path: root/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 539 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/atmega32hvb.frt b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/atmega32hvb.frt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a117ed..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/atmega32hvb.frt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-\ Partname: ATmega32HVB
-\ generated automatically
-\ Interrupts
-&2 constant BPINTAddr \ Battery Protection Interrupt
-&4 constant VREGMONAddr \ Voltage regulator monitor interrupt
-&6 constant INT0Addr \ External Interrupt Request 0
-&8 constant INT1Addr \ External Interrupt Request 1
-&10 constant INT2Addr \ External Interrupt Request 2
-&12 constant INT3Addr \ External Interrupt Request 3
-&14 constant PCINT0Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt 0
-&16 constant PCINT1Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt 1
-&18 constant WDTAddr \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt
-&20 constant BGSCDAddr \ Bandgap Buffer Short Circuit Detected
-&22 constant CHDETAddr \ Charger Detect
-&24 constant TIMER1_ICAddr \ Timer 1 Input capture
-&26 constant TIMER1_COMPAAddr \ Timer 1 Compare Match A
-&28 constant TIMER1_COMPBAddr \ Timer 1 Compare Match B
-&30 constant TIMER1_OVFAddr \ Timer 1 overflow
-&32 constant TIMER0_ICAddr \ Timer 0 Input Capture
-&34 constant TIMER0_COMPAAddr \ Timer 0 Comapre Match A
-&36 constant TIMER0_COMPBAddr \ Timer 0 Compare Match B
-&38 constant TIMER0_OVFAddr \ Timer 0 Overflow
-&40 constant TWIBUSCDAddr \ Two-Wire Bus Connect/Disconnect
-&42 constant TWIAddr \ Two-Wire Serial Interface
-&44 constant SPI_STCAddr \ SPI Serial transfer complete
-&46 constant VADCAddr \ Voltage ADC Conversion Complete
-&48 constant CCADC_CONVAddr \ Coulomb Counter ADC Conversion Complete
-&50 constant CCADC_REG_CURAddr \ Coloumb Counter ADC Regular Current
-&52 constant CCADC_ACCAddr \ Coloumb Counter ADC Accumulator
-&54 constant EE_READYAddr \ EEPROM Ready
-&56 constant SPMAddr \ SPM Ready
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.asm b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 310e3e7..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-; Partname: ATmega32HVB
-; generated automatically, do not edit
- .include "m32HVBdef.inc"
-.equ ramstart = 256
-.equ CELLSIZE = 2
-.macro readflashcell
- lsl zl
- rol zh
- lpm @0, Z+
- lpm @1, Z+
-.macro writeflashcell
- lsl zl
- rol zh
-.equ intvecsize = 2 ; please verify; flash size: 32768 bytes
-.equ pclen = 2 ; please verify
-.org 2
- rcall isr ; Battery Protection Interrupt
-.org 4
- rcall isr ; Voltage regulator monitor interrupt
-.org 6
- rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 0
-.org 8
- rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 1
-.org 10
- rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 2
-.org 12
- rcall isr ; External Interrupt Request 3
-.org 14
- rcall isr ; Pin Change Interrupt 0
-.org 16
- rcall isr ; Pin Change Interrupt 1
-.org 18
- rcall isr ; Watchdog Timeout Interrupt
-.org 20
- rcall isr ; Bandgap Buffer Short Circuit Detected
-.org 22
- rcall isr ; Charger Detect
-.org 24
- rcall isr ; Timer 1 Input capture
-.org 26
- rcall isr ; Timer 1 Compare Match A
-.org 28
- rcall isr ; Timer 1 Compare Match B
-.org 30
- rcall isr ; Timer 1 overflow
-.org 32
- rcall isr ; Timer 0 Input Capture
-.org 34
- rcall isr ; Timer 0 Comapre Match A
-.org 36
- rcall isr ; Timer 0 Compare Match B
-.org 38
- rcall isr ; Timer 0 Overflow
-.org 40
- rcall isr ; Two-Wire Bus Connect/Disconnect
-.org 42
- rcall isr ; Two-Wire Serial Interface
-.org 44
- rcall isr ; SPI Serial transfer complete
-.org 46
- rcall isr ; Voltage ADC Conversion Complete
-.org 48
- rcall isr ; Coulomb Counter ADC Conversion Complete
-.org 50
- rcall isr ; Coloumb Counter ADC Regular Current
-.org 52
- rcall isr ; Coloumb Counter ADC Accumulator
-.org 54
- rcall isr ; EEPROM Ready
-.org 56
- rcall isr ; SPM Ready
-.equ INTVECTORS = 29
-; compatability layer (maybe empty)
-.equ EEPE = EEWE
-; controller data area, environment query mcu-info
- .dw 2048
- .dw 1024
- .dw 28672
- .dw 29
- .dw 11
- .db "ATmega32HVB",0
-.set codestart=pc
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.inc b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea3b65..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-; Partname: ATmega32HVB
-; generated automatically, no not edit
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.py b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c72334..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# Generated Automatically
-# Partname ATmega32HVB
-# Interrupt Vectors
- 'BPINTAddr' : '#2', # Battery Protection Interrupt
- 'VREGMONAddr' : '#4', # Voltage regulator monitor interrupt
- 'INT0Addr' : '#6', # External Interrupt Request 0
- 'INT1Addr' : '#8', # External Interrupt Request 1
- 'INT2Addr' : '#10', # External Interrupt Request 2
- 'INT3Addr' : '#12', # External Interrupt Request 3
- 'PCINT0Addr' : '#14', # Pin Change Interrupt 0
- 'PCINT1Addr' : '#16', # Pin Change Interrupt 1
- 'WDTAddr' : '#18', # Watchdog Timeout Interrupt
- 'BGSCDAddr' : '#20', # Bandgap Buffer Short Circuit Detected
- 'CHDETAddr' : '#22', # Charger Detect
- 'TIMER1_ICAddr' : '#24', # Timer 1 Input capture
- 'TIMER1_COMPAAddr' : '#26', # Timer 1 Compare Match A
- 'TIMER1_COMPBAddr' : '#28', # Timer 1 Compare Match B
- 'TIMER1_OVFAddr' : '#30', # Timer 1 overflow
- 'TIMER0_ICAddr' : '#32', # Timer 0 Input Capture
- 'TIMER0_COMPAAddr' : '#34', # Timer 0 Comapre Match A
- 'TIMER0_COMPBAddr' : '#36', # Timer 0 Compare Match B
- 'TIMER0_OVFAddr' : '#38', # Timer 0 Overflow
- 'TWIBUSCDAddr' : '#40', # Two-Wire Bus Connect/Disconnect
- 'TWIAddr' : '#42', # Two-Wire Serial Interface
- 'SPI_STCAddr' : '#44', # SPI Serial transfer complete
- 'VADCAddr' : '#46', # Voltage ADC Conversion Complete
- 'CCADC_CONVAddr' : '#48', # Coulomb Counter ADC Conversion Complete
- 'CCADC_REG_CURAddr' : '#50', # Coloumb Counter ADC Regular Current
- 'CCADC_ACCAddr' : '#52', # Coloumb Counter ADC Accumulator
- 'EE_READYAddr' : '#54', # EEPROM Ready
- 'SPMAddr' : '#56', # SPM Ready
- 'VADMUX' : '$7c', # The VADC multiplexer Selection
- 'VADMUX_VADMUX': '$f', # Analog Channel and Gain Select
- 'VADC' : '$78', # VADC Data Register Bytes
- 'VADCSR' : '$7a', # The VADC Control and Status re
- 'VADCSR_VADEN': '$8', # VADC Enable
- 'VADCSR_VADSC': '$4', # VADC Satrt Conversion
- 'VADCSR_VADCCIF': '$2', # VADC Conversion Complete Inter
- 'VADCSR_VADCCIE': '$1', # VADC Conversion Complete Inter
-# Module WATCHDOG
- 'WDTCSR' : '$60', # Watchdog Timer Control Registe
- 'WDTCSR_WDIF': '$80', # Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Fla
- 'WDTCSR_WDIE': '$40', # Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Ena
- 'WDTCSR_WDP': '$27', # Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bits
- 'WDTCSR_WDCE': '$10', # Watchdog Change Enable
- 'WDTCSR_WDE': '$8', # Watch Dog Enable
-# Module FET
- 'FCSR' : '$f0', # FET Control and Status Registe
- 'FCSR_DUVRD': '$8', # Deep Under-Voltage Recovery Di
- 'FCSR_CPS': '$4', # Current Protection Status
- 'FCSR_DFE': '$2', # Discharge FET Enable
- 'FCSR_CFE': '$1', # Charge FET Enable
-# Module SPI
- 'SPCR' : '$4c', # SPI Control Register
- 'SPCR_SPIE': '$80', # SPI Interrupt Enable
- 'SPCR_SPE': '$40', # SPI Enable
- 'SPCR_DORD': '$20', # Data Order
- 'SPCR_MSTR': '$10', # Master/Slave Select
- 'SPCR_CPOL': '$8', # Clock polarity
- 'SPCR_CPHA': '$4', # Clock Phase
- 'SPCR_SPR': '$3', # SPI Clock Rate Selects
- 'SPSR' : '$4d', # SPI Status Register
- 'SPSR_SPIF': '$80', # SPI Interrupt Flag
- 'SPSR_WCOL': '$40', # Write Collision Flag
- 'SPSR_SPI2X': '$1', # Double SPI Speed Bit
- 'SPDR' : '$4e', # SPI Data Register
-# Module EEPROM
- 'EEAR' : '$41', # EEPROM Read/Write Access
- 'EEDR' : '$40', # EEPROM Data Register
- 'EECR' : '$3f', # EEPROM Control Register
- 'EECR_EEPM': '$30', #
- 'EECR_EERIE': '$8', # EEProm Ready Interrupt Enable
- 'EECR_EEMPE': '$4', # EEPROM Master Write Enable
- 'EECR_EEPE': '$2', # EEPROM Write Enable
- 'EECR_EERE': '$1', # EEPROM Read Enable
- 'CADCSRA' : '$e6', # CC-ADC Control and Status Regi
- 'CADCSRA_CADEN': '$80', # When the CADEN bit is cleared
- 'CADCSRA_CADPOL': '$40', #
- 'CADCSRA_CADUB': '$20', # CC_ADC Update Busy
- 'CADCSRA_CADAS': '$18', # CC_ADC Accumulate Current Sele
- 'CADCSRA_CADSI': '$6', # The CADSI bits determine the c
- 'CADCSRA_CADSE': '$1', # When the CADSE bit is written
- 'CADCSRB' : '$e7', # CC-ADC Control and Status Regi
- 'CADCSRB_CADACIE': '$40', #
- 'CADCSRB_CADRCIE': '$20', # Regular Current Interrupt Enab
- 'CADCSRB_CADICIE': '$10', # CAD Instantenous Current Inter
- 'CADCSRB_CADACIF': '$4', # CC-ADC Accumulate Current Inte
- 'CADCSRB_CADRCIF': '$2', # CC-ADC Accumulate Current Inte
- 'CADCSRB_CADICIF': '$1', # CC-ADC Instantaneous Current I
- 'CADCSRC' : '$e8', # CC-ADC Control and Status Regi
- 'CADCSRC_CADVSE': '$1', # CC-ADC Voltage Scaling Enable
- 'CADIC' : '$e4', # CC-ADC Instantaneous Current
- 'CADAC3' : '$e3', # ADC Accumulate Current
- 'CADAC2' : '$e2', # ADC Accumulate Current
- 'CADAC1' : '$e1', # ADC Accumulate Current
- 'CADAC0' : '$e0', # ADC Accumulate Current
- 'CADRCC' : '$e9', # CC-ADC Regular Charge Current
- 'CADRDC' : '$ea', # CC-ADC Regular Discharge Curre
-# Module TWI
- 'TWBCSR' : '$be', # TWI Bus Control and Status Reg
- 'TWBCSR_TWBCIF': '$80', # TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Int
- 'TWBCSR_TWBCIE': '$40', # TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Int
- 'TWBCSR_TWBDT': '$6', # TWI Bus Disconnect Time-out Pe
- 'TWBCSR_TWBCIP': '$1', # TWI Bus Connect/Disconnect Int
- 'TWAMR' : '$bd', # TWI (Slave) Address Mask Regis
- 'TWAMR_TWAM': '$fe', #
- 'TWBR' : '$b8', # TWI Bit Rate register
- 'TWCR' : '$bc', # TWI Control Register
- 'TWCR_TWINT': '$80', # TWI Interrupt Flag
- 'TWCR_TWEA': '$40', # TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit
- 'TWCR_TWSTA': '$20', # TWI Start Condition Bit
- 'TWCR_TWSTO': '$10', # TWI Stop Condition Bit
- 'TWCR_TWWC': '$8', # TWI Write Collition Flag
- 'TWCR_TWEN': '$4', # TWI Enable Bit
- 'TWCR_TWIE': '$1', # TWI Interrupt Enable
- 'TWSR' : '$b9', # TWI Status Register
- 'TWSR_TWS': '$f8', # TWI Status
- 'TWSR_TWPS': '$3', # TWI Prescaler
- 'TWDR' : '$bb', # TWI Data register
- 'TWAR' : '$ba', # TWI (Slave) Address register
- 'TWAR_TWA': '$fe', # TWI (Slave) Address register B
- 'TWAR_TWGCE': '$1', # TWI General Call Recognition E
- 'EICRA' : '$69', # External Interrupt Control Reg
- 'EICRA_ISC3': '$c0', # External Interrupt Sense Contr
- 'EICRA_ISC2': '$30', # External Interrupt Sense Contr
- 'EICRA_ISC1': '$c', # External Interrupt Sense Contr
- 'EICRA_ISC0': '$3', # External Interrupt Sense Contr
- 'EIMSK' : '$3d', # External Interrupt Mask Regist
- 'EIMSK_INT': '$f', # External Interrupt Request 3 E
- 'EIFR' : '$3c', # External Interrupt Flag Regist
- 'EIFR_INTF': '$f', # External Interrupt Flags
- 'PCICR' : '$68', # Pin Change Interrupt Control R
- 'PCICR_PCIE': '$3', # Pin Change Interrupt Enables
- 'PCIFR' : '$3b', # Pin Change Interrupt Flag Regi
- 'PCIFR_PCIF': '$3', # Pin Change Interrupt Flags
- 'PCMSK1' : '$6c', # Pin Change Enable Mask Registe
- 'PCMSK0' : '$6b', # Pin Change Enable Mask Registe
- 'TCCR1B' : '$81', # Timer/Counter1 Control Registe
- 'TCCR1B_CS': '$7', # Clock Select1 bis
- 'TCCR1A' : '$80', # Timer/Counter 1 Control Regist
- 'TCCR1A_TCW1': '$80', # Timer/Counter Width
- 'TCCR1A_ICEN1': '$40', # Input Capture Mode Enable
- 'TCCR1A_ICNC1': '$20', # Input Capture Noise Canceler
- 'TCCR1A_ICES1': '$10', # Input Capture Edge Select
- 'TCCR1A_ICS1': '$8', # Input Capture Select
- 'TCCR1A_WGM10': '$1', # Waveform Generation Mode
- 'TCNT1' : '$84', # Timer Counter 1 Bytes
- 'OCR1A' : '$88', # Output Compare Register 1A
- 'OCR1B' : '$89', # Output Compare Register B
- 'TIMSK1' : '$6f', # Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask R
- 'TIMSK1_ICIE1': '$8', # Timer/Counter n Input Capture
- 'TIMSK1_OCIE1B': '$4', # Timer/Counter1 Output Compare
- 'TIMSK1_OCIE1A': '$2', # Timer/Counter1 Output Compare
- 'TIMSK1_TOIE1': '$1', # Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interr
- 'TIFR1' : '$36', # Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag r
- 'TIFR1_ICF1': '$8', # Timer/Counter 1 Input Capture
- 'TIFR1_OCF1B': '$4', # Timer/Counter1 Output Compare
- 'TIFR1_OCF1A': '$2', # Timer/Counter1 Output Compare
- 'TIFR1_TOV1': '$1', # Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
- 'GTCCR' : '$43', # General Timer/Counter Control
- 'GTCCR_TSM': '$80', # Timer/Counter Synchronization
- 'GTCCR_PSRSYNC': '$1', # Prescaler Reset
- 'CBCR' : '$f1', # Cell Balancing Control Registe
- 'CBCR_CBE': '$f', # Cell Balancing Enables
- 'BPPLR' : '$fe', # Battery Protection Parameter L
- 'BPPLR_BPPLE': '$2', # Battery Protection Parameter L
- 'BPPLR_BPPL': '$1', # Battery Protection Parameter L
- 'BPCR' : '$fd', # Battery Protection Control Reg
- 'BPCR_EPID': '$20', # External Protection Input Disa
- 'BPCR_SCD': '$10', # Short Circuit Protection Disab
- 'BPCR_DOCD': '$8', # Discharge Over-current Protect
- 'BPCR_COCD': '$4', # Charge Over-current Protection
- 'BPCR_DHCD': '$2', # Discharge High-current Protect
- 'BPCR_CHCD': '$1', # Charge High-current Protection
- 'BPHCTR' : '$fc', # Battery Protection Short-curre
- 'BPOCTR' : '$fb', # Battery Protection Over-curren
- 'BPSCTR' : '$fa', # Battery Protection Short-curre
- 'BPCHCD' : '$f9', # Battery Protection Charge-High
- 'BPDHCD' : '$f8', # Battery Protection Discharge-H
- 'BPCOCD' : '$f7', # Battery Protection Charge-Over
- 'BPDOCD' : '$f6', # Battery Protection Discharge-O
- 'BPSCD' : '$f5', # Battery Protection Short-Circu
- 'BPIFR' : '$f3', # Battery Protection Interrupt F
- 'BPIFR_SCIF': '$10', # Short-circuit Protection Activ
- 'BPIFR_DOCIF': '$8', # Discharge Over-current Protect
- 'BPIFR_COCIF': '$4', # Charge Over-current Protection
- 'BPIFR_DHCIF': '$2', # Disharge High-current Protecti
- 'BPIFR_CHCIF': '$1', # Charge High-current Protection
- 'BPIMSK' : '$f2', # Battery Protection Interrupt M
- 'BPIMSK_SCIE': '$10', # Short-circuit Protection Activ
- 'BPIMSK_DOCIE': '$8', # Discharge Over-current Protect
- 'BPIMSK_COCIE': '$4', # Charge Over-current Protection
- 'BPIMSK_DHCIE': '$2', # Discharger High-current Protec
- 'BPIMSK_CHCIE': '$1', # Charger High-current Protectio
- 'CHGDCSR' : '$d4', # Charger Detect Control and Sta
- 'CHGDCSR_BATTPVL': '$10', # BATT Pin Voltage Level
- 'CHGDCSR_CHGDISC': '$c', # Charger Detect Interrupt Sense
- 'CHGDCSR_CHGDIF': '$2', # Charger Detect Interrupt Flag
- 'CHGDCSR_CHGDIE': '$1', # Charger Detect Interrupt Enabl
- 'ROCR' : '$c8', # Regulator Operating Condition
- 'ROCR_ROCS': '$80', # ROC Status
- 'ROCR_ROCD': '$10', # ROC Disable
- 'ROCR_ROCWIF': '$2', # ROC Warning Interrupt Flag
- 'ROCR_ROCWIE': '$1', # ROC Warning Interrupt Enable
-# Module BANDGAP
- 'BGCSR' : '$d2', # Bandgap Control and Status Reg
- 'BGCSR_BGD': '$20', # Bandgap Disable
- 'BGCSR_BGSCDE': '$10', # Bandgap Short Circuit Detectio
- 'BGCSR_BGSCDIF': '$2', # Bandgap Short Circuit Detectio
- 'BGCSR_BGSCDIE': '$1', # Bandgap Short Circuit Detectio
- 'BGCRR' : '$d1', # Bandgap Calibration of Resisto
- 'BGCCR' : '$d0', # Bandgap Calibration Register
- 'BGCCR_BGCC': '$3f', # BG Calibration of PTAT Current
-# Module CPU
- 'SREG' : '$5f', # Status Register
- 'SREG_I': '$80', # Global Interrupt Enable
- 'SREG_T': '$40', # Bit Copy Storage
- 'SREG_H': '$20', # Half Carry Flag
- 'SREG_S': '$10', # Sign Bit
- 'SREG_V': '$8', # Two's Complement Overflow Flag
- 'SREG_N': '$4', # Negative Flag
- 'SREG_Z': '$2', # Zero Flag
- 'SREG_C': '$1', # Carry Flag
- 'SP' : '$5d', # Stack Pointer
- 'MCUCR' : '$55', # MCU Control Register
- 'MCUCR_CKOE': '$20', # Clock Output Enable
- 'MCUCR_PUD': '$10', # Pull-up disable
- 'MCUCR_IVSEL': '$2', # Interrupt Vector Select
- 'MCUCR_IVCE': '$1', # Interrupt Vector Change Enable
- 'MCUSR' : '$54', # MCU Status Register
- 'MCUSR_OCDRF': '$10', # OCD Reset Flag
- 'MCUSR_WDRF': '$8', # Watchdog Reset Flag
- 'MCUSR_BODRF': '$4', # Brown-out Reset Flag
- 'MCUSR_EXTRF': '$2', # External Reset Flag
- 'MCUSR_PORF': '$1', # Power-on reset flag
- 'FOSCCAL' : '$66', # Fast Oscillator Calibration Va
- 'OSICSR' : '$37', # Oscillator Sampling Interface
- 'OSICSR_OSISEL0': '$10', # Oscillator Sampling Interface
- 'OSICSR_OSIST': '$2', # Oscillator Sampling Interface
- 'OSICSR_OSIEN': '$1', # Oscillator Sampling Interface
- 'SMCR' : '$53', # Sleep Mode Control Register
- 'SMCR_SM': '$e', # Sleep Mode Select bits
- 'SMCR_SE': '$1', # Sleep Enable
- 'GPIOR2' : '$4b', # General Purpose IO Register 2
- 'GPIOR1' : '$4a', # General Purpose IO Register 1
- 'GPIOR0' : '$3e', # General Purpose IO Register 0
- 'DIDR0' : '$7e', # Digital Input Disable Register
- 'DIDR0_PA1DID': '$2', # When this bit is written logic
- 'DIDR0_PA0DID': '$1', # When this bit is written logic
- 'PRR0' : '$64', # Power Reduction Register 0
- 'PRR0_PRTWI': '$40', # Power Reduction TWI
- 'PRR0_PRVRM': '$20', # Power Reduction Voltage Regula
- 'PRR0_PRSPI': '$8', # Power reduction SPI
- 'PRR0_PRTIM1': '$4', # Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
- 'PRR0_PRTIM0': '$2', # Power Reduction Timer/Counter0
- 'PRR0_PRVADC': '$1', # Power Reduction V-ADC
- 'CLKPR' : '$61', # Clock Prescale Register
- 'CLKPR_CLKPCE': '$80', # Clock Prescaler Change Enable
- 'CLKPR_CLKPS': '$3', # Clock Prescaler Select Bits
-# Module PORTA
- 'PORTA' : '$22', # Port A Data Register
- 'DDRA' : '$21', # Port A Data Direction Register
- 'PINA' : '$20', # Port A Input Pins
-# Module PORTB
- 'PORTB' : '$25', # Port B Data Register
- 'DDRB' : '$24', # Port B Data Direction Register
- 'PINB' : '$23', # Port B Input Pins
-# Module PORTC
- 'PORTC' : '$28', # Port C Data Register
- 'PINC' : '$26', # Port C Input Pins
- 'TCCR0B' : '$45', # Timer/Counter0 Control Registe
- 'TCCR0B_CS02': '$4', # Clock Select0 bit 2
- 'TCCR0B_CS01': '$2', # Clock Select0 bit 1
- 'TCCR0B_CS00': '$1', # Clock Select0 bit 0
- 'TCCR0A' : '$44', # Timer/Counter 0 Control Regist
- 'TCCR0A_TCW0': '$80', # Timer/Counter Width
- 'TCCR0A_ICEN0': '$40', # Input Capture Mode Enable
- 'TCCR0A_ICNC0': '$20', # Input Capture Noise Canceler
- 'TCCR0A_ICES0': '$10', # Input Capture Edge Select
- 'TCCR0A_ICS0': '$8', # Input Capture Select
- 'TCCR0A_WGM00': '$1', # Waveform Generation Mode
- 'TCNT0' : '$46', # Timer Counter 0 Bytes
- 'OCR0A' : '$48', # Output Compare Register 0A
- 'OCR0B' : '$49', # Output Compare Register B
- 'TIMSK0' : '$6e', # Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask R
- 'TIMSK0_ICIE0': '$8', # Timer/Counter n Input Capture
- 'TIMSK0_OCIE0B': '$4', # Timer/Counter0 Output Compare
- 'TIMSK0_OCIE0A': '$2', # Timer/Counter0 Output Compare
- 'TIMSK0_TOIE0': '$1', # Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interr
- 'TIFR0' : '$35', # Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag r
- 'TIFR0_ICF0': '$8', # Timer/Counter 0 Input Capture
- 'TIFR0_OCF0B': '$4', # Timer/Counter0 Output Compare
- 'TIFR0_OCF0A': '$2', # Timer/Counter0 Output Compare
- 'TIFR0_TOV0': '$1', # Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
- 'GTCCR' : '$43', # General Timer/Counter Control
- 'GTCCR_TSM': '$80', # Timer/Counter Synchronization
- 'GTCCR_PSRSYNC': '$1', # Prescaler Reset
-# Module BOOT_LOAD
- 'SPMCSR' : '$57', # Store Program Memory Control a
- 'SPMCSR_SPMIE': '$80', # SPM Interrupt Enable
- 'SPMCSR_RWWSB': '$40', # Read-While-Write Section Busy
- 'SPMCSR_SIGRD': '$20', # Signature Row Read
- 'SPMCSR_RWWSRE': '$10', # Read-While-Write Section Read
- 'SPMCSR_LBSET': '$8', # Lock Bit Set
- 'SPMCSR_PGWRT': '$4', # Page Write
- 'SPMCSR_PGERS': '$2', # Page Erase
- 'SPMCSR_SPMEN': '$1', # Store Program Memory Enable
- '__amforth_dummy':'0'
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-jtag.asm b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-jtag.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 352a4bb..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-jtag.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-; ( -- )
-; ( -- )
-; MCU
-; disable jtag at runtime
- .dw $FF05
- .db "-jtag",0
- .dw VE_HEAD
- jmp_ DO_NEXT
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-wdt.asm b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-wdt.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a12261..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/no-wdt.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-; ( -- )
-; MCU
-; disable watch dog timer at runtime
- .dw $ff04
- .db "-wdt"
- .dw VE_HEAD
-; Reset WDT
- wdr
-; Write logical one to WDTOE and WDE
- in_ temp1, WDTCR
- ori temp1, (1<<WDTOE)|(1<<WDE)
- out WDTCR, temp1
-; Turn off WDT
- ldi temp1, (0<<WDE)
- out_ WDTCR, temp1
- jmp_ DO_NEXT
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/sleep.asm b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/sleep.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 778fa32..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32hvb/words/sleep.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-; ( mode -- )
-; MCU
-; put the controller into the specified sleep mode
- .dw $ff05
- .db "sleep", 0
- .dw VE_HEAD
- andi tosl, 7 ; leave only legal mode bits
- swap tosl ; move to correct location (bits 6-4, atmega32)
- ori tosl, $80 ; set the SE bit (atmega32: bit 7, not bit 0)
- out_ MCUCR, tosl ; set the sleep config (atmega32: MCUCR not SMCR)
- sleep ; nighty-night
-;; the 4 lower bits of MCUCR should not be touched
- in_ tosl, MCUCR
- andi tosl, $0F
- out_ MCUCR, tosl
- ;clr tosl ; need to clean up the SMCR reg before we leave
- ;out SMCR, tosl ; 0 protects against accidental sleeps
- loadtos ; pop argument from stack
- jmp DO_NEXT