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+title: "Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)"
+abbrev: ACME
+docname: draft-ietf-acme-acme-01
+date: 2015-10-04
+category: std
+ipr: trust200902
+stand_alone: yes
+pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
+ -
+ ins: R. Barnes
+ name: Richard Barnes
+ org: Mozilla
+ email: rlb@ipv.sx
+ -
+ ins: J. Hoffman-Andrews
+ name: Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
+ org: EFF
+ email: jsha@eff.org
+ -
+ ins: J. Kasten
+ name: James Kasten
+ org: University of Michigan
+ email: jdkasten@umich.edu
+ RFC2119:
+ RFC2314:
+ RFC2985:
+ RFC2986:
+ RFC3339:
+ RFC3986:
+ RFC4514:
+ RFC4648:
+ RFC5226:
+ RFC5246:
+ RFC5280:
+ RFC5753:
+ RFC5988:
+ RFC6066:
+ RFC6570:
+ RFC7159:
+ RFC7469:
+ RFC7515:
+ RFC7517:
+ RFC7518:
+ RFC7638:
+ I-D.ietf-appsawg-http-problem:
+ SEC1:
+ target: http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf
+ title: "SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography"
+ author:
+ organization: Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group
+ date: 2009-05-01
+ RFC2818:
+ RFC3552:
+ W3C.CR-cors-20130129:
+ W3C.WD-capability-urls-20140218:
+ I-D.vixie-dnsext-dns0x20:
+--- abstract
+Certificates in the Web's X.509 PKI (PKIX) are used for a number of purposes,
+the most significant of which is the authentication of domain names. Thus,
+certificate authorities in the Web PKI are trusted to verify that an applicant
+for a certificate legitimately represents the domain name(s) in the certificate.
+Today, this verification is done through a collection of ad hoc mechanisms.
+This document describes a protocol that a certificate authority (CA) and an
+applicant can use to automate the process of verification and certificate
+issuance. The protocol also provides facilities for other certificate
+management functions, such as certificate revocation.
+DISCLAIMER: This is a WIP draft of ACME and has not yet had a thorough security
+maintained in GitHub. Suggested changes should be submitted as pull requests at
+<https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme>. Instructions are on that page as well.
+Editorial changes can be managed in GitHub, but any substantive change should be
+discussed on the ACME mailing list (acme@ietf.org).
+--- middle
+# Introduction
+Certificates in the Web PKI are most commonly used to authenticate domain names.
+Thus, certificate authorities in the Web PKI are trusted to verify that an
+applicant for a certificate legitimately represents the domain name(s) in the
+Existing Web PKI certificate authorities tend to run on a set of ad hoc
+protocols for certificate issuance and identity verification. A typical user
+experience is something like:
+* Generate a PKCS#10 {{RFC2314}} Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
+* Cut-and-paste the CSR into a CA web page.
+* Prove ownership of the domain by one of the following methods:
+ * Put a CA-provided challenge at a specific place on the web server.
+ * Put a CA-provided challenge at a DNS location corresponding to the target
+ domain.
+ * Receive CA challenge at a (hopefully) administrator-controlled e-mail
+ address corresponding to the domain and then respond to it on the CA's web
+ page.
+* Download the issued certificate and install it on their Web Server.
+With the exception of the CSR itself and the certificates that are issued, these
+are all completely ad hoc procedures and are accomplished by getting the human
+user to follow interactive natural-language instructions from the CA rather than
+by machine-implemented published protocols. In many cases, the instructions are
+difficult to follow and cause significant confusion. Informal usability tests
+by the authors indicate that webmasters often need 1-3 hours to obtain and
+install a certificate for a domain. Even in the best case, the lack of
+published, standardized mechanisms presents an obstacle to the wide deployment
+of HTTPS and other PKIX-dependent systems because it inhibits mechanization of
+tasks related to certificate issuance, deployment, and revocation.
+This document describes an extensible framework for automating the issuance and
+domain validation procedure, thereby allowing servers and infrastructural
+software to obtain certificates without user interaction. Use of this protocol
+should radically simplify the deployment of HTTPS and the practicality of PKIX
+authentication for other protocols based on TLS {{RFC5246}}.
+# Deployment Model and Operator Experience
+The major guiding use case for ACME is obtaining certificates for Web sites
+(HTTPS {{RFC2818}}). In that case, the server is intended to speak for one or
+more domains, and the process of certificate issuance is intended to verify that
+the server actually speaks for the domain.
+Different types of certificates reflect different kinds of CA verification of
+information about the certificate subject. "Domain Validation" (DV)
+certificates are by far the most common type. For DV validation, the CA merely
+verifies that the requester has effective control of the web server and/or DNS
+server for the domain, but does not explicitly attempt to verify their
+real-world identity. (This is as opposed to "Organization Validation" (OV) and
+"Extended Validation" (EV) certificates, where the process is intended to also
+verify the real-world identity of the requester.)
+DV certificate validation commonly checks claims about properties related to
+control of a domain name -- properties that can be observed by the issuing
+authority in an interactive process that can be conducted purely online. That
+means that under typical circumstances, all steps in the request, verification,
+and issuance process can be represented and performed by Internet protocols with
+no out-of-band human intervention.
+When an operator deploys a current HTTPS server, it generally prompts him to
+generate a self-signed certificate. When an operator deploys an ACME-compatible
+web server, the experience would be something like this:
+* The ACME client prompts the operator for the intended domain name(s) that the
+ web server is to stand for.
+* The ACME client presents the operator with a list of CAs from which it could
+ get a certificate. (This list will change over time based on the capabilities
+ of CAs and updates to ACME configuration.) The ACME client might prompt the
+ operator for payment information at this point.
+* The operator selects a CA.
+* In the background, the ACME client contacts the CA and requests that a
+ certificate be issued for the intended domain name(s).
+* Once the CA is satisfied, the certificate is issued and the ACME client
+ automatically downloads and installs it, potentially notifying the operator
+ via e-mail, SMS, etc.
+* The ACME client periodically contacts the CA to get updated certificates,
+ stapled OCSP responses, or whatever else would be required to keep the server
+ functional and its credentials up-to-date.
+The overall idea is that it's nearly as easy to deploy with a CA-issued
+certificate as a self-signed certificate, and that once the operator has done
+so, the process is self-sustaining with minimal manual intervention. Close
+integration of ACME with HTTPS servers, for example, can allow the immediate and
+automated deployment of certificates as they are issued, optionally sparing the
+human administrator from additional configuration work.
+# Terminology
+The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
+document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 {{RFC2119}}.
+The two main roles in ACME are “client” and “server”. The ACME client uses the
+protocol to request certificate management actions, such as issuance or
+revocation. An ACME client therefore typically runs on a web server, mail
+server, or some other server system which requires valid TLS certificates. The
+ACME server runs at a certificate authority, and responds to client requests,
+performing the requested actions if the client is authorized.
+For simplicity, in all HTTPS transactions used by ACME, the ACME client is the
+HTTPS client and the ACME server is the HTTPS server.
+In the discussion below, we will refer to three different types of keys / key
+Subject Public Key:
+: A public key to be included in a certificate.
+Account Key Pair:
+: A key pair for which the ACME server considers the holder of the private key
+authorized to manage certificates for a given identifier. The same key pair may
+be authorized for multiple identifiers.
+Recovery Key:
+: A MAC key that a client can use to demonstrate that it participated in
+a prior registration transaction.
+ACME messaging is based on HTTPS {{RFC2818}} and JSON {{RFC7159}}. Since JSON
+is a text-based format, binary fields are Base64-encoded. For Base64 encoding,
+we use the variant defined in {{RFC7515}}. The important features of this
+encoding are (1) that it uses the URL-safe character set, and (2) that "="
+padding characters are stripped.
+Some HTTPS bodies in ACME are authenticated and integrity-protected by being
+encapsulated in a JSON Web Signature (JWS) object {{RFC7515}}. ACME uses a
+profile of JWS, with the following restrictions:
+* The JWS MUST use the Flattened JSON Serialization
+* The JWS MUST be encoded using UTF-8
+* The JWS Header or Protected Header MUST include "alg" and "jwk" fields
+* The JWS MUST NOT have the value "none" in its "alg" field
+Additionally, JWS objects used in ACME MUST include the "nonce" header
+parameter, defined below.
+# Protocol Overview
+ACME allows a client to request certificate management actions using a set of
+JSON messages carried over HTTPS. In some ways, ACME functions much like a
+traditional CA, in which a user creates an account, adds identifiers to that
+account (proving control of the domains), and requests certificate issuance for
+those domains while logged in to the account.
+In ACME, the account is represented by an account key pair. The "add a domain"
+function is accomplished by authorizing the key pair for a given domain.
+Certificate issuance and revocation are authorized by a signature with the key
+The first phase of ACME is for the client to register with the ACME server. The
+client generates an asymmetric key pair and associates this key pair with a set
+of contact information by signing the contact information. The server
+acknowledges the registration by replying with a registration object echoing the
+client's input.
+ Client Server
+ Contact Information
+ Signature ------->
+ <------- Registration
+Before a client can issue certificates, it must establish an authorization with
+the server for an account key pair to act for the identifier(s) that it wishes
+to include in the certificate. To do this, the client must demonstrate to the
+server both (1) that it holds the private key of the account key pair, and (2)
+that it has authority over the identifier being claimed.
+Proof of possession of the account key is built into the ACME protocol. All
+messages from the client to the server are signed by the client, and the server
+verifies them using the public key of the account key pair.
+To verify that the client controls the identifier being claimed, the server
+issues the client a set of challenges. Because there are many different ways to
+validate possession of different types of identifiers, the server will choose
+from an extensible set of challenges that are appropriate for the identifier
+being claimed. The client responds with a set of responses that tell the server
+which challenges the client has completed. The server then validates the
+challenges to check that the client has accomplished the challenge.
+For example, if the client requests a domain name, the server might challenge
+the client to provision a record in the DNS under that name, or to provision a
+file on a web server referenced by an A or AAAA record under that name. The
+server would then query the DNS for the record in question, or send an HTTP
+request for the file. If the client provisioned the DNS or the web server as
+expected, then the server considers the client authorized for the domain name.
+ Client Server
+ Identifier
+ Signature ------->
+ <------- Challenges
+ Responses
+ Signature ------->
+ <------- Updated Challenge
+ <~~~~~~~~Validation~~~~~~~~>
+ Poll ------->
+ <------- Authorization
+Once the client has authorized an account key pair for an identifier, it can use
+the key pair to authorize the issuance of certificates for the identifier. To
+do this, the client sends a PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the
+ server (indicating the identifier(s) to be included in the issued certificate)
+ and a signature over the CSR by the private key of the account key pair.
+If the server agrees to issue the certificate, then it creates the certificate
+and provides it in its response. The certificate is assigned a URI, which the
+client can use to fetch updated versions of the certificate.
+ Client Server
+ Signature -------->
+ <-------- Certificate
+To revoke a certificate, the client simply sends a revocation request, signed
+with an authorized key pair, and the server indicates whether the request has
+ Client Server
+ Revocation request
+ Signature -------->
+ <-------- Result
+Note that while ACME is defined with enough flexibility to handle different
+types of identifiers in principle, the primary use case addressed by this
+document is the case where domain names are used as identifiers. For example,
+all of the identifier validation challenges described in
+{{identifier-validation-challenges}} below address validation of domain names.
+The use of ACME for other protocols will require further specification, in order
+to describe how these identifiers are encoded in the protocol, and what types of
+validation challenges the server might require.
+# Protocol Elements
+This section describes several components that are used by ACME, and
+general rules that apply to ACME transactions.
+## HTTPS Requests
+Each ACME function is accomplished by the client sending a sequence of
+HTTPS requests to the server, carrying JSON messages. Use of HTTPS is REQUIRED.
+Clients SHOULD support HTTP public key pinning {{RFC7469}}, and servers SHOULD
+emit pinning headers. Each subsection of {{certificate-management}} below
+describes the message formats used by the function, and the order in which
+messages are sent.
+All ACME requests with a non-empty body MUST encapsulate the body in a JWS
+object, signed using the account key pair. The server MUST verify the JWS
+before processing the request. (For readability, however, the examples below
+omit this encapsulation.) Encapsulating request bodies in JWS provides a simple
+authentication of requests by way of key continuity.
+Note that this implies that GET requests are not authenticated. Servers MUST
+NOT respond to GET requests for resources that might be considered sensitive.
+An ACME request carries a JSON dictionary that provides the details of the
+client's request to the server. In order to avoid attacks that might arise from
+sending a request object to a resource of the wrong type, each request object
+MUST have a "resource" field that indicates what type of resource the request is
+addressed to, as defined in the below table:
+| Resource type | "resource" value |
+| New registration | new-reg |
+| Recover registration | recover-reg |
+| New authorization | new-authz |
+| New certificate | new-cert |
+| Revoke certificate | revoke-cert |
+| Registration | reg |
+| Authorization | authz |
+| Challenge | challenge |
+| Certificate | cert |
+Other fields in ACME request bodies are described below.
+ACME servers that are intended to be generally accessible need to use
+Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in order to be accessible from
+browser-based clients {{W3C.CR-cors-20130129}}. Such servers SHOULD set the
+Access-Control-Allow-Origin header field to the value "*".
+## Registration Objects
+An ACME registration resource represents a set of metadata associated to an
+account key pair. Registration resources have the following structure:
+key (required, dictionary):
+: The public key of the account key pair, encoded as a JSON Web Key object
+contact (optional, array of string):
+: An array of URIs that the server can use to contact the client for issues
+related to this authorization. For example, the server may wish to notify the
+client about server-initiated revocation.
+agreement (optional, string):
+: A URI referring to a subscriber agreement or terms of service provided by the
+server (see below). Including this field indicates the client's agreement with
+the referenced terms.
+authorizations (optional, string):
+: A URI from which a list of authorizations granted to this account can be
+fetched via a GET request. The result of the GET request MUST be a JSON object
+whose "authorizations" field is an array of strings, where each string is the
+URI of an authorization belonging to this registration. The server SHOULD
+include pending authorizations, and SHOULD NOT include authorizations that are
+invalid or expired.
+certificates (optional, string):
+: A URI from which a list of certificates issued for this account can be fetched
+via a GET request. The result of the GET request MUST be a JSON object whose
+"certificates" field is an array of strings, where each string is the URI of a
+certificate. The server SHOULD NOT include expired certificates.
+ "resource": "new-reg",
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ],
+ "agreement": "https://example.com/acme/terms",
+ "authorizations": "https://example.com/acme/reg/1/authz",
+ "certificates": "https://example.com/acme/reg/1/cert",
+## Authorization Objects
+An ACME authorization object represents server's authorization for an account to
+represent an identifier. In addition to the identifier, an authorization
+includes several metadata fields, such as the status of the authorization (e.g.,
+"pending", "valid", or "revoked") and which challenges were used to validate
+possession of the identifier.
+The structure of an ACME authorization resource is as follows:
+identifier (required, dictionary of string):
+: The identifier that the account is authorized to represent
+ type (required, string):
+ : The type of identifier.
+ value (required, string):
+ : The identifier itself.
+status (optional, string):
+: The status of this authorization. Possible values are: "unknown", "pending",
+"processing", "valid", "invalid" and "revoked". If this field is missing, then
+the default value is "pending".
+expires (optional, string):
+: The date after which the server will consider this
+authorization invalid, encoded in the format specified in RFC 3339 {{RFC3339}}.
+challenges (required, array):
+: The challenges that the client needs to fulfill
+in order to prove possession of the identifier (for pending authorizations).
+For final authorizations, the challenges that were used. Each array entry is a
+dictionary with parameters required to validate the challenge, as specified in
+combinations (optional, array of arrays of integers):
+: A collection of sets of
+challenges, each of which would be sufficient to prove possession of the
+identifier. Clients complete a set of challenges that covers at least one
+set in this array. Challenges are identified by their indices in the challenges
+array. If no "combinations" element is included in an authorization object, the
+client completes all challenges.
+The only type of identifier defined by this specification is a fully-qualified
+domain name (type: "dns"). The value of the identifier MUST be the ASCII
+representation of the domain name. Wildcard domain names (with "*" as the first
+label) MUST NOT be included in authorization requests. See
+{{certificate-issuance}} below for more information about wildcard domains.
+ "status": "valid",
+ "expires": "2015-03-01",
+ "identifier": {
+ "type": "dns",
+ "value": "example.org"
+ },
+ "challenges": [
+ {
+ "type": "http-01",
+ "status": "valid",
+ "validated": "2014-12-01T12:05Z",
+ "keyAuthorization": "SXQe-2XODaDxNR...vb29HhjjLPSggwiE"
+ }
+ ],
+## Errors
+Errors can be reported in ACME both at the HTTP layer and within ACME payloads.
+ACME servers can return responses with an HTTP error response code (4XX or 5XX).
+For example: If the client submits a request using a method not allowed in this
+document, then the server MAY return status code 405 (Method Not Allowed).
+When the server responds with an error status, it SHOULD provide additional
+information using problem document {{I-D.ietf-appsawg-http-problem}}. The
+"type" and "detail" fields MUST be populated. To facilitate automatic response
+to errors, this document defines the following standard tokens for use in the
+"type" field (within the "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:" namespace):
+| Code | Semantic |
+| badCSR | The CSR is unacceptable (e.g., due to a short key) |
+| badNonce | The client sent an unacceptable anti-replay nonce |
+| connection | The server could not connect to the client for DV |
+| dnssec | The server could not validate a DNSSEC signed domain |
+| malformed | The request message was malformed |
+| serverInternal | The server experienced an internal error |
+| tls | The server experienced a TLS error during DV |
+| unauthorized | The client lacks sufficient authorization |
+| unknownHost | The server could not resolve a domain name |
+| rateLimited | The request exceeds a rate limit |
+This list is not exhaustive. The server MAY return errors whose "type" field is
+set to a URI other than those defined above. Servers MUST NOT use the ACME URN
+namespace for errors other than the standard types. Clients SHOULD display the
+"detail" field of such errors.
+Authorization and challenge objects can also contain error information to
+indicate why the server was unable to validate authorization.
+TODO: Flesh out errors and syntax for them
+## Replay protection
+In order to protect ACME resources from any possible replay attacks, ACME
+requests have a mandatory anti-replay mechanism. This mechanism is based on the
+server maintaining a list of nonces that it has issued to clients, and requiring
+any signed request from the client to carry such a nonce.
+An ACME server MUST include a Replay-Nonce header field in each successful
+response it provides to a client, with contents as specified below. In
+particular, the ACME server MUST provide a Replay-Nonce header field in response
+to a HEAD request for any valid resource. (This allows clients to easily obtain
+a fresh nonce.) It MAY also provide nonces in error responses.
+Every JWS sent by an ACME client MUST include, in its protected header, the
+"nonce" header parameter, with contents as defined below. As part of JWS
+verification, the ACME server MUST verify that the value of the "nonce" header
+is a value that the server previously provided in a Replay-Nonce header field.
+Once a nonce value has appeared in an ACME request, the server MUST consider it
+invalid, in the same way as a value it had never issued.
+When a server rejects a request because its nonce value was unacceptable (or not
+present), it SHOULD provide HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request), and indicate the
+ACME error code "urn:acme:badNonce".
+The precise method used to generate and track nonces is up to the server. For
+example, the server could generate a random 128-bit value for each response,
+keep a list of issued nonces, and strike nonces from this list as
+they are used.
+### Replay-Nonce
+The "Replay-Nonce" header field includes a server-generated value that the
+server can use to detect unauthorized replay in future client requests. The
+server should generate the value provided in Replay-Nonce in such a way that
+they are unique to each message, with high probability.
+The value of the Replay-Nonce field MUST be an octet string encoded according to
+the base64url encoding described in Section 2 of {{RFC7515}}. Clients MUST
+ignore invalid Replay-Nonce values.
+ base64url = [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "_"
+ Replay-Nonce = *base64url
+The Replay-Nonce header field SHOULD NOT be included in HTTP request messages.
+### "nonce" (Nonce) JWS header parameter
+The "nonce" header parameter provides a unique value that enables the verifier
+of a JWS to recognize when replay has occurred. The "nonce" header parameter
+MUST be carried in the protected header of the JWS.
+The value of the "nonce" header parameter MUST be an octet string, encoded
+according to the base64url encoding described in Section 2 of {{RFC7515}}. If
+the value of a "nonce" header parameter is not valid according to this encoding,
+then the verifier MUST reject the JWS as malformed.
+## Key Agreement
+Certain elements of the protocol will require the establishment of a shared
+secret between the client and the server, in such a way that an entity observing
+the ACME protocol cannot derive the secret. In these cases, we use a simple
+ECDH key exchange, based on the system used by CMS {{RFC5753}}:
+* Inputs:
+ * Client-generated key pair
+ * Server-generated key pair
+ * Length of the shared secret to be derived
+ * Label
+* Perform the ECDH primitive operation to obtain Z (Section 3.3.1 of {{SEC1}})
+* Select a hash algorithm according to the curve being used:
+ * For "P-256", use SHA-256
+ * For "P-384", use SHA-384
+ * For "P-521", use SHA-512
+* Derive the shared secret value using the KDF in Section 3.6.1 of {{SEC1}}
+ using Z and the selected hash algorithm, and with the UTF-8 encoding of the
+ label as the SharedInfo value
+In cases where the length of the derived secret is shorter than the output
+length of the chosen hash algorithm, the KDF referenced above reduces to a
+single hash invocation. The shared secret is equal to the leftmost octets of
+the following:
+H( Z || 00000001 || label )
+# Certificate Management
+In this section, we describe the certificate management functions that ACME
+ * Account Key Registration
+ * Account Recovery
+ * Account Key Authorization
+ * Certificate Issuance
+ * Certificate Renewal
+ * Certificate Revocation
+## Resources
+ACME is structured as a REST application with a few types of resources:
+* Registration resources, representing information about an account
+* Authorization resources, representing an account's authorization to act for an
+ identifier
+* Challenge resources, representing a challenge to prove control of an
+ identifier
+* Certificate resources, representing issued certificates
+* A "directory" resource
+* A "new-registration" resource
+* A "new-authorization" resource
+* A "new-certificate" resource
+* A "revoke-certificate" resource
+For the "new-X" resources above, the server MUST have exactly one resource for
+each function. This resource may be addressed by multiple URIs, but all must
+provide equivalent functionality.
+In general, the intent is for authorization and certificate resources to contain
+only public information, so that CAs may publish these resources to document
+what certificates have been issued and how they were authorized. Non-public
+information, such as contact information, is stored in registration resources.
+ACME uses different URIs for different management functions. Each function is
+listed in a directory along with its corresponding URI, so clients only need to
+be configured with the directory URI.
+The "up" link relation is used with challenge resources to indicate the
+authorization resource to which a challenge belongs. It is also used from
+certificate resources to indicate a resource from which the client may fetch a
+chain of CA certificates that could be used to validate the certificate in the
+original resource.
+The following diagram illustrates the relations between resources on an ACME
+server. The solid lines indicate link relations, and the dotted lines
+correspond to relationships expressed in other ways, e.g., the Location header
+in a 201 (Created) response.
+ directory
+ .
+ .
+ ....................................................
+ . . . .
+ . . . .
+ V "next" V "next" V V
+ new-reg ---+----> new-authz ---+----> new-cert revoke-cert
+ . | . | . ^
+ . | . | . | "revoke"
+ V | V | V |
+ reg* ----+ authz -----+ cert-----------+
+ . ^ |
+ . | "up" | "up"
+ V | V
+ challenge cert-chain
+The following table illustrates a typical sequence of requests required to
+establish a new account with the server, prove control of an identifier, issue a
+certificate, and fetch an updated certificate some time after issuance. The
+"->" is a mnemonic for a Location header pointing to a created resource.
+| Action | Request | Response |
+| Register | POST new-reg | 201 -> reg |
+| Request challenges | POST new-authz | 201 -> authz |
+| Answer challenges | POST challenge | 200 |
+| Poll for status | GET authz | 200 |
+| Request issuance | POST new-cert | 201 -> cert |
+| Check for new cert | GET cert | 200 |
+The remainder of this section provides the details of how these resources are
+structured and how the ACME protocol makes use of them.
+## Directory
+In order to help clients configure themselves with the right URIs for each ACME
+operation, ACME servers provide a directory object. This should be the root URL
+with which clients are configured. It is a JSON dictionary, whose keys are the
+"resource" values listed in {{https-requests}}, and whose values are the
+URIs used to accomplish the corresponding function.
+Clients access the directory by sending a GET request to the directory URI.
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "new-reg": "https://example.com/acme/new-reg",
+ "recover-reg": "https://example.com/acme/recover-reg",
+ "new-authz": "https://example.com/acme/new-authz",
+ "new-cert": "https://example.com/acme/new-cert",
+ "revoke-cert": "https://example.com/acme/revoke-cert"
+## Registration
+A client creates a new account with the server by sending a POST request to the
+server's new-registration URI. The body of the request is a stub registration
+object containing only the "contact" field (along with the required "resource"
+POST /acme/new-registration HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "new-reg",
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ],
+/* Signed as JWS */
+The server MUST ignore any values provided in the "key", "authorizations", and
+"certificates" fields in registration bodies sent by the client, as well as any
+other fields that it does not recognize. If new fields are specified in the
+future, the specification of those fields MUST describe whether they may be
+provided by the client.
+The server creates a registration object with the included contact information.
+The "key" element of the registration is set to the public key used to verify
+the JWS (i.e., the "jwk" element of the JWS header). The server returns this
+registration object in a 201 (Created) response, with the registration URI in a
+Location header field. The server MUST also indicate its new-authorization URI
+using the "next" link relation.
+If the server already has a registration object with the provided account key,
+then it MUST return a 409 (Conflict) response and provide the URI of that
+registration in a Location header field. This allows a client that has an
+account key but not the corresponding registration URI to recover the
+registration URI.
+If the server wishes to present the client with terms under which the ACME
+service is to be used, it MUST indicate the URI where such terms can be accessed
+in a Link header with link relation "terms-of-service". As noted above, the
+client may indicate its agreement with these terms by updating its registration
+to include the "agreement" field, with the terms URI as its value.
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Content-Type: application/json
+Location: https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/new-authz>;rel="next"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/recover-reg>;rel="recover"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/terms>;rel="terms-of-service"
+ "key": { /* JWK from JWS header */ },
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ]
+If the client wishes to update this information in the future, it sends a POST
+request with updated information to the registration URI. The server MUST
+ignore any updates to the "key", "authorizations, or "certificates" fields, and
+MUST verify that the request is signed with the private key corresponding to the
+"key" field of the request before updating the registration.
+For example, to update the contact information in the above registration, the
+client could send the following request:
+POST /acme/reg/asdf HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "reg",
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:certificates@example.com",
+ "tel:+12125551212"
+ ],
+/* Signed as JWS */
+Servers SHOULD NOT respond to GET requests for registration resources as these
+requests are not authenticated. If a client wishes to query the server for
+information about its account (e.g., to examine the "contact" or "certificates"
+fields), then it SHOULD do so by sending a POST request with an empty update.
+That is, it should send a JWS whose payload is trivial ({"resource":"reg"}).
+In this case the server reply MUST contain the same link headers sent for a
+new registration, to allow a client to retreive the "new-authorization" and
+"terms-of-service" URI
+### Recovery Keys
+If the client wishes to establish a secret key with the server that it can use
+to recover this account later (a "recovery key"), then it must perform a simple
+key agreement protocol as part of the new-registration transaction. The client
+and server perform an ECDH exchange through the new-registration transaction
+(using the technique in {{key-agreement}}), and the result is the recovery key.
+To request a recovery key, the client includes a "recoveryKey" field in its
+new-registration request. The value of this field is a JSON object.
+client (required, JWK):
+: The client's ECDH public key
+length (required, number):
+: The length of the derived secret, in octets.
+In the client's request, this object contains a JWK for a random ECDH public key
+generated by the client and the client-selected length value. Clients need to
+choose length values that balance security and usability. On the one hand, a
+longer secret makes it more difficult for an attacker to recover the
+secret when it is used for recovery (see {{mac-based-recovery}}). On the
+other hand, clients may wish to make the recovery key short enough for a user
+to easily write it down.
+POST /acme/new-registration HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "new-reg",
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ],
+ "recoveryKey": {
+ "client": { "kty": "EC", ... },
+ "length": 128
+ }
+/* Signed as JWS */
+The server MUST validate that the elliptic curve ("crv") and length value chosen
+by the client are acceptable, and that it is otherwise willing to create a
+recovery key. If not, then it MUST reject the new-registration request.
+If the server agrees to create a recovery key, then it generates its own random
+ECDH key pair and combines it with with the client's public key as described in
+{{key-agreement}} above, using the label "recovery". The derived secret value
+is the recovery key. The server then returns to the client the ECDH key that it
+generated. The server MUST generate a fresh key pair for every transaction.
+server (required, JWK):
+: The server's ECDH public key
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Content-Type: application/json
+Location: https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf
+ "key": { /* JWK from JWS header */ },
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ],
+ "recoveryKey": {
+ "server": { "kty": "EC", ... }
+ }
+On receiving the server's response, the client can compute the recovery key by
+combining the server's public key together with the private key corresponding to
+the public key that it sent to the server.
+Clients may refresh the recovery key associated with a registration by sending a
+POST request with a new recoveryKey object. If the server agrees to refresh the
+recovery key, then it responds in the same way as to a new registration request
+that asks for a recovery key.
+POST /acme/reg/asdf HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "reg",
+ "recoveryKey": {
+ "client": { "kty": "EC", ... }
+ }
+/* Signed as JWS */
+## Account Recovery
+Once a client has created an account with an ACME server, it is possible that
+the private key for the account will be lost. The recovery contacts included in
+the registration allows the client to recover from this situation, as long as
+it still has access to these contacts.
+By "recovery", we mean that the information associated with an old account key
+is bound to a new account key. When a recovery process succeeds, the server
+provides the client with a new registration whose contents are the same as base
+registration object -- except for the "key" field, which is set to the new
+account key. The server reassigns resources associated with the base
+registration to the new registration (e.g., authorizations and certificates).
+The server SHOULD delete the old registration resource after it has been used as
+a base for recovery.
+In addition to the recovery mechanisms defined by ACME, individual client
+implementations may also offer implementation-specific recovery mechanisms. For
+example, if a client creates account keys deterministically from a seed value,
+then this seed could be used to recover the account key by re-generating it. Or
+an implementation could escrow an encrypted copy of the account key with a cloud
+storage provider, and give the encryption key to the user as a recovery value.
+### MAC-Based Recovery
+With MAC-based recovery, the client proves to the server that it holds a secret
+value established in the initial registration transaction. The client requests
+MAC-based recovery by sending a MAC over the new account key, using the recovery
+key from the initial registration.
+method (required, string):
+: The string "mac"
+base (required, string):
+: The URI for the registration to be recovered.
+mac (required, string):
+: A JSON-formatted JWS object using an HMAC algorithm, whose payload is the JWK
+representation of the public key of the new account key pair.
+POST /acme/recover-reg HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "recover-reg",
+ "method": "mac",
+ "base": "https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf",
+ "mac": {
+ "header": { "alg": "HS256" },
+ "payload": base64url(JWK(newAccountKey)),
+ "signature": "5wUrDI3eAaV4wl2Rfj3aC0Pp--XB3t4YYuNgacv_D3U"
+ }
+/* Signed as JWS, with new account key */
+On receiving such a request the server MUST verify that:
+* The base registration has a recovery key associated with it
+* The "alg" value in the "mac" JWS represents a MAC algorithm
+* The "mac" JWS is valid according to the validation rules in {{RFC7515}}, using
+ the recovery key as the MAC key
+* The JWK in the payload represents the new account key (i.e. the key used to
+ verify the ACME message)
+If those conditions are met, and the recovery request is otherwise acceptable to
+the server, then the recovery process has succeeded. The server creates a new
+registration resource based on the base registration and the new account key,
+and returns it on a 201 (Created) response, together with a Location header
+indicating a URI for the new registration. If the recovery request is
+unsuccessful, the server returns an error response, such as 403 (Forbidden).
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Content-Type: application/json
+Location: https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/new-authz>;rel="next"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/recover-reg>;rel="recover"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/terms>;rel="terms-of-service"
+ "key": { /* JWK from JWS header */ },
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com",
+ "tel:+12025551212"
+ ],
+ "authorizations": "...",
+ "certificate": "..."
+### Contact-Based Recovery
+In the contact-based recovery process, the client requests that the server send
+a message to one of the contact URIs registered for the account. That message
+indicates some action that the server requires the client's user to perform,
+e.g., clicking a link in an email. If the user successfully completes the
+server's required actions, then the server will bind the account to the new
+account key.
+(Note that this process is almost entirely out of band with respect to ACME.
+ACME only allows the client to initiate the process, and the server to indicate
+the result.)
+To initiate contact-based recovery, the client sends a POST request to the
+server's recover-registration URI, with a body specifying which registration is
+to be recovered. The body of the request MUST be signed by the client's new
+account key pair.
+method (required, string):
+: The string "contact"
+base (required, string):
+: The URI for the registration to be recovered.
+POST /acme/recover-reg HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "recover-reg",
+ "method": "contact",
+ "base": "https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf",
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:forgetful@example.net"
+ ]
+/* Signed as JWS, with new account key */
+If the server agrees to attempt contact-based recovery, then it creates a new
+registration resource containing a stub registration object. The stub
+registration has the client's new account key and contacts, but no
+authorizations or certificates associated. The server returns the stub contact
+in a 201 (Created) response, along with a Location header field indicating the
+URI for the new registration resource (which will be the registration URI if the
+recovery succeeds).
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Content-Type: application/json
+Location: https://example.com/acme/reg/qwer
+ "key": { /* new account key from JWS header */ },
+ "contact": [
+ "mailto:forgetful@example.net"
+ ]
+After recovery has been initiated, the server follows its chosen recovery
+process, out-of-band to ACME. While the recovery process is ongoing, the client
+may poll the registration resource's URI for status, by sending a POST request
+with a trivial body ({"resource":"reg"}). If the recovery process is still
+pending, the server sends a 202 (Accepted) status code, and a Retry-After header
+field. If the recovery process has failed, the server sends an error code (e.g.,
+404), and SHOULD delete the stub registration resource.
+If the recovery process has succeeded, then the server will send a 200 (OK)
+response, containing the full registration object, with any necessary
+information copied from the old registration). The client may now use this in
+the same way as if he had gotten it from a new-registration transaction.
+## Identifier Authorization
+The identifier authorization process establishes the authorization of an account
+to manage certificates for a given identifier. This process must assure the
+server of two things: First, that the client controls the private key of the
+account key pair, and second, that the client holds the identifier in question.
+This process may be repeated to associate multiple identifiers to a key pair
+(e.g., to request certificates with multiple identifiers), or to associate
+multiple accounts with an identifier (e.g., to allow multiple entities to
+manage certificates).
+As illustrated by the figure in the overview section above, the authorization
+process proceeds in two phases. The client first requests a new authorization,
+and the server issues challenges, then the client responds to those challenges
+and the server validates the client's responses.
+To begin the key authorization process, the client sends a POST request to the
+server's new-authorization resource. The body of the POST request MUST contain
+a JWS object, whose payload is a partial authorization object. This JWS object
+MUST contain only the "identifier" field, so that the server knows what
+identifier is being authorized. The server MUST ignore any other fields present
+in the client's request object.
+The authorization object is implicitly tied to the account key used to sign the
+request. Once created, the authorization may only be updated by that account.
+POST /acme/new-authorization HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "new-authz",
+ "identifier": {
+ "type": "dns",
+ "value": "example.org"
+ }
+/* Signed as JWS */
+Before processing the authorization further, the server SHOULD determine whether
+it is willing to issue certificates for the identifier. For example, the server
+should check that the identifier is of a supported type. Servers might also
+check names against a blacklist of known high-value identifiers. If the server
+is unwilling to issue for the identifier, it SHOULD return a 403 (Forbidden)
+error, with a problem document describing the reason for the rejection.
+If the server is willing to proceed, it builds a pending authorization object
+from the initial authorization object submitted by the client.
+* "identifier" the identifier submitted by the client.
+* "status": MUST be "pending"
+* "challenges" and "combinations": As selected by the server's policy for this
+ identifier
+* The "expires" field MUST be absent.
+The server allocates a new URI for this authorization, and returns a 201
+(Created) response, with the authorization URI in a Location header field, and
+the JSON authorization object in the body.
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Content-Type: application/json
+Location: https://example.com/authz/asdf
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/new-cert>;rel="next"
+ "status": "pending",
+ "identifier": {
+ "type": "dns",
+ "value": "example.org"
+ },
+ "challenges": [
+ {
+ "type": "http-01",
+ "uri": "https://example.com/authz/asdf/0",
+ "token": "IlirfxKKXAsHtmzK29Pj8A"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "dns-01",
+ "uri": "https://example.com/authz/asdf/1",
+ "token": "DGyRejmCefe7v4NfDGDKfA"
+ }
+ },
+ "combinations": [[0], [1]]
+The client needs to respond with information to complete the challenges. To do
+this, the client updates the authorization object received from the server by
+filling in any required information in the elements of the "challenges"
+dictionary. (This is also the stage where the client should perform any
+actions required by the challenge.)
+The client sends these updates back to the server in the form of a JSON object
+with the response fields required by the challenge type, carried in a POST
+request to the challenge URI (not authorization URI or the new-authorization
+URI). This allows the client to send information only for challenges it is
+responding to.
+For example, if the client were to respond to the "http-01" challenge in the
+above authorization, it would send the following request:
+POST /acme/authz/asdf/0 HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "challenge",
+ "type": "http-01",
+ "keyAuthorization": "IlirfxKKXA...vb29HhjjLPSggwiE"
+/* Signed as JWS */
+The server updates the authorization document by updating its representation of
+the challenge with the response fields provided by the client. The server MUST
+ignore any fields in the response object that are not specified as response
+fields for this type of challenge. The server provides a 200 (OK) response
+with the updated challenge object as its body.
+If the client's response is invalid for some reason, or does not provide the
+server with appropriate information to validate the challenge, then the server
+MUST return an HTTP error. On receiving such an error, the client MUST undo any
+actions that have been taken to fulfil the challenge, e.g., removing files that
+have been provisioned to a web server.
+Presumably, the client's responses provide the server with enough information to
+validate one or more challenges. The server is said to "finalize" the
+authorization when it has completed all the validations it is going to complete,
+and assigns the authorization a status of "valid" or "invalid", corresponding to
+whether it considers the account authorized for the identifier. If the final
+state is "valid", the server MUST add an "expires" field to the authorization.
+When finalizing an authorization, the server MAY remove the "combinations" field
+(if present) or remove any challenges still pending. The server SHOULD NOT
+remove challenges with status "invalid".
+Usually, the validation process will take some time, so the client will need to
+poll the authorization resource to see when it is finalized. For challenges
+where the client can tell when the server has validated the challenge (e.g., by
+seeing an HTTP or DNS request from the server), the client SHOULD NOT begin
+polling until it has seen the validation request from the server.
+To check on the status of an authorization, the client sends a GET request to
+the authorization URI, and the server responds with the current authorization
+object. In responding to poll requests while the validation is still in
+progress, the server MUST return a 202 (Accepted) response with a Retry-After
+header field.
+GET /acme/authz/asdf HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ "status": "valid",
+ "expires": "2015-03-01",
+ "identifier": {
+ "type": "dns",
+ "value": "example.org"
+ },
+ "challenges": [
+ {
+ "type": "http-01"
+ "status": "valid",
+ "validated": "2014-12-01T12:05Z",
+ "token": "IlirfxKKXAsHtmzK29Pj8A",
+ "keyAuthorization": "IlirfxKKXA...vb29HhjjLPSggwiE"
+ }
+ ]
+## Certificate Issuance
+The holder of an authorized key pair for an identifier may use ACME to request
+that a certificate be issued for that identifier. The client makes this request
+by sending a POST request to the server's new-certificate resource. The body of
+the POST is a JWS object whose JSON payload contains a Certificate Signing
+Request (CSR) {{RFC2986}}. The CSR encodes the parameters of the requested
+certificate; authority to issue is demonstrated by the JWS signature by an
+account key, from which the server can look up related authorizations.
+csr (required, string):
+: A CSR encoding the parameters for the certificate being requested. The CSR is
+sent in the Base64url-encoded version of the DER format. (Note: This field uses
+the same modified Base64 encoding rules used elsewhere in this document, so it
+is different from PEM.)
+notBefore (optional, string):
+: The requested value of the notBefore field in the certificate, in the date
+format defined in {{RFC3339}}
+notAfter (optional, string):
+: The requested value of the notBefore field in the certificate, in the date
+format defined in {{RFC3339}}
+POST /acme/new-cert HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+Accept: application/pkix-cert
+ "resource": "new-cert",
+ "csr": "5jNudRx6Ye4HzKEqT5...FS6aKdZeGsysoCo4H9P",
+ "notBefore": "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z",
+ "notAfter": "2016-01-08T00:00:00Z"
+/* Signed as JWS */
+The CSR encodes the client's requests with regard to the content of the
+certificate to be issued. The CSR MUST indicate the requested identifiers,
+either in the commonName portion of the requested subject name, or in an
+extensionRequest attribute {{RFC2985}} requesting a subjectAltName extension.
+The values provided in the CSR are only a request, and are not guaranteed. The
+server or CA may alter any fields in the certificate before issuance. For
+example, the CA may remove identifiers that are not authorized for the account
+key that signed the request.
+It is up to the server's local policy to decide which names are acceptable in a
+certificate, given the authorizations that the server associates with the
+client's account key. A server MAY consider a client authorized for a wildcard
+domain if it is authorized for the underlying domain name (without the "*"
+label). Servers SHOULD NOT extend authorization across identifier types. For
+example, if a client is authorized for "example.com", then the server should not
+allow the client to issue a certificate with an iPAddress subjectAltName, even
+if it contains an IP address to which example.com resolves.
+If the CA decides to issue a certificate, then the server creates a new
+certificate resource and returns a URI for it in the Location header field of a
+201 (Created) response.
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Location: https://example.com/acme/cert/asdf
+If the certificate is available at the time of the response, it is provided in
+the body of the response. If the CA has not yet issued the certificate, the
+body of this response will be empty. The client should then send a GET request
+to the certificate URI to poll for the certificate. As long as the certificate
+is unavailable, the server MUST provide a 202 (Accepted) response and include a
+Retry-After header to indicate when the server believes the certificate will be
+issued (as in the example above).
+GET /acme/cert/asdf HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+Accept: application/pkix-cert
+HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
+Retry-After: 120
+The default format of the certificate is DER (application/pkix-cert). The
+client may request other formats by including an Accept header in its request.
+The server provides metadata about the certificate in HTTP headers. In
+particular, the server MUST include a Link relation header field {{RFC5988}}
+with relation "up" to provide a certificate under which this certificate was
+issued, and one with relation "author" to indicate the registration under which
+this certicate was issued.
+The server MAY include an Expires header as a hint to the client about when to
+renew the certificate. (Of course, the real expiration of the certificate is
+controlled by the notAfter time in the certificate itself.)
+If the CA particpates in Certificate Transparency (CT) {{RFC6962}}, then they
+may want to provide the client with a Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT) that
+can be used to prove that a certificate was submitted to a CT log. An SCT can
+be included as a extension in the certificate or as an extension to OCSP
+responses for the certificate. The server can also provide the client with
+direct access to an SCT for a certificate using a Link relation header field
+with relation "ct-sct".
+GET /acme/cert/asdf HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+Accept: application/pkix-cert
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/pkix-cert
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/ca-cert>;rel="up";title="issuer"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/revoke-cert>;rel="revoke"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/reg/asdf>;rel="author"
+Link: <https://example.com/acme/sct/asdf>;rel="ct-sct"
+Location: https://example.com/acme/cert/asdf
+Content-Location: https://example.com/acme/cert-seq/12345
+[DER-encoded certificate]
+A certificate resource always represents the most recent certificate issued for
+the name/key binding expressed in the CSR. If the CA allows a certificate to be
+renewed, then it publishes renewed versions of the certificate through the same
+certificate URI.
+Clients retrieve renewed versions of the certificate using a GET query to the
+certificate URI, which the server should then return in a 200 (OK) response.
+The server SHOULD provide a stable URI for each specific certificate in the
+Content-Location header field, as shown above. Requests to stable certificate
+URIs MUST always result in the same certificate.
+To avoid unnecessary renewals, the CA may choose not to issue a renewed
+certificate until it receives such a request (if it even allows renewal at all).
+In such cases, if the CA requires some time to generate the new certificate, the
+CA MUST return a 202 (Accepted) response, with a Retry-After header field that
+indicates when the new certificate will be available. The CA MAY include the
+current (non-renewed) certificate as the body of the response.
+Likewise, in order to prevent unnecessary renewal due to queries by parties
+other than the account key holder, certificate URIs should be structured as
+capability URLs {{W3C.WD-capability-urls-20140218}}.
+From the client's perspective, there is no difference between a certificate URI
+that allows renewal and one that does not. If the client wishes to obtain a
+renewed certificate, and a GET request to the certificate URI does not yield
+one, then the client may initiate a new-certificate transaction to request one.
+## Certificate Revocation
+To request that a certificate be revoked, the client sends a POST request to
+the ACME server's revoke-cert URI. The body of the POST is a JWS object whose
+JSON payload contains the certificate to be revoked:
+certificate (required, string):
+: The certificate to be revoked, in the Base64url-encoded version of the DER
+format. (Note: This field uses the same modified Base64 encoding rules used
+elsewhere in this document, so it is different from PEM.)
+POST /acme/revoke-cert HTTP/1.1
+Host: example.com
+ "resource": "revoke-cert",
+ "certificate": "MIIEDTCCAvegAwIBAgIRAP8..."
+/* Signed as JWS */
+Revocation requests are different from other ACME request in that they can be
+signed either with an account key pair or the key pair in the certificate.
+Before revoking a certificate, the server MUST verify at least one of these
+conditions applies:
+* the public key of the key pair signing the request matches the public key in
+ the certificate.
+* the key pair signing the request is an account key, and the corresponding
+ account is authorized to act for all of the identifier(s) in the certificate.
+If the revocation succeeds, the server responds with status code 200 (OK). If
+the revocation fails, the server returns an error.
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Length: 0
+--- or ---
+HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
+Content-Type: application/problem+json
+Content-Language: en
+ "type": "urn:acme:error:unauthorized"
+ "detail": "No authorization provided for name example.net"
+ "instance": "http://example.com/doc/unauthorized"
+# Identifier Validation Challenges
+There are few types of identifier in the world for which there is a standardized
+mechanism to prove possession of a given identifier. In all practical cases,
+CAs rely on a variety of means to test whether an entity applying for a
+certificate with a given identifier actually controls that identifier.
+Challenges provide the server with assurance that an account key holder is also
+the entity that controls an identifier. For each type of challenge, it must be
+the case that in order for an entity to successfully complete the challenge the
+entity must both:
+* Hold the private key of the account key pair used to respond to the challenge
+* Control the identifier in question
+{{security-considerations}} documents how the challenges defined in this
+document meet these requirements. New challenges will need to document how they
+To accommodate this reality, ACME includes an extensible challenge/response
+framework for identifier validation. This section describes an initial set of
+Challenge types. Each challenge must describe:
+* Content of Challenge payloads (in Challenge messages)
+* Content of Response payloads (in authorizationRequest messages)
+* How the server uses the Challenge and Response to verify control of an
+ identifier
+The general structure of Challenge and Response payloads is as follows:
+type (required, string):
+: The type of Challenge or Response encoded in the object.
+uri (required, string):
+: The URI to which a response can be posted.
+status (optional, string): : The status of this authorization. Possible values
+are: "unknown", "pending", "processing", "valid", "invalid" and "revoked". If
+this field is missing, then the default value is "pending".
+validated (optional, string): : The time at which this challenge was completed
+by the server, encoded in the format specified in RFC 3339 {{RFC3339}}.
+error (optional, dictionary of string): : The error that occurred while the
+server was validating the challenge, if any. This field is structured as a
+problem document {{I-D.ietf-appsawg-http-problem}}.
+All additional fields are specified by the Challenge type. The server MUST
+ignore any values provided in the "uri", "status", "validated", and "error"
+fields of a Response payload. If the server sets a Challenge's "status" to
+"invalid", it SHOULD also include the "error" field to help the client diagnose
+why they failed the challenge.
+Different challenges allow the server to obtain proof of different aspects of
+control over an identifier. In some challenges, like HTTP and TLS SNI, the
+client directly proves its ability to do certain things related to the
+identifier. In the Proof of Possession challenge, the client proves historical
+control of the identifier, by reference to a prior authorization transaction or
+The choice of which Challenges to offer to a client under which circumstances is
+a matter of server policy. A CA may choose different sets of challenges
+depending on whether it has interacted with a domain before, and how. For
+* New domain with no known certificates: Domain Validation (HTTP or TLS SNI)
+* Domain for which known certs exist from other CAs: DV + Proof of Possession of
+ previous CA-signed key
+* Domain with a cert from this CA, lost account key: DV + PoP of ACME-certified
+ Subject key
+* Domain with a cert from this CA, all keys and recovery mechanisms lost: Out of
+ band proof of authority for the domain
+The identifier validation challenges described in this section all relate to
+validation of domain names. If ACME is extended in the future to support other
+types of identifier, there will need to be new Challenge types, and they will
+need to specify which types of identifier they apply to.
+[[ Editor's Note: In pre-RFC versions of this specification, challenges are
+labeled by type, and with the version of the draft in which they were
+introduced. For example, if an HTTP challenge were introduced in version -03
+and a breaking change made in version -05, then there would be a challenge
+labeled "http-03" and one labeled "http-05" -- but not one labeled "http-04",
+since challenge in version -04 was compatible with one in version -04. ]]
+[[ Editor's Note: Operators SHOULD NOT issue "combinations" arrays in
+authorization objects that require the client to perform multiple challenges
+over the same type, e.g., ["http-03", "http-05"]. Challenges within a type are
+testing the same capability of the domain owner, and it may not be possible to
+satisfy both at once. ]]
+## Key Authorizations
+Several of the challenges in this document makes use of a key authorization
+string. A key authorization expresses a domain holder's authorization for a
+specified key to satisfy a specified challenge, by concatenating the token
+for the challenge with a key fingerprint, separated by a "." character:
+key-authz = token || '.' || base64url(JWK_Thumbprint(accountKey))
+The "JWK_Thumbprint" step indicates the computation specified in {{RFC7638}},
+using the SHA-256 digest. As specified in the individual challenges below, the
+token for a challenge is a JSON string comprised entirely of characters in the
+URL-safe Base64 alphabet. The "||" operator indicates concatenation of strings.
+In computations involving key authorizations, such as the digest computations
+required for the DNS and TLS SNI challenges, the key authorization string MUST
+be represented in UTF-8 form (or, equivalently, ASCII).
+An example of how to compute a JWK thumbprint can be found in Section 3.1 of
+{{RFC7638}}. Note that some cryptographic libraries prepend a zero octet to the
+representation of the RSA public key parameters N and E, in order to avoid
+ambiguity with regard to the sign of the number. As noted in {{JWA}}, a JWK
+object MUST NOT include this zero octet. That is, any initial zero octets MUST
+be stripped before the values are Base64url-encoded.
+## HTTP
+With HTTP validation, the client in an ACME transaction proves its
+control over a domain name by proving that it can provision resources on an HTTP
+server that responds for that domain name. The ACME server challenges the
+client to provision a file with a specific JWS as its contents.
+As a domain may resolve to multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, the server will
+connect to at least one of the hosts found in A and AAAA records, at its
+discretion. Because many webservers allocate a default HTTPS virtual host to a
+particular low-privilege tenant user in a subtle and non-intuitive manner, the
+challenge must be completed over HTTP, not HTTPS.
+type (required, string):
+: The string "http-01"
+token (required, string):
+: A random value that uniquely identifies the challenge. This value MUST have
+at least 128 bits of entropy, in order to prevent an attacker from guessing it.
+It MUST NOT contain any characters outside the URL-safe Base64 alphabet.
+ "type": "http-01",
+ "token": "evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA",
+A client responds to this challenge by constructing a key authorization from
+the "token" value provided in the challenge and the client's account key. The
+client then provisions the key authorization as a resource on the HTTP server
+for the domain in question.
+The path at which the resource is provisioned is comprised of the fixed prefix
+".well-known/acme-challenge/", followed by the "token" value in the challenge.
+The value of the resource MUST be the ASCII representation of the key
+The client's response to this challenge indicates its agreement to this
+challenge by sending the server the key authorization covering the challenge's
+token and the client's account key:
+keyAuthorization (required, string):
+: The key authorization for this challenge. This value MUST match the token
+from the challenge and the client's account key.
+ "keyAuthorization": "evaGxfADs...62jcerQ"
+/* Signed as JWS */
+On receiving a response, the server MUST verify that the key authorization in
+the response matches the "token" value in the challenge and the client's account
+key. If they do not match, then the server MUST return an HTTP error in
+response to the POST request in which the client sent the challenge.
+Given a Challenge/Response pair, the server verifies the client's control of the
+domain by verifying that the resource was provisioned as expected.
+1. Form a URI by populating the URI template {{RFC6570}}
+ "http://{domain}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{token}", where:
+ * the domain field is set to the domain name being verified; and
+ * the token field is set to the token in the challenge.
+2. Verify that the resulting URI is well-formed.
+3. Dereference the URI using an HTTP GET request.
+4. Verify that the body of the response is well-formed key authorization. The
+ server SHOULD ignore whitespace characters at the end of the body.
+5. Verify that key authorization provided by the server matches the token for
+ this challenge and the client's account key.
+If all of the above verifications succeed, then the validation is successful.
+If the request fails, or the body does not pass these checks, then it has
+## TLS with Server Name Indication (TLS SNI)
+The TLS with Server Name Indication (TLS SNI) validation method
+proves control over a domain name by requiring the client to configure a TLS
+server referenced by an A/AAAA record under the domain name to respond to
+specific connection attempts utilizing the Server Name Indication extension
+{{RFC6066}}. The server verifies the client's challenge by accessing the
+reconfigured server and verifying a particular challenge certificate is
+type (required, string):
+: The string "tls-sni-01"
+token (required, string):
+: A random value that uniquely identifies the challenge. This value MUST have
+at least 128 bits of entropy, in order to prevent an attacker from guessing it.
+It MUST NOT contain any characters outside the URL-safe Base64 alphabet.
+n (required, number):
+: Number of tls-sni-01 iterations
+ "type": "tls-sni-01",
+ "token": "evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA",
+ "n": 25
+A client responds to this challenge by constructing a key authorization from
+the "token" value provided in the challenge and the client's account key. The
+client first computes the SHA-256 digest Z0 of the UTF8-encoded key
+authorization, and encodes Z0 in UTF-8 lower-case hexadecimal form. The client
+then generates iterated hash values Z1...Z(n-1) as follows:
+Z(i) = lowercase_hexadecimal(SHA256(Z(i-1))).
+The client generates a self-signed certificate for each iteration of Zi with a
+single subjectAlternativeName extension dNSName that is
+"\<Zi[0:32]\>.\<Zi[32:64]\>.acme.invalid", where "Zi[0:32]" and "Zi[32:64]"
+represent the first 32 and last 32 characters of the hex-encoded value,
+respectively (following the notation used in Python). The client then
+configures the TLS server at the domain such that when a handshake is initiated
+with the Server Name Indication extension set to
+"\<Zi[0:32]\>.\<Zi[32:64]\>.acme.invalid", the corresponding generated
+certificate is presented.
+The response to the TLS SNI challenge simply acknowledges that the client is ready
+to fulfill this challenge.
+keyAuthorization (required, string):
+: The key authorization for this challenge. This value MUST match the token
+from the challenge and the client's account key.
+ "keyAuthorization": "evaGxfADs...62jcerQ",
+/* Signed as JWS */
+On receiving a response, the server MUST verify that the key authorization in
+the response matches the "token" value in the challenge and the client's account
+key. If they do not match, then the server MUST return an HTTP error in
+response to the POST request in which the client sent the challenge.
+Given a Challenge/Response pair, the ACME server verifies the client's control
+of the domain by verifying that the TLS server was configured appropriately.
+1. Choose a subset of the N iterations to check, according to local policy.
+2. For each iteration, compute the Zi-value from the key authorization in
+ the same way as the client.
+3. Open a TLS connection to the domain name being validated on the requested
+ port, presenting the value "\<Zi[0:32]\>.\<Zi[32:64]\>.acme.invalid" in the
+ SNI field (where the comparison is case-insensitive).
+4. Verify that the certificate contains a subjectAltName extension with the
+ dNSName of "\<Z[0:32]\>.\<Z[32:64]\>.acme.invalid", and that no other dNSName
+ entries of the form "*.acme.invalid" are present in the subjectAltName
+ extension.
+It is RECOMMENDED that the ACME server verify a random subset of the N
+iterations with an appropriate sized to ensure that an attacker who can
+provision certs for a default virtual host, but not for arbitrary simultaneous
+virtual hosts, cannot pass the challenge. For instance, testing a subset of 5
+of N=25 domains ensures that such an attacker has only a one in 25/5 chance of
+success if they post certs Zn in random succession. (This probability is
+enforced by the requirement that each certificate have only one Zi value.)
+It is RECOMMENDED that the ACME server validation TLS connections from multiple
+vantage points to reduce the risk of DNS hijacking attacks.
+If all of the above verifications succeed, then the validation is successful.
+Otherwise, the validation fails.
+## Proof of Possession of a Prior Key
+The Proof of Possession challenge verifies that a client possesses a private key
+corresponding to a server-specified public key, as demonstrated by its ability
+to sign with that key. This challenge is meant to be used when the server knows
+of a public key that is already associated with the identifier being claimed,
+and wishes for new authorizations to be authorized by the holder of the
+corresponding private key. For DNS identifiers, for example, this can help
+guard against domain hijacking.
+This method is useful if a server policy calls for issuing a certificate only to
+an entity that already possesses the subject private key of a particular prior
+related certificate (perhaps issued by a different CA). It may also help enable
+other kinds of server policy that are related to authenticating a client's
+identity using digital signatures.
+This challenge proceeds in much the same way as the proof of possession of the
+authorized key pair in the main ACME flow (challenge + authorizationRequest).
+The server provides a nonce and the client signs over the nonce. The main
+difference is that rather than signing with the private key of the key pair
+being authorized, the client signs with a private key specified by the server.
+The server can specify which key pair(s) are acceptable directly (by indicating
+a public key), or by asking for the key corresponding to a certificate.
+The server provides the following fields as part of the challenge:
+type (required, string):
+: The string "proofOfPossession-01"
+certs (optional, array of string):
+: An array of certificates, in Base64url-encoded DER format, that contain
+acceptable public keys.
+ "type": "proofOfPossession-01",
+ "certs": ["MIIF7z...bYVQLY"]
+In response to this challenge, the client uses the private key corresponding to
+one of the acceptable public keys to sign a JWS object including data related to
+the challenge. The validation object covered by the signature has the following
+type (required, string):
+: The string "proofOfPossession"
+identifiers (required, identifier):
+: A list of identifiers for which the holder of the prior key authorizes the new key
+accountKey (required, JWK):
+: The client's account public key
+ "type": "proofOfPossession-01",
+ "identifiers: [{"type": "dns", "value": "example.com"}],
+ "accountKey": { "kty": "RSA", ... }
+This JWS is NOT REQUIRED to have a "nonce" header parameter (as with the JWS
+objects that carry ACME request objects). This allows proof-of-possession
+response objects to be computed off-line. For example, as part of a domain
+transfer, the new domain owner might require the old domain owner to sign a
+proof-of-possession validation object, so that the new domain owner can present
+that in an ACME transaction later.
+The validation JWS MUST contain a "jwk" header parameter indicating the public
+key under which the server should verify the JWS.
+The client's response includes the server-provided nonce, together with a
+signature over that nonce by one of the private keys requested by the server.
+type (required, string):
+: The string "proofOfPossession"
+authorization (required, JWS):
+: The validation JWS
+ "type": "proofOfPossession-01",
+ "authorization": {
+ "header": {
+ "alg": "RS256",
+ "jwk": {
+ "kty": "RSA",
+ "e": "AQAB",
+ "n": "AMswMT...3aVtjE"
+ }
+ },
+ "payload": "SfiR1...gSAl7A",
+ "signature": "XcQLfL...cW5beg"
+ }
+To validate a proof-of-possession challenge, the server performs the following
+1. Verify that the public key in the "jwk" header of the "authorization" JWS
+ corresponds to one of the certificates in the "certs" field of the challenge
+2. Verify the "authorization" JWS using the key indicated in its "jwk" header
+3. Decode the payload of the JWS as UTF-8 encoded JSON
+4. Verify that there are exactly three fields in the decoded object, and that:
+ * The "type" field is set to "proofOfPossession"
+ * The "identifier" field contains the identifier for which authorization is
+ being validated
+ * The "accountKey" field matches the account key for which the challenge was
+ issued
+If all of the above verifications succeed, then the validation is successful.
+Otherwise, the validation fails.
+## DNS
+When the identifier being validated is a domain name, the client can prove
+control of that domain by provisioning resource records under it. The DNS
+challenge requires the client to provision a TXT record containing a designated
+value under a specific validation domain name.
+type (required, string):
+: The string "dns-01"
+token (required, string):
+: A random value that uniquely identifies the challenge. This value MUST have
+at least 128 bits of entropy, in order to prevent an attacker from guessing it.
+It MUST NOT contain any characters outside the URL-safe Base64 alphabet.
+ "type": "dns-01",
+ "token": "evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA"
+A client responds to this challenge by constructing a key authorization from the
+"token" value provided in the challenge and the client's account key. The
+client then computes the SHA-256 digest of the key authorization.
+The record provisioned to the DNS is the base64url encoding of this digest. The
+client constructs the validation domain name by prepending the label
+"_acme-challenge" to the domain name being validated, then provisions a TXT
+record with the digest value under that name. For example, if the domain name
+being validated is "example.com", then the client would provision the following
+DNS record:
+_acme-challenge.example.com. 300 IN TXT "gfj9Xq...Rg85nM"
+The response to the DNS challenge simply acknowledges that the client is ready
+to fulfill this challenge.
+keyAuthorization (required, string):
+: The key authorization for this challenge. This value MUST match the token
+from the challenge and the client's account key.
+ "keyAuthorization": "evaGxfADs...62jcerQ",
+/* Signed as JWS */
+On receiving a response, the server MUST verify that the key authorization in
+the response matches the "token" value in the challenge and the client's account
+key. If they do not match, then the server MUST return an HTTP error in
+response to the POST request in which the client sent the challenge.
+To validate a DNS challenge, the server performs the following steps:
+1. Compute the SHA-256 digest of the key authorization
+2. Query for TXT records under the validation domain name
+3. Verify that the contents of one of the TXT records matches the digest value
+If all of the above verifications succeed, then the validation is successful.
+If no DNS record is found, or DNS record and response payload do not pass these
+checks, then the validation fails.
+# IANA Considerations
+* Register .well-known path
+* Register Replay-Nonce HTTP header
+* Register "nonce" JWS header parameter
+* Register "urn:acme" namespace
+* Create identifier validation method registry
+* Registries of syntax tokens, e.g., message types / error types?
+# Security Considerations
+ACME is a protocol for managing certificates that attest to identifier/key
+bindings. Thus the foremost security goal of ACME is to ensure the integrity of
+this process, i.e., to ensure that the bindings attested by certificates are
+correct, and that only authorized entities can manage certificates. ACME
+identifies clients by their account keys, so this overall goal breaks down into
+two more precise goals:
+1. Only an entity that controls a identifier can get an account key authorized
+ for that identifier
+2. Once authorized, an account key's authorizations cannot be improperly
+ transferred to another account key
+In this section, we discuss the threat model that underlies ACME and the ways
+that ACME achieves these security goals within that threat model. We also
+discuss the denial-of-service risks that ACME servers face, and a few other
+miscellaneous considerations.
+## Threat model
+As a service on the Internet, ACME broadly exists within the Internet threat
+model {{RFC3552}}. In analyzing ACME, it is useful to think of an ACME server
+interacting with other Internet hosts along three "channels":
+* An ACME channel, over which the ACME HTTPS requests are exchanged
+* A validation channel, over which the ACME server performs additional requests
+ to validate a client's control of an identifier
+* A contact channel, over which the ACME server sends messages to the registered
+ contacts for ACME clients
+| ACME | ACME Channel
+| Client |--------------------+
++------------+ |
+ ^ V
+ | Contact Channel +------------+
+ +--------------------| ACME |
+ | Server |
+ +------------+
++------------+ |
+| Validation |<-------------------+
+| Server | Validation Channel
+In practice, the risks to these channels are not entirely separate, but they are
+different in most cases. Each of the three channels, for example, uses a
+different communications pattern: the ACME channel will comprise inbound HTTPS
+connections to the ACME server, the validation channel outbound HTTP or DNS
+requests, and the contact channel will use channels such as email and PSTN.
+Broadly speaking, ACME aims to be secure against active and passive attackers on
+any individual channel. Some vulnerabilities arise (noted below), when an
+attacker can exploit both the ACME channel and one of the others.
+On the ACME channel, in addition to network-layer attackers, we also need to
+account for application-layer man in the middle attacks, and for abusive use of
+the protocol itself. Protection against application-layer MitM addresses
+potential attackers such as Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) and middleboxes
+with a TLS MitM function. Preventing abusive use of ACME means ensuring that an
+attacker with access to the validation or contact channels can't obtain
+illegitimate authorization by acting as an ACME client (legitimately, in terms
+of the protocol).
+## Integrity of Authorizations
+ACME allows anyone to request challenges for an identifier by registering an
+account key and sending a new-authorization request under that account key. The
+integrity of the authorization process thus depends on the identifier validation
+challenges to ensure that the challenge can only be completed by someone who
+both (1) holds the private key of the account key pair, and (2) controls the
+identifier in question.
+Validation responses need to be bound to an account key pair in order to avoid
+situations where an ACME MitM can switch out a legitimate domain holder's
+account key for one of his choosing, e.g.:
+* Legitimate domain holder registers account key pair A
+* MitM registers account key pair B
+* Legitimate domain holder sends a new-authorization request signed under
+ account key A
+* MitM suppresses the legitimate request, but sends the same request signed
+ under account key B
+* ACME server issues challenges and MitM forwards them to the legitimate domain
+ holder
+* Legitimate domain holder provisions the validation response
+* ACME server performs validation query and sees the response provisioned by the
+ legitimate domain holder
+* Because the challenges were issued in response to a message signed account key
+ B, the ACME server grants authorization to account key B (the MitM) instead of
+ account key A (the legitimate domain holder)
+All of the challenges above that require an out-of-band query by the server have
+a binding to the account private key, such that the only the account private key
+holder can successfully respond to the validation query:
+* HTTP: The value provided in the validation request is signed by the
+ account private key.
+* TLS SNI: The validation TLS request uses the account key pair as the server's
+ key pair.
+* DNS: The MAC covers the account key, and the MAC key is derived from an ECDH
+ public key signed with the account private key.
+* Proof of possession of a prior key: The signature by the prior key covers the
+ account public key.
+The association of challenges to identifiers is typically done by requiring the
+client to perform some action that only someone who effectively controls the
+identifier can perform. For the challenges in this document, the actions are:
+* HTTP: Provision files under .well-known on a web server for the domain
+* TLS SNI: Configure a TLS server for the domain
+* DNS: Provision DNS resource records for the domain
+* Proof of possession of a prior key: Sign using the private key specified by
+ the server
+There are several ways that these assumptions can be violated, both by
+misconfiguration and by attack. For example, on a web server that allows
+non-administrative users to write to .well-known, any user can claim to own the
+server's hostname by responding to an HTTP challenge, and likewise for TLS
+configuration and TLS SNI.
+The use of hosting providers is a particular risk for ACME validation. If the
+owner of the domain has outsourced operation of DNS or web services to a hosting
+provider, there is nothing that can be done against tampering by the hosting
+provider. As far as the outside world is concerned, the zone or web site
+provided by the hosting provider is the real thing.
+More limited forms of delegation can also lead to an unintended party gaining
+the ability to successfully complete a validation transaction. For example,
+suppose an ACME server follows HTTP redirects in HTTP validation and a
+web site operator provisions a catch-all redirect rule that redirects requests
+for unknown resources to different domain. Then the target of the redirect
+could use that to get a certificate through HTTP validation, since the
+validation path will not be known to the primary server.
+The DNS is a common point of vulnerability for all of these challenges. An
+entity that can provision false DNS records for a domain can attack the DNS
+challenge directly, and can provision false A/AAAA records to direct the ACME
+server to send its TLS SNI or HTTP validation query to a server of the
+attacker's choosing. There are a few different mitigations that ACME servers
+can apply:
+* Checking the DNSSEC status of DNS records used in ACME validation (for zones
+ that are DNSSEC-enabled)
+* Querying the DNS from multiple vantage points to address local attackers
+* Applying mitigations against DNS off-path attackers, e.g., adding entropy to
+ requests {{I-D.vixie-dnsext-dns0x20}} or only using TCP
+Given these considerations, the ACME validation process makes it impossible for
+any attacker on the ACME channel, or a passive attacker on the validation
+channel to hijack the authorization process to authorize a key of the attacker's
+An attacker that can only see the ACME channel would need to convince the
+validation server to provide a response that would authorize the attacker's
+account key, but this is prevented by binding the validation response to the
+account key used to request challenges. A passive attacker on the validation
+channel can observe the correct validation response and even replay it, but that
+response can only be used with the account key for which it was generated.
+An active attacker on the validation channel can subvert the ACME process, by
+performing normal ACME transactions and providing a validation response for his
+own account key. The risks due to hosting providers noted above are a
+particular case. For identifiers where the server already has some credential
+associated with the domain this attack can be prevented by requiring the client
+to complete a proof-of-possession challenge.
+## Preventing Authorization Hijacking
+The account recovery processes described in {{account-recovery}} allow
+authorization to be transferred from one account key to another, in case the
+former account key pair's private key is lost. ACME needs to prevent these
+processes from being exploited by an attacker to hijack the authorizations
+attached to one key and assign them to a key of the attacker's choosing.
+Recovery takes place in two steps:
+1. Provisioning recovery information (contact or recovery key)
+2. Using recovery information to recover an account
+The provisioning process needs to ensure that only the account key holder ends
+up with information that is useful for recovery. The recovery process needs to
+assure that only the (now former) account key holder can successfully execute
+recovery, i.e., that this entity is the only one that can choose the new account
+key that receives the capabilities held by the account being recovered.
+MAC-based recovery can be performed if the attacker knows the account key and
+registration URI for the account being recovered. Both of these are difficult
+to obtain for a network attacker, because ACME uses HTTPS, though if the
+recovery key and registration URI are sufficiently predictable, the attacker
+might be able to guess them. An ACME MitM can see the registration URI, but
+still has to guess the recovery key, since neither the ECDH in the provisioning
+phase nor HMAC in the recovery phase will reveal it to him.
+ACME clients can thus mitigate problems with MAC-based recovery by using long
+recovery keys. ACME servers should enforce a minimum recovery key length, and
+impose rate limits on recovery to limit an attacker's ability to test different
+guesses about the recovery key.
+Contact-based recovery uses both the ACME channel and the contact channel. The
+provisioning process is only visible to an ACME MitM, and even then, the MitM
+can only observe the contact information provided. If the ACME attacker does
+not also have access to the contact channel, there is no risk.
+The security of the contact-based recovery process is entirely dependent on the
+security of the contact channel. The details of this will depend on the
+specific out-of-band technique used by the server. For example:
+* If the server requires a user to click a link in a message sent to a contact
+ address, then the contact channel will need to ensure that the message is only
+ available to the legitimate owner of the contact address. Otherwise, a
+ passive attacker could see the link and click it first, or an active attacker
+ could redirect the message.
+* If the server requires a user to respond to a message sent to a contact
+ address containing a secret value, then the contact channel will need to
+ ensure that an attacker cannot observe the secret value and spoof a message
+ from the contact address.
+In practice, many contact channels that can be used to reach many clients do not
+provide strong assurances of the types noted above. In designing and deploying
+contact-based recovery schemes, ACME servers operators will need to find an
+appropriate balance between using contact channels that can reach many clients
+and using contact-based recovery schemes that achieve an appropriate level of
+risk using those contact channels.
+## Denial-of-Service Considerations
+As a protocol run over HTTPS, standard considerations for TCP-based and
+HTTP-based DoS mitigation also apply to ACME.
+At the application layer, ACME requires the server to perform a few potentially
+expensive operations. Identifier validation transactions require the ACME
+server to make outbound connections to potentially attacker-controlled servers,
+and certificate issuance can require interactions with cryptographic hardware.
+In addition, an attacker can also cause the ACME server to send validation
+requests to a domain of its choosing by submitting authorization requests for
+the victim domain.
+All of these attacks can be mitigated by the application of appropriate rate
+limits. Issues closer to the front end, like POST body validation, can be
+addressed using HTTP request limiting. For validation and certificate requests,
+there are other identifiers on which rate limits can be keyed. For example, the
+server might limit the rate at which any individual account key can issue
+certificates, or the rate at which validation can be requested within a given
+subtree of the DNS.
+## CA Policy Considerations
+The controls on issuance enabled by ACME are focused on validating that a
+certificate applicant controls the identifier he claims. Before issuing a
+certificate, however, there are many other checks that a CA might need to
+perform, for example:
+* Has the client agreed to a subscriber agreement?
+* Is the claimed identifier syntactically valid?
+* For domain names:
+ * If the leftmost label is a '*', then have the appropriate checks been
+ applied?
+ * Is the name on the Public Suffix List?
+ * Is the name a high-value name?
+ * Is the name a known phishing domain?
+* Is the key in the CSR sufficiently strong?
+* Is the CSR signed with an acceptable algorithm?
+CAs that use ACME to automate issuance will need to ensure that their servers
+perform all necessary checks before issuing.
+# Acknowledgements
+In addition to the editors listed on the front page, this document has benefited
+from contributions from a broad set of contributors, all the way back to its
+* Peter Eckersley, EFF
+* Eric Rescorla, Mozilla
+* Seth Schoen, EFF
+* Alex Halderman, University of Michigan
+* Martin Thomson, Mozilla
+* Jakub Warmuz, University of Oxford
+This document draws on many concepts established by Eric Rescorla's "Automated
+Certificate Issuance Protocol" draft. Martin Thomson provided helpful guidance
+in the use of HTTP.