('page');
+ $articles_per_page = -1 if $args{'nolimit'};
+ if ($args{'page'}) {
+ $page = $args{'page'};
$offset = ($page - 1) * $articles_per_page;
- if (($cgi->param('year') =~ /\d{4}/)&& (1900 < $cgi->param('year')) && ($cgi->param('year') < 2036)) {
- $where_clause .= 'WHERE date LIKE \'%' . $cgi->param('year');
- $j++;
- if (($cgi->param('month') =~ /\d{2}/) && (0 < $cgi->param('month')) && ($cgi->param('month') <= 12)) {
- $where_clause .= '-' . $cgi->param('month') . '%\' AND enabled=1 ';
- $j++;
- if ($cgi->param('uri') =~ /\w+/) {
+ if ($args{'year'} && 1900 < $args{'year'} && $args{'year'} < 2036) {
+ $where_clause .= 'WHERE date LIKE \'%' . $args{'year'};
+ if ($args{'month'} && 0 < $args{'month'} && $args{'month'} <= 12) {
+ $where_clause .= '-' . $args{'month'} . '%\' AND enabled=1 ';
+ if ($args{'uri'}) {
$where_clause .= 'AND uri=? AND enabled=1 ';
- $j++;
} else {
$where_clause .= "\%' AND enabled=1 ";
- } elsif ($cgi->param('tag')) {
+ } elsif ($args{'tag'}) {
$where_clause .= "WHERE (tags LIKE ? OR author LIKE ?) AND enabled=1 ";
- $j++;
} elsif ($cgi->param('id')) {
$where_clause .= 'WHERE id=? AND enabled=1 ';
@@ -209,15 +223,24 @@ sub get_articles {
} else {
$where_clause .= 'WHERE enabled=1 ';
$limit_clause = " LIMIT $articles_per_page OFFSET $offset";
+ # XXX
+ my $query2 = 'SELECT count(*) as total FROM articles WHERE enabled=1';
+ my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2);
+ $sth2->execute || die $dbh->errstr;
+ my $article_count = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref->{'total'};
+ $template->param( page_prev => ($page - 1) ) if $article_count > ($offset - $articles_per_page);
+ $template->param( page_next => ($page + 1) ) if $article_count > ($offset + $articles_per_page);
my $query = 'SELECT *, strftime("%s", date) AS epoch FROM articles ' . $where_clause . 'ORDER BY date DESC' . $limit_clause;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- if ($j == 3) {
- $sth->execute($cgi->param('uri')) || die $dbh->errstr;
- } elsif ($cgi->param('tag')) {
- my $search_tag = '%' . $cgi->param('tag') . '%';
+ if ($args{'uri'}) {
+ $sth->execute($args{'uri'}) || die $dbh->errstr;
+ } elsif ($args{'tag'}) {
+ my $search_tag = '%' . $args{'tag'} . '%';
$sth->execute($search_tag, $search_tag) || die $dbh->errstr;
} elsif ($cgi->param('id')) {
$sth->execute($cgi->param('id')) || die $dbh->errstr;
@@ -230,7 +253,7 @@ sub get_articles {
$result->{'date'} =~ /(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-\d{2} \d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}/;
($result->{'year'}, $result->{'month'}) = ($1, $2);
# cut off readmore if we're on the front page
- if (($result->{'body'} =~ /<!--readmore-->/) && ($j < 3) && ($cgi->param('view') ne 'rss')) {
+ if ($result->{'body'} =~ /<!--readmore-->/ && !($args{'uri'} || $args{'more'})) {
$result->{'body'} =~ /(.*)\<\!\-\-readmore\-\-\>/s;
$result->{'body'} = $1;
@@ -244,22 +267,16 @@ sub get_articles {
push(@articles, $result);
- my $query2 = 'SELECT count(*) as total FROM articles WHERE enabled=1';
- my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2);
- $sth2->execute || die $dbh->errstr;
- my $article_count = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref->{'total'};
- $template->param( page_prev => ($page - 1) ) if (($j == 0) && ($article_count > ($offset - $articles_per_page)));
- $template->param( page_next => ($page + 1) ) if (($j == 0) && ($article_count > ($offset + $articles_per_page)));
return (\@articles);
sub get_archives {
+ my %args = @_;
my %history;
my @archives;
my @archives_compressed;
- my $current_year = $cgi->param('year') || ((localtime)[5] + 1900);
- my $current_month = $cgi->param('month') || ((localtime)[4] + 1);
+ my $current_year = $args{'year'} || ((localtime)[5] + 1900);
+ my $current_month = $args{'month'} || ((localtime)[4] + 1);
my %months = (
'01' => 'January',
'02' => 'February',
@@ -343,12 +360,15 @@ sub format_tags {
sub read_comment {
- if ($cgi->param('recaptcha_challenge_field') && $cgi->param('recaptcha_response_field') && $cgi->param('comment') && $cgi->param('id')) {
+ if ($cgi->param('recaptcha_challenge_field') &&
+ $cgi->param('recaptcha_response_field') &&
+ $cgi->param('comment') &&
+ $cgi->param('id')) {
# test our captcha
my $result = verify_captcha(
privatekey => $captcha_seckey,
- remoteip => $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'},
+ remoteip => $cgi->remote_addr(),
challenge => $cgi->param('recaptcha_challenge_field'),
response => $cgi->param('recaptcha_response_field')
@@ -361,7 +381,7 @@ sub read_comment {
my $comment_email = $cgi->param('email') ? substr($cgi->param('email'), 0, 100) : undef;
my $comment_url = $cgi->param('url') ? substr($cgi->param('url'), 0, 100) : undef;
my $comment_body = substr(HTML::Entities::encode($cgi->param('comment'), "<>&"), 0, $comment_max_length);
- my $remoteip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
+ my $remoteip = $cgi->remote_addr();
$sth->execute($cgi->param('id'), $comment_name, $comment_email, $comment_url, $comment_body) || die $dbh->errstr;
$template->param( message => 'comment awaiting moderation, thank you' );
@@ -369,8 +389,8 @@ sub read_comment {
# send email notification
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server);
my $date = POSIX::strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)", localtime);
- $smtp->mail($ENV{USER});
- $smtp->to("$blog_owner\n");
+ $smtp->mail($blog_owner);
+ $smtp->to($blog_owner);
$smtp->datasend("From: $smtp_sender\n");
$smtp->datasend("To: $blog_owner\n");
@@ -404,8 +424,8 @@ sub read_comment {
- # present the challenge
- $template->param( captcha_api_server => $captcha_api_server, captcha_pubkey => $captcha_pubkey );
+ $template->param( captcha_api_server => $captcha_api_server );
+ $template->param( captcha_pubkey => $captcha_pubkey );
sub verify_captcha {