path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
7 files changed, 1948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35379d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+package state
+import (
+ ""
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+// A Channel is returned from the state tracker and contains
+// a copy of the channel state at a particular time.
+type Channel struct {
+ Name, Topic string
+ Modes *ChanMode
+ Nicks map[string]*ChanPrivs
+// Internal bookkeeping struct for channels.
+type channel struct {
+ name, topic string
+ modes *ChanMode
+ lookup map[string]*nick
+ nicks map[*nick]*ChanPrivs
+// A struct representing the modes of an IRC Channel
+// (the ones we care about, at least).
+type ChanMode struct {
+ // MODE +p, +s, +t, +n, +m
+ Private, Secret, ProtectedTopic, NoExternalMsg, Moderated bool
+ // MODE +i, +O, +z
+ InviteOnly, OperOnly, SSLOnly bool
+ // MODE +r, +Z
+ Registered, AllSSL bool
+ // MODE +k
+ Key string
+ // MODE +l
+ Limit int
+// A struct representing the modes a Nick can have on a Channel
+type ChanPrivs struct {
+ // MODE +q, +a, +o, +h, +v
+ Owner, Admin, Op, HalfOp, Voice bool
+// Map ChanMode fields to IRC mode characters
+var StringToChanMode = map[string]string{}
+var ChanModeToString = map[string]string{
+ "Private": "p",
+ "Secret": "s",
+ "ProtectedTopic": "t",
+ "NoExternalMsg": "n",
+ "Moderated": "m",
+ "InviteOnly": "i",
+ "OperOnly": "O",
+ "SSLOnly": "z",
+ "Registered": "r",
+ "AllSSL": "Z",
+ "Key": "k",
+ "Limit": "l",
+// Map *irc.ChanPrivs fields to IRC mode characters
+var StringToChanPriv = map[string]string{}
+var ChanPrivToString = map[string]string{
+ "Owner": "q",
+ "Admin": "a",
+ "Op": "o",
+ "HalfOp": "h",
+ "Voice": "v",
+// Map *irc.ChanPrivs fields to the symbols used to represent these modes
+// in NAMES and WHOIS responses
+var ModeCharToChanPriv = map[byte]string{}
+var ChanPrivToModeChar = map[string]byte{
+ "Owner": '~',
+ "Admin": '&',
+ "Op": '@',
+ "HalfOp": '%',
+ "Voice": '+',
+// Init function to fill in reverse mappings for *toString constants.
+func init() {
+ for k, v := range ChanModeToString {
+ StringToChanMode[v] = k
+ }
+ for k, v := range ChanPrivToString {
+ StringToChanPriv[v] = k
+ }
+ for k, v := range ChanPrivToModeChar {
+ ModeCharToChanPriv[v] = k
+ }
+ * Channel methods for state management
+func newChannel(name string) *channel {
+ return &channel{
+ name: name,
+ modes: new(ChanMode),
+ nicks: make(map[*nick]*ChanPrivs),
+ lookup: make(map[string]*nick),
+ }
+// Returns a copy of the internal tracker channel state at this time.
+// Relies on tracker-level locking for concurrent access.
+func (ch *channel) Channel() *Channel {
+ c := &Channel{
+ Name:,
+ Topic: ch.topic,
+ Modes: ch.modes.Copy(),
+ Nicks: make(map[string]*ChanPrivs),
+ }
+ for n, cp := range ch.nicks {
+ c.Nicks[n.nick] = cp.Copy()
+ }
+ return c
+func (ch *channel) isOn(nk *nick) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ cp, ok := ch.nicks[nk]
+ return cp.Copy(), ok
+// Associates a Nick with a Channel
+func (ch *channel) addNick(nk *nick, cp *ChanPrivs) {
+ if _, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; !ok {
+ ch.nicks[nk] = cp
+ ch.lookup[nk.nick] = nk
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.addNick(): %s already on %s.", nk.nick,
+ }
+// Disassociates a Nick from a Channel.
+func (ch *channel) delNick(nk *nick) {
+ if _, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; ok {
+ delete(ch.nicks, nk)
+ delete(ch.lookup, nk.nick)
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.delNick(): %s not on %s.", nk.nick,
+ }
+// Parses mode strings for a channel.
+func (ch *channel) parseModes(modes string, modeargs ...string) {
+ var modeop bool // true => add mode, false => remove mode
+ var modestr string
+ for i := 0; i < len(modes); i++ {
+ switch m := modes[i]; m {
+ case '+':
+ modeop = true
+ modestr = string(m)
+ case '-':
+ modeop = false
+ modestr = string(m)
+ case 'i':
+ ch.modes.InviteOnly = modeop
+ case 'm':
+ ch.modes.Moderated = modeop
+ case 'n':
+ ch.modes.NoExternalMsg = modeop
+ case 'p':
+ ch.modes.Private = modeop
+ case 'r':
+ ch.modes.Registered = modeop
+ case 's':
+ ch.modes.Secret = modeop
+ case 't':
+ ch.modes.ProtectedTopic = modeop
+ case 'z':
+ ch.modes.SSLOnly = modeop
+ case 'Z':
+ ch.modes.AllSSL = modeop
+ case 'O':
+ ch.modes.OperOnly = modeop
+ case 'k':
+ if modeop && len(modeargs) != 0 {
+ ch.modes.Key, modeargs = modeargs[0], modeargs[1:]
+ } else if !modeop {
+ ch.modes.Key = ""
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
+ "process MODE %s %s%c",, modestr, m)
+ }
+ case 'l':
+ if modeop && len(modeargs) != 0 {
+ ch.modes.Limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(modeargs[0])
+ modeargs = modeargs[1:]
+ } else if !modeop {
+ ch.modes.Limit = 0
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
+ "process MODE %s %s%c",, modestr, m)
+ }
+ case 'q', 'a', 'o', 'h', 'v':
+ if len(modeargs) != 0 {
+ if nk, ok := ch.lookup[modeargs[0]]; ok {
+ cp := ch.nicks[nk]
+ switch m {
+ case 'q':
+ cp.Owner = modeop
+ case 'a':
+ cp.Admin = modeop
+ case 'o':
+ cp.Op = modeop
+ case 'h':
+ cp.HalfOp = modeop
+ case 'v':
+ cp.Voice = modeop
+ }
+ modeargs = modeargs[1:]
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): untracked nick %s "+
+ "received MODE on channel %s", modeargs[0],
+ }
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
+ "process MODE %s %s%c",, modestr, m)
+ }
+ default:
+ logging.Info("Channel.ParseModes(): unknown mode char %c", m)
+ }
+ }
+// Returns true if the Nick is associated with the Channel
+func (ch *Channel) IsOn(nk string) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ cp, ok := ch.Nicks[nk]
+ return cp, ok
+// Test Channel equality.
+func (ch *Channel) Equals(other *Channel) bool {
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(ch, other)
+// Duplicates a ChanMode struct.
+func (cm *ChanMode) Copy() *ChanMode {
+ if cm == nil { return nil }
+ c := *cm
+ return &c
+// Test ChanMode equality.
+func (cm *ChanMode) Equals(other *ChanMode) bool {
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(cm, other)
+// Duplicates a ChanPrivs struct.
+func (cp *ChanPrivs) Copy() *ChanPrivs {
+ if cp == nil { return nil }
+ c := *cp
+ return &c
+// Test ChanPrivs equality.
+func (cp *ChanPrivs) Equals(other *ChanPrivs) bool {
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(cp, other)
+// Returns a string representing the channel. Looks like:
+// Channel: <channel name> e.g. #moo
+// Topic: <channel topic> e.g. Discussing the merits of cows!
+// Mode: <channel modes> e.g. +nsti
+// Nicks:
+// <nick>: <privs> e.g. CowMaster: +o
+// ...
+func (ch *Channel) String() string {
+ str := "Channel: " + ch.Name + "\n\t"
+ str += "Topic: " + ch.Topic + "\n\t"
+ str += "Modes: " + ch.Modes.String() + "\n\t"
+ str += "Nicks: \n"
+ for nk, cp := range ch.Nicks {
+ str += "\t\t" + nk + ": " + cp.String() + "\n"
+ }
+ return str
+func (ch *channel) String() string {
+ return ch.Channel().String()
+// Returns a string representing the channel modes. Looks like:
+// +npk key
+func (cm *ChanMode) String() string {
+ str := "+"
+ a := make([]string, 0)
+ v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cm))
+ t := v.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+ switch f := v.Field(i); f.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ if f.Bool() {
+ str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
+ }
+ case reflect.String:
+ if f.String() != "" {
+ str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
+ a = append(a, f.String())
+ }
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ if f.Int() != 0 {
+ str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
+ a = append(a, strconv.FormatInt(f.Int(), 10))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, s := range a {
+ if s != "" {
+ str += " " + s
+ }
+ }
+ if str == "+" {
+ str = "No modes set"
+ }
+ return str
+// Returns a string representing the channel privileges. Looks like:
+// +o
+func (cp *ChanPrivs) String() string {
+ str := "+"
+ v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cp))
+ t := v.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+ switch f := v.Field(i); f.Kind() {
+ // only bools here at the mo too!
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ if f.Bool() {
+ str += ChanPrivToString[t.Field(i).Name]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if str == "+" {
+ str = "No modes set"
+ }
+ return str
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5c804d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+package state
+import "testing"
+func compareChannel(t *testing.T, ch *channel) {
+ c := ch.Channel()
+ if c.Name != || c.Topic != ch.topic ||
+ !c.Modes.Equals(ch.modes) || len(c.Nicks) != len(ch.nicks) {
+ t.Errorf("Channel not duped correctly from internal state.")
+ }
+ for nk, cp := range ch.nicks {
+ if other, ok := c.Nicks[nk.nick]; !ok || !cp.Equals(other) {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not duped correctly from internal state.")
+ }
+ }
+func TestNewChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ if != "#test1" {
+ t.Errorf("Channel not created correctly by NewChannel()")
+ }
+ if len(ch.nicks) != 0 || len(ch.lookup) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel maps contain data after NewChannel()")
+ }
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+func TestAddNick(t *testing.T) {
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ ch.addNick(nk, cp)
+ if len(ch.nicks) != 1 || len(ch.lookup) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick lists not updated correctly for add.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; !ok || c != cp {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 not properly stored in nicks map.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := ch.lookup["test1"]; !ok || n != nk {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 not properly stored in lookup map.")
+ }
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+func TestDelNick(t *testing.T) {
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ ch.addNick(nk, cp)
+ ch.delNick(nk)
+ if len(ch.nicks) != 0 || len(ch.lookup) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick lists not updated correctly for del.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; ok || c != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 not properly removed from nicks map.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := ch.lookup["#test1"]; ok || n != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 not properly removed from lookup map.")
+ }
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+func TestChannelParseModes(t *testing.T) {
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ md := ch.modes
+ // Channel modes can adjust channel privs too, so we need a Nick
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ ch.addNick(nk, cp)
+ // Test bools first.
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Private || md.Secret || md.ProtectedTopic || md.NoExternalMsg ||
+ md.Moderated || md.InviteOnly || md.OperOnly || md.SSLOnly {
+ t.Errorf("Modes for new channel set to true.")
+ }
+ // Flip some bits!
+ md.Private = true
+ md.NoExternalMsg = true
+ md.InviteOnly = true
+ // Flip some MOAR bits.
+ ch.parseModes("+s-p+tm-i")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Private || !md.Secret || !md.ProtectedTopic || !md.NoExternalMsg ||
+ !md.Moderated || md.InviteOnly || md.OperOnly || md.SSLOnly {
+ t.Errorf("Modes not flipped correctly by ParseModes.")
+ }
+ // Test numeric parsing (currently only channel limits)
+ if md.Limit != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Limit for new channel not zero.")
+ }
+ // enable limit correctly
+ ch.parseModes("+l", "256")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Limit != 256 {
+ t.Errorf("Limit for channel not set correctly")
+ }
+ // enable limit incorrectly
+ ch.parseModes("+l")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Limit != 256 {
+ t.Errorf("Bad limit value caused limit to be unset.")
+ }
+ // disable limit correctly
+ ch.parseModes("-l")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Limit != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Limit for channel not unset correctly")
+ }
+ // Test string parsing (currently only channel key)
+ if md.Key != "" {
+ t.Errorf("Key set for new channel.")
+ }
+ // enable key correctly
+ ch.parseModes("+k", "foobar")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Key != "foobar" {
+ t.Errorf("Key for channel not set correctly")
+ }
+ // enable key incorrectly
+ ch.parseModes("+k")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Key != "foobar" {
+ t.Errorf("Bad key value caused key to be unset.")
+ }
+ // disable key correctly
+ ch.parseModes("-k")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if md.Key != "" {
+ t.Errorf("Key for channel not unset correctly")
+ }
+ // Test chan privs parsing.
+ cp.Op = true
+ cp.HalfOp = true
+ ch.parseModes("+aq-o", "test1", "test1", "test1")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if !cp.Owner || !cp.Admin || cp.Op || !cp.HalfOp || cp.Voice {
+ t.Errorf("Channel privileges not flipped correctly by ParseModes.")
+ }
+ // Test a random mix of modes, just to be sure
+ md.Limit = 256
+ ch.parseModes("+zpt-qsl+kv-h", "test1", "foobar", "test1")
+ compareChannel(t, ch)
+ if !md.Private || md.Secret || !md.ProtectedTopic || !md.NoExternalMsg ||
+ !md.Moderated || md.InviteOnly || md.OperOnly || !md.SSLOnly {
+ t.Errorf("Modes not flipped correctly by ParseModes (2).")
+ }
+ if md.Limit != 0 || md.Key != "foobar" {
+ t.Errorf("Key and limit not changed correctly by ParseModes (2).")
+ }
+ if cp.Owner || !cp.Admin || cp.Op || !cp.HalfOp || !cp.Voice {
+ // NOTE: HalfOp not actually unset above thanks to deliberate error.
+ t.Errorf("Channel privileges not flipped correctly by ParseModes (2).")
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa594c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Automatically generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT!
+// Source: tracker.go
+package state
+import (
+ gomock ""
+// Mock of Tracker interface
+type MockTracker struct {
+ ctrl *gomock.Controller
+ recorder *_MockTrackerRecorder
+// Recorder for MockTracker (not exported)
+type _MockTrackerRecorder struct {
+ mock *MockTracker
+func NewMockTracker(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockTracker {
+ mock := &MockTracker{ctrl: ctrl}
+ mock.recorder = &_MockTrackerRecorder{mock}
+ return mock
+func (_m *MockTracker) EXPECT() *_MockTrackerRecorder {
+ return _m.recorder
+func (_m *MockTracker) NewNick(nick string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "NewNick", nick)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) NewNick(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "NewNick", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) GetNick(nick string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "GetNick", nick)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) GetNick(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "GetNick", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) ReNick(old string, neu string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "ReNick", old, neu)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) ReNick(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "ReNick", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) DelNick(nick string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "DelNick", nick)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) DelNick(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "DelNick", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) NickInfo(nick string, ident string, host string, name string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "NickInfo", nick, ident, host, name)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) NickInfo(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "NickInfo", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
+func (_m *MockTracker) NickModes(nick string, modestr string) *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "NickModes", nick, modestr)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) NickModes(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "NickModes", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) NewChannel(channel string) *Channel {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "NewChannel", channel)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Channel)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) NewChannel(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "NewChannel", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) GetChannel(channel string) *Channel {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "GetChannel", channel)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Channel)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) GetChannel(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "GetChannel", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) DelChannel(channel string) *Channel {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "DelChannel", channel)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Channel)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) DelChannel(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "DelChannel", arg0)
+func (_m *MockTracker) Topic(channel string, topic string) *Channel {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Topic", channel, topic)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Channel)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) Topic(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "Topic", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) ChannelModes(channel string, modestr string, modeargs ...string) *Channel {
+ _s := []interface{}{channel, modestr}
+ for _, _x := range modeargs {
+ _s = append(_s, _x)
+ }
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "ChannelModes", _s...)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Channel)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) ChannelModes(arg0, arg1 interface{}, arg2 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ _s := append([]interface{}{arg0, arg1}, arg2...)
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "ChannelModes", _s...)
+func (_m *MockTracker) Me() *Nick {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Me")
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*Nick)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) Me() *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "Me")
+func (_m *MockTracker) IsOn(channel string, nick string) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "IsOn", channel, nick)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ChanPrivs)
+ ret1, _ := ret[1].(bool)
+ return ret0, ret1
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) IsOn(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "IsOn", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) Associate(channel string, nick string) *ChanPrivs {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Associate", channel, nick)
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ChanPrivs)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) Associate(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "Associate", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) Dissociate(channel string, nick string) {
+ _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Dissociate", channel, nick)
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) Dissociate(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "Dissociate", arg0, arg1)
+func (_m *MockTracker) Wipe() {
+ _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Wipe")
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) Wipe() *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "Wipe")
+func (_m *MockTracker) String() string {
+ ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "String")
+ ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
+ return ret0
+func (_mr *_MockTrackerRecorder) String() *gomock.Call {
+ return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "String")
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7704b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package state
+import (
+ ""
+ "reflect"
+// A Nick is returned from the state tracker and contains
+// a copy of the nick state at a particular time.
+type Nick struct {
+ Nick, Ident, Host, Name string
+ Modes *NickMode
+ Channels map[string]*ChanPrivs
+// Internal bookkeeping struct for nicks.
+type nick struct {
+ nick, ident, host, name string
+ modes *NickMode
+ lookup map[string]*channel
+ chans map[*channel]*ChanPrivs
+// A struct representing the modes of an IRC Nick (User Modes)
+// (again, only the ones we care about)
+// This is only really useful for me, as we can't see other people's modes
+// without IRC operator privileges (and even then only on some IRCd's).
+type NickMode struct {
+ // MODE +B, +i, +o, +w, +x, +z
+ Bot, Invisible, Oper, WallOps, HiddenHost, SSL bool
+// Map *irc.NickMode fields to IRC mode characters and vice versa
+var StringToNickMode = map[string]string{}
+var NickModeToString = map[string]string{
+ "Bot": "B",
+ "Invisible": "i",
+ "Oper": "o",
+ "WallOps": "w",
+ "HiddenHost": "x",
+ "SSL": "z",
+func init() {
+ for k, v := range NickModeToString {
+ StringToNickMode[v] = k
+ }
+ * nick methods for state management
+func newNick(n string) *nick {
+ return &nick{
+ nick: n,
+ modes: new(NickMode),
+ chans: make(map[*channel]*ChanPrivs),
+ lookup: make(map[string]*channel),
+ }
+// Returns a copy of the internal tracker nick state at this time.
+// Relies on tracker-level locking for concurrent access.
+func (nk *nick) Nick() *Nick {
+ n := &Nick{
+ Nick: nk.nick,
+ Ident: nk.ident,
+ Host:,
+ Name:,
+ Modes: nk.modes.Copy(),
+ Channels: make(map[string]*ChanPrivs),
+ }
+ for c, cp := range nk.chans {
+ n.Channels[] = cp.Copy()
+ }
+ return n
+func (nk *nick) isOn(ch *channel) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ cp, ok := nk.chans[ch]
+ return cp.Copy(), ok
+// Associates a Channel with a Nick.
+func (nk *nick) addChannel(ch *channel, cp *ChanPrivs) {
+ if _, ok := nk.chans[ch]; !ok {
+ nk.chans[ch] = cp
+ nk.lookup[] = ch
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Nick.addChannel(): %s already on %s.", nk.nick,
+ }
+// Disassociates a Channel from a Nick.
+func (nk *nick) delChannel(ch *channel) {
+ if _, ok := nk.chans[ch]; ok {
+ delete(nk.chans, ch)
+ delete(nk.lookup,
+ } else {
+ logging.Warn("Nick.delChannel(): %s not on %s.", nk.nick,
+ }
+// Parse mode strings for a Nick.
+func (nk *nick) parseModes(modes string) {
+ var modeop bool // true => add mode, false => remove mode
+ for i := 0; i < len(modes); i++ {
+ switch m := modes[i]; m {
+ case '+':
+ modeop = true
+ case '-':
+ modeop = false
+ case 'B':
+ nk.modes.Bot = modeop
+ case 'i':
+ nk.modes.Invisible = modeop
+ case 'o':
+ nk.modes.Oper = modeop
+ case 'w':
+ nk.modes.WallOps = modeop
+ case 'x':
+ nk.modes.HiddenHost = modeop
+ case 'z':
+ nk.modes.SSL = modeop
+ default:
+ logging.Info("Nick.ParseModes(): unknown mode char %c", m)
+ }
+ }
+// Returns true if the Nick is associated with the Channel.
+func (nk *Nick) IsOn(ch string) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ cp, ok := nk.Channels[ch]
+ return cp, ok
+// Tests Nick equality.
+func (nk *Nick) Equals(other *Nick) bool {
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(nk, other)
+// Duplicates a NickMode struct.
+func (nm *NickMode) Copy() *NickMode {
+ if nm == nil { return nil }
+ n := *nm
+ return &n
+// Tests NickMode equality.
+func (nm *NickMode) Equals(other *NickMode) bool {
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(nm, other)
+// Returns a string representing the nick. Looks like:
+// Nick: <nick name> e.g. CowMaster
+// Hostmask: <ident@host> e.g.
+// Real Name: <real name> e.g. Steve "CowMaster" Bush
+// Modes: <nick modes> e.g. +z
+// Channels:
+// <channel>: <privs> e.g. #moo: +o
+// ...
+func (nk *Nick) String() string {
+ str := "Nick: " + nk.Nick + "\n\t"
+ str += "Hostmask: " + nk.Ident + "@" + nk.Host + "\n\t"
+ str += "Real Name: " + nk.Name + "\n\t"
+ str += "Modes: " + nk.Modes.String() + "\n\t"
+ str += "Channels: \n"
+ for ch, cp := range nk.Channels {
+ str += "\t\t" + ch + ": " + cp.String() + "\n"
+ }
+ return str
+func (nk *nick) String() string {
+ return nk.Nick().String()
+// Returns a string representing the nick modes. Looks like:
+// +iwx
+func (nm *NickMode) String() string {
+ str := "+"
+ v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(nm))
+ t := v.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+ switch f := v.Field(i); f.Kind() {
+ // only bools here at the mo!
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ if f.Bool() {
+ str += NickModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if str == "+" {
+ str = "No modes set"
+ }
+ return str
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1344400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package state
+import "testing"
+func compareNick(t *testing.T, nk *nick) {
+ n := nk.Nick()
+ if n.Nick != nk.nick || n.Ident != nk.ident || n.Host != || n.Name != ||
+ !n.Modes.Equals(nk.modes) || len(n.Channels) != len(nk.chans) {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not duped correctly from internal state.")
+ }
+ for ch, cp := range nk.chans {
+ if other, ok := n.Channels[]; !ok || !cp.Equals(other) {
+ t.Errorf("Channel not duped correctly from internal state.")
+ }
+ }
+func TestNewNick(t *testing.T) {
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ if nk.nick != "test1" {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not created correctly by NewNick()")
+ }
+ if len(nk.chans) != 0 || len(nk.lookup) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick maps contain data after NewNick()")
+ }
+ compareNick(t, nk)
+func TestAddChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ nk.addChannel(ch, cp)
+ if len(nk.chans) != 1 || len(nk.lookup) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel lists not updated correctly for add.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := nk.chans[ch]; !ok || c != cp {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #test1 not properly stored in chans map.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := nk.lookup["#test1"]; !ok || c != ch {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #test1 not properly stored in lookup map.")
+ }
+ compareNick(t, nk)
+func TestDelChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ ch := newChannel("#test1")
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ nk.addChannel(ch, cp)
+ nk.delChannel(ch)
+ if len(nk.chans) != 0 || len(nk.lookup) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel lists not updated correctly for del.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := nk.chans[ch]; ok || c != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #test1 not properly removed from chans map.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := nk.lookup["#test1"]; ok || c != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #test1 not properly removed from lookup map.")
+ }
+ compareNick(t, nk)
+func TestNickParseModes(t *testing.T) {
+ nk := newNick("test1")
+ md := nk.modes
+ // Modes should all be false for a new nick
+ if md.Invisible || md.Oper || md.WallOps || md.HiddenHost || md.SSL {
+ t.Errorf("Modes for new nick set to true.")
+ }
+ // Set a couple of modes, for testing.
+ md.Invisible = true
+ md.HiddenHost = true
+ // Parse a mode line that flips one true to false and two false to true
+ nk.parseModes("+z-x+w")
+ compareNick(t, nk)
+ if !md.Invisible || md.Oper || !md.WallOps || md.HiddenHost || !md.SSL {
+ t.Errorf("Modes not flipped correctly by ParseModes.")
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209c7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+package state
+import (
+ ""
+ "sync"
+// The state manager interface
+type Tracker interface {
+ // Nick methods
+ NewNick(nick string) *Nick
+ GetNick(nick string) *Nick
+ ReNick(old, neu string) *Nick
+ DelNick(nick string) *Nick
+ NickInfo(nick, ident, host, name string) *Nick
+ NickModes(nick, modestr string) *Nick
+ // Channel methods
+ NewChannel(channel string) *Channel
+ GetChannel(channel string) *Channel
+ DelChannel(channel string) *Channel
+ Topic(channel, topic string) *Channel
+ ChannelModes(channel, modestr string, modeargs ...string) *Channel
+ // Information about ME!
+ Me() *Nick
+ // And the tracking operations
+ IsOn(channel, nick string) (*ChanPrivs, bool)
+ Associate(channel, nick string) *ChanPrivs
+ Dissociate(channel, nick string)
+ Wipe()
+ // The state tracker can output a debugging string
+ String() string
+// ... and a struct to implement it ...
+type stateTracker struct {
+ // Map of channels we're on
+ chans map[string]*channel
+ // Map of nicks we know about
+ nicks map[string]*nick
+ // We need to keep state on who we are :-)
+ me *nick
+ // And we need to protect against data races *cough*.
+ mu sync.Mutex
+var _ Tracker = (*stateTracker)(nil)
+// ... and a constructor to make it ...
+func NewTracker(mynick string) *stateTracker {
+ st := &stateTracker{
+ chans: make(map[string]*channel),
+ nicks: make(map[string]*nick),
+ }
+ = newNick(mynick)
+ st.nicks[mynick] =
+ return st
+// ... and a method to wipe the state clean.
+func (st *stateTracker) Wipe() {
+ defer
+ // Deleting all the channels implicitly deletes every nick but me.
+ for _, ch := range st.chans {
+ st.delChannel(ch)
+ }
+ * tracker methods to create/look up nicks/channels
+// Creates a new nick, initialises it, and stores it so it
+// can be properly tracked for state management purposes.
+func (st *stateTracker) NewNick(n string) *Nick {
+ if n == "" {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.NewNick(): Not tracking empty nick.")
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer
+ if _, ok := st.nicks[n]; ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.NewNick(): %s already tracked.", n)
+ return nil
+ }
+ st.nicks[n] = newNick(n)
+ return st.nicks[n].Nick()
+// Returns a nick for the nick n, if we're tracking it.
+func (st *stateTracker) GetNick(n string) *Nick {
+ defer
+ if nk, ok := st.nicks[n]; ok {
+ return nk.Nick()
+ }
+ return nil
+// Signals to the tracker that a nick should be tracked
+// under a "neu" nick rather than the old one.
+func (st *stateTracker) ReNick(old, neu string) *Nick {
+ defer
+ nk, ok := st.nicks[old]
+ if !ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.ReNick(): %s not tracked.", old)
+ return nil
+ }
+ if _, ok := st.nicks[neu]; ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.ReNick(): %s already exists.", neu)
+ return nil
+ }
+ nk.nick = neu
+ delete(st.nicks, old)
+ st.nicks[neu] = nk
+ for ch, _ := range nk.chans {
+ // We also need to update the lookup maps of all the channels
+ // the nick is on, to keep things in sync.
+ delete(ch.lookup, old)
+ ch.lookup[neu] = nk
+ }
+ return nk.Nick()
+// Removes a nick from being tracked.
+func (st *stateTracker) DelNick(n string) *Nick {
+ defer
+ if nk, ok := st.nicks[n]; ok {
+ if nk == {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.DelNick(): won't delete myself.")
+ return nil
+ }
+ st.delNick(nk)
+ return nk.Nick()
+ }
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.DelNick(): %s not tracked.", n)
+ return nil
+func (st *stateTracker) delNick(nk *nick) {
+ // lock held by DelNick, DelChannel or Wipe
+ if nk == {
+ // Shouldn't get here => internal state tracking code is fubar.
+ logging.Error("Tracker.DelNick(): TRYING TO DELETE ME :-(")
+ return
+ }
+ delete(st.nicks, nk.nick)
+ for ch, _ := range nk.chans {
+ nk.delChannel(ch)
+ ch.delNick(nk)
+ if len(ch.nicks) == 0 {
+ // Deleting a nick from tracking shouldn't empty any channels as
+ // *we* should be on the channel with them to be tracking them.
+ logging.Error("Tracker.delNick(): deleting nick %s emptied "+
+ "channel %s, this shouldn't happen!", nk.nick,
+ }
+ }
+// Sets ident, host and "real" name for the nick.
+func (st *stateTracker) NickInfo(n, ident, host, name string) *Nick {
+ defer
+ nk, ok := st.nicks[n]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ nk.ident = ident
+ = host
+ = name
+ return nk.Nick()
+// Sets user modes for the nick.
+func (st *stateTracker) NickModes(n, modes string) *Nick {
+ defer
+ nk, ok := st.nicks[n]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ nk.parseModes(modes)
+ return nk.Nick()
+// Creates a new Channel, initialises it, and stores it so it
+// can be properly tracked for state management purposes.
+func (st *stateTracker) NewChannel(c string) *Channel {
+ if c == "" {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.NewChannel(): Not tracking empty channel.")
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer
+ if _, ok := st.chans[c]; ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.NewChannel(): %s already tracked.", c)
+ return nil
+ }
+ st.chans[c] = newChannel(c)
+ return st.chans[c].Channel()
+// Returns a Channel for the channel c, if we're tracking it.
+func (st *stateTracker) GetChannel(c string) *Channel {
+ defer
+ if ch, ok := st.chans[c]; ok {
+ return ch.Channel()
+ }
+ return nil
+// Removes a Channel from being tracked.
+func (st *stateTracker) DelChannel(c string) *Channel {
+ defer
+ if ch, ok := st.chans[c]; ok {
+ st.delChannel(ch)
+ return ch.Channel()
+ }
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.DelChannel(): %s not tracked.", c)
+ return nil
+func (st *stateTracker) delChannel(ch *channel) {
+ // lock held by DelChannel or Wipe
+ delete(st.chans,
+ for nk, _ := range ch.nicks {
+ ch.delNick(nk)
+ nk.delChannel(ch)
+ if len(nk.chans) == 0 && nk != {
+ // We're no longer in any channels with this nick.
+ st.delNick(nk)
+ }
+ }
+// Sets the topic of a channel.
+func (st *stateTracker) Topic(c, topic string) *Channel {
+ defer
+ ch, ok := st.chans[c]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ ch.topic = topic
+ return ch.Channel()
+// Sets modes for a channel, including privileges like +o.
+func (st *stateTracker) ChannelModes(c, modes string, args ...string) *Channel {
+ defer
+ ch, ok := st.chans[c]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ ch.parseModes(modes, args...)
+ return ch.Channel()
+// Returns the Nick the state tracker thinks is Me.
+// NOTE: Nick() requires the mutex to be held.
+func (st *stateTracker) Me() *Nick {
+ defer
+ return
+// Returns true if both the channel c and the nick n are tracked
+// and the nick is associated with the channel.
+func (st *stateTracker) IsOn(c, n string) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
+ defer
+ nk, nok := st.nicks[n]
+ ch, cok := st.chans[c]
+ if nok && cok {
+ return nk.isOn(ch)
+ }
+ return nil, false
+// Associates an already known nick with an already known channel.
+func (st *stateTracker) Associate(c, n string) *ChanPrivs {
+ defer
+ nk, nok := st.nicks[n]
+ ch, cok := st.chans[c]
+ if !cok {
+ // As we can implicitly delete both nicks and channels from being
+ // tracked by dissociating one from the other, we should verify that
+ // we're not being passed an old Nick or Channel.
+ logging.Error("Tracker.Associate(): channel %s not found in "+
+ "internal state.", c)
+ return nil
+ } else if !nok {
+ logging.Error("Tracker.Associate(): nick %s not found in "+
+ "internal state.", n)
+ return nil
+ } else if _, ok := nk.isOn(ch); ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.Associate(): %s already on %s.",
+ nk, ch)
+ return nil
+ }
+ cp := new(ChanPrivs)
+ ch.addNick(nk, cp)
+ nk.addChannel(ch, cp)
+ return cp.Copy()
+// Dissociates an already known nick from an already known channel.
+// Does some tidying up to stop tracking nicks we're no longer on
+// any common channels with, and channels we're no longer on.
+func (st *stateTracker) Dissociate(c, n string) {
+ defer
+ nk, nok := st.nicks[n]
+ ch, cok := st.chans[c]
+ if !cok {
+ // As we can implicitly delete both nicks and channels from being
+ // tracked by dissociating one from the other, we should verify that
+ // we're not being passed an old Nick or Channel.
+ logging.Error("Tracker.Dissociate(): channel %s not found in "+
+ "internal state.", c)
+ } else if !nok {
+ logging.Error("Tracker.Dissociate(): nick %s not found in "+
+ "internal state.", n)
+ } else if _, ok := nk.isOn(ch); !ok {
+ logging.Warn("Tracker.Dissociate(): %s not on %s.",
+ nk.nick,
+ } else if nk == {
+ // I'm leaving the channel for some reason, so it won't be tracked.
+ st.delChannel(ch)
+ } else {
+ // Remove the nick from the channel and the channel from the nick.
+ ch.delNick(nk)
+ nk.delChannel(ch)
+ if len(nk.chans) == 0 {
+ // We're no longer in any channels with this nick.
+ st.delNick(nk)
+ }
+ }
+func (st *stateTracker) String() string {
+ defer
+ str := "GoIRC Channels\n"
+ str += "--------------\n\n"
+ for _, ch := range st.chans {
+ str += ch.String() + "\n"
+ }
+ str += "GoIRC NickNames\n"
+ str += "---------------\n\n"
+ for _, n := range st.nicks {
+ if n != {
+ str += n.String() + "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ return str
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cfe8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+package state
+import (
+ "testing"
+// There is some awkwardness in these tests. Items retrieved directly from the
+// state trackers internal maps are private and only have private,
+// uncaptialised members. Items retrieved from state tracker public interface
+// methods are public and only have public, capitalised members. Comparisons of
+// the two are done on the basis of nick or channel name.
+func TestSTNewTracker(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ if len(st.nicks) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick list of new tracker is not 1 (me!).")
+ }
+ if len(st.chans) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel list of new tracker is not empty.")
+ }
+ if nk, ok := st.nicks["mynick"]; !ok || nk.nick != "mynick" || nk != {
+ t.Errorf("My nick not stored correctly in tracker.")
+ }
+func TestSTNewNick(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewNick("test1")
+ if test1 == nil || test1.Nick != "test1" {
+ t.Errorf("Nick object created incorrectly by NewNick.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := st.nicks["test1"]; !ok || !test1.Equals(n.Nick()) || len(st.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick object stored incorrectly by NewNick.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NewNick("test1"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Creating duplicate nick did not produce nil return.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NewNick(""); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Creating empty nick did not produce nil return.")
+ }
+func TestSTGetNick(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewNick("test1")
+ if n := st.GetNick("test1"); !test1.Equals(n) {
+ t.Errorf("Incorrect nick returned by GetNick.")
+ }
+ if n := st.GetNick("test2"); n != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Nick unexpectedly returned by GetNick.")
+ }
+ if len(st.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick list changed size during GetNick.")
+ }
+func TestSTReNick(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewNick("test1")
+ // This channel is here to ensure that its lookup map gets updated
+ st.NewChannel("#chan1")
+ st.Associate("#chan1", "test1")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ n1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ c1 := st.chans["#chan1"]
+ test2 := st.ReNick("test1", "test2")
+ if _, ok := st.nicks["test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 still exists after ReNick.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := st.nicks["test2"]; !ok || n != n1 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test2 doesn't exist after ReNick.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := c1.lookup["test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #chan1 still knows about test1 after ReNick.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := c1.lookup["test2"]; !ok || n != n1 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel #chan1 doesn't know about test2 after ReNick.")
+ }
+ if test1.Nick != "test1" {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 changed unexpectedly.")
+ }
+ if !test2.Equals(n1.Nick()) {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test2 did not change.")
+ }
+ if len(st.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick list changed size during ReNick.")
+ }
+ if len(c1.lookup) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel lookup list changed size during ReNick.")
+ }
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ n2 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ fail := st.ReNick("test1", "test2")
+ if n, ok := st.nicks["test2"]; !ok || n != n1 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test2 overwritten/deleted by ReNick.")
+ }
+ if n, ok := st.nicks["test1"]; !ok || n != n2 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 overwritten/deleted by ReNick.")
+ }
+ if fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("ReNick returned Nick on failure.")
+ }
+ if len(st.nicks) != 3 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick list changed size during ReNick.")
+ }
+func TestSTDelNick(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ add := st.NewNick("test1")
+ del := st.DelNick("test1")
+ if _, ok := st.nicks["test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Nick test1 still exists after DelNick.")
+ }
+ if len(st.nicks) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick list still contains nicks after DelNick.")
+ }
+ if !add.Equals(del) {
+ t.Errorf("DelNick returned different nick.")
+ }
+ // Deleting unknown nick shouldn't work, but let's make sure we have a
+ // known nick first to catch any possible accidental removals.
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ fail := st.DelNick("test2")
+ if fail != nil || len(st.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Deleting unknown nick had unexpected side-effects.")
+ }
+ // Deleting my nick shouldn't work
+ fail = st.DelNick("mynick")
+ if fail != nil || len(st.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Deleting myself had unexpected side-effects.")
+ }
+ // Test that deletion correctly dissociates nick from channels.
+ // NOTE: the two error states in delNick (as opposed to DelNick)
+ // are not tested for here, as they will only arise from programming
+ // errors in other methods.
+ // Create a new channel for testing purposes.
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ // Associate both "my" nick and test1 with the channel
+ st.Associate("#test1", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ n1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ c1 := st.chans["#test1"]
+ // Test we have the expected starting state (at least vaguely)
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 1 || len(n1.chans) != 1 || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Bad initial state for test DelNick() channel dissociation.")
+ }
+ // Actual deletion tested above...
+ st.DelNick("test1")
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 1 || len(st.nicks) != 1 ||
+ len( != 1 || len(n1.chans) != 0 || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Deleting nick didn't dissociate correctly from channels.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := c1.nicks[n1]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not removed from channel's nick map.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := c1.lookup["test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not removed from channel's lookup map.")
+ }
+func TestSTNickInfo(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewNick("test1")
+ test2 := st.NickInfo("test1", "foo", "bar", "baz")
+ test3 := st.GetNick("test1")
+ if test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("NickInfo did not return modified nick.")
+ }
+ if !test3.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Getting nick after NickInfo returned different nick.")
+ }
+ test1.Ident, test1.Host, test1.Name = "foo", "bar", "baz"
+ if !test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("NickInfo did not set nick info correctly.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NickInfo("test2", "foo", "bar", "baz"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("NickInfo for nonexistent nick did not return nil.")
+ }
+func TestSTNickModes(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewNick("test1")
+ test2 := st.NickModes("test1", "+iB")
+ test3 := st.GetNick("test1")
+ if test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("NickModes did not return modified nick.")
+ }
+ if !test3.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Getting nick after NickModes returned different nick.")
+ }
+ test1.Modes.Invisible, test1.Modes.Bot = true, true
+ if !test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("NickModes did not set nick modes correctly.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NickModes("test2", "whatevs"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("NickModes for nonexistent nick did not return nil.")
+ }
+func TestSTNewChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ if len(st.chans) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel list of new tracker is non-zero length.")
+ }
+ test1 := st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ if test1 == nil || test1.Name != "#test1" {
+ t.Errorf("Channel object created incorrectly by NewChannel.")
+ }
+ if c, ok := st.chans["#test1"]; !ok || !test1.Equals(c.Channel()) || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel object stored incorrectly by NewChannel.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NewChannel("#test1"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Creating duplicate chan did not produce nil return.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.NewChannel(""); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Creating empty chan did not produce nil return.")
+ }
+func TestSTGetChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ if c := st.GetChannel("#test1"); !test1.Equals(c) {
+ t.Errorf("Incorrect Channel returned by GetChannel.")
+ }
+ if c := st.GetChannel("#test2"); c != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Channel unexpectedly returned by GetChannel.")
+ }
+ if len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel list changed size during GetChannel.")
+ }
+func TestSTDelChannel(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ add := st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ del := st.DelChannel("#test1")
+ if _, ok := st.chans["#test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Channel test1 still exists after DelChannel.")
+ }
+ if len(st.chans) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel list still contains chans after DelChannel.")
+ }
+ if !add.Equals(del) {
+ t.Errorf("DelChannel returned different channel.")
+ }
+ // Deleting unknown channel shouldn't work, but let's make sure we have a
+ // known channel first to catch any possible accidental removals.
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ fail := st.DelChannel("#test2")
+ if fail != nil || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("DelChannel had unexpected side-effects.")
+ }
+ // Test that deletion correctly dissociates channel from tracked nicks.
+ // In order to test this thoroughly we need two channels (so that delNick()
+ // is not called internally in delChannel() when len(nick1.chans) == 0.
+ st.NewChannel("#test2")
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ // Associate both "my" nick and test1 with the channels
+ st.Associate("#test1", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "test1")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ n1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ c1 := st.chans["#test1"]
+ c2 := st.chans["#test2"]
+ // Test we have the expected starting state (at least vaguely)
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 2 || len(c2.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 2 || len(n1.chans) != 2 || len(st.chans) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Bad initial state for test DelChannel() nick dissociation.")
+ }
+ st.DelChannel("#test1")
+ // Test intermediate state. We're still on #test2 with test1, so test1
+ // shouldn't be deleted from state tracking itself just yet.
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 0 || len(c2.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 1 || len(n1.chans) != 1 || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Deleting channel didn't dissociate correctly from nicks.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := n1.chans[c1]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Channel not removed from nick's chans map.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := n1.lookup["#test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Channel not removed from nick's lookup map.")
+ }
+ st.DelChannel("#test2")
+ // Test final state. Deleting #test2 means that we're no longer on any
+ // common channels with test1, and thus it should be removed from tracking.
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 0 || len(c2.nicks) != 0 || len(st.nicks) != 1 ||
+ len( != 0 || len(n1.chans) != 0 || len(st.chans) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Deleting last channel didn't dissociate correctly from nicks.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := st.nicks["test1"]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("Nick not deleted correctly when on no channels.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := st.nicks["mynick"]; !ok {
+ t.Errorf("My nick deleted incorrectly when on no channels.")
+ }
+func TestSTTopic(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ test2 := st.Topic("#test1", "foo bar")
+ test3 := st.GetChannel("#test1")
+ if test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Topic did not return modified channel.")
+ }
+ if !test3.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Getting channel after Topic returned different channel.")
+ }
+ test1.Topic = "foo bar"
+ if !test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Topic did not set channel topic correctly.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.Topic("#test2", "foo baz"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Topic for nonexistent channel did not return nil.")
+ }
+func TestSTChannelModes(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ test1 := st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ test2 := st.ChannelModes("#test1", "+sk", "foo")
+ test3 := st.GetChannel("#test1")
+ if test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("ChannelModes did not return modified channel.")
+ }
+ if !test3.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("Getting channel after ChannelModes returned different channel.")
+ }
+ test1.Modes.Secret, test1.Modes.Key = true, "foo"
+ if !test1.Equals(test2) {
+ t.Errorf("ChannelModes did not set channel modes correctly.")
+ }
+ if fail := st.ChannelModes("test2", "whatevs"); fail != nil {
+ t.Errorf("ChannelModes for nonexistent channel did not return nil.")
+ }
+func TestSTIsOn(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ if priv, ok := st.IsOn("#test1", "test1"); ok || priv != nil {
+ t.Errorf("test1 is not on #test1 (yet)")
+ }
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ if priv, ok := st.IsOn("#test1", "test1"); !ok || priv == nil {
+ t.Errorf("test1 is on #test1 (now)")
+ }
+func TestSTAssociate(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ n1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ c1 := st.chans["#test1"]
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ npriv, nok := n1.chans[c1]
+ cpriv, cok := c1.nicks[n1]
+ if !nok || !cok || npriv != cpriv {
+ t.Errorf("#test1 was not associated with test1.")
+ }
+ // Test error cases
+ if st.Associate("", "test1") != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Associating unknown channel did not return nil.")
+ }
+ if st.Associate("#test1", "") != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Associating unknown nick did not return nil.")
+ }
+ if st.Associate("#test1", "test1") != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Associating already-associated things did not return nil.")
+ }
+func TestSTDissociate(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ st.NewChannel("#test2")
+ // Associate both "my" nick and test1 with the channels
+ st.Associate("#test1", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "test1")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ n1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ c1 := st.chans["#test1"]
+ c2 := st.chans["#test2"]
+ // Check the initial state looks mostly like we expect it to.
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 2 || len(c2.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 2 || len(n1.chans) != 2 || len(st.chans) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Initial state for dissociation tests looks odd.")
+ }
+ // First, test the case of me leaving #test2
+ st.Dissociate("#test2", "mynick")
+ // This should have resulted in the complete deletion of the channel.
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 2 || len(c2.nicks) != 0 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 1 || len(n1.chans) != 1 || len(st.chans) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Dissociating myself from channel didn't delete it correctly.")
+ }
+ if st.GetChannel("#test2") != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Able to get channel after dissociating myself.")
+ }
+ // Reassociating myself and test1 to #test2 shouldn't cause any errors.
+ st.NewChannel("#test2")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "test1")
+ // c2 is out of date with the complete deletion of the channel
+ c2 = st.chans["#test2"]
+ // Check state once moar.
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 2 || len(c2.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 2 || len(n1.chans) != 2 || len(st.chans) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Reassociating to channel has produced unexpected state.")
+ }
+ // Now, lets dissociate test1 from #test1 then #test2.
+ // This first one should only result in a change in associations.
+ st.Dissociate("#test1", "test1")
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 1 || len(c2.nicks) != 2 || len(st.nicks) != 2 ||
+ len( != 2 || len(n1.chans) != 1 || len(st.chans) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Dissociating a nick from one channel went wrong.")
+ }
+ // This second one should also delete test1
+ // as it's no longer on any common channels with us
+ st.Dissociate("#test2", "test1")
+ if len(c1.nicks) != 1 || len(c2.nicks) != 1 || len(st.nicks) != 1 ||
+ len( != 2 || len(n1.chans) != 0 || len(st.chans) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Dissociating a nick from it's last channel went wrong.")
+ }
+ if st.GetNick("test1") != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Able to get nick after dissociating from all channels.")
+ }
+func TestSTWipe(t *testing.T) {
+ st := NewTracker("mynick")
+ st.NewNick("test1")
+ st.NewNick("test2")
+ st.NewNick("test3")
+ st.NewChannel("#test1")
+ st.NewChannel("#test2")
+ st.NewChannel("#test3")
+ // Some associations
+ st.Associate("#test1", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test3", "mynick")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test1")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "test2")
+ st.Associate("#test3", "test3")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test2")
+ st.Associate("#test2", "test3")
+ st.Associate("#test1", "test3")
+ // We need to check out the manipulation of the internals.
+ nick1 := st.nicks["test1"]
+ nick2 := st.nicks["test2"]
+ nick3 := st.nicks["test3"]
+ chan1 := st.chans["#test1"]
+ chan2 := st.chans["#test2"]
+ chan3 := st.chans["#test3"]
+ // Check the state we have at this point is what we would expect.
+ if len(st.nicks) != 4 || len(st.chans) != 3 || len( != 3 {
+ t.Errorf("Tracker nick/channel lists wrong length before wipe.")
+ }
+ if len(chan1.nicks) != 4 || len(chan2.nicks) != 3 || len(chan3.nicks) != 2 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel nick lists wrong length before wipe.")
+ }
+ if len(nick1.chans) != 1 || len(nick2.chans) != 2 || len(nick3.chans) != 3 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick chan lists wrong length before wipe.")
+ }
+ // Nuke *all* the state!
+ st.Wipe()
+ // Check the state we have at this point is what we would expect.
+ if len(st.nicks) != 1 || len(st.chans) != 0 || len( != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Tracker nick/channel lists wrong length after wipe.")
+ }
+ if len(chan1.nicks) != 0 || len(chan2.nicks) != 0 || len(chan3.nicks) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Channel nick lists wrong length after wipe.")
+ }
+ if len(nick1.chans) != 0 || len(nick2.chans) != 0 || len(nick3.chans) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Nick chan lists wrong length after wipe.")
+ }