path: root/misc/snapshot.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/snapshot.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 538 deletions
diff --git a/misc/snapshot.pl b/misc/snapshot.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cbb9d7..0000000
--- a/misc/snapshot.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-#ver 0.11 (C)Cyr
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use diagnostics;
-use IO::Socket;
-use Convert::ASN1;
-#use Data::Dumper;
-use Carp;
-use POSIX;
-my $CSTAapdu;
-my $socket;
-my @devices;
-my @calls;
-sub deviceNumber {
- my $deviceNumber = shift;
- if ( defined $deviceNumber->{deviceNumber} ) {
- $deviceNumber = $deviceNumber->{deviceNumber};
- my $deviceType = $deviceNumber & 0xFFFF0000;
- if ( $deviceType == 0x1310000 ) {
- $deviceType = 'CO';
- }
- elsif ( $deviceType == 0x1210000 ) {
- $deviceType = 'PS';
- }
- elsif ( $deviceType == 0x1110000 ) {
- $deviceType = 'EXT';
- }
- $deviceNumber = $deviceNumber & 0x0000FFFF;
- return $deviceType . sprintf( "%03s", $deviceNumber );
- }
- elsif ( defined $deviceNumber->{dialingNumber} ) {
- return $deviceNumber->{dialingNumber};
- }
-sub localConnectionInfo {
- my $localConnectionInfo = shift;
- if ( $localConnectionInfo == 0 ) {
- return 'null';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 1 ) {
- return 'initiated';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 2 ) {
- return 'alerting';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 3 ) {
- return 'connected';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 4 ) {
- return 'hold';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 5 ) {
- return 'queued';
- }
- elsif ( $localConnectionInfo == 6 ) {
- return 'fail';
- }
- else { return $localConnectionInfo }
-sub decode_msg_header {
- my $bin = shift;
- my $len = unpack( 'n', $bin );
- return $len;
-sub encode_msg_header {
- my $len = shift;
- die "Message larger than allowed!" unless ( $len <= 240 );
- my $bin = pack( 'n', $len );
- return $bin;
-sub convert_to_hex {
- my $pdu = $_[0];
- my $hexdata = unpack( 'H*', $pdu );
- $hexdata =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $hexdata =~ s/(..)/$1 /g;
- $hexdata =~ s/ $//g;
- return $hexdata;
-sub send_pdu {
- my $pdu = $_[0];
- my $header = encode_msg_header( length($pdu) );
- $socket->write($header);
- $socket->write($pdu);
- # my $hexdata = convert_to_hex($pdu);
- # print("SENT: [$hexdata]\n");
-sub csta_connect {
- my %args = %{ $_[0] };
- open_csta_socket( $args{host}, $args{port} );
- # A-ASSOCIATE Request
- my $pdu =
- $pdu = pack( 'H*', $pdu );
- send_pdu($pdu);
- # A-ASSOCIATE Result
- $pdu = receive_stuff();
- my $hexdata = convert_to_hex($pdu);
- if ( $hexdata =~ /A2 03 02 01 01/ ) {
- print "rejected-permanent\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- #SystemStatus Request
- $pdu = receive_stuff();
- my $out = $CSTAapdu->decode($pdu);
- my $invokeID = $out->{svcRequest}->{invokeID};
- SystemStatusResult($invokeID);
-sub open_csta_socket {
- my $host = shift;
- my $port = shift;
- $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(
- PeerAddr => $host,
- PeerPort => $port,
- Blocking => 1,
- Proto => 'tcp'
- ) || die "Error creating socket: $!\n";
- $socket->autoflush(1);
- print("opened a connection to $host on port $port\n");
-sub receive_stuff {
- my $header = '';
- my $pdu = '';
- my $nbytes = $socket->sysread( $header, 2 );
- if ( $nbytes == 1 ) { # фрагмент пакета
- my $header2;
- my $nbytes2 = $socket->sysread( $header2, 1 );
- $header = $header . $header2;
- $nbytes = 2;
- }
- croak "Didn't receive the specified amount of data (2 bytes)!\n" . chr(7)
- unless ( $nbytes == 2 );
- my $len = decode_msg_header($header);
- $nbytes = $socket->sysread( $pdu, $len );
- if ( $nbytes < $len ) { # фрагмент пакета
- my $pdu2;
- my $nbytes2 = $socket->sysread( $pdu2, $len - $nbytes );
- $pdu = $pdu . $pdu2;
- $nbytes = $nbytes + $nbytes2;
- }
- croak "Didn't receive the specified amount of data ($len bytes)!\n" . chr(7)
- unless ( $nbytes == $len );
- # my $hexdata = convert_to_hex($pdu);
- # print("RECEIVED:[$hexdata]\n");
- return $pdu;
-sub GetSystemData {
- my $DeviceCategory = shift;
- #EXT=5
- #CO =2
- my $pdu = $CSTAapdu->encode(
- {
- svcRequest => {
- invokeID => 4,
- serviceID => 51,
- serviceArgs => {
- privateData => {
- private => {
- kmeSystemData => {
- getSystemData => {
- request => {
- deviceList => {
- category => {
- standardDevice =>
- $DeviceCategory
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- );
- #my $pdu = "A11602020602020133300DA40BA009A407A105A0030A010".$DeviceCategory;
- #$pdu = pack('H*', $pdu);
- send_pdu($pdu);
- # getSystemDataPosAck
- $pdu = receive_stuff();
- my $out = $CSTAapdu->decode($pdu);
- my $crossRefID =
- $out->{svcResult}->{result}->{serviceResult}->{extensions}
- ->{privateData}[0]->{private}->{kmeSystemData}->{getSystemDataPosAck};
- my $lastSegment = 0;
- # systemDataLinkedReply
- while ( !$lastSegment ) {
- $pdu = receive_stuff();
- my $out = $CSTAapdu->decode($pdu);
- my $systemDataLinkedReply =
- $out->{svcRequest}->{serviceArgs}->{privateData}->{private}
- ->{kmeSystemData}->{systemDataLinkedReply};
- if ( defined $systemDataLinkedReply ) {
- if ( $systemDataLinkedReply->{crossRefID} cmp $crossRefID ) { next }
- $lastSegment = $systemDataLinkedReply->{lastSegment};
- foreach my $KmeDeviceStateEntry (
- @{ $systemDataLinkedReply->{sysData}->{deviceList} } )
- {
- if ( $KmeDeviceStateEntry->{status} == 0 ) {
- print "device:", $KmeDeviceStateEntry->{number}, "\n";
- push @devices,
- ( $KmeDeviceStateEntry->{device}->{deviceIdentifier}
- ->{deviceNumber} );
- }
- }
- }
- }
-sub SnapshotDeviceRequest {
- my $device = shift;
- my $pdu = $CSTAapdu->encode(
- {
- svcRequest => {
- invokeID => 9,
- serviceID => 74,
- serviceArgs => {
- snapshotObject =>
- { deviceIdentifier => { deviceNumber => $device } }
- }
- }
- }
- );
- #$device = sprintf("%08X",$device);
- #print("SnapshotDeviceRequest: $device\n");
- #my $pdu = "A11002010202014A300830068104".$device;
- #$pdu = pack('H*', $pdu);
- send_pdu($pdu);
-sub SnapshotDeviceResult {
- my $refSnapshotDeviceResult = shift;
- my $refsnapshotData =
- ( $refSnapshotDeviceResult->{crossRefIDorSnapshotData}->{snapshotData} );
- foreach my $SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo ( @{$refsnapshotData} ) {
- my $callID =
- $SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo->{connectionIdentifier}->{both}->{callID};
- my $deviceID = deviceNumber(
- $SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo->{connectionIdentifier}->{both}
- ->{deviceID}->{staticID}->{deviceIdentifier} );
- foreach my $LocalConnectionState (
- @{
- $SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo->{localCallState}
- ->{compoundCallState}
- }
- )
- {
- my $ConnectionState = localConnectionInfo($LocalConnectionState);
- push @calls, [ $callID, $deviceID, $ConnectionState ];
- }
- }
-sub SystemStatusResult {
- my $invokeID = shift;
- my $pdu = $CSTAapdu->encode(
- {
- svcResult => {
- invokeID => $invokeID,
- result => { serviceID => 211, serviceResult => { noData => 1 } }
- }
- }
- );
- send_pdu($pdu); # send SystemStatus Result
-# parse ASN.1 desciptions
-my $asn = Convert::ASN1->new;
-$asn->prepare(<<ASN1) or die "prepare: ", $asn->error;
-CSTAapdu ::= CHOICE {
- svcRequest ROIVapdu,
- svcResult RORSapdu
--- svcError ROERapdu,
--- svcReject RORJapdu
- invokeID INTEGER,
- serviceID INTEGER,
- serviceArgs ANY DEFINED BY serviceID
- invokeID INTEGER,
- result SEQUENCE {
- serviceID INTEGER,
- serviceResult ANY DEFINED BY serviceID OPTIONAL
- }
-EscapeArgument ::= SEQUENCE
-{ --escapeRegisterID EscapeRegisterID OPTIONAL,
- --security CSTASecurityData OPTIONAL,
- privateData CSTAPrivateData }
-CSTAPrivateData ::= CHOICE
-{ string OCTET STRING,
- private KmeSpecificPrivateData
-KmeSpecificPrivateData ::= CHOICE
-{ kmeSystemData [4] KmeSystemData
-KmeSystemData ::= CHOICE
-{ getSystemData [0] KmeGetSystemData,
- systemDataLinkedReply [3] EXPLICIT KmeSystemDataLinkedReply,
- getSystemDataPosAck [4] EXPLICIT KmeGetSystemDataPosAck
-KmeGetSystemData ::= CHOICE
-{ request KmeGetSystemDataReq --!
---result KmeGetSystemDataRsp
-KmeGetSystemDataReq ::= CHOICE
-deviceList [4] KmeRequestedDevice --!
-KmeRequestedDevice ::= CHOICE -- for GetSystemData.deviceList
-{ --device [0] DeviceID,
- category [1] KmeDeviceCategory} --!
-KmeDeviceCategory ::= CHOICE
-{ standardDevice [0] EXPLICIT DeviceCategory--!
- -- kmeDevice [1] KmeOtherDevice
-DeviceCategory ::= ENUMERATED
-{ acd (0),
- group (1),
- networkInterface (2), --!
- park (3),
- routeingDevice (4),
- station (5), --!
- voiceUnit (6),
- other (7)
-KmeSystemDataLinkedReply ::= SEQUENCE
-{ crossRefID [0] EXPLICIT ServiceCrossRefID,
- lastSegment [2] EXPLICIT BOOLEAN,
- sysData [3] EXPLICIT KmeGetSystemDataRsp OPTIONAL
-ServiceCrossRefID ::= OCTET STRING
-KmeGetSystemDataPosAck ::= ServiceCrossRefID
-KmeGetSystemDataRsp ::= SEQUENCE
-{ deviceList [38] EXPLICIT KmeDeviceStateList OPTIONAL
-KmeDeviceStateList ::= SEQUENCE OF KmeDeviceStateEntry
-KmeDeviceStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE
-{ device DeviceID,
- number IA5String OPTIONAL, -- Ext No, CO No, Park Area No.
- status KmeDeviceState
-KmeDeviceState ::= ENUMERATED
-{ ins (0),
- ous (1)
-EscapeResult ::= CHOICE
-{ extensions CSTACommonArguments,
- noData NULL
-{ privateData [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF CSTAPrivateData OPTIONAL }
-CSTAPrivateData ::= CHOICE
-{ string OCTET STRING,
- private KmeSpecificPrivateData
---snapshotDevice OPERATION ::=
---{ ARGUMENT SnapshotDeviceArgument,
--- RESULT SnapshotDeviceResult
--- ERRORS {universalFailure}
--- CODE local: 74}
-SnapshotDeviceArgument ::= SEQUENCE
-{ snapshotObject DeviceID}
-SnapshotDeviceResult ::= SEQUENCE
-{ crossRefIDorSnapshotData
- { serviceCrossRefID ServiceCrossRefID,
- snapshotData SnapshotDeviceData
- }
-ServiceCrossRefID ::= OCTET STRING
-SnapshotDeviceData ::= [APPLICATION 22] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo
-SnapshotDeviceResponseInfo ::= SEQUENCE
-{ connectionIdentifier ConnectionID,
- localCallState CallState}
-ConnectionID ::= [APPLICATION 11] CHOICE
- deviceID [1] LocalDeviceID,
- { callID [0] IMPLICIT CallID,
- deviceID [1] LocalDeviceID
- }
-LocalDeviceID ::= CHOICE
-{ staticID DeviceID}
-DeviceID ::= SEQUENCE
-{ deviceIdentifier CHOICE
- { dialingNumber [0] IMPLICIT NumberDigits,
- deviceNumber [1] IMPLICIT DeviceNumber,
- other [6] IMPLICIT OtherPlan
- }
-OtherPlan ::= OCTET STRING
-NumberDigits ::= IA5String
-DeviceNumber ::= INTEGER
-CallState ::= CHOICE
-{ compoundCallState [0] IMPLICIT CompoundCallState}
-CompoundCallState ::= SEQUENCE OF LocalConnectionState
-{ null (0),
- initiated (1),
- alerting (2),
- connected (3),
- hold (4),
- queued (5),
- fail (6)
-systemStatus ::= CHOICE
-{ ARGUMENT SystemStatusArg,
- RESULT SystemStatusRes
--- ERRORS {universalFailure}
--- CODE local: 211
-SystemStatusArg ::= SEQUENCE
-{ systemStatus SystemStatus}
-SystemStatusRes ::= CHOICE
-{ noData NULL}
-SystemStatus ::= ENUMERATED
-{ normal (2),
- messageLost (3),
- overloadReached (6)
-my %serviceArgs = (
- 51 => 'EscapeArgument',
- 74 => 'SnapshotDeviceArgument',
- 211 => 'SystemStatusArg'
-foreach ( keys %serviceArgs ) {
- $asn->registertype( 'serviceArgs', $_, $asn->find( $serviceArgs{$_} ) );
-my %serviceResults = (
- 51 => 'EscapeResult',
- 74 => 'SnapshotDeviceResult',
- 211 => 'SystemStatusRes'
-foreach ( keys %serviceResults ) {
- $asn->registertype( 'serviceResult', $_,
- $asn->find( $serviceResults{$_} ) );
-$CSTAapdu = $asn->find('CSTAapdu');
-csta_connect( { 'host' => '', 'port' => 33333 } );
-my $maxCO = 0;
-while (1) {
- foreach my $number (@devices) {
- SnapshotDeviceRequest($number);
- }
- undef @calls;
- my $alldevices = $#devices + 1;
- while ($alldevices) {
- my $pdu = receive_stuff();
- my $out = $CSTAapdu->decode($pdu);
- if ( defined $out->{svcRequest} ) {
- my $serviceID = $out->{svcRequest}->{serviceID};
- my $invokeID = $out->{svcRequest}->{invokeID};
- if ( $serviceID == 211 ) { # if SystemStatus Request
- SystemStatusResult($invokeID);
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined $out->{svcResult} ) {
- my $serviceResult = $out->{svcResult}->{result}->{serviceResult};
- my $serviceID = $out->{svcResult}->{result}->{serviceID};
- if ( $serviceID == 74 ) {
- SnapshotDeviceResult($serviceResult);
- $alldevices = $alldevices - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- my $CO = 0;
- for (@calls) {
- $CO++ if $_->[1] =~ /^CO/;
- }
- if ( $maxCO < $CO ) {
- $maxCO = $CO;
- print chr(7);
- }
- #system('CLS'); # for windows, 'clear' for linux
- print strftime( "%H:%M:%S ", localtime ), "maxCO:", $maxCO, " CO:", $CO,
- "\n";
- print "callID: deviceID: CallState:\n";
- printf( "%-8s%-10s%-10s\n", $_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2] )
- for sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @calls;
- sleep 1;