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1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1549b2b..38c64aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,3 +37,48 @@ LoadAccount(email string) -> --""--
Regsitration.Authorize(domain []string) -> ([]Challange, []Combination)
Regsitration.Renew(domain []string) -> ([]Challange, []Combination)
+## Flow
+get directory -> urls, first nonce
+marshal, sign, post -> nonce, response, next
+## File structure (draft)
+file: account/\*
+ another@example.com
+ - private.key
+ - provider
+ - meta (ID) ?
+file: want/\* (yaml or toml)
+ [domain.tld]
+ - provider: letsencrypt/directory
+ - account: another@example.com
+ - domains: list of additonal domains (optional)
+file: certs/\*
+ cert/domain.tld
+file: private/\*
+ private/domain.tld
+file: tmp/\*
+ tmp/domain.csr ?
+## Use Flow
+Init: param(email)
+ Create and register account if there is none
+Periodic: (batch)
+ Check want files
+ if Cert is missing, request it
+ Walk through obtained certs and check for expire
+ if Expire aproaches, renew cert
+ Call hooks (reload webserver, etc.)
+Revoke: param(domain.tld)
+ handled separate
+Restore: param(email)
+ handled separate