path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <>2018-07-24 14:35:44 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <>2018-07-24 14:35:44 +0200
commit621e49bb465f500cc46d47e39e828cf76d6381d7 (patch)
treee9d6ed54cfae73209f2b0d9a016ef0b64adf45a6 /vendor/
parent5b9a4a158b81aa6e94a5a56d0851bea938b87bef (diff)
update vendor
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
5 files changed, 1122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ad914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package pipeline
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/ast"
+ "go/constant"
+ "go/format"
+ "go/token"
+ "go/types"
+ "path"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ fmtparser ""
+ ""
+// TODO:
+// - merge information into existing files
+// - handle different file formats (PO, XLIFF)
+// - handle features (gender, plural)
+// - message rewriting
+// Extract extracts all strings form the package defined in Config.
+func Extract(c *Config) (*Locale, error) {
+ conf := loader.Config{}
+ prog, err := loadPackages(&conf, c.Packages)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, wrap(err, "")
+ }
+ // print returns Go syntax for the specified node.
+ print := func(n ast.Node) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ format.Node(&buf, conf.Fset, n)
+ return buf.String()
+ }
+ var messages []Message
+ for _, info := range prog.AllPackages {
+ for _, f := range info.Files {
+ // Associate comments with nodes.
+ cmap := ast.NewCommentMap(prog.Fset, f, f.Comments)
+ getComment := func(n ast.Node) string {
+ cs := cmap.Filter(n).Comments()
+ if len(cs) > 0 {
+ return strings.TrimSpace(cs[0].Text())
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ // Find function calls.
+ ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
+ call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
+ if !ok {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Skip calls of functions other than
+ // (*message.Printer).{Sp,Fp,P}rintf.
+ sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
+ if !ok {
+ return true
+ }
+ meth := info.Selections[sel]
+ if meth == nil || meth.Kind() != types.MethodVal {
+ return true
+ }
+ // TODO: remove cheap hack and check if the type either
+ // implements some interface or is specifically of type
+ // "".Printer.
+ m, ok := extractFuncs[path.Base(meth.Recv().String())]
+ if !ok {
+ return true
+ }
+ fmtType, ok := m[meth.Obj().Name()]
+ if !ok {
+ return true
+ }
+ // argn is the index of the format string.
+ argn := fmtType.arg
+ if argn >= len(call.Args) {
+ return true
+ }
+ args := call.Args[fmtType.arg:]
+ fmtMsg, ok := msgStr(info, args[0])
+ if !ok {
+ // TODO: identify the type of the format argument. If it
+ // is not a string, multiple keys may be defined.
+ return true
+ }
+ comment := ""
+ key := []string{}
+ if ident, ok := args[0].(*ast.Ident); ok {
+ key = append(key, ident.Name)
+ if v, ok := ident.Obj.Decl.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok && v.Comment != nil {
+ // TODO: get comment above ValueSpec as well
+ comment = v.Comment.Text()
+ }
+ }
+ arguments := []argument{}
+ args = args[1:]
+ simArgs := make([]interface{}, len(args))
+ for i, arg := range args {
+ expr := print(arg)
+ val := ""
+ if v := info.Types[arg].Value; v != nil {
+ val = v.ExactString()
+ simArgs[i] = val
+ switch arg.(type) {
+ case *ast.BinaryExpr, *ast.UnaryExpr:
+ expr = val
+ }
+ }
+ arguments = append(arguments, argument{
+ ArgNum: i + 1,
+ Type: info.Types[arg].Type.String(),
+ UnderlyingType: info.Types[arg].Type.Underlying().String(),
+ Expr: expr,
+ Value: val,
+ Comment: getComment(arg),
+ Position: posString(conf, info, arg.Pos()),
+ // TODO report whether it implements
+ // interfaces plural.Interface,
+ // gender.Interface.
+ })
+ }
+ msg := ""
+ ph := placeholders{index: map[string]string{}}
+ p := fmtparser.Parser{}
+ p.Reset(simArgs)
+ for p.SetFormat(fmtMsg); p.Scan(); {
+ switch p.Status {
+ case fmtparser.StatusText:
+ msg += p.Text()
+ case fmtparser.StatusSubstitution,
+ fmtparser.StatusBadWidthSubstitution,
+ fmtparser.StatusBadPrecSubstitution:
+ arguments[p.ArgNum-1].used = true
+ arg := arguments[p.ArgNum-1]
+ sub := p.Text()
+ if !p.HasIndex {
+ r, sz := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(sub)
+ sub = fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]%c", sub[:len(sub)-sz], p.ArgNum, r)
+ }
+ msg += fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", ph.addArg(&arg, sub))
+ }
+ }
+ key = append(key, msg)
+ // Add additional Placeholders that can be used in translations
+ // that are not present in the string.
+ for _, arg := range arguments {
+ if arg.used {
+ continue
+ }
+ ph.addArg(&arg, fmt.Sprintf("%%[%d]v", arg.ArgNum))
+ }
+ if c := getComment(call.Args[0]); c != "" {
+ comment = c
+ }
+ messages = append(messages, Message{
+ ID: key,
+ Key: fmtMsg,
+ Message: Text{Msg: msg},
+ // TODO(fix): this doesn't get the before comment.
+ Comment: comment,
+ Placeholders: ph.slice,
+ Position: posString(conf, info, call.Lparen),
+ })
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ out := &Locale{
+ Language: c.SourceLanguage,
+ Messages: messages,
+ }
+ return out, nil
+func posString(conf loader.Config, info *loader.PackageInfo, pos token.Pos) string {
+ p := conf.Fset.Position(pos)
+ file := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", filepath.Base(p.Filename), p.Line, p.Column)
+ return filepath.Join(info.Pkg.Path(), file)
+// extractFuncs indicates the types and methods for which to extract strings,
+// and which argument to extract.
+// TODO: use the types in conf.Import("") to extract
+// the correct instances.
+var extractFuncs = map[string]map[string]extractType{
+ // TODO: Printer -> *
+ "message.Printer": {
+ "Printf": extractType{arg: 0, format: true},
+ "Sprintf": extractType{arg: 0, format: true},
+ "Fprintf": extractType{arg: 1, format: true},
+ "Lookup": extractType{arg: 0},
+ },
+type extractType struct {
+ // format indicates if the next arg is a formatted string or whether to
+ // concatenate all arguments
+ format bool
+ // arg indicates the position of the argument to extract.
+ arg int
+func getID(arg *argument) string {
+ s := getLastComponent(arg.Expr)
+ s = strip(s)
+ s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "", -1)
+ // For small variable names, use user-defined types for more info.
+ if len(s) <= 2 && arg.UnderlyingType != arg.Type {
+ s = getLastComponent(arg.Type)
+ }
+ return strings.Title(s)
+// strip is a dirty hack to convert function calls to placeholder IDs.
+func strip(s string) string {
+ s = strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
+ if unicode.IsSpace(r) || r == '-' {
+ return '_'
+ }
+ if !unicode.In(r, unicode.Letter, unicode.Mark) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return r
+ }, s)
+ // Strip "Get" from getter functions.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, "Get") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "get") {
+ if len(s) > len("get") {
+ r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+ if !unicode.In(r, unicode.Ll, unicode.M) { // not lower or mark
+ s = s[len("get"):]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s
+type placeholders struct {
+ index map[string]string
+ slice []Placeholder
+func (p *placeholders) addArg(arg *argument, sub string) (id string) {
+ id = getID(arg)
+ id1 := id
+ alt, ok := p.index[id1]
+ for i := 1; ok && alt != sub; i++ {
+ id1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", id, i)
+ alt, ok = p.index[id1]
+ }
+ p.index[id1] = sub
+ p.slice = append(p.slice, Placeholder{
+ ID: id1,
+ String: sub,
+ Type: arg.Type,
+ UnderlyingType: arg.UnderlyingType,
+ ArgNum: arg.ArgNum,
+ Expr: arg.Expr,
+ Comment: arg.Comment,
+ })
+ return id1
+func getLastComponent(s string) string {
+ return s[1+strings.LastIndexByte(s, '.'):]
+func msgStr(info *loader.PackageInfo, e ast.Expr) (s string, ok bool) {
+ v := info.Types[e].Value
+ if v == nil || v.Kind() != constant.String {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ s = constant.StringVal(v)
+ // Only record strings with letters.
+ for _, r := range s {
+ if unicode.In(r, unicode.L) {
+ return s, true
+ }
+ }
+ return "", false
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e51bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package pipeline
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+var transRe = regexp.MustCompile(`messages\.(.*)\.json`)
+// Generate writes a Go file with the given package name to w, which defines a
+// Catalog with translated messages.
+func Generate(w io.Writer, pkg string, extracted *Locale, trans ...*Locale) (n int, err error) {
+ // TODO: add in external input. Right now we assume that all files are
+ // manually created and stored in the textdata directory.
+ // Build up index of translations and original messages.
+ translations := map[language.Tag]map[string]Message{}
+ languages := []language.Tag{}
+ langVars := []string{}
+ usedKeys := map[string]int{}
+ for _, loc := range trans {
+ tag := loc.Language
+ if _, ok := translations[tag]; !ok {
+ translations[tag] = map[string]Message{}
+ languages = append(languages, tag)
+ }
+ for _, m := range loc.Messages {
+ if !m.Translation.IsEmpty() {
+ for _, id := range m.ID {
+ if _, ok := translations[tag][id]; ok {
+ logf("Duplicate translation in locale %q for message %q", tag, id)
+ }
+ translations[tag][id] = m
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify completeness and register keys.
+ internal.SortTags(languages)
+ for _, tag := range languages {
+ langVars = append(langVars, strings.Replace(tag.String(), "-", "_", -1))
+ dict := translations[tag]
+ for _, msg := range extracted.Messages {
+ for _, id := range msg.ID {
+ if trans, ok := dict[id]; ok && !trans.Translation.IsEmpty() {
+ if _, ok := usedKeys[msg.Key]; !ok {
+ usedKeys[msg.Key] = len(usedKeys)
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // TODO: log missing entry.
+ logf("%s: Missing entry for %q.", tag, id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cw := gen.NewCodeWriter()
+ x := &struct {
+ Fallback language.Tag
+ Languages []string
+ }{
+ Fallback: extracted.Language,
+ Languages: langVars,
+ }
+ if err := lookup.Execute(cw, x); err != nil {
+ return 0, wrap(err, "error")
+ }
+ keyToIndex := []string{}
+ for k := range usedKeys {
+ keyToIndex = append(keyToIndex, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keyToIndex)
+ fmt.Fprint(cw, "var messageKeyToIndex = map[string]int{\n")
+ for _, k := range keyToIndex {
+ fmt.Fprintf(cw, "%q: %d,\n", k, usedKeys[k])
+ }
+ fmt.Fprint(cw, "}\n\n")
+ for i, tag := range languages {
+ dict := translations[tag]
+ a := make([]string, len(usedKeys))
+ for _, msg := range extracted.Messages {
+ for _, id := range msg.ID {
+ if trans, ok := dict[id]; ok && !trans.Translation.IsEmpty() {
+ m, err := assemble(&msg, &trans.Translation)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, wrap(err, "error")
+ }
+ // TODO: support macros.
+ data, err := catmsg.Compile(tag, nil, m)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, wrap(err, "error")
+ }
+ key := usedKeys[msg.Key]
+ if d := a[key]; d != "" && d != data {
+ logf("Duplicate non-consistent translation for key %q, picking the one for message %q", msg.Key, id)
+ }
+ a[key] = string(data)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ index := []uint32{0}
+ p := 0
+ for _, s := range a {
+ p += len(s)
+ index = append(index, uint32(p))
+ }
+ cw.WriteVar(langVars[i]+"Index", index)
+ cw.WriteConst(langVars[i]+"Data", strings.Join(a, ""))
+ }
+ return cw.WriteGo(w, pkg, "")
+func assemble(m *Message, t *Text) (msg catmsg.Message, err error) {
+ keys := []string{}
+ for k := range t.Var {
+ keys = append(keys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keys)
+ var a []catmsg.Message
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ t := t.Var[k]
+ m, err := assemble(m, &t)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ a = append(a, &catmsg.Var{Name: k, Message: m})
+ }
+ if t.Select != nil {
+ s, err := assembleSelect(m, t.Select)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ a = append(a, s)
+ }
+ if t.Msg != "" {
+ sub, err := m.Substitute(t.Msg)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ a = append(a, catmsg.String(sub))
+ }
+ switch len(a) {
+ case 0:
+ return nil, errorf("generate: empty message")
+ case 1:
+ return a[0], nil
+ default:
+ return catmsg.FirstOf(a), nil
+ }
+func assembleSelect(m *Message, s *Select) (msg catmsg.Message, err error) {
+ cases := []string{}
+ for c := range s.Cases {
+ cases = append(cases, c)
+ }
+ sortCases(cases)
+ caseMsg := []interface{}{}
+ for _, c := range cases {
+ cm := s.Cases[c]
+ m, err := assemble(m, &cm)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ caseMsg = append(caseMsg, c, m)
+ }
+ ph := m.Placeholder(s.Arg)
+ switch s.Feature {
+ case "plural":
+ // TODO: only printf-style selects are supported as of yet.
+ return plural.Selectf(ph.ArgNum, ph.String, caseMsg...), nil
+ }
+ return nil, errorf("unknown feature type %q", s.Feature)
+func sortCases(cases []string) {
+ // TODO: implement full interface.
+ sort.Slice(cases, func(i, j int) bool {
+ if cases[j] == "other" && cases[i] != "other" {
+ return true
+ }
+ // the following code relies on '<' < '=' < any letter.
+ return cmpNumeric(cases[i], cases[j]) == -1
+ })
+var cmpNumeric = collate.New(language.Und, collate.Numeric).CompareString
+var lookup = template.Must(template.New("gen").Parse(`
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+type dictionary struct {
+ index []uint32
+ data string
+func (d *dictionary) Lookup(key string) (data string, ok bool) {
+ p := messageKeyToIndex[key]
+ start, end := d.index[p], d.index[p+1]
+ if start == end {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ return[start:end], true
+func init() {
+ dict := map[string]catalog.Dictionary{
+ {{range .Languages}}"{{.}}": &dictionary{index: {{.}}Index, data: {{.}}Data },
+ {{end}}
+ }
+ fallback := language.MustParse("{{.Fallback}}")
+ cat, err := catalog.NewFromMap(dict, catalog.Fallback(fallback))
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ message.DefaultCatalog = cat
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e54700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package pipeline
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+// TODO: these definitions should be moved to a package so that the can be used
+// by other tools.
+// The file contains the structures used to define translations of a certain
+// messages.
+// A translation may have multiple translations strings, or messages, depending
+// on the feature values of the various arguments. For instance, consider
+// a hypothetical translation from English to English, where the source defines
+// the format string "%d file(s) remaining".
+// See the examples directory for examples of extracted messages.
+// Config contains configuration for the translation pipeline.
+type Config struct {
+ SourceLanguage language.Tag
+ // Supported indicates the languages for which data should be generated.
+ // If unspecified, it will attempt to derive the set of supported languages
+ // from the context.
+ Supported []language.Tag
+ Packages []string
+ // TODO:
+ // - Printf-style configuration
+ // - Template-style configuration
+ // - Extraction options
+ // - Rewrite options
+ // - Generation options
+// A Locale is used to store all information for a single locale. This type is
+// used both for extraction and injection.
+type Locale struct {
+ Language language.Tag `json:"language"`
+ Messages []Message `json:"messages"`
+ Macros map[string]Text `json:"macros,omitempty"`
+// A Message describes a message to be translated.
+type Message struct {
+ // ID contains a list of identifiers for the message.
+ ID IDList `json:"id"`
+ // Key is the string that is used to look up the message at runtime.
+ Key string `json:"key"`
+ Meaning string `json:"meaning,omitempty"`
+ Message Text `json:"message"`
+ Translation Text `json:"translation"`
+ Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
+ TranslatorComment string `json:"translatorComment,omitempty"`
+ Placeholders []Placeholder `json:"placeholders,omitempty"`
+ // TODO: default placeholder syntax is {foo}. Allow alternative escaping
+ // like `foo`.
+ // Extraction information.
+ Position string `json:"position,omitempty"` // filePosition:line
+// Placeholder reports the placeholder for the given ID if it is defined or nil
+// otherwise.
+func (m *Message) Placeholder(id string) *Placeholder {
+ for _, p := range m.Placeholders {
+ if p.ID == id {
+ return &p
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Substitute replaces placeholders in msg with their original value.
+func (m *Message) Substitute(msg string) (sub string, err error) {
+ last := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(msg); {
+ pLeft := strings.IndexByte(msg[i:], '{')
+ if pLeft == -1 {
+ break
+ }
+ pLeft += i
+ pRight := strings.IndexByte(msg[pLeft:], '}')
+ if pRight == -1 {
+ return "", errorf("unmatched '}'")
+ }
+ pRight += pLeft
+ id := strings.TrimSpace(msg[pLeft+1 : pRight])
+ i = pRight + 1
+ if id != "" && id[0] == '$' {
+ continue
+ }
+ sub += msg[last:pLeft]
+ last = i
+ ph := m.Placeholder(id)
+ if ph == nil {
+ return "", errorf("unknown placeholder %q in message %q", id, msg)
+ }
+ sub += ph.String
+ }
+ sub += msg[last:]
+ return sub, err
+// A Placeholder is a part of the message that should not be changed by a
+// translator. It can be used to hide or prettify format strings (e.g. %d or
+// {{.Count}}), hide HTML, or mark common names that should not be translated.
+type Placeholder struct {
+ // ID is the placeholder identifier without the curly braces.
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // String is the string with which to replace the placeholder. This may be a
+ // formatting string (for instance "%d" or "{{.Count}}") or a literal string
+ // (<div>).
+ String string `json:"string"`
+ Type string `json:"type"`
+ UnderlyingType string `json:"underlyingType"`
+ // ArgNum and Expr are set if the placeholder is a substitution of an
+ // argument.
+ ArgNum int `json:"argNum,omitempty"`
+ Expr string `json:"expr,omitempty"`
+ Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
+ Example string `json:"example,omitempty"`
+ // Features contains the features that are available for the implementation
+ // of this argument.
+ Features []Feature `json:"features,omitempty"`
+// An argument contains information about the arguments passed to a message.
+type argument struct {
+ // ArgNum corresponds to the number that should be used for explicit argument indexes (e.g.
+ // "%[1]d").
+ ArgNum int `json:"argNum,omitempty"`
+ used bool // Used by Placeholder
+ Type string `json:"type"`
+ UnderlyingType string `json:"underlyingType"`
+ Expr string `json:"expr"`
+ Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
+ Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
+ Position string `json:"position,omitempty"`
+// Feature holds information about a feature that can be implemented by
+// an Argument.
+type Feature struct {
+ Type string `json:"type"` // Right now this is only gender and plural.
+ // TODO: possible values and examples for the language under consideration.
+// Text defines a message to be displayed.
+type Text struct {
+ // Msg and Select contains the message to be displayed. Msg may be used as
+ // a fallback value if none of the select cases match.
+ Msg string `json:"msg,omitempty"`
+ Select *Select `json:"select,omitempty"`
+ // Var defines a map of variables that may be substituted in the selected
+ // message.
+ Var map[string]Text `json:"var,omitempty"`
+ // Example contains an example message formatted with default values.
+ Example string `json:"example,omitempty"`
+// IsEmpty reports whether this Text can generate anything.
+func (t *Text) IsEmpty() bool {
+ return t.Msg == "" && t.Select == nil && t.Var == nil
+// rawText erases the UnmarshalJSON method.
+type rawText Text
+// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
+func (t *Text) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+ if b[0] == '"' {
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, &t.Msg)
+ }
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, (*rawText)(t))
+// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
+func (t *Text) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ if t.Select == nil && t.Var == nil && t.Example == "" {
+ return json.Marshal(t.Msg)
+ }
+ return json.Marshal((*rawText)(t))
+// IDList is a set identifiers that each may refer to possibly different
+// versions of the same message. When looking up a messages, the first
+// identifier in the list takes precedence.
+type IDList []string
+// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
+func (id *IDList) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+ if b[0] == '"' {
+ *id = []string{""}
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, &((*id)[0]))
+ }
+ return json.Unmarshal(b, (*[]string)(id))
+// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
+func (id *IDList) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ if len(*id) == 1 {
+ return json.Marshal((*id)[0])
+ }
+ return json.Marshal((*[]string)(id))
+// Select selects a Text based on the feature value associated with a feature of
+// a certain argument.
+type Select struct {
+ Feature string `json:"feature"` // Name of Feature type (e.g plural)
+ Arg string `json:"arg"` // The placeholder ID
+ Cases map[string]Text `json:"cases"`
+// TODO: order matters, but can we derive the ordering from the case keys?
+// type Case struct {
+// Key string `json:"key"`
+// Value Text `json:"value"`
+// }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733a50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package pipeline provides tools for creating translation pipelines.
+package pipeline
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "go/build"
+ "go/parser"
+ "log"
+ ""
+const (
+ extractFile = "extracted.gotext.json"
+ outFile = "out.gotext.json"
+ gotextSuffix = ".gotext.json"
+// NOTE: The command line tool already prefixes with "gotext:".
+var (
+ wrap = func(err error, msg string) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ wrapf = func(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error {
+ return wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
+ }
+ errorf = fmt.Errorf
+// TODO: don't log.
+func logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ log.Printf(format, args...)
+func loadPackages(conf *loader.Config, args []string) (*loader.Program, error) {
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ args = []string{"."}
+ }
+ conf.Build = &build.Default
+ conf.ParserMode = parser.ParseComments
+ // Use the initial packages from the command line.
+ args, err := conf.FromArgs(args, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, wrap(err, "loading packages failed")
+ }
+ // Load, parse and type-check the whole program.
+ return conf.Load()
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa78324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package pipeline
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/ast"
+ "go/constant"
+ "go/format"
+ "go/token"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+const printerType = ""
+// Rewrite rewrites the Go files in a single package to use the localization
+// machinery and rewrites strings to adopt best practices when possible.
+// If w is not nil the generated files are written to it, each files with a
+// "--- <filename>" header. Otherwise the files are overwritten.
+func Rewrite(w io.Writer, goPackage string) error {
+ conf := &loader.Config{
+ AllowErrors: true, // Allow unused instances of message.Printer.
+ }
+ prog, err := loadPackages(conf, []string{goPackage})
+ if err != nil {
+ return wrap(err, "")
+ }
+ for _, info := range prog.InitialPackages() {
+ for _, f := range info.Files {
+ // Associate comments with nodes.
+ // Pick up initialized Printers at the package level.
+ r := rewriter{info: info, conf: conf}
+ for _, n := range info.InitOrder {
+ if t :=[n.Rhs].Type.String(); strings.HasSuffix(t, printerType) {
+ r.printerVar = n.Lhs[0].Name()
+ }
+ }
+ ast.Walk(&r, f)
+ w := w
+ if w == nil {
+ var err error
+ if w, err = os.Create(conf.Fset.File(f.Pos()).Name()); err != nil {
+ return wrap(err, "open failed")
+ }
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "---", conf.Fset.File(f.Pos()).Name())
+ }
+ if err := format.Node(w, conf.Fset, f); err != nil {
+ return wrap(err, "go format failed")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+type rewriter struct {
+ info *loader.PackageInfo
+ conf *loader.Config
+ printerVar string
+// print returns Go syntax for the specified node.
+func (r *rewriter) print(n ast.Node) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ format.Node(&buf, r.conf.Fset, n)
+ return buf.String()
+func (r *rewriter) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
+ // Save the state by scope.
+ if _, ok := n.(*ast.BlockStmt); ok {
+ r := *r
+ return &r
+ }
+ // Find Printers created by assignment.
+ stmt, ok := n.(*ast.AssignStmt)
+ if ok {
+ for _, v := range stmt.Lhs {
+ if r.printerVar == r.print(v) {
+ r.printerVar = ""
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range stmt.Rhs {
+ if t :=[v].Type.String(); strings.HasSuffix(t, printerType) {
+ r.printerVar = r.print(stmt.Lhs[i])
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find Printers created by variable declaration.
+ spec, ok := n.(*ast.ValueSpec)
+ if ok {
+ for _, v := range spec.Names {
+ if r.printerVar == r.print(v) {
+ r.printerVar = ""
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range spec.Values {
+ if t :=[v].Type.String(); strings.HasSuffix(t, printerType) {
+ r.printerVar = r.print(spec.Names[i])
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if r.printerVar == "" {
+ return r
+ }
+ call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr)
+ if !ok {
+ return r
+ }
+ // TODO: Handle literal values?
+ sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
+ if !ok {
+ return r
+ }
+ meth :=[sel]
+ source := r.print(sel.X)
+ fun := r.print(sel.Sel)
+ if meth != nil {
+ source = meth.Recv().String()
+ fun = meth.Obj().Name()
+ }
+ // TODO: remove cheap hack and check if the type either
+ // implements some interface or is specifically of type
+ // "".Printer.
+ m, ok := rewriteFuncs[source]
+ if !ok {
+ return r
+ }
+ rewriteType, ok := m[fun]
+ if !ok {
+ return r
+ }
+ ident := ast.NewIdent(r.printerVar)
+ ident.NamePos = sel.X.Pos()
+ sel.X = ident
+ if rewriteType.method != "" {
+ sel.Sel.Name = rewriteType.method
+ }
+ // Analyze arguments.
+ argn := rewriteType.arg
+ if rewriteType.format || argn >= len(call.Args) {
+ return r
+ }
+ hasConst := false
+ for _, a := range call.Args[argn:] {
+ if v :=[a].Value; v != nil && v.Kind() == constant.String {
+ hasConst = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !hasConst {
+ return r
+ }
+ sel.Sel.Name = rewriteType.methodf
+ // We are done if there is only a single string that does not need to be
+ // escaped.
+ if len(call.Args) == 1 {
+ s, ok := constStr(, call.Args[0])
+ if ok && !strings.Contains(s, "%") && !rewriteType.newLine {
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ // Rewrite arguments as format string.
+ expr := &ast.BasicLit{
+ ValuePos: call.Lparen,
+ Kind: token.STRING,
+ }
+ newArgs := append(call.Args[:argn:argn], expr)
+ newStr := []string{}
+ for i, a := range call.Args[argn:] {
+ if s, ok := constStr(, a); ok {
+ newStr = append(newStr, strings.Replace(s, "%", "%%", -1))
+ } else {
+ newStr = append(newStr, "%v")
+ newArgs = append(newArgs, call.Args[argn+i])
+ }
+ }
+ s := strings.Join(newStr, rewriteType.sep)
+ if rewriteType.newLine {
+ s += "\n"
+ }
+ expr.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%q", s)
+ call.Args = newArgs
+ // TODO: consider creating an expression instead of a constant string and
+ // then wrapping it in an escape function or so:
+ // call.Args[argn+i] = &ast.CallExpr{
+ // Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
+ // X: ast.NewIdent("message"),
+ // Sel: ast.NewIdent("Lookup"),
+ // },
+ // Args: []ast.Expr{a},
+ // }
+ // }
+ return r
+type rewriteType struct {
+ // method is the name of the equivalent method on a printer, or "" if it is
+ // the same.
+ method string
+ // methodf is the method to use if the arguments can be rewritten as a
+ // arguments to a printf-style call.
+ methodf string
+ // format is true if the method takes a formatting string followed by
+ // substitution arguments.
+ format bool
+ // arg indicates the position of the argument to extract. If all is
+ // positive, all arguments from this argument onwards needs to be extracted.
+ arg int
+ sep string
+ newLine bool
+// rewriteFuncs list functions that can be directly mapped to the printer
+// functions of the message package.
+var rewriteFuncs = map[string]map[string]rewriteType{
+ // TODO: Printer -> *
+ "fmt": {
+ "Print": rewriteType{methodf: "Printf"},
+ "Sprint": rewriteType{methodf: "Sprintf"},
+ "Fprint": rewriteType{methodf: "Fprintf"},
+ "Println": rewriteType{methodf: "Printf", sep: " ", newLine: true},
+ "Sprintln": rewriteType{methodf: "Sprintf", sep: " ", newLine: true},
+ "Fprintln": rewriteType{methodf: "Fprintf", sep: " ", newLine: true},
+ "Printf": rewriteType{method: "Printf", format: true},
+ "Sprintf": rewriteType{method: "Sprintf", format: true},
+ "Fprintf": rewriteType{method: "Fprintf", format: true},
+ },
+func constStr(info *loader.PackageInfo, e ast.Expr) (s string, ok bool) {
+ v := info.Types[e].Value
+ if v == nil || v.Kind() != constant.String {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ return constant.StringVal(v), true