path: root/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2018-09-27 20:03:23 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2018-09-27 20:03:23 +0200
commit14bb08c1df8db9ec6c8a05520d4eee67971235d9 (patch)
treefc820e59c26ed4c5e87e65737909b47959f0faa5 /vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix
parent54eb169e8fc9bc0357139e7c259e977b184f8fbb (diff)
mod tidy
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 10593 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/gen.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f85a3c3..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/gen.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build ignore
-package main
-// This program generates table.go and table_test.go based on the authoritative
-// public suffix list at https://publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat
-// The version is derived from
-// https://api.github.com/repos/publicsuffix/list/commits?path=public_suffix_list.dat
-// and a human-readable form is at
-// https://github.com/publicsuffix/list/commits/master/public_suffix_list.dat
-// To fetch a particular git revision, such as 5c70ccd250, pass
-// -url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/publicsuffix/list/5c70ccd250/public_suffix_list.dat"
-// and -version "an explicit version string".
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "flag"
- "fmt"
- "go/format"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net/http"
- "os"
- "regexp"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "golang.org/x/net/idna"
-const (
- // These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32.
- nodesBitsChildren = 10
- nodesBitsICANN = 1
- nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
- nodesBitsTextLength = 6
- // These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32.
- childrenBitsWildcard = 1
- childrenBitsNodeType = 2
- childrenBitsHi = 14
- childrenBitsLo = 14
-var (
- maxChildren int
- maxTextOffset int
- maxTextLength int
- maxHi uint32
- maxLo uint32
-func max(a, b int) int {
- if a < b {
- return b
- }
- return a
-func u32max(a, b uint32) uint32 {
- if a < b {
- return b
- }
- return a
-const (
- nodeTypeNormal = 0
- nodeTypeException = 1
- nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
- numNodeType = 3
-func nodeTypeStr(n int) string {
- switch n {
- case nodeTypeNormal:
- return "+"
- case nodeTypeException:
- return "!"
- case nodeTypeParentOnly:
- return "o"
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-const (
- defaultURL = "https://publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat"
- gitCommitURL = "https://api.github.com/repos/publicsuffix/list/commits?path=public_suffix_list.dat"
-var (
- labelEncoding = map[string]uint32{}
- labelsList = []string{}
- labelsMap = map[string]bool{}
- rules = []string{}
- // validSuffixRE is used to check that the entries in the public suffix
- // list are in canonical form (after Punycode encoding). Specifically,
- // capital letters are not allowed.
- validSuffixRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9_\!\*\-\.]+$`)
- shaRE = regexp.MustCompile(`"sha":"([^"]+)"`)
- dateRE = regexp.MustCompile(`"committer":{[^{]+"date":"([^"]+)"`)
- comments = flag.Bool("comments", false, "generate table.go comments, for debugging")
- subset = flag.Bool("subset", false, "generate only a subset of the full table, for debugging")
- url = flag.String("url", defaultURL, "URL of the publicsuffix.org list. If empty, stdin is read instead")
- v = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose output (to stderr)")
- version = flag.String("version", "", "the effective_tld_names.dat version")
-func main() {
- if err := main1(); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
-func main1() error {
- flag.Parse()
- if nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset+nodesBitsICANN+nodesBitsChildren > 32 {
- return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the nodes table")
- }
- if childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType+childrenBitsWildcard > 32 {
- return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the children table")
- }
- if *version == "" {
- if *url != defaultURL {
- return fmt.Errorf("-version was not specified, and the -url is not the default one")
- }
- sha, date, err := gitCommit()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *version = fmt.Sprintf("publicsuffix.org's public_suffix_list.dat, git revision %s (%s)", sha, date)
- }
- var r io.Reader = os.Stdin
- if *url != "" {
- res, err := http.Get(*url)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- return fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", *url, res.Status)
- }
- r = res.Body
- defer res.Body.Close()
- }
- var root node
- icann := false
- br := bufio.NewReader(r)
- for {
- s, err := br.ReadString('\n')
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- break
- }
- return err
- }
- s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
- if strings.Contains(s, "BEGIN ICANN DOMAINS") {
- icann = true
- continue
- }
- if strings.Contains(s, "END ICANN DOMAINS") {
- icann = false
- continue
- }
- if s == "" || strings.HasPrefix(s, "//") {
- continue
- }
- s, err = idna.ToASCII(s)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !validSuffixRE.MatchString(s) {
- return fmt.Errorf("bad publicsuffix.org list data: %q", s)
- }
- if *subset {
- switch {
- case s == "ac.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ac.jp"):
- case s == "ak.us" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ak.us"):
- case s == "ao" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ao"):
- case s == "ar" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ar"):
- case s == "arpa" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".arpa"):
- case s == "cy" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".cy"):
- case s == "dyndns.org" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".dyndns.org"):
- case s == "jp":
- case s == "kobe.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".kobe.jp"):
- case s == "kyoto.jp" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".kyoto.jp"):
- case s == "om" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".om"):
- case s == "uk" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".uk"):
- case s == "uk.com" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".uk.com"):
- case s == "tw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".tw"):
- case s == "zw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".zw"):
- case s == "xn--p1ai" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".xn--p1ai"):
- // xn--p1ai is Russian-Cyrillic "рф".
- default:
- continue
- }
- }
- rules = append(rules, s)
- nt, wildcard := nodeTypeNormal, false
- switch {
- case strings.HasPrefix(s, "*."):
- s, nt = s[2:], nodeTypeParentOnly
- wildcard = true
- case strings.HasPrefix(s, "!"):
- s, nt = s[1:], nodeTypeException
- }
- labels := strings.Split(s, ".")
- for n, i := &root, len(labels)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
- label := labels[i]
- n = n.child(label)
- if i == 0 {
- if nt != nodeTypeParentOnly && n.nodeType == nodeTypeParentOnly {
- n.nodeType = nt
- }
- n.icann = n.icann && icann
- n.wildcard = n.wildcard || wildcard
- }
- labelsMap[label] = true
- }
- }
- labelsList = make([]string, 0, len(labelsMap))
- for label := range labelsMap {
- labelsList = append(labelsList, label)
- }
- sort.Strings(labelsList)
- if err := generate(printReal, &root, "table.go"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := generate(printTest, &root, "table_test.go"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func generate(p func(io.Writer, *node) error, root *node, filename string) error {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- if err := p(buf, root); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- b, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, b, 0644)
-func gitCommit() (sha, date string, retErr error) {
- res, err := http.Get(gitCommitURL)
- if err != nil {
- return "", "", err
- }
- if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", gitCommitURL, res.Status)
- }
- defer res.Body.Close()
- b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return "", "", err
- }
- if m := shaRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil {
- sha = string(m[1])
- }
- if m := dateRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil {
- date = string(m[1])
- }
- if sha == "" || date == "" {
- retErr = fmt.Errorf("could not find commit SHA and date in %s", gitCommitURL)
- }
- return sha, date, retErr
-func printTest(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT\n\n")
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "package publicsuffix\n\nvar rules = [...]string{\n")
- for _, rule := range rules {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", rule)
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\nvar nodeLabels = [...]string{\n")
- if err := n.walk(w, printNodeLabel); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
- return nil
-func printReal(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
- const header = `// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT
-package publicsuffix
-const version = %q
-const (
- nodesBitsChildren = %d
- nodesBitsICANN = %d
- nodesBitsTextOffset = %d
- nodesBitsTextLength = %d
- childrenBitsWildcard = %d
- childrenBitsNodeType = %d
- childrenBitsHi = %d
- childrenBitsLo = %d
-const (
- nodeTypeNormal = %d
- nodeTypeException = %d
- nodeTypeParentOnly = %d
-// numTLD is the number of top level domains.
-const numTLD = %d
- fmt.Fprintf(w, header, *version,
- nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength,
- childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo,
- nodeTypeNormal, nodeTypeException, nodeTypeParentOnly, len(n.children))
- text := combineText(labelsList)
- if text == "" {
- return fmt.Errorf("internal error: makeText returned no text")
- }
- for _, label := range labelsList {
- offset, length := strings.Index(text, label), len(label)
- if offset < 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("internal error: could not find %q in text %q", label, text)
- }
- maxTextOffset, maxTextLength = max(maxTextOffset, offset), max(maxTextLength, length)
- if offset >= 1<<nodesBitsTextOffset {
- return fmt.Errorf("text offset %d is too large, or nodeBitsTextOffset is too small", offset)
- }
- if length >= 1<<nodesBitsTextLength {
- return fmt.Errorf("text length %d is too large, or nodeBitsTextLength is too small", length)
- }
- labelEncoding[label] = uint32(offset)<<nodesBitsTextLength | uint32(length)
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Text is the combined text of all labels.\nconst text = ")
- for len(text) > 0 {
- n, plus := len(text), ""
- if n > 64 {
- n, plus = 64, " +"
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q%s\n", text[:n], plus)
- text = text[n:]
- }
- if err := n.walk(w, assignIndexes); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, `
-// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
-// encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into
-// the children array), ICANN bit and text.
-// If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment
-// after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children,
-// formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
-// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
-// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
-// An I denotes an ICANN domain.
-// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [%2d bits] unused
-// [%2d bits] children index
-// [%2d bits] ICANN bit
-// [%2d bits] text index
-// [%2d bits] text length
-var nodes = [...]uint32{
- 32-nodesBitsChildren-nodesBitsICANN-nodesBitsTextOffset-nodesBitsTextLength,
- nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength)
- if err := n.walk(w, printNode); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, `}
-// children is the list of nodes' children, the parent's wildcard bit and the
-// parent's node type. If a node has no children then their children index
-// will be in the range [0, 6), depending on the wildcard bit and node type.
-// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [%2d bits] unused
-// [%2d bits] wildcard bit
-// [%2d bits] node type
-// [%2d bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
-// [%2d bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
-var children=[...]uint32{
- 32-childrenBitsWildcard-childrenBitsNodeType-childrenBitsHi-childrenBitsLo,
- childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo)
- for i, c := range childrenEncoding {
- s := "---------------"
- lo := c & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
- hi := (c >> childrenBitsLo) & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
- if lo != hi {
- s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", lo, hi)
- }
- nodeType := int(c>>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi)) & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1)
- wildcard := c>>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType) != 0
- if *comments {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // c0x%04x (%s)%s %s\n",
- c, i, s, wildcardStr(wildcard), nodeTypeStr(nodeType))
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%x,\n", c)
- }
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\n")
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max children %d (capacity %d)\n", maxChildren, 1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max text offset %d (capacity %d)\n", maxTextOffset, 1<<nodesBitsTextOffset-1)
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max text length %d (capacity %d)\n", maxTextLength, 1<<nodesBitsTextLength-1)
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max hi %d (capacity %d)\n", maxHi, 1<<childrenBitsHi-1)
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max lo %d (capacity %d)\n", maxLo, 1<<childrenBitsLo-1)
- return nil
-type node struct {
- label string
- nodeType int
- icann bool
- wildcard bool
- // nodesIndex and childrenIndex are the index of this node in the nodes
- // and the index of its children offset/length in the children arrays.
- nodesIndex, childrenIndex int
- // firstChild is the index of this node's first child, or zero if this
- // node has no children.
- firstChild int
- // children are the node's children, in strictly increasing node label order.
- children []*node
-func (n *node) walk(w io.Writer, f func(w1 io.Writer, n1 *node) error) error {
- if err := f(w, n); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- for _, c := range n.children {
- if err := c.walk(w, f); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// child returns the child of n with the given label. The child is created if
-// it did not exist beforehand.
-func (n *node) child(label string) *node {
- for _, c := range n.children {
- if c.label == label {
- return c
- }
- }
- c := &node{
- label: label,
- nodeType: nodeTypeParentOnly,
- icann: true,
- }
- n.children = append(n.children, c)
- sort.Sort(byLabel(n.children))
- return c
-type byLabel []*node
-func (b byLabel) Len() int { return len(b) }
-func (b byLabel) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
-func (b byLabel) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].label < b[j].label }
-var nextNodesIndex int
-// childrenEncoding are the encoded entries in the generated children array.
-// All these pre-defined entries have no children.
-var childrenEncoding = []uint32{
- 0 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeNormal.
- 1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeException.
- 2 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeParentOnly.
- 4 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeNormal.
- 5 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeException.
- 6 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeParentOnly.
-var firstCallToAssignIndexes = true
-func assignIndexes(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
- if len(n.children) != 0 {
- // Assign nodesIndex.
- n.firstChild = nextNodesIndex
- for _, c := range n.children {
- c.nodesIndex = nextNodesIndex
- nextNodesIndex++
- }
- // The root node's children is implicit.
- if firstCallToAssignIndexes {
- firstCallToAssignIndexes = false
- return nil
- }
- // Assign childrenIndex.
- maxChildren = max(maxChildren, len(childrenEncoding))
- if len(childrenEncoding) >= 1<<nodesBitsChildren {
- return fmt.Errorf("children table size %d is too large, or nodeBitsChildren is too small", len(childrenEncoding))
- }
- n.childrenIndex = len(childrenEncoding)
- lo := uint32(n.firstChild)
- hi := lo + uint32(len(n.children))
- maxLo, maxHi = u32max(maxLo, lo), u32max(maxHi, hi)
- if lo >= 1<<childrenBitsLo {
- return fmt.Errorf("children lo %d is too large, or childrenBitsLo is too small", lo)
- }
- if hi >= 1<<childrenBitsHi {
- return fmt.Errorf("children hi %d is too large, or childrenBitsHi is too small", hi)
- }
- enc := hi<<childrenBitsLo | lo
- enc |= uint32(n.nodeType) << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi)
- if n.wildcard {
- enc |= 1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi + childrenBitsNodeType)
- }
- childrenEncoding = append(childrenEncoding, enc)
- } else {
- n.childrenIndex = n.nodeType
- if n.wildcard {
- n.childrenIndex += numNodeType
- }
- }
- return nil
-func printNode(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
- for _, c := range n.children {
- s := "---------------"
- if len(c.children) != 0 {
- s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", c.firstChild, c.firstChild+len(c.children))
- }
- encoding := labelEncoding[c.label]
- if c.icann {
- encoding |= 1 << (nodesBitsTextLength + nodesBitsTextOffset)
- }
- encoding |= uint32(c.childrenIndex) << (nodesBitsTextLength + nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsICANN)
- if *comments {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // n0x%04x c0x%04x (%s)%s %s %s %s\n",
- encoding, c.nodesIndex, c.childrenIndex, s, wildcardStr(c.wildcard),
- nodeTypeStr(c.nodeType), icannStr(c.icann), c.label,
- )
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%x,\n", encoding)
- }
- }
- return nil
-func printNodeLabel(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
- for _, c := range n.children {
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", c.label)
- }
- return nil
-func icannStr(icann bool) string {
- if icann {
- return "I"
- }
- return " "
-func wildcardStr(wildcard bool) string {
- if wildcard {
- return "*"
- }
- return " "
-// combineText combines all the strings in labelsList to form one giant string.
-// Overlapping strings will be merged: "arpa" and "parliament" could yield
-// "arparliament".
-func combineText(labelsList []string) string {
- beforeLength := 0
- for _, s := range labelsList {
- beforeLength += len(s)
- }
- text := crush(removeSubstrings(labelsList))
- if *v {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "crushed %d bytes to become %d bytes\n", beforeLength, len(text))
- }
- return text
-type byLength []string
-func (s byLength) Len() int { return len(s) }
-func (s byLength) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
-func (s byLength) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(s[i]) < len(s[j]) }
-// removeSubstrings returns a copy of its input with any strings removed
-// that are substrings of other provided strings.
-func removeSubstrings(input []string) []string {
- // Make a copy of input.
- ss := append(make([]string, 0, len(input)), input...)
- sort.Sort(byLength(ss))
- for i, shortString := range ss {
- // For each string, only consider strings higher than it in sort order, i.e.
- // of equal length or greater.
- for _, longString := range ss[i+1:] {
- if strings.Contains(longString, shortString) {
- ss[i] = ""
- break
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove the empty strings.
- sort.Strings(ss)
- for len(ss) > 0 && ss[0] == "" {
- ss = ss[1:]
- }
- return ss
-// crush combines a list of strings, taking advantage of overlaps. It returns a
-// single string that contains each input string as a substring.
-func crush(ss []string) string {
- maxLabelLen := 0
- for _, s := range ss {
- if maxLabelLen < len(s) {
- maxLabelLen = len(s)
- }
- }
- for prefixLen := maxLabelLen; prefixLen > 0; prefixLen-- {
- prefixes := makePrefixMap(ss, prefixLen)
- for i, s := range ss {
- if len(s) <= prefixLen {
- continue
- }
- mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes)
- }
- }
- return strings.Join(ss, "")
-// mergeLabel merges the label at ss[i] with the first available matching label
-// in prefixMap, where the last "prefixLen" characters in ss[i] match the first
-// "prefixLen" characters in the matching label.
-// It will merge ss[i] repeatedly until no more matches are available.
-// All matching labels merged into ss[i] are replaced by "".
-func mergeLabel(ss []string, i, prefixLen int, prefixes prefixMap) {
- s := ss[i]
- suffix := s[len(s)-prefixLen:]
- for _, j := range prefixes[suffix] {
- // Empty strings mean "already used." Also avoid merging with self.
- if ss[j] == "" || i == j {
- continue
- }
- if *v {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d-length overlap at (%4d,%4d): %q and %q share %q\n",
- prefixLen, i, j, ss[i], ss[j], suffix)
- }
- ss[i] += ss[j][prefixLen:]
- ss[j] = ""
- // ss[i] has a new suffix, so merge again if possible.
- // Note: we only have to merge again at the same prefix length. Shorter
- // prefix lengths will be handled in the next iteration of crush's for loop.
- // Can there be matches for longer prefix lengths, introduced by the merge?
- // I believe that any such matches would by necessity have been eliminated
- // during substring removal or merged at a higher prefix length. For
- // instance, in crush("abc", "cde", "bcdef"), combining "abc" and "cde"
- // would yield "abcde", which could be merged with "bcdef." However, in
- // practice "cde" would already have been elimintated by removeSubstrings.
- mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes)
- return
- }
-// prefixMap maps from a prefix to a list of strings containing that prefix. The
-// list of strings is represented as indexes into a slice of strings stored
-// elsewhere.
-type prefixMap map[string][]int
-// makePrefixMap constructs a prefixMap from a slice of strings.
-func makePrefixMap(ss []string, prefixLen int) prefixMap {
- prefixes := make(prefixMap)
- for i, s := range ss {
- // We use < rather than <= because if a label matches on a prefix equal to
- // its full length, that's actually a substring match handled by
- // removeSubstrings.
- if prefixLen < len(s) {
- prefix := s[:prefixLen]
- prefixes[prefix] = append(prefixes[prefix], i)
- }
- }
- return prefixes
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/list.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/list.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bbf3bc..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/list.go
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-// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-//go:generate go run gen.go
-// Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from
-// http://publicsuffix.org/. A public suffix is one under which Internet users
-// can directly register names.
-package publicsuffix // import "golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix"
-// TODO: specify case sensitivity and leading/trailing dot behavior for
-// func PublicSuffix and func EffectiveTLDPlusOne.
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net/http/cookiejar"
- "strings"
-// List implements the cookiejar.PublicSuffixList interface by calling the
-// PublicSuffix function.
-var List cookiejar.PublicSuffixList = list{}
-type list struct{}
-func (list) PublicSuffix(domain string) string {
- ps, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
- return ps
-func (list) String() string {
- return version
-// PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of the domain using a copy of the
-// publicsuffix.org database compiled into the library.
-// icann is whether the public suffix is managed by the Internet Corporation
-// for Assigned Names and Numbers. If not, the public suffix is privately
-// managed. For example, foo.org and foo.co.uk are ICANN domains,
-// foo.dyndns.org and foo.blogspot.co.uk are private domains.
-// Use cases for distinguishing ICANN domains like foo.com from private
-// domains like foo.appspot.com can be found at
-// https://wiki.mozilla.org/Public_Suffix_List/Use_Cases
-func PublicSuffix(domain string) (publicSuffix string, icann bool) {
- lo, hi := uint32(0), uint32(numTLD)
- s, suffix, wildcard := domain, len(domain), false
- for {
- dot := strings.LastIndex(s, ".")
- if wildcard {
- suffix = 1 + dot
- }
- if lo == hi {
- break
- }
- f := find(s[1+dot:], lo, hi)
- if f == notFound {
- break
- }
- u := nodes[f] >> (nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsTextLength)
- icann = u&(1<<nodesBitsICANN-1) != 0
- u >>= nodesBitsICANN
- u = children[u&(1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)]
- lo = u & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
- u >>= childrenBitsLo
- hi = u & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
- u >>= childrenBitsHi
- switch u & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1) {
- case nodeTypeNormal:
- suffix = 1 + dot
- case nodeTypeException:
- suffix = 1 + len(s)
- break loop
- }
- u >>= childrenBitsNodeType
- wildcard = u&(1<<childrenBitsWildcard-1) != 0
- if dot == -1 {
- break
- }
- s = s[:dot]
- }
- if suffix == len(domain) {
- // If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*".
- return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain, "."):], icann
- }
- return domain[suffix:], icann
-const notFound uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
-// find returns the index of the node in the range [lo, hi) whose label equals
-// label, or notFound if there is no such node. The range is assumed to be in
-// strictly increasing node label order.
-func find(label string, lo, hi uint32) uint32 {
- for lo < hi {
- mid := lo + (hi-lo)/2
- s := nodeLabel(mid)
- if s < label {
- lo = mid + 1
- } else if s == label {
- return mid
- } else {
- hi = mid
- }
- }
- return notFound
-// nodeLabel returns the label for the i'th node.
-func nodeLabel(i uint32) string {
- x := nodes[i]
- length := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextLength - 1)
- x >>= nodesBitsTextLength
- offset := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextOffset - 1)
- return text[offset : offset+length]
-// EffectiveTLDPlusOne returns the effective top level domain plus one more
-// label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "foo.bar.golang.org" is "golang.org".
-func EffectiveTLDPlusOne(domain string) (string, error) {
- suffix, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
- if len(domain) <= len(suffix) {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: cannot derive eTLD+1 for domain %q", domain)
- }
- i := len(domain) - len(suffix) - 1
- if domain[i] != '.' {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: invalid public suffix %q for domain %q", suffix, domain)
- }
- return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain[:i], "."):], nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/table.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/table.go
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index ca7f32c..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix/table.go
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-// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT
-package publicsuffix
-const version = "publicsuffix.org's public_suffix_list.dat, git revision 2225db8d9f4a2a27ec697c883360632fa0c16261 (2018-05-23T23:26:06Z)"
-const (
- nodesBitsChildren = 10
- nodesBitsICANN = 1
- nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
- nodesBitsTextLength = 6
- childrenBitsWildcard = 1
- childrenBitsNodeType = 2
- childrenBitsHi = 14
- childrenBitsLo = 14
-const (
- nodeTypeNormal = 0
- nodeTypeException = 1
- nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
-// numTLD is the number of top level domains.
-const numTLD = 1555
-// Text is the combined text of all labels.
-const text = "9guacuiababia-goracleaningroks-theatreebinagisobetsumidatlantica" +
- "sertairanzanquannefrankfurtashkentatamotors3-ap-northeast-20001w" +
- "wwebredirectmemsettsupport3l3p0rtargets-itargivestbytomaritimeke" +
- "eping12038biomutashinaindustriabirdartcenterprisesakimobetsuitai" +
- "nairforceoppdalimoliserniabirkenesoddtangenovaraholtalenikkoeben" +
- "havnikolaevents3-website-eu-west-1birthplacebitballooningjovikar" +
- "iyaltakasakiyosatokigawabjarkoyukuhashimoichinosekigaharabjerkre" +
- "imbarclaycards3-eu-west-2bjugnieznord-aurdalpha-myqnapcloud66bla" +
- "ckfridayurihonjournalisteinkjerusalembroideryusuharablancomedica" +
- "ltanissettaipeiheijindustriesteamfamberkeleyusuisserveirchattano" +
- "oganordkappanamatta-varjjatjmaxxxboxenapponazure-mobilebloomberg" +
- "bauernuorochesterbloxcms3-website-sa-east-1bluedancebmoattachmen" +
- "ts3-website-us-east-1bms3-website-us-west-1bmweddingladefensells" +
- "-for-less3-website-us-west-2bnpparibaselburglassassinationalheri" +
- "tagebnrwedeployuu2-localhostrowwlkpmgleezebomloabathsbcheltenham" +
- "-radio-openairbusantiquest-a-la-maisondre-landroidivttasvuotnaka" +
- "nojohanamakinoharabondiyuzawabonnikonanporovnobookingliwicebooml" +
- "adbrokes5yboschaefflerdalvdalaskanittedallasallebesbyglandroverh" +
- "alla-speziabostikarlsoybostonakijinsekikogentinglobalashovhachin" +
- "ohedmarkarmoybotanicalgardeninohekinannestadnpanasonichernigover" +
- "nmentjomemorialindaskvollindesnesakyotanabellunombresciabotanicg" +
- "ardeninomiyakonojorpelandrangedalinkyard-cloudeitybotanybounceme" +
- "rckmsdnipropetrovskjervoyagebounty-fullensakerrypropertiesalange" +
- "nirasakinfinitintuitjxfinityboutiquebechernihivgubarclays3-eu-we" +
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- "elekommunikationishiazainuyamashinatsukigatakasagotembaixadabran" +
- "dywinevalleybrasiliabrindisibenikebristoloseyouripirangap-northe" +
- "ast-3britishcolumbialowiezachpomorskienishigovtkmaxxjavald-aosta" +
- "plesalondonetskarpaczeladzlgloboavistaprintelligencebroadcastlef" +
- "rakkestadray-dnstracebroadwaybroke-itksatxn--0trq7p7nnishiharabr" +
- "okerbronnoysundrayddnsfreebox-osascoli-picenordlandraydnsupdater" +
- "brothermesaverdealstahaugesunderseaportsinfolldalivornobrowsersa" +
- "fetymarketsaltdalomzaporizhzhegurinvestmentsaludrivefsnillfjordr" +
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- "nabenonichernivtsiciliabrunelasticbeanstalkaruizawabrusselsalzbu" +
- "rglogowegroweibolognagatorockartuzybruxellesamegawabryanskleppga" +
- "fanpachigasakievennodesaarlandrudunsamnangerbrynewjerseybuskerud" +
- "inewportlligatmparaglidingloppenzaolbia-tempio-olbiatempioolbial" +
- "ystokkembuchikumagayagawakuyabukihokumakogenglandupontariodejane" +
- "irodoybuzentsujiiebuzzparisor-fronishiizunazukis-a-catererbweirb" +
- "zhitomirumalatvuopmicrolightinglugmbhartiffanycolumbusheycommuni" +
- "tysvardoharuovatoystre-slidrettozawacomobaracomparemarkerryhotel" +
- "sanokashiharacompute-1computerhistoryofscience-fictioncomsecurit" +
- "ytacticsantabarbaracondoshichinohealth-carereformitakeharaconfer" +
- "enceconstructionconsuladollsantacruzsantafedjejuifminamidaitoman" +
- "dalucerneconsultanthropologyconsultingrossetouchihayaakasakawaha" +
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- "yarteducationalchikugojomedio-campidano-mediocampidanomediocontr" +
- "actorskenconventureshinodearthdfcbankashiwaracookingchannelsdvrd" +
- "nsdojoetsuwanouchikujogaszkolahppiacenzagancoolukowfashioncooper" +
- "ativano-frankivskoleikangercopenhagencyclopedichitachinakagawatc" +
- "handclockarumaifarmsteadurhamburgmodellingmxn--11b4c3dyndns-at-w" +
- "orkinggrouparliamentoyosatoyonakagyokutoyokawacorsicagliaribeira" +
- "okinawashirosatochiokinoshimaizuruhrcorvettemasekashiwazakiyosem" +
- "itecosenzakopanerairguardiannakadomarinebraskaunjargalsacertmgre" +
- "tachikawakeisenbahncosidnsfor-better-thanawatchesantoandreamhost" +
- "ersanukis-a-cubicle-slavellinotairestaurantrani-andria-barletta-" +
- "trani-andriacostumedizinhistorischesaobernardownloadyndns-remote" +
- "wdyndns-serverdaluroycouchpotatofriesaogoncartoonartdecologiacou" +
- "ncilutskasukabedzin-the-bandaioiraseeklogesurancechirealmpmncoup" +
- "onsaotomeloyalistjordalshalsencoursesapodlasiellaktyubinskiptvet" +
- "erinairealtorlandyndns-webhopencraftraniandriabarlettatraniandri" +
- "acq-acranbrookuwanalyticsapporocreditcardyndns-wikiracreditunion" +
- "cremonashgabadaddjaguarqhachiojiyahoooshikamaishimodatecrewhalin" +
- "groundhandlingroznycricketrzyncrimeast-kazakhstanangercrotonexus" +
- "-3crowniparsardegnaroycrsvpartis-a-democratranoycruisesardiniacr" +
- "yptonomichigangwoncuisinellair-traffic-controlleyculturalcentern" +
- "opilawawhoswhokksundyndns-workisboringrpartsarluxembourgruecuneo" +
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- "stagingujoinvillevangerfilateliafilegearfilminamiiselectrapaniiz" +
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- "onobeauxartsandcraftsaudafinancefineartsauheradynv6finlandynvpnp" +
- "lus-4finnoyfirebaseappartyfirenzefirestonefirmdaleirvikasumigaur" +
- "awa-mazowszextraspacekitagatajirissagamiharafishingolffansavanna" +
- "hgafitjarfitnessettlementravelchannelfjalerflesbergulenflickrage" +
- "rotikakamigaharaflightsaves-the-whalessandria-trani-barletta-and" +
- "riatranibarlettaandriaflirflogintohmalvikasuyamelbournefloraflor" +
- "encefloridavvenjargaulardalfloripaderbornfloristanohatakahamamur" +
- "ogawaflorogersavonarusawaflowersaxofltravelersinsuranceflynnhost" +
- "ing-clusterflynnhubargainstitutelemarkarasjohkamikoaniikappueblo" +
- "ckbustermezgorzeleccoffeedbackplaneapplegodoesntexisteingeekaras" +
- "jokarasuyamarugame-hostrolekamiminers3-external-1fndyroyfor-ourf" +
- "or-someeresistancefor-theaterforexrothachirogatakamoriokalmykiaf" +
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- "ancialadvisor-aurdalfosnescholarshipschoolfotarivnefoxfordeatnur" +
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- "istoryfrognfrolandfrom-akrehamnfrom-alfrom-arfrom-azfrom-capebre" +
- "tonamicrosoftbankatowicefrom-codynaliasdaburfrom-ctrentin-sued-t" +
- "irolfrom-dchitosetogitsuldalorenskogrimstadyndns-blogdnsampagesp" +
- "eedmobilizerofrom-debianfrom-flanderscientistockholmestrandfrom-" +
- "gausdalfrom-hichisochildrensgardenfrom-iafrom-idfrom-ilfrom-inch" +
- "eonfrom-kscjohnsonfrom-kyowariasahikawafrom-lancasterfrom-mangon" +
- "ohejis-a-geekatsushikabeeldengeluidfrom-mdfrom-meethnologyfrom-m" +
- "ifunefrom-mnfrom-modalenfrom-mscotlandfrom-mtnfrom-nchocolatelev" +
- "isionishikatsuragit-repostre-totendofinternet-dnsamsclubindalote" +
- "nkawafrom-ndfrom-nefrom-nh-serveblogsitexashorokanaiefrom-njawor" +
- "znotogawafrom-nminamimakis-a-greenfrom-nv-infoodnetworkshoppingw" +
- "iddlewismillerfrom-nyfrom-ohkurafrom-oketohnoshooguyfrom-orfrom-" +
- "padovaksdalfrom-pratohobby-sitextileksvikatsuyamarylandfrom-ris-" +
- "a-gurunzenfrom-schoenbrunnfrom-sdfrom-tnfrom-txn--12co0c3b4evall" +
- "eaostaticscrapper-sitefrom-utazuerichardlikescandynamic-dnscrapp" +
- "ingxn--1ck2e1barreauctionavigationavoiiyamanouchikuhokuryugasaki" +
- "tchenavuotnarashinoceanographics3-fips-us-gov-west-1from-val-dao" +
- "stavalleyfrom-vtrentin-suedtirolfrom-wafrom-wielunnerfrom-wvalle" +
- "d-aostatoilfrom-wyfrosinonefrostalowa-wolawafroyahikobeardubaidu" +
- "ckdnscrysechofunatoriginsurecreationishikawazukamitsuefstavernfu" +
- "jiiderafujikawaguchikonefujiminokamoenairtelecitychyattorneyagaw" +
- "akkanaibetsubamericanfamilydscloudapplinzis-a-hard-workerfujinom" +
- "iyadavvesiidattowebcampinashikiminohosteroyrvikingfujiokayamangy" +
- "shlakasamatsudontexistmein-iservebeerfujisatoshonairtrafficplexu" +
- "s-1fujisawafujishiroishidakabiratoridedyn-ip24fujitsurugashimani" +
- "wakuratefujixeroxn--1ctwolominamatakkokaminoyamaxunusualpersonfu" +
- "jiyoshidazaifudaigokaseljordfukayabeatserveminecraftrentino-a-ad" +
- "igefukuchiyamadafukudominichonanbuildingripescaravantaafukuis-a-" +
- "hunterfukumitsubishigakiryuohtawaramotoineppuboliviajessheimperi" +
- "afukuokazakisarazurecontainerdpolicefukuroishikarikaturindalfuku" +
- "sakishiwadafukuyamagatakahashimamakisofukushimannore-og-uvdalfun" +
- "abashiriuchinadafunagatakahatakaishimogosenfunahashikamiamakusat" +
- "sumasendaisennangoodyearfundaciofuoiskujukuriyamansionservemp3fu" +
- "osskoczowilliamhillfurnitureggio-emilia-romagnakatsugawafurubira" +
- "furudonostiaarpassagenservep2passenger-associationfurukawais-a-k" +
- "nightpointtokamachintaifun-dnsaliasiafusodegaurafussaikisosakita" +
- "gawafutabayamaguchinomigawafutboldlygoingnowhere-for-morenakayam" +
- "anxn--1lqs03nfuttsurugiminamiminowafuturecmservepicservequakefut" +
- "urehostingfuturemailingfvgfylkesbiblackbaudcdn77-securecifederat" +
- "ionfyresdalhannanmokuizumodenaklodzkobierzycehannosegawahanyuzen" +
- "hapmirhareidsbergenharstadharvestcelebrationhasamarcheapaviancar" +
- "rierhasaminami-alpssells-itrentino-aadigehashbanghasudahasura-ap" +
- "pfizerhasvikautokeinow-dnservesarcasmatartanddesignhatogayaitaka" +
- "nabeautysneservicesevastopolehatoyamazakitakamiizumisanofidelity" +
- "hatsukaichikaiseis-a-liberalhattfjelldalhayashimamotobungotakada" +
- "pliernewmexicoalhazuminobusellsyourhomegoodsevenassisicilyhbodoe" +
- "s-itvedestrandhelsinkitakatakanezawahembygdsforbundhemnesewinbar" +
- "rel-of-knowledgeologyokozeu-1hemsedalhepforgeherokussldheroyhgtv" +
- "alledaostavangerhigashiagatsumagoianiahigashichichibunkyonanaosh" +
- "imageandsoundandvisionhigashihiroshimanehigashiizumozakitakyushu" +
- "aiahigashikagawahigashikagurasoedahigashikawakitaaikitamihamadah" +
- "igashikurumeguromskoghigashimatsushimaritimodernhigashimatsuyama" +
- "kitaakitadaitoigawahigashimurayamamotorcyclesharis-a-libertarian" +
- "higashinarusembokukitamotosumy-gatewayhigashinehigashiomihachima" +
- "naustdalhigashiosakasayamanakakogawahigashishirakawamatakaokalug" +
- "anskypehigashisumiyoshikawaminamiaikitanakagusukumoduminamioguni" +
- "comcastresindevicesharpgfoggiahigashitsunoshiroomurahigashiuraus" +
- "ukitashiobarahigashiyamatokoriyamanashifteditchyouripharmaciensh" +
- "awaiijimarnardalhigashiyodogawahigashiyoshinogaris-a-linux-usera" +
- "nishiaritabashijonawatehiraizumisatokaizukamakurazakitaurayasuda" +
- "hirakatashinagawahiranais-a-llamarriottrentino-alto-adigehirarah" +
- "iratsukagawahirayaizuwakamatsubushikusakadogawahistorichouseshel" +
- "laspeziahitachiomiyagildeskaliszhitachiotagooglecodespotaruis-a-" +
- "musicianhitraeumtgeradellogliastradinghjartdalhjelmelandholeckoc" +
- "hikushinonsenergyholidayhomeipharmacyshimojis-a-nascarfanhomelin" +
- "kitoolsztynsettlershimokawahomelinuxn--1lqs71dhomeofficehomesecu" +
- "ritymacaparecidahomesecuritypchoseiroumuenchenishimerahomesensem" +
- "inehomeunixn--1qqw23ahondahoneywellbeingzonehongopocznorfolkebib" +
- "lelhonjyoitakarazukameokameyamatotakadahornindalhorseoullensvang" +
- "uardhorteneis-a-nurservegame-serverhospitalhoteleshimokitayamaho" +
- "tmailhoyangerhoylandetroitskazohumanitieshimonitayanagithubuserc" +
- "ontentrentino-altoadigehurdalhurumajis-a-painteractivegaskimitsu" +
- "batamibudejjuedischesapeakebayernrtrentino-s-tirolhyllestadhyogo" +
- "ris-a-patsfanhyugawarahyundaiwafunejfkharkivanylvenicejlchoyodob" +
- "ashichikashukujitawaravennakamagayachtsamsungriwataraidyndns-fre" +
- "eboxosloftranakasatsunairportland-4-salernoboribetsucksandnessjo" +
- "enishinomiyashironojlljmphilipsynology-diskstationjnjcphilatelyj" +
- "oyentrentinoa-adigejoyokaichibalatinogiftshinichinanjpmorganjpnc" +
- "hristiansburgroks-thisayamanobeokakudamatsuejprshinjournalismail" +
- "illehammerfeste-iphoenixn--2m4a15ejurkoshimizumakizunokunimimata" +
- "kasugais-a-studentalkoshunantankhersonkosugekotohiradomainshinsh" +
- "irokotourakouhokutamakis-a-teacherkassymantechnologykounosupplie" +
- "shintokushimakouyamashikekouzushimashikis-a-techietis-a-personal" +
- "trainerkozagawakozakis-a-therapistoiakozowindmillkpnkppspdnshint" +
- "omikasaharakrasnodarkredstonekristiansandcatshinyoshitomiokamoga" +
- "wakristiansundkrodsheradkrokstadelvaldaostarnbergkryminamisanrik" +
- "ubetsurfastpanelblagrarchaeologyeongbuklugsmileasinglest-mon-blo" +
- "gueurovisionionjukudoyamaceratabusebastopologyeonggiehtavuoatnag" +
- "aivuotnagaokakyotambabydgoszczecinemadridvagsoygardendoftheinter" +
- "netflixilovecollegefantasyleaguernseykumatorinokumejimasoykumena" +
- "ntokonamegatakatoris-an-accountantshimonosekikawakunisakis-an-ac" +
- "torkunitachiarailwaykunitomigusukumamotoyamashikokuchuokunneppug" +
- "liakunstsammlungkunstunddesignkuokgroupictetrentinoaadigekurehab" +
- "merkurgankurobelaudiblebtimnetzkurogiminamiashigarakuroisoftware" +
- "ndalenugkuromatsunais-an-actresshimosuwalkis-a-photographerokuap" +
- "phdkurotakikawasakis-an-anarchistoricalsocietykushirogawakustana" +
- "is-an-artisteigenkusupplykutchanelkutnokuzumakis-an-engineeringk" +
- "vafjordkvalsundkvamlidlugolekafjordkvanangenkvinesdalkvinnheradk" +
- "viteseidskogkvitsoykwpspectruminamitanekzmissilezajsklabudhabiki" +
- "nokawabarthadselfipatriamisugitokuyamatsumaebashikshacknetrentin" +
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- "elabcgxn--smla-hraxn--smna-gratis-a-bulls-fanxn--snase-nraxn--sn" +
- "dre-land-0cbremangerxn--snes-poaxn--snsa-roaxn--sr-aurdal-l8axn-" +
- "-sr-fron-q1axn--sr-odal-q1axn--sr-varanger-ggbiellaakesvuemielec" +
- "cexn--srfold-byaxn--srreisa-q1axn--srum-grazxn--stfold-9xaxn--st" +
- "jrdal-s1axn--stjrdalshalsen-sqbieszczadygeyachimataikikugawarsza" +
- "washingtondclkareliancexn--stre-toten-zcbsrvaroyxn--sudtirol-y0e" +
- "mmafann-arboretumbriamallamaceioxn--t60b56axn--tckweatherchannel" +
- "xn--tiq49xqyjetztrentino-suedtirolxn--tjme-hraxn--tn0agrinet-fre" +
- "akstoragexn--tnsberg-q1axn--tor131oxn--trany-yuaxn--trentin-sud-" +
- "tirol-tsjcbnlxn--trentin-sudtirol-b9ixn--trentino-sud-tirol-dcko" +
- "sherbrookegawaxn--trentino-sudtirol-usjevnakershuscultureggioemi" +
- "liaromagnamsskoganeis-a-playerxn--trentinosud-tirol-tsjewelryxn-" +
- "-trentinosudtirol-b9ixn--trentinsud-tirol-98ixn--trentinsudtirol" +
- "-rqixn--trgstad-r1axn--trna-woaxn--troms-zuaxn--tysvr-vraxn--uc0" +
- "atvestfoldxn--uc0ay4axn--uist22hamurakamigoris-a-lawyerxn--uisz3" +
- "gxn--unjrga-rtaobaomoriguchiharagusartstordalxn--unup4yxn--uuwu5" +
- "8axn--vads-jraxn--vallee-aoste-i2gxn--vallee-d-aoste-43hangglidi" +
- "ngxn--valleeaoste-6jgxn--valleedaoste-i2gxn--vard-jraxn--vegrshe" +
- "i-c0axn--vermgensberater-ctbievatmallorcadaques3-us-west-2xn--ve" +
- "rmgensberatung-pwbifukagawashtenawdev-myqnapcloudaccesscambridge" +
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- "ialwilliamsburgrongaxn--vhquvestnesopotromsakakinokiaxn--vler-qo" +
- "axn--vre-eiker-k8axn--vrggt-xqadxn--vry-yla5gxn--vuq861bihorolog" +
- "yukindigenamsosnowiecatholicaxiascolipicenodumetlifeinsurancexn-" +
- "-w4r85el8fhu5dnraxn--w4rs40lxn--wcvs22dxn--wgbh1coloradoplateaud" +
- "ioxn--wgbl6axn--xhq521bikedagestangeorgeorgiaxn--xkc2al3hye2axn-" +
- "-xkc2dl3a5ee0hangoutsystemscloudfrontdoorxn--y9a3aquariumishimas" +
- "udaxn--yer-znaturbruksgymnxn--yfro4i67oxn--ygarden-p1axn--ygbi2a" +
- "mmxn--3hcrj9citadeliveryggeelvinckasaokaminokawanishiaizubangexn" +
- "--ystre-slidre-ujbilbaogashimadachicagoboats3-website-ap-southea" +
- "st-1xn--zbx025dxn--zf0ao64axn--zf0avxn--3oq18vl8pn36axn--zfr164b" +
- "illustrationhlfanhs3-website-ap-southeast-2xnbayxperiaxz"
-// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
-// encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into
-// the children array), ICANN bit and text.
-// If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment
-// after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children,
-// formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
-// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
-// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
-// An I denotes an ICANN domain.
-// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [ 0 bits] unused
-// [10 bits] children index
-// [ 1 bits] ICANN bit
-// [15 bits] text index
-// [ 6 bits] text length
-var nodes = [...]uint32{
- 0x32b543,
- 0x2872c4,
- 0x2c8146,
- 0x2f4d83,
- 0x2f4d86,
- 0x382346,
- 0x3b2083,
- 0x2d4484,
- 0x393b47,
- 0x2c7d88,
- 0x1a000c2,
- 0x1f3a8c7,
- 0x36e6c9,
- 0x2bf60a,
- 0x2bf60b,
- 0x22b8c3,
- 0x2acc06,
- 0x232005,
- 0x220cd42,
- 0x3d0744,
- 0x25f303,
- 0x393345,
- 0x2605202,
- 0x358d83,
- 0x2b2be04,
- 0x38afc5,
- 0x2e20fc2,
- 0x39670e,
- 0x2513c3,
- 0x3aa546,
- 0x3200a82,
- 0x2fa0c7,
- 0x234846,
- 0x3601102,
- 0x27f3c3,
- 0x27f3c4,
- 0x20f2c6,
- 0x204048,
- 0x279986,
- 0x309604,
- 0x3a04342,
- 0x3442c9,
- 0x223087,
- 0x399606,
- 0x36b389,
- 0x2d5588,
- 0x32d484,
- 0x238d06,
- 0x35af06,
- 0x3e01902,
- 0x3ad9cf,
- 0x27a34e,
- 0x354144,
- 0x2097c5,
- 0x32b445,
- 0x2f1789,
- 0x240409,
- 0x20fac7,
- 0x201286,
- 0x2011c3,
- 0x421cec2,
- 0x227843,
- 0x25d24a,
- 0x460a203,
- 0x2568c5,
- 0x323bc2,
- 0x383189,
- 0x4a02842,
- 0x206d84,
- 0x310cc6,
- 0x2c4685,
- 0x366104,
- 0x521d3c4,
- 0x2038c3,
- 0x231044,
- 0x5600fc2,
- 0x266944,
- 0x5a88844,
- 0x391d8a,
- 0x5e00882,
- 0x2f0947,
- 0x279d08,
- 0x6e07982,
- 0x274487,
- 0x2c2404,
- 0x2c2407,
- 0x3cbf45,
- 0x33e047,
- 0x36b686,
- 0x28f304,
- 0x307805,
- 0x28de07,
- 0x7e06542,
- 0x324b83,
- 0x20a742,
- 0x38fdc3,
- 0x820aac2,
- 0x20aac5,
- 0x8600202,
- 0x2bd4c4,
- 0x277ec5,
- 0x354087,
- 0x39170e,
- 0x23d604,
- 0x232844,
- 0x207083,
- 0x394d89,
- 0x20708b,
- 0x217c48,
- 0x36b148,
- 0x255488,
- 0x219588,
- 0x32d2ca,
- 0x33df47,
- 0x2ad6c6,
- 0x8a49282,
- 0x342303,
- 0x343643,
- 0x343a44,
- 0x3b20c3,
- 0x342343,
- 0x1736382,
- 0x8e00bc2,
- 0x27f885,
- 0x290086,
- 0x27c844,
- 0x35bf47,
- 0x31f446,
- 0x37b984,
- 0x37b987,
- 0x200bc3,
- 0x92cb342,
- 0x9720f02,
- 0x9a2a8c2,
- 0x22a8c6,
- 0x9e00282,
- 0x2a8f45,
- 0x3378c3,
- 0x3cc584,
- 0x2eddc4,
- 0x2eddc5,
- 0x203283,
- 0xa38d8c3,
- 0xa606602,
- 0x207f45,
- 0x207f4b,
- 0x208d06,
- 0x255f4b,
- 0x267c44,
- 0x20adc9,
- 0x20bac4,
- 0xaa0bd02,
- 0x20c543,
- 0x20cac3,
- 0x160d702,
- 0x3bb283,
- 0x20d70a,
- 0xae0a842,
- 0x3d09c5,
- 0x2e074a,
- 0x3778c4,
- 0x20ea83,
- 0x210484,
- 0x210b83,
- 0x210b84,
- 0x210b87,
- 0x211285,
- 0x2122c6,
- 0x2125c6,
- 0x213343,
- 0x217708,
- 0x20a843,
- 0xb2020c2,
- 0x246988,
- 0x3c5e8b,
- 0x21e548,
- 0x21ef86,
- 0x220007,
- 0x224cc8,
- 0xc2054c2,
- 0xc6c25c2,
- 0x312908,
- 0x303c07,
- 0x280805,
- 0x38f548,
- 0x2dee48,
- 0x37ba83,
- 0x229484,
- 0x343a82,
- 0xca29e82,
- 0xce02c82,
- 0xd629fc2,
- 0x229fc3,
- 0xda00f82,
- 0x3488c3,
- 0x2d3104,
- 0x208f83,
- 0x324f44,
- 0x39424b,
- 0x231783,
- 0x2e6f46,
- 0x231784,
- 0x3516ce,
- 0x248a85,
- 0x3aa648,
- 0x397047,
- 0x39704a,
- 0x207243,
- 0x280b47,
- 0x207245,
- 0x22d9c4,
- 0x2d1106,
- 0x2d1107,
- 0x2db144,
- 0x2eef07,
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- 0x200f84,
- 0x391a46,
- 0x25a344,
- 0x32e046,
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- 0x38f308,
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- 0x3b79c3,
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- 0x203986,
- 0x2041c3,
- 0x22f104,
- 0xe73e842,
- 0x355843,
- 0x33e843,
- 0x214f82,
- 0xea06a82,
- 0x2c5706,
- 0x232d07,
- 0x2f0fc7,
- 0x39bec5,
- 0x209e04,
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- 0x288407,
- 0x302889,
- 0x2d27c6,
- 0x2e44c8,
- 0x2ec986,
- 0xee14d42,
- 0x384ac8,
- 0x2fb306,
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- 0x3cf307,
- 0x3183c4,
- 0x3183c5,
- 0x279b44,
- 0x392f88,
- 0xf208002,
- 0xf600482,
- 0x334906,
- 0x200488,
- 0x352485,
- 0x353406,
- 0x355bc8,
- 0x374b48,
- 0xfa07d85,
- 0xfe6dd04,
- 0x381507,
- 0x1020b542,
- 0x10742382,
- 0x11a08e02,
- 0x310dc5,
- 0x2a3c05,
- 0x2564c6,
- 0x2be307,
- 0x3ae0c7,
- 0x12208e03,
- 0x29d007,
- 0x2eac08,
- 0x1b62ae49,
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- 0x22bb07,
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- 0x22d4c6,
- 0x22e10c,
- 0x22f70a,
- 0x230087,
- 0x231ecb,
- 0x232b47,
- 0x232b4e,
- 0x1ba33ac4,
- 0x233e84,
- 0x236b87,
- 0x2606c7,
- 0x23df06,
- 0x23df07,
- 0x23e787,
- 0x1be2a502,
- 0x2407c6,
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- 0x240d4b,
- 0x2424c7,
- 0x243085,
- 0x243583,
- 0x243c06,
- 0x243c07,
- 0x273203,
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- 0x33e8c8,
- 0x39df04,
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- 0x277f84,
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- 0x232f03,
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- 0x24fc84,
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- 0x236185,
- 0x259a02,
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- 0x238508,
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- 0x379a85,
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- 0x272084,
- 0x244382,
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- 0x348e04,
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- 0x3cd347,
- 0x33e004,
- 0x292e83,
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- 0x232748,
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- 0x293388,
- 0x289b04,
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- 0x2a6e05,
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- 0x2960e604,
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- 0x22bec6,
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- 0x2a2dc5,
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- 0x29e2f4c2,
- 0x20ecc4,
- 0x2a22a682,
- 0x2a655402,
- 0x2f5086,
- 0x279c85,
- 0x2ae587,
- 0x328c83,
- 0x33bdc4,
- 0x210e03,
- 0x312643,
- 0x2aa00d42,
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- 0x382444,
- 0x22ec03,
- 0x2471c5,
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- 0x2be02ec2,
- 0x2ffd86,
- 0x32eec4,
- 0x301b44,
- 0x301b4a,
- 0x2c6005c2,
- 0x269f03,
- 0x2094ca,
- 0x2171c8,
- 0x2ca20a04,
- 0x2005c3,
- 0x208643,
- 0x2555c9,
- 0x254b89,
- 0x278586,
- 0x2ce17383,
- 0x21da05,
- 0x3305cd,
- 0x217386,
- 0x22184b,
- 0x2d2032c2,
- 0x21bc08,
- 0x2fa0f502,
- 0x2fe01142,
- 0x2df4c5,
- 0x30200b02,
- 0x24bc47,
- 0x2b3e87,
- 0x208543,
- 0x325908,
- 0x30602a02,
- 0x2a0d04,
- 0x293083,
- 0x389085,
- 0x3a1143,
- 0x241446,
- 0x21cd04,
- 0x3bb203,
- 0x2b1d03,
- 0x30a06e82,
- 0x39c044,
- 0x3b9305,
- 0x3bdd87,
- 0x27bd03,
- 0x2aed83,
- 0x2b14c3,
- 0x160a6c2,
- 0x2b1583,
- 0x2b1c83,
- 0x30e05e42,
- 0x30ffc4,
- 0x31a386,
- 0x359e03,
- 0x2b1fc3,
- 0x312b2d02,
- 0x2b2d08,
- 0x2b3b04,
- 0x310586,
- 0x25ddc7,
- 0x362c46,
- 0x2d5844,
- 0x3ee01782,
- 0x22bd8b,
- 0x2f6d4e,
- 0x216acf,
- 0x300e83,
- 0x3f65e242,
- 0x1642ac2,
- 0x3fa03cc2,
- 0x258f03,
- 0x203cc3,
- 0x302b06,
- 0x2d2ec6,
- 0x274f87,
- 0x300804,
- 0x3fe16082,
- 0x402220c2,
- 0x2499c5,
- 0x2f6107,
- 0x3bbf86,
- 0x4060e842,
- 0x20e844,
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- 0x21bb03,
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- 0x202cc2,
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- 0x3293c5,
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- 0x259003,
- 0xe9fc8,
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- 0x2000c2,
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- 0x208e02,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211303,
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- 0x348e50,
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- 0x38f308,
- 0x25f44d,
- 0x310e8c,
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- 0x22de8a,
- 0x22f24a,
- 0x22f70a,
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- 0x241dc4,
- 0x2474c6,
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- 0x2effc9,
- 0x2c5d06,
- 0x2c5d08,
- 0x2f8acd,
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- 0x30b508,
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- 0x28be4a,
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- 0x260247,
- 0x2e2304,
- 0x2274c7,
- 0x213eca,
- 0x24200e,
- 0x236185,
- 0x3c2dcb,
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- 0x254b89,
- 0x208387,
- 0x20838a,
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- 0x2f6e89,
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- 0x3adc45,
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- 0x2ec3c4,
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- 0x2a47c7,
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- 0x26fcc5,
- 0x208e03,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x256503,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e02,
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- 0x202a02,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x120648,
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- 0x208203,
- 0x208403,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0xeb207,
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- 0x8b28d,
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- 0x1442f02,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x303303,
- 0x200ec2,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x201683,
- 0x290383,
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- 0x2fb883,
- 0x203c42,
- 0x201683,
- 0x290383,
- 0x206582,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
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- 0x217383,
- 0x270203,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x202542,
- 0x216203,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x213ec3,
- 0x201ec1,
- 0x201f81,
- 0x201e81,
- 0x201ac1,
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- 0x207ec1,
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- 0x200201,
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- 0x2007c1,
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- 0x202b81,
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- 0x201241,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x259003,
- 0xeb207,
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- 0x35d46,
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- 0x89c48,
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- 0x58487,
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- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x208e03,
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- 0x231103,
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- 0x220a04,
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- 0x21d283,
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- 0x200201,
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- 0x228a83,
- 0x267f43,
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- 0x2353c3,
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- 0x257c43,
- 0x259e86,
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- 0x208e83,
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- 0x25e7c7,
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- 0x259003,
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- 0x36be86,
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- 0x30a943,
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- 0x2fba83,
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- 0x2603c3,
- 0x2323c3,
- 0x22a342,
- 0x226f83,
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- 0x30ccc3,
- 0x30dc84,
- 0x240bc4,
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- 0x201b42,
- 0x200202,
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- 0x200382,
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- 0x202382,
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- 0x204582,
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- 0x216b42,
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- 0x211302,
- 0x201002,
- 0x212142,
- 0x2019c2,
- 0xc2,
- 0x4342,
- 0x1902,
- 0x1b42,
- 0x202,
- 0x3982,
- 0x32782,
- 0x2bc2,
- 0x382,
- 0x2d82,
- 0xe8c2,
- 0x2382,
- 0x6cac2,
- 0xa282,
- 0xd3a42,
- 0x9302,
- 0x3042,
- 0x3b02,
- 0xa582,
- 0x4582,
- 0x682,
- 0x16b42,
- 0x1a42,
- 0x11302,
- 0x1002,
- 0x12142,
- 0x19c2,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2042,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x259003,
- 0xd208e03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0xe6143,
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- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x1242,
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- 0x120648,
- 0x8e02,
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- 0x239382,
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- 0x23bbc2,
- 0x129cc5,
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- 0x200ec2,
- 0x20b142,
- 0x205d02,
- 0x209302,
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- 0x258ec2,
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- 0xbe4cd,
- 0xe1f89,
- 0xaa60b,
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- 0x73e89,
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- 0x213ec3,
- 0x120648,
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- 0x192e05,
- 0x120648,
- 0xdfe07,
- 0x59086,
- 0x192e49,
- 0x1580e,
- 0x18307,
- 0x2000c2,
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- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x202142,
- 0x231103,
- 0x200382,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x217383,
- 0x24eb42,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x32fe8f,
- 0x601fc3,
- 0x120648,
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- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x14b83,
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- 0x14730c7,
- 0x7cd0b,
- 0xeb0c5,
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- 0xeb207,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
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- 0x270203,
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- 0x259003,
- 0x2415c2,
- 0x211302,
- 0x216102,
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- 0x2e6a02,
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- 0x270203,
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- 0xb447,
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- 0x8e02,
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- 0x6e307,
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- 0xa3a8a,
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- 0x642,
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- 0x80ecb,
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- 0x99c10,
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- 0xa3ecd,
- 0xa5ace,
- 0xaa2ca,
- 0xac90c,
- 0xb7cd4,
- 0xc3a91,
- 0x1bd4cb,
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- 0xb518c,
- 0xb658c,
- 0xb79cb,
- 0xb850e,
- 0xbf490,
- 0xbfe0b,
- 0xc34cd,
- 0xc448f,
- 0xc500c,
- 0xc5b8e,
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- 0x164d4c,
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- 0xd504d,
- 0xdaf4c,
- 0xdc8d0,
- 0xe7b4d,
- 0xf9d07,
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- 0xb2f03,
- 0xb8945,
- 0x6f42,
- 0x132c09,
- 0x73a0a,
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- 0x1ba0a,
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- 0x92203,
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- 0xdd811,
- 0xddc49,
- 0xdf887,
- 0xe0607,
- 0xe6548,
- 0x7c0b,
- 0x12d0c9,
- 0xe6cd0,
- 0xe718c,
- 0xe8608,
- 0xe8c85,
- 0xca008,
- 0x1b9e4a,
- 0x154247,
- 0x12dd47,
- 0x1c02,
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- 0x112d89,
- 0x70bc5,
- 0x5e64a,
- 0x1cd44f,
- 0x13f00b,
- 0x16388c,
- 0x67e92,
- 0x9d585,
- 0xea348,
- 0xd634a,
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- 0x16348c,
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- 0x1a3282,
- 0xfbd8a,
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- 0x111c48,
- 0x3be88,
- 0x13f287,
- 0x8782,
- 0x3c42,
- 0x51590,
- 0x78107,
- 0x2ce4f,
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- 0xcece,
- 0x15554b,
- 0x49148,
- 0x7c709,
- 0x1920d2,
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- 0x10b908,
- 0xaa4c9,
- 0xd848d,
- 0x150909,
- 0x19b3cb,
- 0x9c48,
- 0x85d88,
- 0x87588,
- 0x8aac9,
- 0x8acca,
- 0x8f64c,
- 0xf708a,
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- 0x15abcd,
- 0xfeacb,
- 0x12b70c,
- 0x30488,
- 0x47f89,
- 0x1aa750,
- 0x67c2,
- 0x7ec4d,
- 0x3642,
- 0x1a642,
- 0x10a8ca,
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- 0x115c0b,
- 0x4568c,
- 0x11518a,
- 0x11560e,
- 0xa8cd,
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- 0x12f108,
- 0x1242,
- 0x12b959ce,
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- 0x14b911ce,
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- 0x142c349,
- 0x140d983,
- 0x15b3f70c,
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- 0x16a07409,
- 0x17217ec9,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x195911,
- 0x1a91,
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- 0x191111,
- 0x16cb0f,
- 0x13f64f,
- 0x14c68c,
- 0x734c,
- 0x17e0c,
- 0x5790d,
- 0x757d5,
- 0xd458c,
- 0x15d88c,
- 0x170c10,
- 0x17bccc,
- 0x1c4b8c,
- 0x1c6359,
- 0x1d0ad9,
- 0x1d2499,
- 0x5394,
- 0xb5d4,
- 0xc054,
- 0xc5d4,
- 0xd214,
- 0x17a0b889,
- 0x1800c309,
- 0x18b5d949,
- 0x12f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1375a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x13f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1475a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x14f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1575a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x15f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1675a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x16f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1775a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x17f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x1875a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x18f5a989,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x538a,
- 0x1a82,
- 0x7a85,
- 0x180e84,
- 0x1959ce,
- 0x1b4e,
- 0x1bdce,
- 0x18e6ca,
- 0x128e8e,
- 0x1911ce,
- 0x16cbcc,
- 0x13f70c,
- 0x5649,
- 0x7409,
- 0x17ec9,
- 0xb889,
- 0xc309,
- 0x15d949,
- 0x759cd,
- 0xc889,
- 0xd4c9,
- 0x94644,
- 0xf9284,
- 0x12f2c4,
- 0x131fc4,
- 0x7cfc4,
- 0x12e984,
- 0x42f84,
- 0x4e044,
- 0xfb544,
- 0x1596a83,
- 0xa203,
- 0x5642,
- 0xa8c3,
- 0xe402,
- 0xe408,
- 0x12d147,
- 0x8a42,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x202142,
- 0x217242,
- 0x200382,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x203c42,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2171c3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0xec43,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x20a04,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x1d608e03,
- 0x23d907,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x221303,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x23628a,
- 0x3adc45,
- 0x216203,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x120648,
- 0x120648,
- 0x8e02,
- 0x134882,
- 0x1df27a0b,
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- 0x7d85,
- 0xfc646,
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- 0x548c3,
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- 0x192544,
- 0x191503,
- 0x192e05,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x120648,
- 0x18dc7,
- 0x8e03,
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- 0x1f18e505,
- 0x18bd07,
- 0x1fd8a,
- 0x1e208,
- 0x1fc87,
- 0x7d988,
- 0xdc487,
- 0xfad8f,
- 0x464c7,
- 0x4de46,
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- 0x138b0f,
- 0x6d409,
- 0x10dd44,
- 0x1f58bdce,
- 0x6d94c,
- 0x56c8a,
- 0x7c4c7,
- 0xe590a,
- 0x190b09,
- 0x1a3f8c,
- 0xc254a,
- 0x5988a,
- 0x192e49,
- 0x10dcc6,
- 0x7c58a,
- 0x10bf0a,
- 0x9a70a,
- 0x14f909,
- 0xdd148,
- 0xdd3c6,
- 0xe34cd,
- 0xb8dc5,
- 0x1fb76e0c,
- 0x18307,
- 0x102f09,
- 0x1228c7,
- 0xb1794,
- 0x10588b,
- 0x8850a,
- 0x191f4a,
- 0xa428d,
- 0x1515e09,
- 0x10b18c,
- 0x10b70b,
- 0x35d43,
- 0x35d43,
- 0x35d46,
- 0x35d43,
- 0xfc648,
- 0xbb1c9,
- 0x18d8c3,
- 0x120648,
- 0x8e02,
- 0x4ea84,
- 0x5a483,
- 0xfc845,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2038c3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x294d03,
- 0x202043,
- 0x2038c3,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x22f583,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x217243,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x307c83,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216203,
- 0x209283,
- 0x21a08e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x24a783,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2230c3,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x203b03,
- 0x35c4c4,
- 0x120648,
- 0x22208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2a8183,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x214d03,
- 0x120648,
- 0x22a08e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x142c347,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0xf8945,
- 0xeb207,
- 0xb19cb,
- 0xde044,
- 0xb8dc5,
- 0x1582ac8,
- 0xa87cd,
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- 0x9fec4,
- 0x11243,
- 0xfcec5,
- 0x36b845,
- 0x120648,
- 0x1b002,
- 0x40c03,
- 0xf9646,
- 0x32be08,
- 0x3a6e47,
- 0x2879c4,
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- 0x120648,
- 0x31cd83,
- 0x312449,
- 0x347a95,
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- 0x208e03,
- 0x2d4152,
- 0x168dc6,
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- 0x1f58a,
- 0xaff49,
- 0x2d3f0f,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x238f45,
- 0x305fd0,
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- 0x214b83,
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- 0x29ed0a,
- 0x202584,
- 0x2f3983,
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- 0x2022c2,
- 0x23ef4b,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x1842c4,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2fa443,
- 0x208e02,
- 0xf0183,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x221303,
- 0x235843,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x7d85,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x20ac44,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x203583,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x38d604,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x202043,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2bd9c3,
- 0x69f03,
- 0x21303,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x31de8a,
- 0x340ac9,
- 0x357f8b,
- 0x3586ca,
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- 0x36fc4b,
- 0x383a0a,
- 0x3977ca,
- 0x39d78a,
- 0x39da0b,
- 0x3b9b89,
- 0x3bfe4a,
- 0x3c028b,
- 0x3cb70b,
- 0x3d16ca,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x1c5b0b,
- 0x5f0c8,
- 0xd85c4,
- 0x7d46,
- 0x3f6c9,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x265484,
- 0x221602,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x393345,
- 0x2038c3,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x233e84,
- 0x231103,
- 0x24ea84,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x27ee05,
- 0x22f583,
- 0x216203,
- 0x294003,
- 0x26fdc4,
- 0x201e84,
- 0x2bb485,
- 0x120648,
- 0x326cc4,
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- 0x279b44,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x248947,
- 0x250fc7,
- 0x24ba04,
- 0x25afc5,
- 0x2e7d45,
- 0x22bec5,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x380048,
- 0x233506,
- 0x31be48,
- 0x27c085,
- 0x2e4345,
- 0x397244,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2f5544,
- 0x36e886,
- 0x3add43,
- 0x26fdc4,
- 0x24ac05,
- 0x332b84,
- 0x24f244,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x230206,
- 0x3afbc6,
- 0x308e05,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x2ae08e02,
- 0x226504,
- 0x200382,
- 0x270203,
- 0x207c02,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x211303,
- 0x202043,
- 0xa8a04,
- 0x120648,
- 0x120648,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x2ba08e02,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x269b83,
- 0x307c83,
- 0x21a184,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x2c208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x682,
- 0x202442,
- 0x22a342,
- 0x221303,
- 0x2ec903,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x120648,
- 0xeb207,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x231103,
- 0x24ea84,
- 0x204a03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x203583,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x213443,
- 0x259003,
- 0x214c83,
- 0x93f53,
- 0xd3a94,
- 0xf8945,
- 0xeb207,
- 0x103806,
- 0x73c0b,
- 0x35d46,
- 0x57e07,
- 0x5afc6,
- 0x649,
- 0xb330a,
- 0x89b0d,
- 0xbe1cc,
- 0x10c88a,
- 0xf3088,
- 0x129cc5,
- 0x1fdc8,
- 0xc8346,
- 0x6fa06,
- 0x3f5c6,
- 0x205642,
- 0x3184,
- 0x823ce,
- 0x5668c,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x181047,
- 0x20dd1,
- 0xfb3ca,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x7d905,
- 0x179b48,
- 0x26744,
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- 0xabd46,
- 0xd9506,
- 0x8edca,
- 0x18f283,
- 0x2da44684,
- 0x605,
- 0xecc43,
- 0x2de32587,
- 0x1caa45,
- 0xcd84c,
- 0xf7f48,
- 0x9d1cb,
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- 0x14111c3,
- 0xb9948,
- 0x9e909,
- 0x4f408,
- 0x141b946,
- 0x2e774c09,
- 0x130d47,
- 0xeb0ca,
- 0xe1c8,
- 0xfc648,
- 0xfb544,
- 0x15d405,
- 0x9d307,
- 0x2ea9d303,
- 0x2ef9e406,
- 0x2f2f5dc4,
- 0x2f6fbf47,
- 0xfc644,
- 0xfc644,
- 0xfc644,
- 0xfc644,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x200d42,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211303,
- 0x377f4f,
- 0x37830e,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x46007,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x217383,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x18e904,
- 0x191644,
- 0x194cc4,
- 0x21aec3,
- 0x393f47,
- 0x200a82,
- 0x2c96c9,
- 0x204342,
- 0x25188b,
- 0x2a1bca,
- 0x2ac389,
- 0x200542,
- 0x326746,
- 0x23ac15,
- 0x2519d5,
- 0x23fa13,
- 0x251f53,
- 0x21cec2,
- 0x21cec5,
- 0x3253cc,
- 0x275f8b,
- 0x3c2645,
- 0x201b42,
- 0x323bc2,
- 0x386246,
- 0x202842,
- 0x260bc6,
- 0x21f80d,
- 0x3ca7cc,
- 0x224744,
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- 0x205042,
- 0x23a588,
- 0x200202,
- 0x2231c6,
- 0x33394f,
- 0x2231d0,
- 0x2f0c04,
- 0x23add5,
- 0x23fb93,
- 0x20d8c3,
- 0x32408a,
- 0x214a47,
- 0x34be89,
- 0x2e5687,
- 0x320f02,
- 0x200282,
- 0x3b4b46,
- 0x207f42,
- 0x120648,
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- 0x20a842,
- 0x225387,
- 0x331bc7,
- 0x331bd1,
- 0x2184c5,
- 0x339b4e,
- 0x2184cf,
- 0x2020c2,
- 0x214c47,
- 0x21b508,
- 0x2054c2,
- 0x2c25c2,
- 0x325a46,
- 0x33cb0f,
- 0x325a50,
- 0x229fc2,
- 0x200f82,
- 0x236cc8,
- 0x208f83,
- 0x25a648,
- 0x208f8d,
- 0x231783,
- 0x3131c8,
- 0x23178f,
- 0x231b4e,
- 0x391c0a,
- 0x2ed251,
- 0x2ed6d0,
- 0x2de80d,
- 0x2deb4c,
- 0x200f87,
- 0x324207,
- 0x33ee09,
- 0x224842,
- 0x203982,
- 0x33fb0c,
- 0x34000b,
- 0x206a82,
- 0x2b7b86,
- 0x214d42,
- 0x200482,
- 0x342382,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x22b904,
- 0x2380c7,
- 0x22a502,
- 0x241007,
- 0x242d87,
- 0x22d182,
- 0x202282,
- 0x245ec5,
- 0x218982,
- 0x37ae0e,
- 0x2a454d,
- 0x231103,
- 0x28684e,
- 0x3bcf4d,
- 0x3257c3,
- 0x2017c2,
- 0x2852c4,
- 0x2327c2,
- 0x20ce02,
- 0x3a0845,
- 0x3a2507,
- 0x249b02,
- 0x217242,
- 0x24e687,
- 0x252f08,
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- 0x29788b,
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- 0x38c6c6,
- 0x345e48,
- 0x26eac9,
- 0x24cf48,
- 0x3cc5c5,
- 0x379c87,
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- 0x319b49,
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- 0x24cd8b,
- 0x2d7dcc,
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- 0x203cc9,
- 0x33a14d,
- 0x297cc6,
- 0x206288,
- 0x2b4949,
- 0x2c0dc8,
- 0x285a48,
- 0x2c320c,
- 0x2c4b87,
- 0x2c5647,
- 0x26a5c5,
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- 0x2c8908,
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- 0x37a38c,
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- 0x2d1648,
- 0x319e46,
- 0x334f47,
- 0x26ec44,
- 0x234d88,
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- 0x210907,
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- 0x31ae0b,
- 0x2b0a4b,
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- 0x31af46,
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- 0x2e5d85,
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- 0x2df50b,
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- 0x39df88,
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- 0x312308,
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- 0x37a187,
- 0x2836c9,
- 0x2b49c7,
- 0x2a6489,
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- 0x2d1289,
- 0x2d1d07,
- 0x2840c9,
- 0x200b47,
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- 0x3b6c45,
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- 0x314f88,
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- 0x332a47,
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- 0x38b686,
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- 0x21a8c9,
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- 0x274d84,
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- 0x372c06,
- 0x335286,
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- 0x310647,
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- 0x38df86,
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- 0x2a1287,
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- 0x345bc8,
- 0x249745,
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- 0x3a4a44,
- 0x2cf20b,
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- 0x385106,
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- 0x384906,
- 0x2a5109,
- 0x2e0b45,
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- 0x2a928a,
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- 0x314f86,
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- 0x357007,
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- 0x2b1287,
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- 0x362808,
- 0x27f385,
- 0x27d2c9,
- 0x234bc7,
- 0x234bcb,
- 0x2a320c,
- 0x2a380a,
- 0x33a007,
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- 0x27b5c8,
- 0x249905,
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- 0x2d7dc6,
- 0x27c106,
- 0x3527c7,
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- 0x29b784,
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- 0x2c92c4,
- 0x2ceb06,
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- 0x34fdc5,
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- 0x356dc5,
- 0x386e4a,
- 0x241b89,
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- 0x2e78cb,
- 0x2a0885,
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- 0x242e44,
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- 0x2e2c07,
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- 0x2833c8,
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- 0x297a48,
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- 0x295e45,
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- 0x24a584,
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- 0x27f305,
- 0x27d0c8,
- 0x210108,
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- 0x222386,
- 0x241a48,
- 0x379d4a,
- 0x235207,
- 0x287d85,
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- 0x2d0e86,
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- 0x278307,
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- 0x389507,
- 0x2d5b8d,
- 0x232985,
- 0x2e744b,
- 0x38dc46,
- 0x253bc8,
- 0x244084,
- 0x2f01c6,
- 0x280286,
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- 0x247207,
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- 0x38a507,
- 0x388bc9,
- 0x359b47,
- 0x2893c8,
- 0x2736c5,
- 0x229208,
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- 0x223e43,
- 0x2392c4,
- 0x25e945,
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- 0x379f45,
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- 0x2d8988,
- 0x2d348c,
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- 0x355485,
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- 0x2a0a48,
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- 0x24f88a,
- 0x319dc8,
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- 0x679b44,
- 0x679b44,
- 0x679b44,
- 0x203c83,
- 0x335106,
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- 0x206b03,
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- 0x288f08,
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- 0x2d2a48,
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- 0x31d1c4,
- 0x31d1cb,
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- 0x213c03,
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- 0x284d0b,
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- 0x26bfc6,
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- 0x29cd4b,
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- 0x208a03,
- 0x21b0c3,
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- 0x229343,
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- 0x39fdc6,
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- 0x350606,
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- 0x2da949,
- 0x2d5305,
- 0x297dc6,
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- 0x2c8606,
- 0x2e2606,
- 0x3a5fc6,
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- 0x38a504,
- 0x3b6c45,
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- 0x2b6446,
- 0x38c7c4,
- 0x200c43,
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- 0x2f2b07,
- 0x2b3806,
- 0x24c3c4,
- 0x2c42c8,
- 0x352908,
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- 0x2bad0d,
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- 0x2d2b46,
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- 0x365047,
- 0x2b5bc5,
- 0x326807,
- 0x288e45,
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- 0x2a7f46,
- 0x352607,
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- 0x241987,
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- 0x27d3c9,
- 0x222286,
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- 0x23e144,
- 0x359f86,
- 0x2285c6,
- 0x319f46,
- 0x299788,
- 0x227803,
- 0x228483,
- 0x38b905,
- 0x27f446,
- 0x2ae345,
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- 0x29c5ca,
- 0x30ff44,
- 0x288f08,
- 0x293508,
- 0x2a0cc7,
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- 0x2c0508,
- 0x283a07,
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- 0x21520a,
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- 0x2b2b08,
- 0x2a7b49,
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- 0x377205,
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- 0x380248,
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- 0x2f9b48,
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- 0x212ec4,
- 0x230a48,
- 0x242bc4,
- 0x236fc4,
- 0x26a785,
- 0x292447,
- 0x274b89,
- 0x228287,
- 0x206a85,
- 0x279606,
- 0x362206,
- 0x206d44,
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- 0x27b244,
- 0x29f0c6,
- 0x274946,
- 0x229946,
- 0x3cc5c5,
- 0x2a2887,
- 0x200a03,
- 0x224a89,
- 0x34b588,
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- 0x28388d,
- 0x297b48,
- 0x2ea6c8,
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- 0x389245,
- 0x29c6ca,
- 0x26f3ca,
- 0x28a5cc,
- 0x28a746,
- 0x27afc6,
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- 0x2a12c6,
- 0x200a46,
- 0x234d88,
- 0x20ff06,
- 0x2d7a4b,
- 0x2925c5,
- 0x254005,
- 0x27bd85,
- 0x327006,
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- 0x2402c6,
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- 0x25cac5,
- 0x387945,
- 0x3c8a86,
- 0x332404,
- 0x332406,
- 0x2c37c9,
- 0x326e8c,
- 0x2df388,
- 0x233204,
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- 0x38dd46,
- 0x258b88,
- 0x354948,
- 0x326d89,
- 0x389987,
- 0x318949,
- 0x2486c6,
- 0x22a0c4,
- 0x20bb44,
- 0x2831c4,
- 0x2833c8,
- 0x2749ca,
- 0x356d46,
- 0x364207,
- 0x37ac47,
- 0x249405,
- 0x350f04,
- 0x28e106,
- 0x2b5c06,
- 0x240c03,
- 0x34b3c7,
- 0x39eec8,
- 0x38938a,
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- 0x362588,
- 0x38c805,
- 0x29dbc5,
- 0x267385,
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- 0x3777c6,
- 0x391ac5,
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- 0x350d0c,
- 0x267447,
- 0x298788,
- 0x272145,
- 0x679b44,
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- 0x284984,
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- 0x29f7ce,
- 0x3629c7,
- 0x365245,
- 0x3a49cc,
- 0x3006c7,
- 0x352587,
- 0x22c109,
- 0x26d249,
- 0x287d85,
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- 0x3cfb09,
- 0x345a85,
- 0x2c40c8,
- 0x278c06,
- 0x248d86,
- 0x275284,
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- 0x222443,
- 0x27a7c4,
- 0x2aee85,
- 0x399c87,
- 0x336145,
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- 0x2b3bc6,
- 0x213c44,
- 0x2bf2c8,
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- 0x29e50e,
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- 0x310b45,
- 0x284985,
- 0x2992c8,
- 0x296bc9,
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- 0x2f2a46,
- 0x237c0b,
- 0x2de40c,
- 0x2d6607,
- 0x2d7d05,
- 0x3c0848,
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- 0x384c47,
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- 0x2151c3,
- 0x324c04,
- 0x359d45,
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- 0x2a7806,
- 0x2bfa48,
- 0x352607,
- 0x35cc46,
- 0x203f46,
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- 0x288289,
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- 0x31a206,
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- 0x277bc6,
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- 0x2105c6,
- 0x3633c5,
- 0x2e5e08,
- 0x291d4b,
- 0x28db06,
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- 0x234bc4,
- 0x278b88,
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- 0x2bfc48,
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- 0x338a84,
- 0x319a86,
- 0x3892c8,
- 0x38d8c5,
- 0x291a09,
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- 0x218fc8,
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- 0x27bd87,
- 0x27ca47,
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- 0x2b3bc6,
- 0x270b44,
- 0x3b1bc4,
- 0x283549,
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- 0x271a87,
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- 0x2a1e46,
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- 0x278908,
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- 0x38d905,
- 0x329806,
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- 0x2bebc8,
- 0x24c808,
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- 0x291c46,
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- 0x2f2cc8,
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- 0x24c549,
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- 0x33eac7,
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- 0x224045,
- 0x22fb8e,
- 0x2c0cc4,
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- 0x28c2c6,
- 0x29b20c,
- 0x29c1d0,
- 0x29f40f,
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- 0x33a007,
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- 0x25e945,
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- 0x232909,
- 0x349806,
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- 0x283089,
- 0x24f544,
- 0x2be948,
- 0x230b09,
- 0x356f06,
- 0x27b7c5,
- 0x33da46,
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- 0x279e48,
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- 0x29b3cb,
- 0x356dc5,
- 0x29b506,
- 0x285286,
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- 0x2a030b,
- 0x291b09,
- 0x203e85,
- 0x3a6a87,
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- 0x25bac5,
- 0x280408,
- 0x223a46,
- 0x2d4bc8,
- 0x247d45,
- 0x2988c5,
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- 0x24f548,
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- 0x3536c7,
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- 0x27d3c9,
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- 0x32cb47,
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- 0x295b48,
- 0x279606,
- 0x279608,
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- 0x28cb45,
- 0x28ce05,
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- 0x298c10,
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- 0x290ac9,
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- 0x24c3c8,
- 0x23d1c8,
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- 0x2792c9,
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- 0x29a488,
- 0x2d9c09,
- 0x2b6d07,
- 0x29a404,
- 0x228348,
- 0x2a264a,
- 0x2e61c6,
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- 0x29c489,
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- 0x679b44,
- 0x679b44,
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- 0x388905,
- 0x297e46,
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- 0x3cdf46,
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- 0x28c488,
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- 0x3cf98a,
- 0x36da06,
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- 0x3119cc,
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- 0x32cb47,
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- 0x2a01c8,
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- 0x237e46,
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- 0x2b5b04,
- 0x2b764a,
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- 0x200c86,
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- 0x22fe88,
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- 0x2b2b08,
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- 0x351247,
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- 0x353885,
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- 0x284ac9,
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- 0x2b4a45,
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- 0x210086,
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- 0x26f0c4,
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- 0x316f84,
- 0x280286,
- 0x2f0c45,
- 0x2f0c49,
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- 0x351089,
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- 0x2c4c48,
- 0x22ecc5,
- 0x37ad45,
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- 0x27b746,
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- 0x2b81c8,
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- 0x297dc6,
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- 0x337a4d,
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- 0x26a785,
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- 0x2fdac8,
- 0x3cfb09,
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- 0x2788c9,
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- 0x29cec5,
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- 0x27d4c7,
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- 0x314e86,
- 0x30c4c8,
- 0x2b3bc6,
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- 0x27cb46,
- 0x284588,
- 0x26d7c5,
- 0x22b786,
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- 0x2e9a48,
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- 0x282b06,
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- 0x2d0b47,
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- 0x2791cf,
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- 0x34b488,
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- 0x223b03,
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- 0x289188,
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- 0x29e789,
- 0x679b44,
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- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x20db43,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x233e84,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x213ec3,
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- 0x23a708,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x3adc46,
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- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x259003,
- 0x26d503,
- 0x21e403,
- 0x2000c2,
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- 0x2e8d88,
- 0x208e02,
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- 0x25dc87,
- 0x2bb789,
- 0x2bcb08,
- 0x2c9a09,
- 0x20ecc2,
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- 0x22eb04,
- 0x307b07,
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- 0x270203,
- 0x202382,
- 0x201402,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x209302,
- 0x200902,
- 0x211302,
- 0x2a9cc5,
- 0x325a85,
- 0x8e02,
- 0x31103,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0xe103,
- 0x101,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x217383,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216cc3,
- 0x420730c6,
- 0x9d303,
- 0xca845,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x6742,
- 0x120648,
- 0x14b83,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x47904,
- 0xe4ac5,
- 0x2000c2,
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- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x245943,
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- 0x217383,
- 0x221303,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x24fc43,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211303,
- 0x25f383,
- 0x202043,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x120648,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x2b9343,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x22de84,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x200d42,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x200d42,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2ec903,
- 0x211303,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x3adc45,
- 0x14f9c6,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x120648,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x1b308,
- 0x18ec43,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x46491f86,
- 0x1f484,
- 0xb19cb,
- 0x395c6,
- 0x7a6c7,
- 0x231103,
- 0x4b808,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x111185,
- 0x192d44,
- 0x267503,
- 0x526c7,
- 0xe0a84,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x7b846,
- 0xe5f84,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2f5544,
- 0x12d147,
- 0x14f5c9,
- 0xb1788,
- 0x1436c4,
- 0x3f5c6,
- 0xe1c8,
- 0x131b05,
- 0xe4c9,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2f3983,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2171c3,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x3adc46,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2ab03,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x7a6c7,
- 0x120648,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x49208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x259003,
- 0x33a8c7,
- 0x31258b,
- 0x201103,
- 0x238448,
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- 0x3726cb,
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- 0x201389,
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- 0x22f40c,
- 0x20f448,
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- 0x2bb54b,
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- 0x2038c3,
- 0x28f9cc,
- 0x2038c9,
- 0x23cc47,
- 0x23104c,
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- 0x245a04,
- 0x24d20d,
- 0x28f888,
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- 0x2879cb,
- 0x34f749,
- 0x380107,
- 0x389c06,
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- 0x2393c4,
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- 0x20d8c5,
- 0x20ec05,
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- 0x24d0c9,
- 0x26b58d,
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- 0x20af07,
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- 0x3d1fc4,
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- 0x213349,
- 0x21334f,
- 0x214e0d,
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- 0x21c14f,
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- 0x224cc7,
- 0x224cc8,
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- 0x351c0a,
- 0x3c5dc9,
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- 0x265e4a,
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- 0x203986,
- 0x209e0b,
- 0x20ed8a,
- 0x2ad44d,
- 0x3d0807,
- 0x2694c8,
- 0x2694c9,
- 0x2694cf,
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- 0x26cd09,
- 0x2b2fce,
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- 0x359a47,
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- 0x3cbc0f,
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- 0x33e48d,
- 0x33e48e,
- 0x22ae49,
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- 0x22c58f,
- 0x230d4c,
- 0x230d4f,
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- 0x244c4e,
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- 0x246dc5,
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- 0x231109,
- 0x23110b,
- 0x393648,
- 0x239289,
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- 0x37510a,
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- 0x26bc49,
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- 0x2cb98d,
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- 0x2353c9,
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- 0x24ad88,
- 0x24b5c9,
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- 0x24d808,
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- 0x25a849,
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- 0x260e88,
- 0x264944,
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- 0x20dac5,
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- 0x38ff8e,
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- 0x29390f,
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- 0x39cfc8,
- 0x2c474a,
- 0x2c4751,
- 0x2a2bce,
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- 0x208e02,
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- 0x208e03,
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- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
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- 0x1242,
- 0x401,
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- 0xc1,
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- 0xc1,
- 0x201,
- 0x12bc6,
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- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
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- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
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- 0x21f10b,
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- 0x28d248,
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- 0x2f9e47,
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- 0x38b187,
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- 0x292046,
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- 0x246f85,
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- 0x22b0c5,
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- 0x3b2e92,
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- 0x3b508e,
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- 0x259a02,
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- 0x2047c3,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x2047c3,
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- 0x206342,
- 0x24a205,
- 0x3c8d4c,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x206342,
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- 0x294dc5,
- 0x32e405,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x20a842,
- 0x294dc5,
- 0x333289,
- 0x35db8c,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x24a205,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x20a842,
- 0x333289,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x32e405,
- 0x259a02,
- 0x32e405,
- 0x35db8c,
- 0x3c8d4c,
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- 0x21d283,
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- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
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- 0x208e83,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x1742,
- 0x7154a,
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- 0x111185,
- 0xf360e,
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- 0x87e8b,
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- 0xee507,
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- 0xfe7cc,
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- 0xbb946,
- 0x3642,
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- 0x204b,
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- 0x19fc4,
- 0x101,
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- 0x382,
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- 0x4342,
- 0x879c4,
- 0x882,
- 0x7982,
- 0xbc2,
- 0x120f02,
- 0xf82,
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- 0x18982,
- 0x8a42,
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- 0x942,
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- 0x1482,
- 0x642,
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- 0x7782,
- 0xad02,
- 0x5c2,
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- 0xb02,
- 0x2a02,
- 0xb2d02,
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- 0x4c82,
- 0xbb02,
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- 0x7c02,
- 0x1d283,
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- 0x1c02,
- 0x1202,
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- 0x59c2,
- 0x3eec2,
- 0x40083,
- 0x682,
- 0x8782,
- 0x1002,
- 0x5502,
- 0x11782,
- 0x8c2,
- 0x67c2,
- 0x3642,
- 0x7d85,
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- 0xa203,
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- 0x208e83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x214b83,
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- 0x294d03,
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- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
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- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x214b83,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x200181,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x24fc43,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x208e03,
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- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
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- 0x38c3,
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- 0x8e02,
- 0x208e03,
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- 0x200f42,
- 0x200b02,
- 0x2d3945,
- 0x317588,
- 0x2b8d05,
- 0x2c74c3,
- 0x2c74c5,
- 0x2d9003,
- 0x20cb02,
- 0x37a2c4,
- 0x2a7903,
- 0x20a282,
- 0x387d84,
- 0x2ea1c3,
- 0x202582,
- 0x2b8d83,
- 0x28e444,
- 0x2f9943,
- 0x25dc04,
- 0x203c42,
- 0x216103,
- 0x2343c3,
- 0x200b42,
- 0x374402,
- 0x2ef8c9,
- 0x2076c2,
- 0x28a504,
- 0x200cc2,
- 0x24ee44,
- 0x2f0804,
- 0x202504,
- 0x203642,
- 0x233242,
- 0x22e883,
- 0x304a43,
- 0x248204,
- 0x293e84,
- 0x2f1584,
- 0x2f86c4,
- 0x30f743,
- 0x324bc3,
- 0x3284c4,
- 0x316f44,
- 0x317086,
- 0x229542,
- 0x3bb43,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x202bc3,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x2efb84,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216203,
- 0x2f6604,
- 0x32b543,
- 0x2a7143,
- 0x371cc4,
- 0x33ed46,
- 0x207083,
- 0xf8945,
- 0xeb207,
- 0x35a8c3,
- 0x5fa1e348,
- 0x228a83,
- 0x2b4883,
- 0x2450c3,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x39e4c5,
- 0x13be43,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x20e2c3,
- 0x22ce43,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x217383,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x231d04,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x351584,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x2c2345,
- 0xeb207,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x202142,
- 0x200382,
- 0x201402,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x191584,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x233e84,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211303,
- 0x2879c4,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x11243,
- 0x144c04,
- 0x245a04,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x24ea84,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x200ec2,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0x202203,
- 0x6fdc4,
- 0x2fc845,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x201fc3,
- 0x192e49,
- 0xdfd46,
- 0x128688,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2005c2,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0xa882,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x1b6947,
- 0x107609,
- 0x37c3,
- 0x120648,
- 0x193d83,
- 0x63347147,
- 0x8e03,
- 0x1cc688,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x42346,
- 0x217383,
- 0x58dc8,
- 0xc4e48,
- 0x38886,
- 0x270203,
- 0xce908,
- 0x98403,
- 0x634e3806,
- 0xe8085,
- 0x31307,
- 0x1d283,
- 0x4a83,
- 0x59003,
- 0x2542,
- 0x18434a,
- 0x17083,
- 0xd3a03,
- 0x2fbf44,
- 0x10d4cb,
- 0x10da88,
- 0x8eb02,
- 0x1454f07,
- 0x15276c7,
- 0x14c7588,
- 0x1516b83,
- 0x1882cb,
- 0x12d147,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x217383,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x281ac3,
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- 0x208e03,
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- 0x259003,
- 0x11243,
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- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x208e83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x22a342,
- 0x2000c1,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x200201,
- 0x336382,
- 0x120648,
- 0x21af05,
- 0x200101,
- 0x8e03,
- 0x200d81,
- 0x200501,
- 0x201481,
- 0x24a182,
- 0x37ef44,
- 0x24a183,
- 0x200041,
- 0x200801,
- 0x200181,
- 0x200701,
- 0x2f87c7,
- 0x342d8f,
- 0x3024c6,
- 0x2004c1,
- 0x344c46,
- 0x200d01,
- 0x200581,
- 0x3ce30e,
- 0x2003c1,
- 0x259003,
- 0x201b81,
- 0x243685,
- 0x202542,
- 0x3adc45,
- 0x200401,
- 0x200741,
- 0x2007c1,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x200081,
- 0x201fc1,
- 0x20a781,
- 0x202cc1,
- 0x201241,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216cc3,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x8ea48,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x89a43,
- 0x259003,
- 0x14ebf48,
- 0xe1c8,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x120648,
- 0x14b83,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x135884,
- 0x47904,
- 0x14ebf4a,
- 0x120648,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2038c3,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x2dd584,
- 0x259003,
- 0x27ee05,
- 0x35c204,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0xa5f4a,
- 0x15aa8a,
- 0x115e04,
- 0x11c906,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x22e409,
- 0x231103,
- 0x21acc9,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x7b844,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2f5348,
- 0x23e087,
- 0x2fc845,
- 0x1c7008,
- 0x1b6947,
- 0x3ec0a,
- 0x10930b,
- 0x144e87,
- 0x41188,
- 0x111d8a,
- 0x12c88,
- 0x107609,
- 0x25cc7,
- 0x153a47,
- 0x1270c8,
- 0x1cc688,
- 0x4288f,
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- 0x1cc987,
- 0x42346,
- 0x4c1c7,
- 0x10e886,
- 0x58dc8,
- 0x9bec6,
- 0x15d087,
- 0x126089,
- 0x1b7347,
- 0x105649,
- 0xb92c9,
- 0xc20c6,
- 0xc4e48,
- 0xc30c5,
- 0x7beca,
- 0xce908,
- 0x98403,
- 0xd9708,
- 0x31307,
- 0x74845,
- 0x61390,
- 0x4a83,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x125f07,
- 0x27745,
- 0xee808,
- 0x69445,
- 0xd3a03,
- 0x1688,
- 0x56146,
- 0x184e49,
- 0xab547,
- 0x19310b,
- 0x142844,
- 0x1063c4,
- 0x10d4cb,
- 0x10da88,
- 0x10e507,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x259003,
- 0x202103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x87fcb,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x259003,
- 0x120648,
- 0x2000c2,
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- 0x200382,
- 0x2005c2,
- 0x200d02,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x200382,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x217383,
- 0x270203,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x213443,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2fbf44,
- 0x202043,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x3b9d47,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x20cd87,
- 0x300c46,
- 0x20ce43,
- 0x217243,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x203583,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x39cbc4,
- 0x2eab46,
- 0x20dd03,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x27ee05,
- 0x2ad7c4,
- 0x2be803,
- 0x20b103,
- 0x2c9347,
- 0x312745,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x4df07,
- 0x8f4c7,
- 0x1a3e85,
- 0x205042,
- 0x249283,
- 0x214a43,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x6c608e03,
- 0x20f982,
- 0x231103,
- 0x204a03,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x307c83,
- 0x38ab83,
- 0x270203,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x6ca08dc2,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x22f583,
- 0x219fc3,
- 0x22a342,
- 0x202043,
- 0x120648,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x11243,
- 0x32be04,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x233e84,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x217383,
- 0x30ffc4,
- 0x20ac44,
- 0x2dbd86,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216203,
- 0x250606,
- 0x3978b,
- 0x35d46,
- 0x11f20a,
- 0x11434a,
- 0x120648,
- 0x26dd04,
- 0x6de08e03,
- 0x38d884,
- 0x231103,
- 0x257384,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x2bd9c3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0xe6143,
- 0x259003,
- 0xca143,
- 0x3433cb,
- 0x3bfe4a,
- 0x3d13cc,
- 0xe40c8,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x200382,
- 0x22bec5,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x202302,
- 0x270203,
- 0x20ac44,
- 0x201402,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x211302,
- 0x22a342,
- 0x18d8c3,
- 0x48182,
- 0x2b6789,
- 0x322748,
- 0x213d49,
- 0x217989,
- 0x22420a,
- 0x3184ca,
- 0x208002,
- 0x342382,
- 0x8e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x22a502,
- 0x242786,
- 0x36fd82,
- 0x213ac2,
- 0x30968e,
- 0x21614e,
- 0x280507,
- 0x21d207,
- 0x282742,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x22aa02,
- 0x2005c2,
- 0x171c3,
- 0x23408f,
- 0x242ac2,
- 0x2ae947,
- 0x32a8c7,
- 0x2b57c7,
- 0x2e2e0c,
- 0x2eadcc,
- 0x226304,
- 0x25eb0a,
- 0x216082,
- 0x206f42,
- 0x2bac44,
- 0x200702,
- 0x214502,
- 0x2eb004,
- 0x213542,
- 0x204c82,
- 0x21303,
- 0x29bf47,
- 0x23d0c5,
- 0x211602,
- 0x24c144,
- 0x327182,
- 0x2e3988,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x2050c8,
- 0x204882,
- 0x2264c5,
- 0x399b86,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2059c2,
- 0x2ef587,
- 0x2542,
- 0x25cb85,
- 0x210a45,
- 0x209cc2,
- 0x20ed02,
- 0x2bc84a,
- 0x29048a,
- 0x2701c2,
- 0x29a684,
- 0x203a42,
- 0x244f08,
- 0x210602,
- 0x365a88,
- 0x30a0c7,
- 0x30a689,
- 0x205082,
- 0x30edc5,
- 0x206045,
- 0x2214cb,
- 0x2cc38c,
- 0x22a008,
- 0x32cf88,
- 0x229542,
- 0x2a61c2,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e02,
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- 0x200382,
- 0x201402,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x2003c2,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211302,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x6f208e02,
- 0x6f613ec3,
- 0x221303,
- 0x202302,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x3d2403,
- 0x6fa59003,
- 0x2ec903,
- 0x282786,
- 0x1611303,
- 0xf8945,
- 0x187e4b,
- 0x120648,
- 0x6ff87,
- 0x6e607,
- 0x129cc5,
- 0xa87cd,
- 0xa6b8a,
- 0x902c7,
- 0x2a784,
- 0x2a7c3,
- 0xbb9c4,
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- 0x70e00fc2,
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- 0xeb207,
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- 0x7221de02,
- 0x72608a42,
- 0x216143,
- 0x26744,
- 0x22ea43,
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- 0x5df88,
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- 0x4fc87,
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- 0x73a00182,
- 0x73e00d42,
- 0x7420ad02,
- 0x746005c2,
- 0x13db85,
- 0x223e43,
- 0x311844,
- 0x74a00702,
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- 0x75200e42,
- 0xb074b,
- 0x75602d82,
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- 0x76600d02,
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- 0x76e01942,
- 0x77202382,
- 0x7766cac2,
- 0x77a08dc2,
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- 0x78201402,
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- 0x78e14002,
- 0xe5f84,
- 0x33e783,
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- 0x88147,
- 0x7aa03b02,
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- 0x259003,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x245a04,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x392503,
- 0x231103,
- 0x24ea84,
- 0x3d0943,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x217383,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x202203,
- 0x2fc845,
- 0x238043,
- 0x202043,
- 0x14b83,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x307c83,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x120648,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x22d806,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x217383,
- 0x2bf144,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x216203,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x145c187,
- 0x7d87,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x35d46,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0xe4dc6,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x32a0c8,
- 0x32cdc9,
- 0x33d349,
- 0x344508,
- 0x39bd08,
- 0x39bd09,
- 0x31de8a,
- 0x3586ca,
- 0x3977ca,
- 0x39d78a,
- 0x3bfe4a,
- 0x3cb70b,
- 0x2466cd,
- 0x361b0f,
- 0x272b90,
- 0x35b30d,
- 0x3761cc,
- 0x39d4cb,
- 0x6e808,
- 0xfa948,
- 0x100ec5,
- 0xcd4c5,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x312585,
- 0x206083,
- 0x81e08e02,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x37f707,
- 0x2450c3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x24fc43,
- 0x2090c3,
- 0x214b83,
- 0x259003,
- 0x25c906,
- 0x2022c2,
- 0x202043,
- 0x120648,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x38d8c3,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x208e03,
- 0x231103,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x220a04,
- 0x270203,
- 0x21d283,
- 0x259003,
- 0x211303,
- 0x18fb04,
- 0x14f8106,
- 0x2000c2,
- 0x208e02,
- 0x213ec3,
- 0x270203,
- 0x259003,
-// children is the list of nodes' children, the parent's wildcard bit and the
-// parent's node type. If a node has no children then their children index
-// will be in the range [0, 6), depending on the wildcard bit and node type.
-// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [ 1 bits] unused
-// [ 1 bits] wildcard bit
-// [ 2 bits] node type
-// [14 bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
-// [14 bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
-var children = [...]uint32{
- 0x0,
- 0x10000000,
- 0x20000000,
- 0x40000000,
- 0x50000000,
- 0x60000000,
- 0x1864613,
- 0x1868619,
- 0x186c61a,
- 0x189061b,
- 0x19ec624,
- 0x1a0467b,
- 0x1a18681,
- 0x1a2c686,
- 0x1a4c68b,
- 0x1a50693,
- 0x1a68694,
- 0x1a6c69a,
- 0x1a9469b,
- 0x1a986a5,
- 0x1ab06a6,
- 0x1ab46ac,
- 0x1ab86ad,
- 0x1af46ae,
- 0x1af86bd,
- 0x61b006be,
- 0x21b086c0,
- 0x1b506c2,
- 0x1b546d4,
- 0x1b746d5,
- 0x1b886dd,
- 0x1b8c6e2,
- 0x1bbc6e3,
- 0x1bd86ef,
- 0x1c006f6,
- 0x1c10700,
- 0x1c14704,
- 0x1cac705,
- 0x1cc072b,
- 0x1cd4730,
- 0x1d04735,
- 0x1d14741,
- 0x1d28745,
- 0x1dcc74a,
- 0x1fc8773,
- 0x1fcc7f2,
- 0x20387f3,
- 0x20a480e,
- 0x20bc829,
- 0x20d082f,
- 0x20d8834,
- 0x20ec836,
- 0x20f083b,
- 0x210c83c,
- 0x2158843,
- 0x2174856,
- 0x217885d,
- 0x217c85e,
- 0x21a085f,
- 0x21dc868,
- 0x621e0877,
- 0x21f8878,
- 0x221087e,
- 0x2218884,
- 0x2228886,
- 0x22d888a,
- 0x22dc8b6,
- 0x222ec8b7,
- 0x222f08bb,
- 0x222f48bc,
- 0x23388bd,
- 0x233c8ce,
- 0x27f88cf,
- 0x228a09fe,
- 0x228a4a28,
- 0x228a8a29,
- 0x228b4a2a,
- 0x228b8a2d,
- 0x228c4a2e,
- 0x228c8a31,
- 0x228cca32,
- 0x228d0a33,
- 0x228d4a34,
- 0x228d8a35,
- 0x228e4a36,
- 0x228e8a39,
- 0x228f4a3a,
- 0x228f8a3d,
- 0x228fca3e,
- 0x22900a3f,
- 0x2290ca40,
- 0x22910a43,
- 0x2291ca44,
- 0x22920a47,
- 0x22924a48,
- 0x22928a49,
- 0x292ca4a,
- 0x22930a4b,
- 0x2293ca4c,
- 0x22940a4f,
- 0x2948a50,
- 0x298ca52,
- 0x229aca63,
- 0x229b0a6b,
- 0x229b4a6c,
- 0x229b8a6d,
- 0x29bca6e,
- 0x229c0a6f,
- 0x29c8a70,
- 0x29cca72,
- 0x29d0a73,
- 0x29eca74,
- 0x2a04a7b,
- 0x2a08a81,
- 0x2a18a82,
- 0x2a24a86,
- 0x2a58a89,
- 0x2a5ca96,
- 0x2a74a97,
- 0x22a7ca9d,
- 0x22a80a9f,
- 0x22a88aa0,
- 0x2b60aa2,
- 0x22b64ad8,
- 0x2b6cad9,
- 0x2b70adb,
- 0x22b74adc,
- 0x2b78add,
- 0x2b90ade,
- 0x2ba4ae4,
- 0x2bccae9,
- 0x2becaf3,
- 0x2c1cafb,
- 0x2c44b07,
- 0x2c48b11,
- 0x2c6cb12,
- 0x2c70b1b,
- 0x2c84b1c,
- 0x2c88b21,
- 0x2c8cb22,
- 0x2cacb23,
- 0x2cc8b2b,
- 0x2cccb32,
- 0x22cd0b33,
- 0x2cd4b34,
- 0x2cd8b35,
- 0x2ce8b36,
- 0x2cecb3a,
- 0x2d64b3b,
- 0x2d68b59,
- 0x2d6cb5a,
- 0x2d8cb5b,
- 0x2d9cb63,
- 0x2db0b67,
- 0x2dc8b6c,
- 0x2de0b72,
- 0x2df8b78,
- 0x2dfcb7e,
- 0x2e14b7f,
- 0x2e30b85,
- 0x2e50b8c,
- 0x2e70b94,
- 0x2e8cb9c,
- 0x2eecba3,
- 0x2f08bbb,
- 0x2f18bc2,
- 0x2f1cbc6,
- 0x2f30bc7,
- 0x2f74bcc,
- 0x2ff4bdd,
- 0x3024bfd,
- 0x3028c09,
- 0x3034c0a,
- 0x3054c0d,
- 0x3058c15,
- 0x307cc16,
- 0x3084c1f,
- 0x30c0c21,
- 0x3110c30,
- 0x3114c44,
- 0x319cc45,
- 0x31a0c67,
- 0x231a4c68,
- 0x231a8c69,
- 0x231acc6a,
- 0x231bcc6b,
- 0x231c0c6f,
- 0x231c4c70,
- 0x231c8c71,
- 0x231ccc72,
- 0x31e4c73,
- 0x3208c79,
- 0x3228c82,
- 0x3890c8a,
- 0x389ce24,
- 0x38bce27,
- 0x3a78e2f,
- 0x3b48e9e,
- 0x3bb8ed2,
- 0x3c10eee,
- 0x3cf8f04,
- 0x3d50f3e,
- 0x3d8cf54,
- 0x3e88f63,
- 0x3f54fa2,
- 0x3fecfd5,
- 0x407cffb,
- 0x40e101f,
- 0x4319038,
- 0x43d10c6,
- 0x449d0f4,
- 0x44e9127,
- 0x457113a,
- 0x45ad15c,
- 0x45fd16b,
- 0x467517f,
- 0x6467919d,
- 0x6467d19e,
- 0x6468119f,
- 0x46fd1a0,
- 0x47591bf,
- 0x47d51d6,
- 0x484d1f5,
- 0x48cd213,
- 0x4939233,
- 0x4a6524e,
- 0x4abd299,
- 0x64ac12af,
- 0x4b592b0,
- 0x4be12d6,
- 0x4c2d2f8,
- 0x4c9530b,
- 0x4d3d325,
- 0x4e0534f,
- 0x4e6d381,
- 0x4f8139b,
- 0x64f853e0,
- 0x64f893e1,
- 0x4fe53e2,
- 0x50413f9,
- 0x50d1410,
- 0x514d434,
- 0x5191453,
- 0x5275464,
- 0x52a949d,
- 0x53094aa,
- 0x537d4c2,
- 0x54054df,
- 0x5445501,
- 0x54b5511,
- 0x654b952d,
- 0x54e152e,
- 0x54e5538,
- 0x54fd539,
- 0x551953f,
- 0x555d546,
- 0x556d557,
- 0x558555b,
- 0x55fd561,
- 0x560557f,
- 0x5619581,
- 0x5635586,
- 0x566158d,
- 0x5665598,
- 0x566d599,
- 0x568159b,
- 0x56a15a0,
- 0x56ad5a8,
- 0x56b55ab,
- 0x56f15ad,
- 0x57055bc,
- 0x570d5c1,
- 0x57195c3,
- 0x57215c6,
- 0x57455c8,
- 0x57695d1,
- 0x57815da,
- 0x57855e0,
- 0x578d5e1,
- 0x57915e3,
- 0x580d5e4,
- 0x5811603,
- 0x5815604,
- 0x5839605,
- 0x585d60e,
- 0x5879617,
- 0x588d61e,
- 0x58a1623,
- 0x58a9628,
- 0x58b162a,
- 0x58c562c,
- 0x58d5631,
- 0x58d9635,
- 0x58f5636,
- 0x618563d,
- 0x61bd861,
- 0x61e986f,
- 0x620587a,
- 0x6225881,
- 0x6245889,
- 0x6289891,
- 0x62918a2,
- 0x262958a4,
- 0x262998a5,
- 0x62a18a6,
- 0x64498a8,
- 0x2644d912,
- 0x2645d913,
- 0x26465917,
- 0x26471919,
- 0x647591c,
- 0x647991d,
- 0x64a191e,
- 0x64c9928,
- 0x64cd932,
- 0x6505933,
- 0x6525941,
- 0x707d949,
- 0x7081c1f,
- 0x7085c20,
- 0x27089c21,
- 0x708dc22,
- 0x27091c23,
- 0x7095c24,
- 0x270a1c25,
- 0x70a5c28,
- 0x70a9c29,
- 0x270adc2a,
- 0x70b1c2b,
- 0x270b9c2c,
- 0x70bdc2e,
- 0x70c1c2f,
- 0x270d1c30,
- 0x70d5c34,
- 0x70d9c35,
- 0x70ddc36,
- 0x70e1c37,
- 0x270e5c38,
- 0x70e9c39,
- 0x70edc3a,
- 0x70f1c3b,
- 0x70f5c3c,
- 0x270fdc3d,
- 0x7101c3f,
- 0x7105c40,
- 0x7109c41,
- 0x2710dc42,
- 0x7111c43,
- 0x27119c44,
- 0x2711dc46,
- 0x7139c47,
- 0x7149c4e,
- 0x718dc52,
- 0x7191c63,
- 0x71b5c64,
- 0x71b9c6d,
- 0x71bdc6e,
- 0x7365c6f,
- 0x27369cd9,
- 0x27371cda,
- 0x27375cdc,
- 0x27379cdd,
- 0x7381cde,
- 0x745dce0,
- 0x27469d17,
- 0x2746dd1a,
- 0x27471d1b,
- 0x27475d1c,
- 0x7479d1d,
- 0x74a5d1e,
- 0x74a9d29,
- 0x74cdd2a,
- 0x74d9d33,
- 0x74f9d36,
- 0x74fdd3e,
- 0x7535d3f,
- 0x77cdd4d,
- 0x7889df3,
- 0x788de22,
- 0x78a1e23,
- 0x78d5e28,
- 0x790de35,
- 0x27911e43,
- 0x792de44,
- 0x7955e4b,
- 0x7959e55,
- 0x797de56,
- 0x7999e5f,
- 0x79c1e66,
- 0x79d1e70,
- 0x79d5e74,
- 0x79d9e75,
- 0x7a11e76,
- 0x7a1de84,
- 0x7a41e87,
- 0x7ac1e90,
- 0x27ac5eb0,
- 0x7ad5eb1,
- 0x7addeb5,
- 0x7b01eb7,
- 0x7b21ec0,
- 0x7b35ec8,
- 0x7b49ecd,
- 0x7b4ded2,
- 0x7b6ded3,
- 0x7c11edb,
- 0x7c2df04,
- 0x7c51f0b,
- 0x7c55f14,
- 0x7c5df15,
- 0x7c6df17,
- 0x7c75f1b,
- 0x7c89f1d,
- 0x7ca9f22,
- 0x7cb5f2a,
- 0x7cc5f2d,
- 0x7cfdf31,
- 0x7dd1f3f,
- 0x7dd5f74,
- 0x7de9f75,
- 0x7df1f7a,
- 0x7e09f7c,
- 0x7e0df82,
- 0x7e19f83,
- 0x7e1df86,
- 0x7e39f87,
- 0x7e79f8e,
- 0x7e7df9e,
- 0x7e9df9f,
- 0x7eedfa7,
- 0x7f09fbb,
- 0x7f11fc2,
- 0x7f65fc4,
- 0x7f69fd9,
- 0x7f6dfda,
- 0x7f71fdb,
- 0x7fb5fdc,
- 0x7fc5fed,
- 0x8005ff1,
- 0x800a001,
- 0x803a002,
- 0x818200e,
- 0x81aa060,
- 0x81da06a,
- 0x81f6076,
- 0x81fe07d,
- 0x820a07f,
- 0x831e082,
- 0x832a0c7,
- 0x83360ca,
- 0x83420cd,
- 0x834e0d0,
- 0x835a0d3,
- 0x83660d6,
- 0x83720d9,
- 0x837e0dc,
- 0x838a0df,
- 0x83960e2,
- 0x83a20e5,
- 0x83ae0e8,
- 0x83ba0eb,
- 0x83c20ee,
- 0x83ce0f0,
- 0x83da0f3,
- 0x83e60f6,
- 0x83f20f9,
- 0x83fe0fc,
- 0x840a0ff,
- 0x8416102,
- 0x8422105,
- 0x842e108,
- 0x843a10b,
- 0x844610e,
- 0x8472111,
- 0x847e11c,
- 0x848a11f,
- 0x8496122,
- 0x84a2125,
- 0x84ae128,
- 0x84b612b,
- 0x84c212d,
- 0x84ce130,
- 0x84da133,
- 0x84e6136,
- 0x84f2139,
- 0x84fe13c,
- 0x850a13f,
- 0x8516142,
- 0x8522145,
- 0x852e148,
- 0x853a14b,
- 0x854614e,
- 0x8552151,
- 0x855a154,
- 0x8566156,
- 0x8572159,
- 0x857e15c,
- 0x858a15f,
- 0x8596162,
- 0x85a2165,
- 0x85ae168,
- 0x85ba16b,
- 0x85be16e,
- 0x85ca16f,
- 0x85e6172,
- 0x85ea179,
- 0x85fa17a,
- 0x861617e,
- 0x865a185,
- 0x865e196,
- 0x8672197,
- 0x86a619c,
- 0x86b61a9,
- 0x86da1ad,
- 0x86f21b6,
- 0x870a1bc,
- 0x87221c2,
- 0x87321c8,
- 0x287761cc,
- 0x877a1dd,
- 0x87a61de,
- 0x87ae1e9,
- 0x87c21eb,
-// max children 522 (capacity 1023)
-// max text offset 29878 (capacity 32767)
-// max text length 36 (capacity 63)
-// max hi 8688 (capacity 16383)
-// max lo 8683 (capacity 16383)