path: root/amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-08-19 12:15:28 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-08-19 12:15:28 +0200
commit67d25d837ac55f28a366c0a3b262e439a6e75fc3 (patch)
treedf7715c7724c5935ab87c807f3b8b4ef529315e3 /amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py
parente0d6784e89dba33226c0edb815bb974486fa7c48 (diff)
Add AmForth
Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py b/amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18069dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amforth-6.5/tools/amforth-upload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# amforth-upload.py
+# uploads text files containing forth commands to a microcontroller running amforth (v1.3)
+# monitors the output from the microcontroller and uses the character echo to implement a kind of software flow control
+# also waits for a prompt after each line to allow the compiler a chance to run
+# in theory it should never overrun the input buffer on the controller,
+# but it will easily get stuck if the output from the controller is unusual
+# you have to kill any other processes that are accessing the serial port before running this,
+# otherwise it will miss characters that are stolen by the other process and get stuck
+# perhaps a better way to implement this would have been as a program that could be plugged into a terminal program
+# like x/y/zmodem for minicom (except for the difficulty of killing it when it gets confused). oh well.
+# mailto:pix@test.at
+# http://pix.test.at/
+# change 26.11.2007
+# mt: state machine extended to handle ok prompt later on the line
+# mt: defined include syntax for files:
+# #include filename
+# e.g. #include lib/ans94/marker.frt
+# mt: an envar AMFORTH_LIB is checked as the list of directories
+# to searched. This list is appended to "." (current work directory)
+import sys
+import getopt
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import fnmatch
+global verbose, debug, mcudef
+def merge(seq):
+ merged = []
+ for s in seq:
+ for x in s:
+ merged.append(x)
+ return merged
+def search_and_open_file(filename):
+ directorylist=["","."]
+ filedirs={}
+ basefilename=os.path.basename(filename)
+ if os.environ.has_key("AMFORTH_LIB"):
+ directorylist = merge([directorylist, os.environ["AMFORTH_LIB"].split(":")])
+ for p in directorylist:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p):
+ for f in files:
+ if os.path.join(root, f).endswith("/"+basefilename): # better than fnmatch since it can deal with directiories
+ fpath=os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, f))
+ if filedirs.has_key(f):
+ for d in filedirs[f]:
+ if d==fpath:
+ fpath=None
+ if fpath: filedirs[f].append(fpath)
+ else:
+ filedirs[f]=[fpath]
+ if len(filedirs[basefilename])==1:
+ print "\nusing ", filename," from", filedirs[filename][0]
+ filehandle = file(filedirs[filename][0])
+ return filehandle
+ else:
+ # oops, too many files or no one at all no file found?
+ print "\n", filename , " was found in ", len(filedirs[basefilename]), " directories"
+ print "\t\n".join(filedirs[basefilename])
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Sorry, giving up. You should check the controller!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+def write_line_flow(string,dest):
+ # strip comments
+ # these probably will strip comment-like structures out of ." .." strings as well.
+ if debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "line before comment stripping: "+string
+ if usemcudef:
+ for regname in MCUREGS:
+ string = re.sub('(^|\s)+'+regname+'(\s|$)+', " " + MCUREGS[regname] + " ", string)
+ if string[-1] != "\n":
+ string = string + "\n"
+ string = re.sub("(^| )\( .*?\)"," ",string)
+ string = re.sub("(^| )\( [^\)]*$"," \n",string)
+ #string = re.sub("(^| )\\\\ .*","",string)
+# if re.match("^\s*$",string):
+# if verbose:
+# print >>sys.stderr, "skipping empty line"
+# return
+ if debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "line after comment stripping: "+string
+ if re.match("#include ", string):
+ filename=re.match("#include (\S+)",string).group(1)
+ nested_file = search_and_open_file(filename)
+ write_file_flow(nested_file, dest)
+ nested_file.close()
+ return
+ if verbose:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "sending line: "+string
+ for o in list(string):
+ dest.write(o)
+ if o == "\t":
+ o = " "
+ while True:
+ i = dest.read(1)
+ #print "<"+i+"]",
+ #print >>sys.stderr, "["+i+"]"
+ sys.stdout.write(i)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if i == o:
+ #print "|",
+ break
+ #dest.write("\n")
+ if verbose:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "waiting for prompt"
+ start, nl, space, o, gt = range(5)
+ state = start
+ while True:
+ #print >>sys.stderr, "{"+str(state)+"}"
+ #dest.write("")
+ i = dest.read(1)
+ if i=="":
+ continue
+ #print "<"+i+"]",
+ #print >>sys.stderr, "i=["+i+"] state="+str(state)
+ sys.stdout.write(i)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if i==" ":
+ state = space
+ elif state == start:
+ if i == "\r":
+ state = nl
+ elif i == " ":
+ state = space
+ continue
+ elif state == nl:
+ if i == ">":
+ state = gt
+ else:
+ state = start
+ continue
+ elif state == gt:
+ if i == " ":
+ if debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "<matched '^> '>"
+ break
+ else:
+ state = start
+ continue
+ elif state == space:
+ if i == "o":
+ state = o
+ else:
+ state = start
+ continue
+ elif state == o:
+ if i == "k":
+ if debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "<matched ' ok'>"
+ break
+ else:
+ state = start
+ elif state == space:
+ if i == "?":
+ state = question
+ else:
+ state = start
+ elif state == question:
+ if i == "?":
+ if debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "<matched ' ??'>"
+ break
+ else:
+ state = start
+def write_file_flow(in_file,dest):
+ while(True):
+ line = in_file.readline()
+ if len(line)>0:
+ write_line_flow(line,dest)
+ else:
+ break
+tty_dev_name = "/dev/ttyS0"
+force = False
+verbose = False
+debug = False
+usemcudef = False
+starttime = time.time()
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"ht:vfdc:")
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "unknown option. try -h"
+ sys.exit(1)
+for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt == "-h":
+ print >>sys.stderr, "usage: amforth-upload [-h] [-v] [-f] [-t tty] [file1] [file2] [...]"
+ print >>sys.stderr, " default tty is "+tty_dev_name
+ print >>sys.stderr, " if no files are specified, input is read from the the terminal"
+ print >>sys.stderr, " -f will run without checking for other processes accessing the tty"
+ print >>sys.stderr, " -v will print extra information during execution"
+ print >>sys.stderr, " -t selects the serial device. Default is " + tty_dev_name
+ print >>sys.stderr, " -c partname-directory tries to load the device.py file from the partname directory."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif opt == "-t":
+ tty_dev_name = arg
+ elif opt == "-v":
+ verbose = True
+ elif opt == "-f":
+ force = True
+ elif opt == "-d":
+ debug = True
+ elif opt == "-c":
+ mcudef = arg
+ if mcudef.startswith("msp"):
+ sys.path.append("msp430/devices/"+mcudef)
+ else:
+ sys.path.append("avr8/devices/"+mcudef)
+ try:
+ from device import *
+ usemcudef = True
+ print "using device.py from " + mcudef
+ except:
+ print "failed using device.py from " + mcudef + " .. continuing"
+if not force:
+ if not os.system("which lsof > /dev/null 2>&1"):
+ if not os.system("lsof " + tty_dev_name):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "the above process is accessing "+tty_dev_name+"."
+ print >>sys.stderr, "please stop the process and try again."
+ print >>sys.stderr, "run with the -f option to force execution anyway"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif not os.system("which fuser >/dev/null 2>&1"):
+ if not os.system("fuser -u "+tty_dev_name):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "the above process is accessing "+tty_dev_name+"."
+ print >>sys.stderr, "please stop the process and try again."
+ print >>sys.stderr, "run with the -f option to force execution anyway"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "couldn't find fuser. so i can't check if "+tty_dev_name+" is in use."
+ tty_dev = file(tty_dev_name,"r+",0)
+ # get a prompt, clean up the input buffer
+ write_line_flow("\n", tty_dev)
+ if len(args)<1:
+ if verbose:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "processing stdin"
+ write_file_flow(sys.stdin,tty_dev)
+ else:
+ for filename in args:
+ in_file = search_and_open_file(filename)
+ write_file_flow(in_file,tty_dev)
+ in_file.close()
+endtime = time.time()
+runtime = endtime - starttime
+print "\ntime: ", runtime, " seconds"