path: root/jonesforth/jonesforth.fs
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authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-05-26 01:59:36 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-05-26 01:59:36 +0200
commit03b912a7db63d213cbfd9a1cb35535759632642b (patch)
tree5174f597c38b456ba5ed133f55a00561529d4809 /jonesforth/jonesforth.fs
parent50eb8eaccf27b6f87570a612349d103f7a976de1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'jonesforth/jonesforth.fs')
1 files changed, 1790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jonesforth/jonesforth.fs b/jonesforth/jonesforth.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a998cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jonesforth/jonesforth.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,1790 @@
+\ -*- text -*-
+\ A sometimes minimal FORTH compiler and tutorial for Linux / i386 systems. -*- asm -*-
+\ By Richard W.M. Jones <rich@annexia.org> http://annexia.org/forth
+\ This is PUBLIC DOMAIN (see public domain release statement below).
+\ $Id: jonesforth.f,v 1.17 2007/10/12 20:07:44 rich Exp $
+\ The first part of this tutorial is in jonesforth.S. Get if from http://annexia.org/forth
+\ PUBLIC DOMAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
+\ In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose,
+\ without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
+\ SETTING UP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Let's get a few housekeeping things out of the way. Firstly because I need to draw lots of
+\ ASCII-art diagrams to explain concepts, the best way to look at this is using a window which
+\ uses a fixed width font and is at least this wide:
+\ Secondly make sure TABS are set to 8 characters. The following should be a vertical
+\ line. If not, sort out your tabs.
+\ |
+\ |
+\ |
+\ Thirdly I assume that your screen is at least 50 characters high.
+\ START OF FORTH CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ We've now reached the stage where the FORTH system is running and self-hosting. All further
+\ words can be written as FORTH itself, including words like IF, THEN, .", etc which in most
+\ languages would be considered rather fundamental.
+\ Some notes about the code:
+\ I use indenting to show structure. The amount of whitespace has no meaning to FORTH however
+\ except that you must use at least one whitespace character between words, and words themselves
+\ cannot contain whitespace.
+\ FORTH is case-sensitive. Use capslock!
+\ The primitive word /MOD (DIVMOD) leaves both the quotient and the remainder on the stack. (On
+\ i386, the idivl instruction gives both anyway). Now we can define the / and MOD in terms of /MOD
+\ and a few other primitives.
+\ Define some character constants
+: '\n' 10 ;
+: BL 32 ; \ BL (BLank) is a standard FORTH word for space.
+\ CR prints a carriage return
+: CR '\n' EMIT ;
+\ SPACE prints a space
+\ NEGATE leaves the negative of a number on the stack.
+: NEGATE 0 SWAP - ;
+\ Standard words for booleans.
+: TRUE 1 ;
+: FALSE 0 ;
+: NOT 0= ;
+\ LITERAL takes whatever is on the stack and compiles LIT <foo>
+ ' LIT , \ compile LIT
+ , \ compile the literal itself (from the stack)
+ ;
+\ Now we can use [ and ] to insert literals which are calculated at compile time. (Recall that
+\ [ and ] are the FORTH words which switch into and out of immediate mode.)
+\ Within definitions, use [ ... ] LITERAL anywhere that '...' is a constant expression which you
+\ would rather only compute once (at compile time, rather than calculating it each time your word runs).
+: ':'
+ [ \ go into immediate mode (temporarily)
+ CHAR : \ push the number 58 (ASCII code of colon) on the parameter stack
+ ] \ go back to compile mode
+ LITERAL \ compile LIT 58 as the definition of ':' word
+\ A few more character constants defined the same way as above.
+: ';' [ CHAR ; ] LITERAL ;
+: '(' [ CHAR ( ] LITERAL ;
+: ')' [ CHAR ) ] LITERAL ;
+: '"' [ CHAR " ] LITERAL ;
+: 'A' [ CHAR A ] LITERAL ;
+: '0' [ CHAR 0 ] LITERAL ;
+: '-' [ CHAR - ] LITERAL ;
+: '.' [ CHAR . ] LITERAL ;
+\ While compiling, '[COMPILE] word' compiles 'word' if it would otherwise be IMMEDIATE.
+ WORD \ get the next word
+ FIND \ find it in the dictionary
+ >CFA \ get its codeword
+ , \ and compile that
+\ RECURSE makes a recursive call to the current word that is being compiled.
+\ Normally while a word is being compiled, it is marked HIDDEN so that references to the
+\ same word within are calls to the previous definition of the word. However we still have
+\ access to the word which we are currently compiling through the LATEST pointer so we
+\ can use that to compile a recursive call.
+ LATEST @ \ LATEST points to the word being compiled at the moment
+ >CFA \ get the codeword
+ , \ compile it
+\ CONTROL STRUCTURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ So far we have defined only very simple definitions. Before we can go further, we really need to
+\ make some control structures, like IF ... THEN and loops. Luckily we can define arbitrary control
+\ structures directly in FORTH.
+\ Please note that the control structures as I have defined them here will only work inside compiled
+\ words. If you try to type in expressions using IF, etc. in immediate mode, then they won't work.
+\ Making these work in immediate mode is left as an exercise for the reader.
+\ condition IF true-part THEN rest
+\ -- compiles to: --> condition 0BRANCH OFFSET true-part rest
+\ where OFFSET is the offset of 'rest'
+\ condition IF true-part ELSE false-part THEN
+\ -- compiles to: --> condition 0BRANCH OFFSET true-part BRANCH OFFSET2 false-part rest
+\ where OFFSET if the offset of false-part and OFFSET2 is the offset of rest
+\ IF is an IMMEDIATE word which compiles 0BRANCH followed by a dummy offset, and places
+\ the address of the 0BRANCH on the stack. Later when we see THEN, we pop that address
+\ off the stack, calculate the offset, and back-fill the offset.
+ ' 0BRANCH , \ compile 0BRANCH
+ HERE @ \ save location of the offset on the stack
+ 0 , \ compile a dummy offset
+ HERE @ SWAP - \ calculate the offset from the address saved on the stack
+ SWAP ! \ store the offset in the back-filled location
+ ' BRANCH , \ definite branch to just over the false-part
+ HERE @ \ save location of the offset on the stack
+ 0 , \ compile a dummy offset
+ SWAP \ now back-fill the original (IF) offset
+ DUP \ same as for THEN word above
+ SWAP !
+\ BEGIN loop-part condition UNTIL
+\ -- compiles to: --> loop-part condition 0BRANCH OFFSET
+\ where OFFSET points back to the loop-part
+\ This is like do { loop-part } while (condition) in the C language
+ HERE @ \ save location on the stack
+ ' 0BRANCH , \ compile 0BRANCH
+ HERE @ - \ calculate the offset from the address saved on the stack
+ , \ compile the offset here
+\ BEGIN loop-part AGAIN
+\ -- compiles to: --> loop-part BRANCH OFFSET
+\ where OFFSET points back to the loop-part
+\ In other words, an infinite loop which can only be returned from with EXIT
+ ' BRANCH , \ compile BRANCH
+ HERE @ - \ calculate the offset back
+ , \ compile the offset here
+\ BEGIN condition WHILE loop-part REPEAT
+\ -- compiles to: --> condition 0BRANCH OFFSET2 loop-part BRANCH OFFSET
+\ where OFFSET points back to condition (the beginning) and OFFSET2 points to after the whole piece of code
+\ So this is like a while (condition) { loop-part } loop in the C language
+ ' 0BRANCH , \ compile 0BRANCH
+ HERE @ \ save location of the offset2 on the stack
+ 0 , \ compile a dummy offset2
+ ' BRANCH , \ compile BRANCH
+ SWAP \ get the original offset (from BEGIN)
+ HERE @ - , \ and compile it after BRANCH
+ HERE @ SWAP - \ calculate the offset2
+ SWAP ! \ and back-fill it in the original location
+\ UNLESS is the same as IF but the test is reversed.
+\ Note the use of [COMPILE]: Since IF is IMMEDIATE we don't want it to be executed while UNLESS
+\ is compiling, but while UNLESS is running (which happens to be when whatever word using UNLESS is
+\ being compiled -- whew!). So we use [COMPILE] to reverse the effect of marking IF as immediate.
+\ This trick is generally used when we want to write our own control words without having to
+\ implement them all in terms of the primitives 0BRANCH and BRANCH, but instead reusing simpler
+\ control words like (in this instance) IF.
+ ' NOT , \ compile NOT (to reverse the test)
+ [COMPILE] IF \ continue by calling the normal IF
+\ COMMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ FORTH allows ( ... ) as comments within function definitions. This works by having an IMMEDIATE
+\ word called ( which just drops input characters until it hits the corresponding ).
+ 1 \ allowed nested parens by keeping track of depth
+ KEY \ read next character
+ DUP '(' = IF \ open paren?
+ DROP \ drop the open paren
+ 1+ \ depth increases
+ ')' = IF \ close paren?
+ 1- \ depth decreases
+ DUP 0= UNTIL \ continue until we reach matching close paren, depth 0
+ DROP \ drop the depth counter
+ From now on we can use ( ... ) for comments.
+ STACK NOTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ In FORTH style we can also use ( ... -- ... ) to show the effects that a word has on the
+ parameter stack. For example:
+ ( n -- ) means that the word consumes an integer (n) from the parameter stack.
+ ( b a -- c ) means that the word uses two integers (a and b, where a is at the top of stack)
+ and returns a single integer (c).
+ ( -- ) means the word has no effect on the stack
+( Some more complicated stack examples, showing the stack notation. )
+: NIP ( x y -- y ) SWAP DROP ;
+: TUCK ( x y -- y x y ) DUP ROT ;
+: PICK ( x_u ... x_1 x_0 u -- x_u ... x_1 x_0 x_u )
+ 1+ ( add one because of 'u' on the stack )
+ 4 * ( multiply by the word size )
+ DSP@ + ( add to the stack pointer )
+ @ ( and fetch )
+( With the looping constructs, we can now write SPACES, which writes n spaces to stdout. )
+: SPACES ( n -- )
+ DUP 0> ( while n > 0 )
+ SPACE ( print a space )
+ 1- ( until we count down to 0 )
+( Standard words for manipulating BASE. )
+: DECIMAL ( -- ) 10 BASE ! ;
+: HEX ( -- ) 16 BASE ! ;
+ PRINTING NUMBERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The standard FORTH word . (DOT) is very important. It takes the number at the top
+ of the stack and prints it out. However first I'm going to implement some lower-level
+ FORTH words:
+ U.R ( u width -- ) which prints an unsigned number, padded to a certain width
+ U. ( u -- ) which prints an unsigned number
+ .R ( n width -- ) which prints a signed number, padded to a certain width.
+ For example:
+ -123 6 .R
+ will print out these characters:
+ <space> <space> - 1 2 3
+ In other words, the number padded left to a certain number of characters.
+ The full number is printed even if it is wider than width, and this is what allows us to
+ define the ordinary functions U. and . (we just set width to zero knowing that the full
+ number will be printed anyway).
+ Another wrinkle of . and friends is that they obey the current base in the variable BASE.
+ BASE can be anything in the range 2 to 36.
+ While we're defining . &c we can also define .S which is a useful debugging tool. This
+ word prints the current stack (non-destructively) from top to bottom.
+( This is the underlying recursive definition of U. )
+: U. ( u -- )
+ BASE @ /MOD ( width rem quot )
+ ?DUP IF ( if quotient <> 0 then )
+ RECURSE ( print the quotient )
+ ( print the remainder )
+ DUP 10 < IF
+ '0' ( decimal digits 0..9 )
+ 10 - ( hex and beyond digits A..Z )
+ 'A'
+ +
+ FORTH word .S prints the contents of the stack. It doesn't alter the stack.
+ Very useful for debugging.
+: .S ( -- )
+ DSP@ ( get current stack pointer )
+ DUP S0 @ <
+ DUP @ U. ( print the stack element )
+ 4+ ( move up )
+( This word returns the width (in characters) of an unsigned number in the current base )
+: UWIDTH ( u -- width )
+ BASE @ / ( rem quot )
+ ?DUP IF ( if quotient <> 0 then )
+ RECURSE 1+ ( return 1+recursive call )
+ 1 ( return 1 )
+: U.R ( u width -- )
+ SWAP ( width u )
+ DUP ( width u u )
+ UWIDTH ( width u uwidth )
+ -ROT ( u uwidth width )
+ SWAP - ( u width-uwidth )
+ ( At this point if the requested width is narrower, we'll have a negative number on the stack.
+ Otherwise the number on the stack is the number of spaces to print. But SPACES won't print
+ a negative number of spaces anyway, so it's now safe to call SPACES ... )
+ ( ... and then call the underlying implementation of U. )
+ U.
+ .R prints a signed number, padded to a certain width. We can't just print the sign
+ and call U.R because we want the sign to be next to the number ('-123' instead of '- 123').
+: .R ( n width -- )
+ SWAP ( width n )
+ DUP 0< IF
+ NEGATE ( width u )
+ 1 ( save a flag to remember that it was negative | width n 1 )
+ ROT ( 1 width u )
+ SWAP ( 1 u width )
+ 1- ( 1 u width-1 )
+ 0 ( width u 0 )
+ ROT ( 0 width u )
+ SWAP ( 0 u width )
+ SWAP ( flag width u )
+ DUP ( flag width u u )
+ UWIDTH ( flag width u uwidth )
+ -ROT ( flag u uwidth width )
+ SWAP - ( flag u width-uwidth )
+ SPACES ( flag u )
+ SWAP ( u flag )
+ IF ( was it negative? print the - character )
+ '-' EMIT
+ U.
+( Finally we can define word . in terms of .R, with a trailing space. )
+: . 0 .R SPACE ;
+( The real U., note the trailing space. )
+: U. U. SPACE ;
+( ? fetches the integer at an address and prints it. )
+: ? ( addr -- ) @ . ;
+( c a b WITHIN returns true if a <= c and c < b )
+ ROT ( b c a )
+ OVER ( b c a c )
+ <= IF
+ > IF ( b c -- )
+ 2DROP ( b c -- )
+( DEPTH returns the depth of the stack. )
+: DEPTH ( -- n )
+ S0 @ DSP@ -
+ 4- ( adjust because S0 was on the stack when we pushed DSP )
+ ALIGNED takes an address and rounds it up (aligns it) to the next 4 byte boundary.
+: ALIGNED ( addr -- addr )
+ 3 + 3 INVERT AND ( (addr+3) & ~3 )
+ ALIGN aligns the HERE pointer, so the next word appended will be aligned properly.
+ STRINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ S" string" is used in FORTH to define strings. It leaves the address of the string and
+ its length on the stack, (length at the top of stack). The space following S" is the normal
+ space between FORTH words and is not a part of the string.
+ This is tricky to define because it has to do different things depending on whether
+ we are compiling or in immediate mode. (Thus the word is marked IMMEDIATE so it can
+ detect this and do different things).
+ In compile mode we append
+ LITSTRING <string length> <string rounded up 4 bytes>
+ to the current word. The primitive LITSTRING does the right thing when the current
+ word is executed.
+ In immediate mode there isn't a particularly good place to put the string, but in this
+ case we put the string at HERE (but we _don't_ change HERE). This is meant as a temporary
+ location, likely to be overwritten soon after.
+( C, appends a byte to the current compiled word. )
+: C,
+ HERE @ C! ( store the character in the compiled image )
+ 1 HERE +! ( increment HERE pointer by 1 byte )
+: S" IMMEDIATE ( -- addr len )
+ STATE @ IF ( compiling? )
+ ' LITSTRING , ( compile LITSTRING )
+ HERE @ ( save the address of the length word on the stack )
+ 0 , ( dummy length - we don't know what it is yet )
+ KEY ( get next character of the string )
+ DUP '"' <>
+ C, ( copy character )
+ DROP ( drop the double quote character at the end )
+ DUP ( get the saved address of the length word )
+ HERE @ SWAP - ( calculate the length )
+ 4- ( subtract 4 (because we measured from the start of the length word) )
+ SWAP ! ( and back-fill the length location )
+ ALIGN ( round up to next multiple of 4 bytes for the remaining code )
+ ELSE ( immediate mode )
+ HERE @ ( get the start address of the temporary space )
+ DUP '"' <>
+ OVER C! ( save next character )
+ 1+ ( increment address )
+ DROP ( drop the final " character )
+ HERE @ - ( calculate the length )
+ HERE @ ( push the start address )
+ SWAP ( addr len )
+ ." is the print string operator in FORTH. Example: ." Something to print"
+ The space after the operator is the ordinary space required between words and is not
+ a part of what is printed.
+ In immediate mode we just keep reading characters and printing them until we get to
+ the next double quote.
+ In compile mode we use S" to store the string, then add TELL afterwards:
+ LITSTRING <string length> <string rounded up to 4 bytes> TELL
+ It may be interesting to note the use of [COMPILE] to turn the call to the immediate
+ word S" into compilation of that word. It compiles it into the definition of .",
+ not into the definition of the word being compiled when this is running (complicated
+ enough for you?)
+: ." IMMEDIATE ( -- )
+ STATE @ IF ( compiling? )
+ [COMPILE] S" ( read the string, and compile LITSTRING, etc. )
+ ' TELL , ( compile the final TELL )
+ ( In immediate mode, just read characters and print them until we get
+ to the ending double quote. )
+ DUP '"' = IF
+ DROP ( drop the double quote character )
+ EXIT ( return from this function )
+ CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ In FORTH, global constants and variables are defined like this:
+ 10 CONSTANT TEN when TEN is executed, it leaves the integer 10 on the stack
+ VARIABLE VAR when VAR is executed, it leaves the address of VAR on the stack
+ Constants can be read but not written, eg:
+ TEN . CR prints 10
+ You can read a variable (in this example called VAR) by doing:
+ VAR @ leaves the value of VAR on the stack
+ VAR @ . CR prints the value of VAR
+ VAR ? CR same as above, since ? is the same as @ .
+ and update the variable by doing:
+ 20 VAR ! sets VAR to 20
+ Note that variables are uninitialised (but see VALUE later on which provides initialised
+ variables with a slightly simpler syntax).
+ How can we define the words CONSTANT and VARIABLE?
+ The trick is to define a new word for the variable itself (eg. if the variable was called
+ 'VAR' then we would define a new word called VAR). This is easy to do because we exposed
+ dictionary entry creation through the CREATE word (part of the definition of : above).
+ A call to WORD [TEN] CREATE (where [TEN] means that "TEN" is the next word in the input)
+ leaves the dictionary entry:
+ +--- HERE
+ |
+ V
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+
+ | LINK | 3 | T | E | N |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+
+ len
+ For CONSTANT we can continue by appending DOCOL (the codeword), then LIT followed by
+ the constant itself and then EXIT, forming a little word definition that returns the
+ constant:
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ | LINK | 3 | T | E | N | DOCOL | LIT | 10 | EXIT |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ len codeword
+ Notice that this word definition is exactly the same as you would have got if you had
+ written : TEN 10 ;
+ Note for people reading the code below: DOCOL is a constant word which we defined in the
+ assembler part which returns the value of the assembler symbol of the same name.
+ WORD ( get the name (the name follows CONSTANT) )
+ CREATE ( make the dictionary entry )
+ DOCOL , ( append DOCOL (the codeword field of this word) )
+ ' LIT , ( append the codeword LIT )
+ , ( append the value on the top of the stack )
+ ' EXIT , ( append the codeword EXIT )
+ VARIABLE is a little bit harder because we need somewhere to put the variable. There is
+ nothing particularly special about the user memory (the area of memory pointed to by HERE
+ where we have previously just stored new word definitions). We can slice off bits of this
+ memory area to store anything we want, so one possible definition of VARIABLE might create
+ this:
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | |
+ V |
+ +---------+---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+---|--------+------------+
+ | <var> | LINK | 3 | V | A | R | DOCOL | LIT | <addr var> | EXIT |
+ +---------+---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ len codeword
+ where <var> is the place to store the variable, and <addr var> points back to it.
+ To make this more general let's define a couple of words which we can use to allocate
+ arbitrary memory from the user memory.
+ First ALLOT, where n ALLOT allocates n bytes of memory. (Note when calling this that
+ it's a very good idea to make sure that n is a multiple of 4, or at least that next time
+ a word is compiled that HERE has been left as a multiple of 4).
+: ALLOT ( n -- addr )
+ HERE @ SWAP ( here n )
+ HERE +! ( adds n to HERE, after this the old value of HERE is still on the stack )
+ Second, CELLS. In FORTH the phrase 'n CELLS ALLOT' means allocate n integers of whatever size
+ is the natural size for integers on this machine architecture. On this 32 bit machine therefore
+ CELLS just multiplies the top of stack by 4.
+: CELLS ( n -- n ) 4 * ;
+ So now we can define VARIABLE easily in much the same way as CONSTANT above. Refer to the
+ diagram above to see what the word that this creates will look like.
+ 1 CELLS ALLOT ( allocate 1 cell of memory, push the pointer to this memory )
+ WORD CREATE ( make the dictionary entry (the name follows VARIABLE) )
+ DOCOL , ( append DOCOL (the codeword field of this word) )
+ ' LIT , ( append the codeword LIT )
+ , ( append the pointer to the new memory )
+ ' EXIT , ( append the codeword EXIT )
+ VALUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VALUEs are like VARIABLEs but with a simpler syntax. You would generally use them when you
+ want a variable which is read often, and written infrequently.
+ 20 VALUE VAL creates VAL with initial value 20
+ VAL pushes the value (20) directly on the stack
+ 30 TO VAL updates VAL, setting it to 30
+ VAL pushes the value (30) directly on the stack
+ Notice that 'VAL' on its own doesn't return the address of the value, but the value itself,
+ making values simpler and more obvious to use than variables (no indirection through '@').
+ The price is a more complicated implementation, although despite the complexity there is no
+ performance penalty at runtime.
+ A naive implementation of 'TO' would be quite slow, involving a dictionary search each time.
+ But because this is FORTH we have complete control of the compiler so we can compile TO more
+ efficiently, turning:
+ into:
+ LIT <addr> !
+ and calculating <addr> (the address of the value) at compile time.
+ Now this is the clever bit. We'll compile our value like this:
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ | LINK | 3 | V | A | L | DOCOL | LIT | <value> | EXIT |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ len codeword
+ where <value> is the actual value itself. Note that when VAL executes, it will push the
+ value on the stack, which is what we want.
+ But what will TO use for the address <addr>? Why of course a pointer to that <value>:
+ code compiled - - - - --+------------+------------+------------+-- - - - -
+ by TO VAL | LIT | <addr> | ! |
+ - - - - --+------------+-----|------+------------+-- - - - -
+ |
+ V
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ | LINK | 3 | V | A | L | DOCOL | LIT | <value> | EXIT |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ len codeword
+ In other words, this is a kind of self-modifying code.
+ (Note to the people who want to modify this FORTH to add inlining: values defined this
+ way cannot be inlined).
+: VALUE ( n -- )
+ WORD CREATE ( make the dictionary entry (the name follows VALUE) )
+ DOCOL , ( append DOCOL )
+ ' LIT , ( append the codeword LIT )
+ , ( append the initial value )
+ ' EXIT , ( append the codeword EXIT )
+: TO IMMEDIATE ( n -- )
+ WORD ( get the name of the value )
+ FIND ( look it up in the dictionary )
+ >DFA ( get a pointer to the first data field (the 'LIT') )
+ 4+ ( increment to point at the value )
+ STATE @ IF ( compiling? )
+ ' LIT , ( compile LIT )
+ , ( compile the address of the value )
+ ' ! , ( compile ! )
+ ELSE ( immediate mode )
+ ! ( update it straightaway )
+( x +TO VAL adds x to VAL )
+ WORD ( get the name of the value )
+ FIND ( look it up in the dictionary )
+ >DFA ( get a pointer to the first data field (the 'LIT') )
+ 4+ ( increment to point at the value )
+ STATE @ IF ( compiling? )
+ ' LIT , ( compile LIT )
+ , ( compile the address of the value )
+ ' +! , ( compile +! )
+ ELSE ( immediate mode )
+ +! ( update it straightaway )
+ PRINTING THE DICTIONARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ID. takes an address of a dictionary entry and prints the word's name.
+ For example: LATEST @ ID. would print the name of the last word that was defined.
+: ID.
+ 4+ ( skip over the link pointer )
+ DUP C@ ( get the flags/length byte )
+ F_LENMASK AND ( mask out the flags - just want the length )
+ DUP 0> ( length > 0? )
+ SWAP 1+ ( addr len -- len addr+1 )
+ DUP C@ ( len addr -- len addr char | get the next character)
+ EMIT ( len addr char -- len addr | and print it)
+ SWAP 1- ( len addr -- addr len-1 | subtract one from length )
+ 2DROP ( len addr -- )
+ 'WORD word FIND ?HIDDEN' returns true if 'word' is flagged as hidden.
+ 'WORD word FIND ?IMMEDIATE' returns true if 'word' is flagged as immediate.
+ 4+ ( skip over the link pointer )
+ C@ ( get the flags/length byte )
+ F_HIDDEN AND ( mask the F_HIDDEN flag and return it (as a truth value) )
+ 4+ ( skip over the link pointer )
+ C@ ( get the flags/length byte )
+ F_IMMED AND ( mask the F_IMMED flag and return it (as a truth value) )
+ WORDS prints all the words defined in the dictionary, starting with the word defined most recently.
+ However it doesn't print hidden words.
+ The implementation simply iterates backwards from LATEST using the link pointers.
+ LATEST @ ( start at LATEST dictionary entry )
+ ?DUP ( while link pointer is not null )
+ DUP ?HIDDEN NOT IF ( ignore hidden words )
+ DUP ID. ( but if not hidden, print the word )
+ @ ( dereference the link pointer - go to previous word )
+ CR
+ FORGET ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ So far we have only allocated words and memory. FORTH provides a rather primitive method
+ to deallocate.
+ 'FORGET word' deletes the definition of 'word' from the dictionary and everything defined
+ after it, including any variables and other memory allocated after.
+ The implementation is very simple - we look up the word (which returns the dictionary entry
+ address). Then we set HERE to point to that address, so in effect all future allocations
+ and definitions will overwrite memory starting at the word. We also need to set LATEST to
+ point to the previous word.
+ Note that you cannot FORGET built-in words (well, you can try but it will probably cause
+ a segfault).
+ XXX: Because we wrote VARIABLE to store the variable in memory allocated before the word,
+ in the current implementation VARIABLE FOO FORGET FOO will leak 1 cell of memory.
+ WORD FIND ( find the word, gets the dictionary entry address )
+ DUP @ LATEST ! ( set LATEST to point to the previous word )
+ HERE ! ( and store HERE with the dictionary address )
+ DUMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DUMP is used to dump out the contents of memory, in the 'traditional' hexdump format.
+ Notice that the parameters to DUMP (address, length) are compatible with string words
+ such as WORD and S".
+ You can dump out the raw code for the last word you defined by doing something like:
+: DUMP ( addr len -- )
+ BASE @ ROT ( save the current BASE at the bottom of the stack )
+ HEX ( and switch to hexadecimal mode )
+ ?DUP ( while len > 0 )
+ OVER 8 U.R ( print the address )
+ ( print up to 16 words on this line )
+ 2DUP ( addr len addr len )
+ 1- 15 AND 1+ ( addr len addr linelen )
+ ?DUP ( while linelen > 0 )
+ SWAP ( addr len linelen addr )
+ DUP C@ ( addr len linelen addr byte )
+ 2 .R SPACE ( print the byte )
+ 1+ SWAP 1- ( addr len linelen addr -- addr len addr+1 linelen-1 )
+ DROP ( addr len )
+ ( print the ASCII equivalents )
+ 2DUP 1- 15 AND 1+ ( addr len addr linelen )
+ ?DUP ( while linelen > 0)
+ SWAP ( addr len linelen addr )
+ DUP C@ ( addr len linelen addr byte )
+ DUP 32 128 WITHIN IF ( 32 <= c < 128? )
+ 1+ SWAP 1- ( addr len linelen addr -- addr len addr+1 linelen-1 )
+ DROP ( addr len )
+ CR
+ DUP 1- 15 AND 1+ ( addr len linelen )
+ DUP ( addr len linelen linelen )
+ ROT ( addr linelen len linelen )
+ - ( addr linelen len-linelen )
+ ROT ( len-linelen addr linelen )
+ + ( len-linelen addr+linelen )
+ SWAP ( addr-linelen len-linelen )
+ DROP ( restore stack )
+ BASE ! ( restore saved BASE )
+ CASE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CASE...ENDCASE is how we do switch statements in FORTH. There is no generally
+ agreed syntax for this, so I've gone for the syntax mandated by the ISO standard
+ ( some value on the stack )
+ test1 OF ... ENDOF
+ test2 OF ... ENDOF
+ testn OF ... ENDOF
+ ... ( default case )
+ The CASE statement tests the value on the stack by comparing it for equality with
+ test1, test2, ..., testn and executes the matching piece of code within OF ... ENDOF.
+ If none of the test values match then the default case is executed. Inside the ... of
+ the default case, the value is still at the top of stack (it is implicitly DROP-ed
+ by ENDCASE). When ENDOF is executed it jumps after ENDCASE (ie. there is no "fall-through"
+ and no need for a break statement like in C).
+ The default case may be omitted. In fact the tests may also be omitted so that you
+ just have a default case, although this is probably not very useful.
+ An example (assuming that 'q', etc. are words which push the ASCII value of the letter
+ on the stack):
+ ( default case: )
+ ." Sorry, I didn't understand key <" DUP EMIT ." >, try again." CR
+ (In some versions of FORTH, more advanced tests are supported, such as ranges, etc.
+ Other versions of FORTH need you to write OTHERWISE to indicate the default case.
+ As I said above, this FORTH tries to follow the ANS FORTH standard).
+ The implementation of CASE...ENDCASE is somewhat non-trivial. I'm following the
+ implementations from here:
+ http://www.uni-giessen.de/faq/archiv/forthfaq.case_endcase/msg00000.html
+ The general plan is to compile the code as a series of IF statements:
+ CASE (push 0 on the immediate-mode parameter stack)
+ test1 OF ... ENDOF test1 OVER = IF DROP ... ELSE
+ test2 OF ... ENDOF test2 OVER = IF DROP ... ELSE
+ testn OF ... ENDOF testn OVER = IF DROP ... ELSE
+ ... ( default case ) ...
+ The CASE statement pushes 0 on the immediate-mode parameter stack, and that number
+ is used to count how many THEN statements we need when we get to ENDCASE so that each
+ IF has a matching THEN. The counting is done implicitly. If you recall from the
+ implementation above of IF, each IF pushes a code address on the immediate-mode stack,
+ and these addresses are non-zero, so by the time we get to ENDCASE the stack contains
+ some number of non-zeroes, followed by a zero. The number of non-zeroes is how many
+ times IF has been called, so how many times we need to match it with THEN.
+ This code uses [COMPILE] so that we compile calls to IF, ELSE, THEN instead of
+ actually calling them while we're compiling the words below.
+ As is the case with all of our control structures, they only work within word
+ definitions, not in immediate mode.
+ 0 ( push 0 to mark the bottom of the stack )
+ ' OVER , ( compile OVER )
+ ' = , ( compile = )
+ [COMPILE] IF ( compile IF )
+ ' DROP , ( compile DROP )
+ [COMPILE] ELSE ( ENDOF is the same as ELSE )
+ ' DROP , ( compile DROP )
+ ( keep compiling THEN until we get to our zero marker )
+ ?DUP
+ DECOMPILER ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CFA> is the opposite of >CFA. It takes a codeword and tries to find the matching
+ dictionary definition. (In truth, it works with any pointer into a word, not just
+ the codeword pointer, and this is needed to do stack traces).
+ In this FORTH this is not so easy. In fact we have to search through the dictionary
+ because we don't have a convenient back-pointer (as is often the case in other versions
+ of FORTH). Because of this search, CFA> should not be used when performance is critical,
+ so it is only used for debugging tools such as the decompiler and printing stack
+ traces.
+ This word returns 0 if it doesn't find a match.
+: CFA>
+ LATEST @ ( start at LATEST dictionary entry )
+ ?DUP ( while link pointer is not null )
+ 2DUP SWAP ( cfa curr curr cfa )
+ < IF ( current dictionary entry < cfa? )
+ NIP ( leave curr dictionary entry on the stack )
+ @ ( follow link pointer back )
+ DROP ( restore stack )
+ 0 ( sorry, nothing found )
+ SEE decompiles a FORTH word.
+ We search for the dictionary entry of the word, then search again for the next
+ word (effectively, the end of the compiled word). This results in two pointers:
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ | LINK | 3 | T | E | N | DOCOL | LIT | 10 | EXIT |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ ^ ^
+ | |
+ Start of word End of word
+ With this information we can have a go at decompiling the word. We need to
+ recognise "meta-words" like LIT, LITSTRING, BRANCH, etc. and treat those separately.
+: SEE
+ WORD FIND ( find the dictionary entry to decompile )
+ ( Now we search again, looking for the next word in the dictionary. This gives us
+ the length of the word that we will be decompiling. (Well, mostly it does). )
+ HERE @ ( address of the end of the last compiled word )
+ LATEST @ ( word last curr )
+ 2 PICK ( word last curr word )
+ OVER ( word last curr word curr )
+ <> ( word last curr word<>curr? )
+ WHILE ( word last curr )
+ NIP ( word curr )
+ DUP @ ( word curr prev (which becomes: word last curr) )
+ DROP ( at this point, the stack is: start-of-word end-of-word )
+ SWAP ( end-of-word start-of-word )
+ ( begin the definition with : NAME [IMMEDIATE] )
+ >DFA ( get the data address, ie. points after DOCOL | end-of-word start-of-data )
+ ( now we start decompiling until we hit the end of the word )
+ BEGIN ( end start )
+ 2DUP >
+ DUP @ ( end start codeword )
+ ' LIT OF ( is it LIT ? )
+ 4 + DUP @ ( get next word which is the integer constant )
+ . ( and print it )
+ [ CHAR S ] LITERAL EMIT '"' EMIT SPACE ( print S"<space> )
+ 4 + DUP @ ( get the length word )
+ SWAP 4 + SWAP ( end start+4 length )
+ 2DUP TELL ( print the string )
+ '"' EMIT SPACE ( finish the string with a final quote )
+ + ALIGNED ( end start+4+len, aligned )
+ 4 - ( because we're about to add 4 below )
+ ' 0BRANCH OF ( is it 0BRANCH ? )
+ ." 0BRANCH ( "
+ 4 + DUP @ ( print the offset )
+ .
+ ." ) "
+ ' BRANCH OF ( is it BRANCH ? )
+ ." BRANCH ( "
+ 4 + DUP @ ( print the offset )
+ .
+ ." ) "
+ ' ' OF ( is it ' (TICK) ? )
+ 4 + DUP @ ( get the next codeword )
+ CFA> ( and force it to be printed as a dictionary entry )
+ ' EXIT OF ( is it EXIT? )
+ ( We expect the last word to be EXIT, and if it is then we don't print it
+ because EXIT is normally implied by ;. EXIT can also appear in the middle
+ of words, and then it needs to be printed. )
+ 2DUP ( end start end start )
+ 4 + ( end start end start+4 )
+ <> IF ( end start | we're not at the end )
+ ." EXIT "
+ ( default case: )
+ DUP ( in the default case we always need to DUP before using )
+ CFA> ( look up the codeword to get the dictionary entry )
+ ID. SPACE ( and print it )
+ 4 + ( end start+4 )
+ ';' EMIT CR
+ 2DROP ( restore stack )
+ EXECUTION TOKENS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Standard FORTH defines a concept called an 'execution token' (or 'xt') which is very
+ similar to a function pointer in C. We map the execution token to a codeword address.
+ execution token of DOUBLE is the address of this codeword
+ |
+ V
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ | LINK | 6 | D | O | U | B | L | E | 0 | DOCOL | DUP | + | EXIT |
+ +---------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+------------+------------+------------+------------+
+ len pad codeword ^
+ There is one assembler primitive for execution tokens, EXECUTE ( xt -- ), which runs them.
+ You can make an execution token for an existing word the long way using >CFA,
+ ie: WORD [foo] FIND >CFA will push the xt for foo onto the stack where foo is the
+ next word in input. So a very slow way to run DOUBLE might be:
+ : DOUBLE DUP + ;
+ 5 SLOW DOUBLE . CR \ prints 10
+ We also offer a simpler and faster way to get the execution token of any word FOO:
+ ['] FOO
+ (Exercises for readers: (1) What is the difference between ['] FOO and ' FOO?
+ (2) What is the relationship between ', ['] and LIT?)
+ More useful is to define anonymous words and/or to assign xt's to variables.
+ To define an anonymous word (and push its xt on the stack) use :NONAME ... ; as in this
+ example:
+ :NONAME ." anon word was called" CR ; \ pushes xt on the stack
+ DUP EXECUTE EXECUTE \ executes the anon word twice
+ Stack parameters work as expected:
+ :NONAME ." called with parameter " . CR ;
+ 10 SWAP EXECUTE \ prints 'called with parameter 10'
+ 20 SWAP EXECUTE \ prints 'called with parameter 20'
+ Notice that the above code has a memory leak: the anonymous word is still compiled
+ into the data segment, so even if you lose track of the xt, the word continues to
+ occupy memory. A good way to keep track of the xt and thus avoid the memory leak is
+ to assign it to a CONSTANT, VARIABLE or VALUE:
+ :NONAME ." anon word was called" CR ; TO ANON
+ Another use of :NONAME is to create an array of functions which can be called quickly
+ (think: fast switch statement). This example is adapted from the ANS FORTH standard:
+ :NONAME ." alternate 0 was called" CR ; 0 SET-CMD
+ :NONAME ." alternate 1 was called" CR ; 1 SET-CMD
+ \ etc...
+ :NONAME ." alternate 9 was called" CR ; 9 SET-CMD
+ 0 0 CREATE ( create a word with no name - we need a dictionary header because ; expects it )
+ HERE @ ( current HERE value is the address of the codeword, ie. the xt )
+ DOCOL , ( compile DOCOL (the codeword) )
+ ] ( go into compile mode )
+ ' LIT , ( compile LIT )
+ EXCEPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Amazingly enough, exceptions can be implemented directly in FORTH, in fact rather easily.
+ The general usage is as follows:
+ : FOO ( n -- ) THROW ;
+ 25 ['] FOO CATCH \ execute 25 FOO, catching any exception
+ ." called FOO and it threw exception number: "
+ . CR
+ DROP \ we have to drop the argument of FOO (25)
+ ;
+ \ prints: called FOO and it threw exception number: 25
+ CATCH runs an execution token and detects whether it throws any exception or not. The
+ stack signature of CATCH is rather complicated:
+ ( a_n-1 ... a_1 a_0 xt -- r_m-1 ... r_1 r_0 0 ) if xt did NOT throw an exception
+ ( a_n-1 ... a_1 a_0 xt -- ?_n-1 ... ?_1 ?_0 e ) if xt DID throw exception 'e'
+ where a_i and r_i are the (arbitrary number of) argument and return stack contents
+ before and after xt is EXECUTEd. Notice in particular the case where an exception
+ is thrown, the stack pointer is restored so that there are n of _something_ on the
+ stack in the positions where the arguments a_i used to be. We don't really guarantee
+ what is on the stack -- perhaps the original arguments, and perhaps other nonsense --
+ it largely depends on the implementation of the word that was executed.
+ THROW, ABORT and a few others throw exceptions.
+ Exception numbers are non-zero integers. By convention the positive numbers can be used
+ for app-specific exceptions and the negative numbers have certain meanings defined in
+ the ANS FORTH standard. (For example, -1 is the exception thrown by ABORT).
+ 0 THROW does nothing. This is the stack signature of THROW:
+ ( 0 -- )
+ ( * e -- ?_n-1 ... ?_1 ?_0 e ) the stack is restored to the state from the corresponding CATCH
+ The implementation hangs on the definitions of CATCH and THROW and the state shared
+ between them.
+ Up to this point, the return stack has consisted merely of a list of return addresses,
+ with the top of the return stack being the return address where we will resume executing
+ when the current word EXITs. However CATCH will push a more complicated 'exception stack
+ frame' on the return stack. The exception stack frame records some things about the
+ state of execution at the time that CATCH was called.
+ When called, THROW walks up the return stack (the process is called 'unwinding') until
+ it finds the exception stack frame. It then uses the data in the exception stack frame
+ to restore the state allowing execution to continue after the matching CATCH. (If it
+ unwinds the stack and doesn't find the exception stack frame then it prints a message
+ and drops back to the prompt, which is also normal behaviour for so-called 'uncaught
+ exceptions').
+ This is what the exception stack frame looks like. (As is conventional, the return stack
+ is shown growing downwards from higher to lower memory addresses).
+ +------------------------------+
+ | return address from CATCH | Notice this is already on the
+ | | return stack when CATCH is called.
+ +------------------------------+
+ | original parameter stack |
+ | pointer |
+ +------------------------------+ ^
+ | exception stack marker | |
+ | (EXCEPTION-MARKER) | | Direction of stack
+ +------------------------------+ | unwinding by THROW.
+ |
+ |
+ The EXCEPTION-MARKER marks the entry as being an exception stack frame rather than an
+ ordinary return address, and it is this which THROW "notices" as it is unwinding the
+ stack. (If you want to implement more advanced exceptions such as TRY...WITH then
+ you'll need to use a different value of marker if you want the old and new exception stack
+ frame layouts to coexist).
+ What happens if the executed word doesn't throw an exception? It will eventually
+ return and call EXCEPTION-MARKER, so EXCEPTION-MARKER had better do something sensible
+ without us needing to modify EXIT. This nicely gives us a suitable definition of
+ EXCEPTION-MARKER, namely a function that just drops the stack frame and itself
+ returns (thus "returning" from the original CATCH).
+ One thing to take from this is that exceptions are a relatively lightweight mechanism
+ in FORTH.
+ RDROP ( drop the original parameter stack pointer )
+ 0 ( there was no exception, this is the normal return path )
+: CATCH ( xt -- exn? )
+ DSP@ 4+ >R ( save parameter stack pointer (+4 because of xt) on the return stack )
+ ' EXCEPTION-MARKER 4+ ( push the address of the RDROP inside EXCEPTION-MARKER ... )
+ >R ( ... on to the return stack so it acts like a return address )
+ EXECUTE ( execute the nested function )
+: THROW ( n -- )
+ ?DUP IF ( only act if the exception code <> 0 )
+ RSP@ ( get return stack pointer )
+ DUP R0 4- < ( RSP < R0 )
+ DUP @ ( get the return stack entry )
+ ' EXCEPTION-MARKER 4+ = IF ( found the EXCEPTION-MARKER on the return stack )
+ 4+ ( skip the EXCEPTION-MARKER on the return stack )
+ RSP! ( restore the return stack pointer )
+ ( Restore the parameter stack. )
+ DUP DUP DUP ( reserve some working space so the stack for this word
+ doesn't coincide with the part of the stack being restored )
+ R> ( get the saved parameter stack pointer | n dsp )
+ 4- ( reserve space on the stack to store n )
+ SWAP OVER ( dsp n dsp )
+ ! ( write n on the stack )
+ DSP! EXIT ( restore the parameter stack pointer, immediately exit )
+ 4+
+ ( No matching catch - print a message and restart the INTERPRETer. )
+ 0 1- OF ( ABORT )
+ ( default case )
+ DUP . CR
+: ABORT ( -- )
+ 0 1- THROW
+( Print a stack trace by walking up the return stack. )
+ RSP@ ( start at caller of this function )
+ DUP R0 4- < ( RSP < R0 )
+ DUP @ ( get the return stack entry )
+ ' EXCEPTION-MARKER 4+ OF ( is it the exception stack frame? )
+ ." CATCH ( DSP="
+ 4+ DUP @ U. ( print saved stack pointer )
+ ." ) "
+ ( default case )
+ CFA> ( look up the codeword to get the dictionary entry )
+ ?DUP IF ( and print it )
+ 2DUP ( dea addr dea )
+ ID. ( print word from dictionary entry )
+ SWAP >DFA 4+ - . ( print offset )
+ 4+ ( move up the stack )
+ CR
+ C STRINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FORTH strings are represented by a start address and length kept on the stack or in memory.
+ Most FORTHs don't handle C strings, but we need them in order to access the process arguments
+ and environment left on the stack by the Linux kernel, and to make some system calls.
+ Operation Input Output FORTH word Notes
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Create FORTH string addr len S" ..."
+ Create C string c-addr Z" ..."
+ C -> FORTH c-addr addr len DUP STRLEN
+ FORTH -> C addr len c-addr CSTRING Allocated in a temporary buffer, so
+ should be consumed / copied immediately.
+ FORTH string should not contain NULs.
+ For example, DUP STRLEN TELL prints a C string.
+ Z" .." is like S" ..." except that the string is terminated by an ASCII NUL character.
+ To make it more like a C string, at runtime Z" just leaves the address of the string
+ on the stack (not address & length as with S"). To implement this we need to add the
+ extra NUL to the string and also a DROP instruction afterwards. Apart from that the
+ implementation just a modified S".
+ STATE @ IF ( compiling? )
+ ' LITSTRING , ( compile LITSTRING )
+ HERE @ ( save the address of the length word on the stack )
+ 0 , ( dummy length - we don't know what it is yet )
+ KEY ( get next character of the string )
+ DUP '"' <>
+ HERE @ C! ( store the character in the compiled image )
+ 1 HERE +! ( increment HERE pointer by 1 byte )
+ 0 HERE @ C! ( add the ASCII NUL byte )
+ 1 HERE +!
+ DROP ( drop the double quote character at the end )
+ DUP ( get the saved address of the length word )
+ HERE @ SWAP - ( calculate the length )
+ 4- ( subtract 4 (because we measured from the start of the length word) )
+ SWAP ! ( and back-fill the length location )
+ ALIGN ( round up to next multiple of 4 bytes for the remaining code )
+ ' DROP , ( compile DROP (to drop the length) )
+ ELSE ( immediate mode )
+ HERE @ ( get the start address of the temporary space )
+ DUP '"' <>
+ OVER C! ( save next character )
+ 1+ ( increment address )
+ DROP ( drop the final " character )
+ 0 SWAP C! ( store final ASCII NUL )
+ HERE @ ( push the start address )
+: STRLEN ( str -- len )
+ DUP ( save start address )
+ DUP C@ 0<> ( zero byte found? )
+ 1+
+ SWAP - ( calculate the length )
+: CSTRING ( addr len -- c-addr )
+ SWAP OVER ( len saddr len )
+ HERE @ SWAP ( len saddr daddr len )
+ CMOVE ( len )
+ HERE @ + ( daddr+len )
+ 0 SWAP C! ( store terminating NUL char )
+ HERE @ ( push start address )
+ THE ENVIRONMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Linux makes the process arguments and environment available to us on the stack.
+ The top of stack pointer is saved by the early assembler code when we start up in the FORTH
+ variable S0, and starting at this pointer we can read out the command line arguments and the
+ environment.
+ Starting at S0, S0 itself points to argc (the number of command line arguments).
+ S0+4 points to argv[0], S0+8 points to argv[1] etc up to argv[argc-1].
+ argv[argc] is a NULL pointer.
+ After that the stack contains environment variables, a set of pointers to strings of the
+ form NAME=VALUE and on until we get to another NULL pointer.
+ The first word that we define, ARGC, pushes the number of command line arguments (note that
+ as with C argc, this includes the name of the command).
+ S0 @ @
+ n ARGV gets the nth command line argument.
+ For example to print the command name you would do:
+: ARGV ( n -- str u )
+ 1+ CELLS S0 @ + ( get the address of argv[n] entry )
+ @ ( get the address of the string )
+ DUP STRLEN ( and get its length / turn it into a FORTH string )
+ ENVIRON returns the address of the first environment string. The list of strings ends
+ with a NULL pointer.
+ For example to print the first string in the environment you could do:
+: ENVIRON ( -- addr )
+ ARGC ( number of command line parameters on the stack to skip )
+ 2 + ( skip command line count and NULL pointer after the command line args )
+ CELLS ( convert to an offset )
+ S0 @ + ( add to base stack address )
+ SYSTEM CALLS AND FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Miscellaneous words related to system calls, and standard access to files.
+( BYE exits by calling the Linux exit(2) syscall. )
+: BYE ( -- )
+ 0 ( return code (0) )
+ SYS_EXIT ( system call number )
+ UNUSED returns the number of cells remaining in the user memory (data segment).
+ For our implementation we will use Linux brk(2) system call to find out the end
+ of the data segment and subtract HERE from it.
+: GET-BRK ( -- brkpoint )
+ 0 SYS_BRK SYSCALL1 ( call brk(0) )
+: UNUSED ( -- n )
+ GET-BRK ( get end of data segment according to the kernel )
+ HERE @ ( get current position in data segment )
+ -
+ 4 / ( returns number of cells )
+ MORECORE increases the data segment by the specified number of (4 byte) cells.
+ NB. The number of cells requested should normally be a multiple of 1024. The
+ reason is that Linux can't extend the data segment by less than a single page
+ (4096 bytes or 1024 cells).
+ This FORTH doesn't automatically increase the size of the data segment "on demand"
+ (ie. when , (COMMA), ALLOT, CREATE, and so on are used). Instead the programmer
+ needs to be aware of how much space a large allocation will take, check UNUSED, and
+ call MORECORE if necessary. A simple programming exercise is to change the
+ implementation of the data segment so that MORECORE is called automatically if
+ the program needs more memory.
+: BRK ( brkpoint -- )
+: MORECORE ( cells -- )
+ Standard FORTH provides some simple file access primitives which we model on
+ top of Linux syscalls.
+ The main complication is converting FORTH strings (address & length) into C
+ strings for the Linux kernel.
+ Notice there is no buffering in this implementation.
+: R/O ( -- fam ) O_RDONLY ;
+: R/W ( -- fam ) O_RDWR ;
+: OPEN-FILE ( addr u fam -- fd 0 (if successful) | c-addr u fam -- fd errno (if there was an error) )
+ ROT ( fam addr u )
+ CSTRING ( fam cstring )
+ SYS_OPEN SYSCALL2 ( open (filename, flags) )
+ DUP ( fd fd )
+ DUP 0< IF ( errno? )
+ NEGATE ( fd errno )
+ DROP 0 ( fd 0 )
+: CREATE-FILE ( addr u fam -- fd 0 (if successful) | c-addr u fam -- fd errno (if there was an error) )
+ ROT ( fam addr u )
+ CSTRING ( fam cstring )
+ 420 ROT ( 0644 fam cstring )
+ SYS_OPEN SYSCALL3 ( open (filename, flags|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0644) )
+ DUP ( fd fd )
+ DUP 0< IF ( errno? )
+ NEGATE ( fd errno )
+ DROP 0 ( fd 0 )
+: CLOSE-FILE ( fd -- 0 (if successful) | fd -- errno (if there was an error) )
+: READ-FILE ( addr u fd -- u2 0 (if successful) | addr u fd -- 0 0 (if EOF) | addr u fd -- u2 errno (if error) )
+ ROT SWAP -ROT ( u addr fd )
+ DUP ( u2 u2 )
+ DUP 0< IF ( errno? )
+ NEGATE ( u2 errno )
+ DROP 0 ( u2 0 )
+ PERROR prints a message for an errno, similar to C's perror(3) but we don't have the extensive
+ list of strerror strings available, so all we can do is print the errno.
+: PERROR ( errno addr u -- )
+ ." ERRNO="
+ . CR
+ ASSEMBLER CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This is just the outline of a simple assembler, allowing you to write FORTH primitives
+ in assembly language.
+ Assembly primitives begin ': NAME' in the normal way, but are ended with ;CODE. ;CODE
+ updates the header so that the codeword isn't DOCOL, but points instead to the assembled
+ code (in the DFA part of the word).
+ We provide a convenience macro NEXT (you guessed what it does). However you don't need to
+ use it because ;CODE will put a NEXT at the end of your word.
+ The rest consists of some immediate words which expand into machine code appended to the
+ definition of the word. Only a very tiny part of the i386 assembly space is covered, just
+ enough to write a few assembler primitives below.
+( Equivalent to the NEXT macro )
+ [COMPILE] NEXT ( end the word with NEXT macro )
+ ALIGN ( machine code is assembled in bytes so isn't necessarily aligned at the end )
+ HIDDEN ( unhide the word )
+ DUP >DFA SWAP >CFA ! ( change the codeword to point to the data area )
+ [COMPILE] [ ( go back to immediate mode )
+( The i386 registers )
+( i386 stack instructions )
+: POP IMMEDIATE 58 + C, ;
+( RDTSC instruction )
+ RDTSC is an assembler primitive which reads the Pentium timestamp counter (a very fine-
+ grained counter which counts processor clock cycles). Because the TSC is 64 bits wide
+ we have to push it onto the stack in two slots.
+: RDTSC ( -- lsb msb )
+ RDTSC ( writes the result in %edx:%eax )
+ EAX PUSH ( push lsb )
+ EDX PUSH ( push msb )
+ INLINE can be used to inline an assembler primitive into the current (assembler)
+ word.
+ For example:
+ will build an efficient assembler word 2DROP which contains the inline assembly code
+ for DROP followed by DROP (eg. two 'pop %eax' instructions in this case).
+ Another example. Consider this ordinary FORTH definition:
+ : C@++ ( addr -- addr+1 byte ) DUP 1+ SWAP C@ ;
+ (it is equivalent to the C operation '*p++' where p is a pointer to char). If we
+ notice that all of the words used to define C@++ are in fact assembler primitives,
+ then we can write a faster (but equivalent) definition like this:
+ One interesting point to note is that this "concatenative" style of programming
+ allows you to write assembler words portably. The above definition would work
+ for any CPU architecture.
+ There are several conditions that must be met for INLINE to be used successfully:
+ (1) You must be currently defining an assembler word (ie. : ... ;CODE).
+ (2) The word that you are inlining must be known to be an assembler word. If you try
+ to inline a FORTH word, you'll get an error message.
+ (3) The assembler primitive must be position-independent code and must end with a
+ single NEXT macro.
+ Exercises for the reader: (a) Generalise INLINE so that it can inline FORTH words when
+ building FORTH words. (b) Further generalise INLINE so that it does something sensible
+ when you try to inline FORTH into assembler and vice versa.
+ The implementation of INLINE is pretty simple. We find the word in the dictionary,
+ check it's an assembler word, then copy it into the current definition, byte by byte,
+ until we reach the NEXT macro (which is not copied).
+: =NEXT ( addr -- next? )
+ 1+ C@ 20 <> IF FALSE EXIT THEN
+( (INLINE) is the lowlevel inline function. )
+: (INLINE) ( cfa -- )
+ @ ( remember codeword points to the code )
+ BEGIN ( copy bytes until we hit NEXT macro )
+ DUP C@ C,
+ 1+
+ WORD FIND ( find the word in the dictionary )
+ >CFA ( codeword )
+ DUP @ DOCOL = IF ( check codeword <> DOCOL (ie. not a FORTH word) )
+ ." Cannot INLINE FORTH words" CR ABORT
+ NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DOES> isn't possible to implement with this FORTH because we don't have a separate
+ data pointer.
+ WELCOME MESSAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Print the version and OK prompt.
+ ." OK "