path: root/vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-09-09 09:42:37 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-09-09 09:42:37 +0200
commit500caaeda74dd9c660279036293f4b2997cf0b03 (patch)
tree1226f60231a408b0aae67867faaa3f2cfbac8c83 /vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go
parent413560591fc2d89a73eb8a33ba28b0cc3407b1db (diff)
Add vendor
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go')
1 files changed, 1390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb14a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt/proprietary_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package sfnt
+This file contains opt-in tests for popular, high quality, proprietary fonts,
+made by companies such as Adobe and Microsoft. These fonts are generally
+available, but copies are not explicitly included in this repository due to
+licensing differences or file size concerns. To opt-in, run:
+go test golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt -args -proprietary
+Not all tests pass out-of-the-box on all systems. For example, the Microsoft
+Times New Roman font is downloadable gratis even on non-Windows systems, but as
+per the ttf-mscorefonts-installer Debian package, this requires accepting an
+End User License Agreement (EULA) and a CAB format decoder. These tests assume
+that such fonts have already been installed. You may need to specify the
+directories for these fonts:
+go test golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt -args -proprietary \
+ -adobeDir=$HOME/fonts/adobe \
+ -appleDir=$HOME/fonts/apple \
+ -dejavuDir=$HOME/fonts/dejavu \
+ -microsoftDir=$HOME/fonts/microsoft \
+ -notoDir=$HOME/fonts/noto
+To only run those tests for the Microsoft fonts:
+go test golang.org/x/image/font/sfnt -test.run=ProprietaryMicrosoft -args -proprietary etc
+// TODO: enable Apple/Microsoft tests by default on Darwin/Windows?
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "golang.org/x/image/font"
+ "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed"
+var (
+ proprietary = flag.Bool("proprietary", false, "test proprietary fonts not included in this repository")
+ adobeDir = flag.String(
+ "adobeDir",
+ // This needs to be set explicitly. There is no default dir on Debian:
+ // https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=736680
+ //
+ // Get the fonts from https://github.com/adobe-fonts, e.g.:
+ // - https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/releases/latest
+ // - https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-sans/releases/latest
+ // - https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-sans-pro/releases/latest
+ //
+ // Copy all of the TTF and OTF files to the one directory, such as
+ // $HOME/adobe-fonts, and pass that as the -adobeDir flag here.
+ "",
+ "directory name for the Adobe proprietary fonts",
+ )
+ appleDir = flag.String(
+ "appleDir",
+ // This needs to be set explicitly. These fonts come with macOS, which
+ // is widely available but not freely available.
+ //
+ // On a Mac, set this to "/System/Library/Fonts/".
+ "",
+ "directory name for the Apple proprietary fonts",
+ )
+ dejavuDir = flag.String(
+ "dejavuDir",
+ // Get the fonts from https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/
+ "",
+ "directory name for the DejaVu proprietary fonts",
+ )
+ microsoftDir = flag.String(
+ "microsoftDir",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts",
+ "directory name for the Microsoft proprietary fonts",
+ )
+ notoDir = flag.String(
+ "notoDir",
+ // Get the fonts from https://www.google.com/get/noto/
+ "",
+ "directory name for the Noto proprietary fonts",
+ )
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceCodeProRegularOTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceCodePro-Regular.otf", 1500, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceCodeProRegularTTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf", 1500, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceHanSansSCRegularOTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf", 65535, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceSansProBlackOTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceSansPro-Black.otf", 1900, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceSansProBlackTTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceSansPro-Black.ttf", 1900, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceSansProRegularOTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceSansPro-Regular.otf", 1900, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAdobeSourceSansProRegularTTF(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "adobe", "SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf", 1900, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleAppleSymbols(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Apple Symbols.ttf", 4600, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleGeezaPro0(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "GeezaPro.ttc?0", 1700, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleGeezaPro1(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "GeezaPro.ttc?1", 1700, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica0(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?0", 2100, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica1(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?1", 2100, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica2(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?2", 2100, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica3(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?3", 2100, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica4(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?4", 1300, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHelvetica5(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "Helvetica.dfont?5", 1300, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHiragino0(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?0", 9000, -1)
+func TestProprietaryAppleHiragino1(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "apple", "ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?1", 9000, -1)
+func TestProprietaryDejaVuSansExtraLight(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "dejavu", "DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf", 2000, -1)
+func TestProprietaryDejaVuSansMono(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "dejavu", "DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 3300, -1)
+func TestProprietaryDejaVuSerif(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "dejavu", "DejaVuSerif.ttf", 3500, -1)
+func TestProprietaryMicrosoftArial(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "microsoft", "Arial.ttf", 1200, -1)
+func TestProprietaryMicrosoftArialAsACollection(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "microsoft", "Arial.ttf?0", 1200, -1)
+func TestProprietaryMicrosoftComicSansMS(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "microsoft", "Comic_Sans_MS.ttf", 550, -1)
+func TestProprietaryMicrosoftTimesNewRoman(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "microsoft", "Times_New_Roman.ttf", 1200, -1)
+func TestProprietaryMicrosoftWebdings(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "microsoft", "Webdings.ttf", 200, -1)
+func TestProprietaryNotoColorEmoji(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "noto", "NotoColorEmoji.ttf", 2300, -1)
+func TestProprietaryNotoSansRegular(t *testing.T) {
+ testProprietary(t, "noto", "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", 2400, -1)
+// testProprietary tests that we can load every glyph in the named font.
+// The exact number of glyphs in the font can differ across its various
+// versions, but as a sanity check, there should be at least minNumGlyphs.
+// While this package is a work-in-progress, not every glyph can be loaded. The
+// firstUnsupportedGlyph argument, if non-negative, is the index of the first
+// unsupported glyph in the font. This number should increase over time (or set
+// negative), as the TODO's in this package are done.
+func testProprietary(t *testing.T, proprietor, filename string, minNumGlyphs, firstUnsupportedGlyph int) {
+ if !*proprietary {
+ t.Skip("skipping proprietary font test")
+ }
+ basename, fontIndex, err := filename, -1, error(nil)
+ if i := strings.IndexByte(filename, '?'); i >= 0 {
+ fontIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(filename[i+1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("could not parse collection font index from filename %q", filename)
+ }
+ basename = filename[:i]
+ }
+ dir := ""
+ switch proprietor {
+ case "adobe":
+ dir = *adobeDir
+ case "apple":
+ dir = *appleDir
+ case "dejavu":
+ dir = *dejavuDir
+ case "microsoft":
+ dir = *microsoftDir
+ case "noto":
+ dir = *notoDir
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+ file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, basename))
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("%v\nPerhaps you need to set the -%sDir flag?", err, proprietor)
+ }
+ qualifiedFilename := proprietor + "/" + filename
+ f := (*Font)(nil)
+ if fontIndex >= 0 {
+ c, err := ParseCollection(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ParseCollection: %v", err)
+ }
+ if want, ok := proprietaryNumFonts[qualifiedFilename]; ok {
+ if got := c.NumFonts(); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("NumFonts: got %d, want %d", got, want)
+ }
+ }
+ f, err = c.Font(fontIndex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Font: %v", err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ f, err = Parse(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm())
+ var buf Buffer
+ // Some of the tests below, such as which glyph index a particular rune
+ // maps to, can depend on the specific version of the proprietary font. If
+ // tested against a different version of that font, the test might (but not
+ // necessarily will) fail, even though the Go code is good. If so, log a
+ // message, but don't automatically fail (i.e. dont' call t.Fatalf).
+ gotVersion, err := f.Name(&buf, NameIDVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Name(Version): %v", err)
+ }
+ wantVersion := proprietaryVersions[qualifiedFilename]
+ if gotVersion != wantVersion {
+ t.Logf("font version provided differs from the one the tests were written against:"+
+ "\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotVersion, wantVersion)
+ }
+ gotFull, err := f.Name(&buf, NameIDFull)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Name(Full): %v", err)
+ }
+ wantFull := proprietaryFullNames[qualifiedFilename]
+ if gotFull != wantFull {
+ t.Fatalf("Name(Full):\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotFull, wantFull)
+ }
+ numGlyphs := f.NumGlyphs()
+ if numGlyphs < minNumGlyphs {
+ t.Fatalf("NumGlyphs: got %d, want at least %d", numGlyphs, minNumGlyphs)
+ }
+ iMax := numGlyphs
+ if firstUnsupportedGlyph >= 0 {
+ iMax = firstUnsupportedGlyph
+ }
+ for i, numErrors := 0, 0; i < iMax; i++ {
+ if _, err := f.LoadGlyph(&buf, GlyphIndex(i), ppem, nil); err != nil && err != ErrColoredGlyph {
+ t.Errorf("LoadGlyph(%d): %v", i, err)
+ numErrors++
+ }
+ if numErrors == 10 {
+ t.Fatal("LoadGlyph: too many errors")
+ }
+ }
+ for r, want := range proprietaryGlyphIndexTestCases[qualifiedFilename] {
+ got, err := f.GlyphIndex(&buf, r)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("GlyphIndex(%q): %v", r, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("GlyphIndex(%q): got %d, want %d", r, got, want)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ for r, want := range proprietaryGlyphTestCases[qualifiedFilename] {
+ x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&buf, r)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("GlyphIndex(%q): %v", r, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ got, err := f.LoadGlyph(&buf, x, ppem, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("LoadGlyph(%q): %v", r, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if err := checkSegmentsEqual(got, want); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("LoadGlyph(%q): %v", r, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ for _, tc := range proprietaryKernTestCases[qualifiedFilename] {
+ var indexes [2]GlyphIndex
+ for i := range indexes {
+ x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&buf, tc.runes[i])
+ if x == 0 && err == nil {
+ err = errors.New("no glyph index found")
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("GlyphIndex(%q): %v", tc.runes[0], err)
+ continue kernLoop
+ }
+ indexes[i] = x
+ }
+ kern, err := f.Kern(&buf, indexes[0], indexes[1], tc.ppem, tc.hinting)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Kern(%q, %q, ppem=%d, hinting=%v): %v",
+ tc.runes[0], tc.runes[1], tc.ppem, tc.hinting, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if got := Units(kern); got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("Kern(%q, %q, ppem=%d, hinting=%v): got %d, want %d",
+ tc.runes[0], tc.runes[1], tc.ppem, tc.hinting, got, tc.want)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ for x, want := range proprietaryFDSelectTestCases[qualifiedFilename] {
+ got, err := f.cached.glyphData.fdSelect.lookup(f, &buf, x)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("fdSelect.lookup(%d): %v", x, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("fdSelect.lookup(%d): got %d, want %d", x, got, want)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+// proprietaryNumFonts holds the expected number of fonts in each collection,
+// or 1 for a single font. It is not necessarily an exhaustive list of all
+// proprietary fonts tested.
+var proprietaryNumFonts = map[string]int{
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?0": 6,
+ "apple/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?0": 2,
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf?0": 1,
+// proprietaryVersions holds the expected version string of each proprietary
+// font tested. If third parties such as Adobe or Microsoft update their fonts,
+// and the tests subsequently fail, these versions should be updated too.
+// Updates are expected to be infrequent. For example, as of 2017, the fonts
+// installed by the Debian ttf-mscorefonts-installer package have last modified
+// times no later than 2001.
+var proprietaryVersions = map[string]string{
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.otf": "Version 2.030;PS 1.0;hotconv 16.6.51;makeotf.lib2.5.65220",
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf": "Version 2.030;PS 1.000;hotconv 16.6.51;makeotf.lib2.5.65220",
+ "adobe/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf": "Version 1.004;PS 1.004;hotconv 1.0.82;makeotf.lib2.5.63406",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Black.otf": "Version 2.020;PS 2.0;hotconv 1.0.86;makeotf.lib2.5.63406",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Black.ttf": "Version 2.020;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.86;makeotf.lib2.5.63406",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf": "Version 2.020;PS 2.0;hotconv 1.0.86;makeotf.lib2.5.63406",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf": "Version 2.020;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.86;makeotf.lib2.5.63406",
+ "apple/Apple Symbols.ttf": "12.0d3e10",
+ "apple/GeezaPro.ttc?0": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/GeezaPro.ttc?1": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?0": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?1": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?2": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?3": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?4": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?5": "12.0d1e3",
+ "apple/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?0": "11.0d7e1",
+ "apple/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?1": "11.0d7e1",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf": "Version 2.37",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf": "Version 2.37",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf": "Version 2.37",
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf": "Version 2.82",
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf?0": "Version 2.82",
+ "microsoft/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf": "Version 2.10",
+ "microsoft/Times_New_Roman.ttf": "Version 2.82",
+ "microsoft/Webdings.ttf": "Version 1.03",
+ "noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf": "Version 1.33",
+ "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf": "Version 1.06",
+// proprietaryFullNames holds the expected full name of each proprietary font
+// tested.
+var proprietaryFullNames = map[string]string{
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.otf": "Source Code Pro",
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf": "Source Code Pro",
+ "adobe/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf": "Source Han Sans SC Regular",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Black.otf": "Source Sans Pro Black",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Black.ttf": "Source Sans Pro Black",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf": "Source Sans Pro",
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf": "Source Sans Pro",
+ "apple/Apple Symbols.ttf": "Apple Symbols",
+ "apple/GeezaPro.ttc?0": "Geeza Pro Regular",
+ "apple/GeezaPro.ttc?1": "Geeza Pro Bold",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?0": "Helvetica",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?1": "Helvetica Bold",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?2": "Helvetica Oblique",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?3": "Helvetica Bold Oblique",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?4": "Helvetica Light",
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?5": "Helvetica Light Oblique",
+ "apple/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?0": "Hiragino Sans W0",
+ "apple/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc?1": ".Hiragino Kaku Gothic Interface W0",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf": "DejaVu Sans ExtraLight",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf": "DejaVu Sans Mono",
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf": "DejaVu Serif",
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf": "Arial",
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf?0": "Arial",
+ "microsoft/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf": "Comic Sans MS",
+ "microsoft/Times_New_Roman.ttf": "Times New Roman",
+ "microsoft/Webdings.ttf": "Webdings",
+ "noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf": "Noto Color Emoji",
+ "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf": "Noto Sans",
+// proprietaryGlyphIndexTestCases hold a sample of each font's rune to glyph
+// index cmap. The numerical values can be verified by running the ttx tool.
+var proprietaryGlyphIndexTestCases = map[string]map[rune]GlyphIndex{
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.otf": {
+ '\u0030': 877, // U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
+ '\u0041': 2, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u0061': 28, // U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+ '\u0104': 64, // U+0104 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK
+ '\u01f4': 111, // U+01F4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
+ '\u03a3': 623, // U+03A3 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+ '\U0001f100': 0, // U+0001F100 DIGIT ZERO FULL STOP
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf": {
+ '\u0030': 877, // U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
+ '\u0041': 2, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u01f4': 111, // U+01F4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH ACUTE
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf": {
+ '\u0030': 17, // U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
+ '\u0041': 34, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u00d7': 150, // U+00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+ '\u1100': 365, // U+1100 HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK
+ '\u25ca': 1254, // U+25CA LOZENGE
+ '\u2e9c': 1359, // U+2E9C CJK RADICAL SUN
+ '\u304b': 1463, // U+304B HIRAGANA LETTER KA
+ '\u4e2d': 9893, // U+4E2D <CJK Ideograph>, 中
+ '\ua960': 47537, // U+A960 HANGUL CHOSEONG TIKEUT-MIEUM
+ '\ufb00': 58919, // U+FB00 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
+ '\uffee': 59213, // U+FFEE HALFWIDTH WHITE CIRCLE
+ '\U0001f100': 59214, // U+0001F100 DIGIT ZERO FULL STOP
+ '\U0001f248': 59449, // U+0001F248 TORTOISE SHELL BRACKETED CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-6557
+ '\U0002f9f4': 61768, // U+0002F9F4 CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F4
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf": {
+ '\u0041': 2, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u03a3': 592, // U+03A3 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+ '\u0435': 999, // U+0435 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
+ '\u2030': 1728, // U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 2, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u03a3': 592, // U+03A3 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
+ '\u0435': 999, // U+0435 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE
+ '\u2030': 1728, // U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN
+ },
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?0": {
+ '\u0041': 36, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u00f1': 120, // U+00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+ '\u0401': 473, // U+0401 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
+ '\u200d': 611, // U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER
+ '\u20ab': 1743, // U+20AB DONG SIGN
+ '\u2229': 0, // U+2229 INTERSECTION
+ '\u04e9': 1208, // U+04E9 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O
+ '\U0001f100': 0, // U+0001F100 DIGIT ZERO FULL STOP
+ },
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 36, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ },
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 36, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u00f1': 120, // U+00F1 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+ '\u0401': 556, // U+0401 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO
+ '\u200d': 745, // U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER
+ '\u20ab': 1150, // U+20AB DONG SIGN
+ '\u2229': 320, // U+2229 INTERSECTION
+ '\u04e9': 1319, // U+04E9 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BARRED O
+ '\U0001f100': 0, // U+0001F100 DIGIT ZERO FULL STOP
+ },
+ "microsoft/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 36, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ },
+ "microsoft/Times_New_Roman.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 36, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u0042': 37, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+ '\u266a': 392, // U+266A EIGHTH NOTE
+ '\uf041': 0, // PRIVATE USE AREA
+ '\uf042': 0, // PRIVATE USE AREA
+ },
+ "microsoft/Webdings.ttf": {
+ '\u0041': 0, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
+ '\u0042': 0, // U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
+ '\u266a': 0, // U+266A EIGHTH NOTE
+ '\uf041': 36, // PRIVATE USE AREA
+ '\uf042': 37, // PRIVATE USE AREA
+ },
+// proprietaryGlyphTestCases hold a sample of each font's glyph vectors. The
+// numerical values can be verified by running the ttx tool, remembering that:
+// - for PostScript glyphs, ttx coordinates are relative.
+// - for TrueType glyphs, ttx coordinates are absolute, and consecutive
+// off-curve points implies an on-curve point at the midpoint.
+var proprietaryGlyphTestCases = map[string]map[rune][]Segment{
+ "adobe/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf": {
+ '!': {
+ // -312 123 callsubr # 123 + bias = 230
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312].
+ // : -13 140 -119 -21 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 -13 140 -119 -21].
+ // 120 callsubr # 120 + bias = 227
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 -13 140 -119 -21].
+ // : hstemhm
+ // : 95 132 -103 75 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [95 132 -103 75].
+ // hintmask 01010000
+ // 8 callsubr # 8 + bias = 115
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : 130 221 rmoveto
+ moveTo(130, 221),
+ // : 63 hlineto
+ lineTo(193, 221),
+ // : 12 424 3 -735 callgsubr # -735 + bias = 396
+ // : : # Arg stack is [12 424 3].
+ // : : 104 rlineto
+ lineTo(205, 645),
+ lineTo(208, 749),
+ // : : -93 hlineto
+ lineTo(115, 749),
+ // : : 3 -104 rlineto
+ lineTo(118, 645),
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 01100000
+ // 106 callsubr # 106 + bias = 213
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : 43 -658 rmoveto
+ lineTo(130, 221),
+ moveTo(161, -13),
+ // : 37 29 28 41 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [37 29 28 41].
+ // hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(198, -13, 227, 15, 227, 56),
+ // hintmask 10100000
+ // 41 -29 30 -37 -36 -30 -30 -41 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(227, 97, 198, 127, 161, 127),
+ cubeTo(125, 127, 95, 97, 95, 56),
+ // hintmask 01100000
+ // 111 callsubr # 111 + bias = 218
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -41 30 -28 36 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(95, 15, 125, -13, 161, -13),
+ // : endchar
+ },
+ '二': { // U+4E8C <CJK Ideograph> "two; twice"
+ // 23 81 510 79 hstem
+ // 60 881 cntrmask 11000000
+ // 144 693 rmoveto
+ moveTo(144, 693),
+ // -79 713 79 vlineto
+ lineTo(144, 614),
+ lineTo(857, 614),
+ lineTo(857, 693),
+ // -797 -589 rmoveto
+ lineTo(144, 693),
+ moveTo(60, 104),
+ // -81 881 81 vlineto
+ lineTo(60, 23),
+ lineTo(941, 23),
+ lineTo(941, 104),
+ // endchar
+ lineTo(60, 104),
+ },
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Black.otf": {
+ '¤': { // U+00A4 CURRENCY SIGN
+ // -45 147 99 168 98 hstem
+ // 44 152 148 152 vstem
+ // 102 76 rmoveto
+ moveTo(102, 76),
+ // 71 71 rlineto
+ lineTo(173, 147),
+ // 31 -13 33 -6 33 32 34 6 31 hflex1
+ cubeTo(204, 134, 237, 128, 270, 128),
+ cubeTo(302, 128, 336, 134, 367, 147),
+ // 71 -71 85 85 -61 60 rlineto
+ lineTo(438, 76),
+ lineTo(523, 161),
+ lineTo(462, 221),
+ // 21 30 13 36 43 vvcurveto
+ cubeTo(483, 251, 496, 287, 496, 330),
+ // 42 -12 36 -21 29 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(496, 372, 484, 408, 463, 437),
+ // 60 60 -85 85 -70 -70 rlineto
+ lineTo(523, 497),
+ lineTo(438, 582),
+ lineTo(368, 512),
+ // -31 13 -34 7 -33 -33 -34 -7 -31 hflex1
+ cubeTo(337, 525, 303, 532, 270, 532),
+ cubeTo(237, 532, 203, 525, 172, 512),
+ // -70 70 -85 -85 59 -60 rlineto
+ lineTo(102, 582),
+ lineTo(17, 497),
+ lineTo(76, 437),
+ // -20 -29 -12 -36 -42 vvcurveto
+ cubeTo(56, 408, 44, 372, 44, 330),
+ // -43 12 -36 21 -30 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(44, 287, 56, 251, 77, 221),
+ // -60 -60 rlineto
+ lineTo(17, 161),
+ // 253 85 rmoveto
+ lineTo(102, 76),
+ moveTo(270, 246),
+ // -42 -32 32 52 52 32 32 42 42 32 -32 -52 -52 -32 -32 -42 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(228, 246, 196, 278, 196, 330),
+ cubeTo(196, 382, 228, 414, 270, 414),
+ cubeTo(312, 414, 344, 382, 344, 330),
+ cubeTo(344, 278, 312, 246, 270, 246),
+ // endchar
+ },
+ },
+ "adobe/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf": {
+ ',': {
+ // -309 -1 115 hstem
+ // 137 61 vstem
+ // 67 -170 rmoveto
+ moveTo(67, -170),
+ // 81 34 50 67 86 vvcurveto
+ cubeTo(148, -136, 198, -69, 198, 17),
+ // 60 -26 37 -43 -33 -28 -22 -36 -37 27 -20 32 3 4 0 1 3 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(198, 77, 172, 114, 129, 114),
+ cubeTo(96, 114, 68, 92, 68, 56),
+ cubeTo(68, 19, 95, -1, 127, -1),
+ cubeTo(130, -1, 134, -1, 137, 0),
+ // 1 -53 -34 -44 -57 -25 rrcurveto
+ cubeTo(138, -53, 104, -97, 47, -122),
+ // endchar
+ lineTo(67, -170),
+ },
+ 'Q': {
+ // 106 -165 70 87 65 538 73 hstem
+ // 52 86 388 87 vstem
+ // 332 57 rmoveto
+ moveTo(332, 57),
+ // -117 -77 106 168 163 77 101 117 117 77 -101 -163 -168 -77 -106 -117 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(215, 57, 138, 163, 138, 331),
+ cubeTo(138, 494, 215, 595, 332, 595),
+ cubeTo(449, 595, 526, 494, 526, 331),
+ cubeTo(526, 163, 449, 57, 332, 57),
+ // 201 -222 rmoveto
+ moveTo(533, -165),
+ // 39 35 7 8 20 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(572, -165, 607, -158, 627, -150),
+ // -16 64 rlineto
+ lineTo(611, -86),
+ // -5 -18 -22 -4 -29 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(593, -91, 571, -95, 542, -95),
+ // -71 -60 29 58 -30 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(471, -95, 411, -66, 381, -8),
+ // 139 24 93 126 189 vvcurveto
+ cubeTo(520, 16, 613, 142, 613, 331),
+ // 209 -116 128 -165 -165 -115 -127 -210 -193 96 -127 143 -20 vhcurveto
+ cubeTo(613, 540, 497, 668, 332, 668),
+ cubeTo(167, 668, 52, 541, 52, 331),
+ cubeTo(52, 138, 148, 11, 291, -9),
+ // -90 38 83 -66 121 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(329, -99, 412, -165, 533, -165),
+ // endchar
+ },
+ // 92 callgsubr # 92 + bias = 199.
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -312 21 85 callgsubr # 85 + bias = 192.
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21].
+ // : : -21 486 -20 return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // 111 45 callsubr # 45 + bias = 152
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20 111].
+ // : 60 24 60 -9 216 callgsubr # 216 + bias = 323
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20 111 60 24 60 -9].
+ // : : -20 24 -20 hstemhm
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // -50 55 77 82 77 55 hintmask 1101000100000000
+ // 134 callsubr # 134 + bias = 241
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : 82 hmoveto
+ moveTo(82, 0),
+ // : 82 127 callsubr # 127 + bias = 234
+ // : : # Arg stack is [82].
+ // : : 486 -82 hlineto
+ lineTo(164, 0),
+ lineTo(164, 486),
+ lineTo(82, 486),
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 1110100110000000
+ // 113 91 15 callgsubr # 15 + bias = 122
+ // : # Arg stack is [113 91].
+ // : rmoveto
+ lineTo(82, 0),
+ moveTo(195, 577),
+ // : 69 29 58 77 3 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(264, 577, 293, 635, 296, 712),
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 1110010110000000
+ // -58 callsubr # -58 + bias = 49
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -55 4 rlineto
+ lineTo(241, 716),
+ // : -46 -3 -14 -33 -29 -47 -26 84 -71 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(238, 670, 224, 637, 195, 637),
+ cubeTo(148, 637, 122, 721, 51, 721),
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 1101001100000000
+ // -70 callgsubr # -70 + bias = 37
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -69 -29 -58 -78 -3 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(-18, 721, -47, 663, -50, 585),
+ // : 55 -3 rlineto
+ lineTo(5, 582),
+ // : 47 3 14 32 30 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(8, 629, 22, 661, 52, 661),
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 1110100110000000
+ // 51 callsubr # 51 + bias = 158
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : 46 26 -84 71 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(98, 661, 124, 577, 195, 577),
+ // : endchar
+ },
+ // 92 callgsubr # 92 + bias = 199.
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -312 21 85 callgsubr # 85 + bias = 192.
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21].
+ // : : -21 486 -20 return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // 135 57 112 callgsubr # 112 + bias = 219
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20 135 57].
+ // : hstem
+ // : 82 82 vstem
+ // : 134 callsubr # 134 + bias = 241
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : 82 hmoveto
+ moveTo(82, 0),
+ // : : 82 127 callsubr # 127 + bias = 234
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [82].
+ // : : : 486 -82 hlineto
+ lineTo(164, 0),
+ lineTo(164, 486),
+ lineTo(82, 486),
+ // : : : return
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // -92 115 -60 callgsubr # -60 + bias = 47
+ // : # Arg stack is [-92 115].
+ // : rmoveto
+ lineTo(82, 0),
+ moveTo(-10, 601),
+ // : 266 57 -266 hlineto
+ lineTo(256, 601),
+ lineTo(256, 658),
+ lineTo(-10, 658),
+ // : endchar
+ lineTo(-10, 601),
+ },
+ // 92 callgsubr # 92 + bias = 199.
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : -312 21 85 callgsubr # 85 + bias = 192.
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21].
+ // : : -21 486 -20 return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [-312 21 -21 486 -20].
+ // 105 55 96 -20 hstem
+ // -32 51 63 82 65 51 vstem
+ // 134 callsubr # 134 + bias = 241
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : 82 hmoveto
+ moveTo(82, 0),
+ // : 82 127 callsubr # 127 + bias = 234
+ // : : # Arg stack is [82].
+ // : : 486 -82 hlineto
+ lineTo(164, 0),
+ lineTo(164, 486),
+ lineTo(82, 486),
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // 42 85 143 callsubr # 143 + bias = 250
+ // : # Arg stack is [42 85].
+ // : rmoveto
+ lineTo(82, 0),
+ moveTo(124, 571),
+ // : -84 callsubr # -84 + bias = 23
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : 107 44 77 74 5 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(231, 571, 275, 648, 280, 722),
+ // : : -51 8 rlineto
+ lineTo(229, 730),
+ // : : -51 -8 -32 -53 -65 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(221, 679, 189, 626, 124, 626),
+ // : : -65 -32 53 51 -8 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(59, 626, 27, 679, 19, 730),
+ // : : -51 -22 callsubr # -22 + bias = 85
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [-51].
+ // : : : -8 rlineto
+ lineTo(-32, 722),
+ // : : : -74 5 44 -77 107 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(-27, 648, 17, 571, 124, 571),
+ // : : : return
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // endchar
+ },
+ // -43 21 -21 572 84 hstem
+ // 0 515 vstem
+ // 0 vmoveto
+ moveTo(0, 0),
+ // 85 hlineto
+ lineTo(85, 0),
+ // 105 355 23 77 16 63 24 77 rlinecurve
+ lineTo(190, 355),
+ cubeTo(213, 432, 229, 495, 253, 572),
+ // 4 hlineto
+ lineTo(257, 572),
+ // 25 -77 16 -63 23 -77 106 -355 rcurveline
+ cubeTo(282, 495, 298, 432, 321, 355),
+ lineTo(427, 0),
+ // 88 hlineto
+ lineTo(515, 0),
+ // -210 656 rlineto
+ lineTo(305, 656),
+ // -96 hlineto
+ lineTo(209, 656),
+ // endchar
+ lineTo(0, 0),
+ },
+ // 94 -231 55 197 157 callgsubr # 157 + bias = 264
+ // : # Arg stack is [94 -231 55 197].
+ // : -21 309 72 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [94 -231 55 197 -21 309 72].
+ // 275 254 callgsubr # 254 + bias = 361
+ // : # Arg stack is [94 -231 55 197 -21 309 72 275].
+ // : -20 hstemhm
+ // : 90 83 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [90 83].
+ // -4 352 callsubr # 352 + bias = 459
+ // : # Arg stack is [90 83 -4].
+ // : 51 210 51 return
+ // : # Arg stack is [90 83 -4 51 210 51].
+ // -3 84 hintmask 11111001
+ // 90 -40 callsubr # -40 + bias = 67
+ // : # Arg stack is [90].
+ // : -27 callgsubr # -27 + bias = 80
+ // : : # Arg stack is [90].
+ // : : hmoveto
+ moveTo(90, 0),
+ // : : 83 309 305 -309 84 return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [83 309 305 -309 84].
+ // : -41 callgsubr # -41 + bias = 66
+ // : : # Arg stack is [83 309 305 -309 84].
+ // : : 656 -84 -275 -305 275 -83 return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [83 309 305 -309 84 656 -84 -275 -305 275 -83].
+ // : hlineto
+ lineTo(173, 0),
+ lineTo(173, 309),
+ lineTo(478, 309),
+ lineTo(478, 0),
+ lineTo(562, 0),
+ lineTo(562, 656),
+ lineTo(478, 656),
+ lineTo(478, 381),
+ lineTo(173, 381),
+ lineTo(173, 656),
+ lineTo(90, 656),
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // hintmask 11110110
+ // 235 -887 143 callsubr # 143 + bias = 250
+ // : # Arg stack is [235 -887].
+ // : rmoveto
+ lineTo(90, 0),
+ moveTo(325, -231),
+ // : -84 callsubr # -84 + bias = 23
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : 107 44 77 74 5 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(432, -231, 476, -154, 481, -80),
+ // : : -51 8 rlineto
+ lineTo(430, -72),
+ // : : -51 -8 -32 -53 -65 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(422, -123, 390, -176, 325, -176),
+ // : : -65 -32 53 51 -8 hvcurveto
+ cubeTo(260, -176, 228, -123, 220, -72),
+ // : : -51 -22 callsubr # -22 + bias = 85
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [-51].
+ // : : : -8 rlineto
+ lineTo(169, -80),
+ // : : : -74 5 44 -77 107 hhcurveto
+ cubeTo(174, -154, 218, -231, 325, -231),
+ // : : : return
+ // : : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : : return
+ // : : # Arg stack is [].
+ // : return
+ // : # Arg stack is [].
+ // endchar
+ },
+ },
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?0": {
+ 'i': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(132, 1066),
+ lineTo(315, 1066),
+ lineTo(315, 0),
+ lineTo(132, 0),
+ lineTo(132, 1066),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(132, 1469),
+ lineTo(315, 1469),
+ lineTo(315, 1265),
+ lineTo(132, 1265),
+ lineTo(132, 1469),
+ },
+ },
+ "apple/Helvetica.dfont?1": {
+ 'i': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(426, 1220),
+ lineTo(137, 1220),
+ lineTo(137, 1483),
+ lineTo(426, 1483),
+ lineTo(426, 1220),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(137, 1090),
+ lineTo(426, 1090),
+ lineTo(426, 0),
+ lineTo(137, 0),
+ lineTo(137, 1090),
+ },
+ },
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf": {
+ 'i': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(230, 1120),
+ lineTo(322, 1120),
+ lineTo(322, 0),
+ lineTo(230, 0),
+ lineTo(230, 1120),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(230, 1556),
+ lineTo(322, 1556),
+ lineTo(322, 1430),
+ lineTo(230, 1430),
+ lineTo(230, 1556),
+ },
+ },
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf": {
+ ',': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(182, 0),
+ lineTo(182, 205),
+ lineTo(387, 205),
+ lineTo(387, 0),
+ quadTo(387, -113, 347, -182),
+ quadTo(307, -252, 220, -290),
+ lineTo(170, -213),
+ quadTo(227, -188, 254, -139),
+ quadTo(281, -91, 284, 0),
+ lineTo(182, 0),
+ },
+ 'i': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(136, 1259),
+ lineTo(136, 1466),
+ lineTo(316, 1466),
+ lineTo(316, 1259),
+ lineTo(136, 1259),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(136, 0),
+ lineTo(136, 1062),
+ lineTo(316, 1062),
+ lineTo(316, 0),
+ lineTo(136, 0),
+ },
+ 'o': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(68, 531),
+ quadTo(68, 826, 232, 968),
+ quadTo(369, 1086, 566, 1086),
+ quadTo(785, 1086, 924, 942),
+ quadTo(1063, 799, 1063, 546),
+ quadTo(1063, 341, 1001, 223),
+ quadTo(940, 106, 822, 41),
+ quadTo(705, -24, 566, -24),
+ quadTo(343, -24, 205, 119),
+ quadTo(68, 262, 68, 531),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(253, 531),
+ quadTo(253, 327, 342, 225),
+ quadTo(431, 124, 566, 124),
+ quadTo(700, 124, 789, 226),
+ quadTo(878, 328, 878, 537),
+ quadTo(878, 734, 788, 835),
+ quadTo(699, 937, 566, 937),
+ quadTo(431, 937, 342, 836),
+ quadTo(253, 735, 253, 531),
+ },
+ // - contour #0
+ translate(0, 0, moveTo(198, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(198, 1062)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(378, 1062)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(378, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(198, 0)),
+ // - contour #1
+ translate(-33, 0, moveTo(222, 1194)),
+ translate(-33, 0, lineTo(355, 1474)),
+ translate(-33, 0, lineTo(591, 1474)),
+ translate(-33, 0, lineTo(371, 1194)),
+ translate(-33, 0, lineTo(222, 1194)),
+ },
+ // - contour #0
+ translate(0, 0, moveTo(191, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(191, 1466)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(385, 1466)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(385, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(191, 0)),
+ // - contour #1
+ translate(-57, 336, moveTo(29, 1227)),
+ translate(-57, 336, lineTo(29, 1375)),
+ translate(-57, 336, lineTo(653, 1375)),
+ translate(-57, 336, lineTo(653, 1227)),
+ translate(-57, 336, lineTo(29, 1227)),
+ },
+ // Ǻ is a compound glyph whose elements are also compound glyphs.
+ // - contour #0
+ translate(0, 0, moveTo(-3, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(560, 1466)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(769, 1466)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(1369, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(1148, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(977, 444)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(364, 444)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(203, 0)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(-3, 0)),
+ // - contour #1
+ translate(0, 0, moveTo(420, 602)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(917, 602)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(764, 1008)),
+ translate(0, 0, quadTo(694, 1193, 660, 1312)),
+ translate(0, 0, quadTo(632, 1171, 581, 1032)),
+ translate(0, 0, lineTo(420, 602)),
+ // - contour #2
+ translate(319, 263, moveTo(162, 1338)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(162, 1411, 215, 1464)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(269, 1517, 342, 1517)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(416, 1517, 469, 1463)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(522, 1410, 522, 1334)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(522, 1257, 469, 1204)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(416, 1151, 343, 1151)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(268, 1151, 215, 1204)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(162, 1258, 162, 1338)),
+ // - contour #3
+ translate(319, 263, moveTo(238, 1337)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(238, 1290, 269, 1258)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(301, 1226, 344, 1226)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(387, 1226, 418, 1258)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(450, 1290, 450, 1335)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(450, 1380, 419, 1412)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(388, 1444, 344, 1444)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(301, 1444, 269, 1412)),
+ translate(319, 263, quadTo(238, 1381, 238, 1337)),
+ // - contour #4
+ translate(339, 650, moveTo(222, 1194)),
+ translate(339, 650, lineTo(355, 1474)),
+ translate(339, 650, lineTo(591, 1474)),
+ translate(339, 650, lineTo(371, 1194)),
+ translate(339, 650, lineTo(222, 1194)),
+ },
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(560, -384),
+ lineTo(516, -429),
+ quadTo(412, -304, 361, -226),
+ quadTo(258, -68, 201, 106),
+ quadTo(127, 334, 127, 595),
+ quadTo(127, 845, 201, 1069),
+ quadTo(259, 1246, 361, 1404),
+ quadTo(414, 1487, 514, 1608),
+ lineTo(560, 1566),
+ quadTo(452, 1328, 396, 1094),
+ quadTo(336, 845, 336, 603),
+ quadTo(336, 359, 370, 165),
+ quadTo(398, 8, 454, -142),
+ quadTo(482, -217, 560, -384),
+ },
+ // - contour #0
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, moveTo(560, -384)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, lineTo(516, -429)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(412, -304, 361, -226)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(258, -68, 201, 106)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(127, 334, 127, 595)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(127, 845, 201, 1069)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(259, 1246, 361, 1404)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(414, 1487, 514, 1608)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, lineTo(560, 1566)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(452, 1328, 396, 1094)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(336, 845, 336, 603)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(336, 359, 370, 165)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(398, 8, 454, -142)),
+ transform(-1<<14, 0, 0, +1<<14, 653, 0, quadTo(482, -217, 560, -384)),
+ },
+ },
+ "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf": {
+ 'i': {
+ // - contour #0
+ moveTo(354, 0),
+ lineTo(174, 0),
+ lineTo(174, 1098),
+ lineTo(354, 1098),
+ lineTo(354, 0),
+ // - contour #1
+ moveTo(160, 1395),
+ quadTo(160, 1455, 190, 1482),
+ quadTo(221, 1509, 266, 1509),
+ quadTo(308, 1509, 339, 1482),
+ quadTo(371, 1455, 371, 1395),
+ quadTo(371, 1336, 339, 1308),
+ quadTo(308, 1280, 266, 1280),
+ quadTo(221, 1280, 190, 1308),
+ quadTo(160, 1336, 160, 1395),
+ },
+ },
+type kernTestCase struct {
+ ppem fixed.Int26_6
+ hinting font.Hinting
+ runes [2]rune
+ want Units
+// proprietaryKernTestCases hold a sample of each font's kerning pairs. The
+// numerical values can be verified by running the ttx tool.
+var proprietaryKernTestCases = map[string][]kernTestCase{
+ "dejavu/DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf": {
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'A'}, 57},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'W', 'A'}, -112},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u00c1', 'A'}, 57},
+ // TODO: enable these next two test cases, when we support multiple
+ // kern subtables.
+ // {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u01fa', 'A'}, 57},
+ // {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u1e82', 'A'}, -112},
+ },
+ "microsoft/Arial.ttf": {
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'V'}, -152},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u03b8', '\u03bb'}, -39},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u03bb', '\u03b8'}, -0},
+ },
+ "microsoft/Comic_Sans_MS.ttf": {
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'V'}, 0},
+ },
+ "microsoft/Times_New_Roman.ttf": {
+ {768, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'V'}, -99},
+ {768, font.HintingFull, [2]rune{'A', 'V'}, -128},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'A'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'T'}, -227},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'A', 'V'}, -264},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'T', 'A'}, -164},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'T', 'T'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'T', 'V'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'V', 'A'}, -264},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'V', 'T'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'V', 'V'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u0390', '\u0393'}, 0},
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\u0393', '\u0390'}, 76},
+ },
+ "microsoft/Webdings.ttf": {
+ {2048, font.HintingNone, [2]rune{'\uf041', '\uf042'}, 0},
+ },
+// proprietaryFDSelectTestCases hold a sample of each font's Font Dict Select
+// (FDSelect) map. The numerical values can be verified by grepping the output
+// of the ttx tool:
+// grep CharString.*fdSelectIndex SourceHanSansSC-Regular.ttx
+// will print lines like this:
+// <CharString name="cid00100" fdSelectIndex="15">
+// <CharString name="cid00101" fdSelectIndex="15">
+// <CharString name="cid00102" fdSelectIndex="3">
+// <CharString name="cid00103" fdSelectIndex="15">
+// As for what the values like 3 or 15 actually mean, grepping that ttx file
+// for "FontName" gives this list:
+// 0: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Alphabetic"/>
+// 1: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-AlphabeticDigits"/>
+// 2: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Bopomofo"/>
+// 3: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Dingbats"/>
+// 4: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-DingbatsDigits"/>
+// 5: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Generic"/>
+// 6: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HDingbats"/>
+// 7: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HHangul"/>
+// 8: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HKana"/>
+// 9: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HWidth"/>
+// 10: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HWidthCJK"/>
+// 11: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-HWidthDigits"/>
+// 12: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Hangul"/>
+// 13: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Ideographs"/>
+// 14: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Kana"/>
+// 15: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-Proportional"/>
+// 16: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-ProportionalCJK"/>
+// 17: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-ProportionalDigits"/>
+// 18: <FontName value="SourceHanSansSC-Regular-VKana"/>
+// As a sanity check, the cmap table maps U+3127 BOPOMOFO LETTER I to the glyph
+// named "cid65353", proprietaryFDSelectTestCases here maps 65353 to Font Dict
+// 2, and the list immediately above maps 2 to "Bopomofo".
+var proprietaryFDSelectTestCases = map[string]map[GlyphIndex]int{
+ "adobe/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf": {
+ 0: 5,
+ 1: 15,
+ 2: 15,
+ 16: 15,
+ 17: 17,
+ 26: 17,
+ 27: 15,
+ 100: 15,
+ 101: 15,
+ 102: 3,
+ 103: 15,
+ 777: 4,
+ 1000: 3,
+ 2000: 3,
+ 3000: 13,
+ 4000: 13,
+ 20000: 13,
+ 48000: 12,
+ 59007: 1,
+ 59024: 0,
+ 59087: 8,
+ 59200: 7,
+ 59211: 6,
+ 60000: 13,
+ 63000: 16,
+ 63039: 9,
+ 63060: 11,
+ 63137: 10,
+ 65353: 2,
+ 65486: 14,
+ 65505: 18,
+ 65506: 5,
+ 65533: 5,
+ 65534: 5,
+ },