path: root/vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2019-07-17 22:54:16 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2019-07-17 22:54:16 +0200
commit58cfe7fb2d16f054951db52259abd13d2c276e26 (patch)
tree523b382baafdbf6e419c32ba326eb5df5d02f475 /vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go
parent11957a880913b775101332b1191e0aa5e40b9cf4 (diff)
drop vendorHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go b/vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f61ea28..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/tarm/serial/serial.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from
-the serial port as a stream of bytes.
-It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As
-an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross
-compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall
-does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it
- GOOS=windows make clean install
-Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can
-set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the
-connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned.
-Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the
-timeouts, though patches are welcome.
-Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
-parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This
-works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices
-including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports.
-You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from
-different goroutines).
-Example usage:
- package main
- import (
- "github.com/tarm/serial"
- "log"
- )
- func main() {
- c := &serial.Config{Name: "COM5", Baud: 115200}
- s, err := serial.OpenPort(c)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- n, err := s.Write([]byte("test"))
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- buf := make([]byte, 128)
- n, err = s.Read(buf)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- log.Print("%q", buf[:n])
- }
-package serial
-import (
- "errors"
- "time"
-const DefaultSize = 8 // Default value for Config.Size
-type StopBits byte
-type Parity byte
-const (
- Stop1 StopBits = 1
- Stop1Half StopBits = 15
- Stop2 StopBits = 2
-const (
- ParityNone Parity = 'N'
- ParityOdd Parity = 'O'
- ParityEven Parity = 'E'
- ParityMark Parity = 'M' // parity bit is always 1
- ParitySpace Parity = 'S' // parity bit is always 0
-// Config contains the information needed to open a serial port.
-// Currently few options are implemented, but more may be added in the
-// future (patches welcome), so it is recommended that you create a
-// new config addressing the fields by name rather than by order.
-// For example:
-// c0 := &serial.Config{Name: "COM45", Baud: 115200, ReadTimeout: time.Millisecond * 500}
-// or
-// c1 := new(serial.Config)
-// c1.Name = "/dev/tty.usbserial"
-// c1.Baud = 115200
-// c1.ReadTimeout = time.Millisecond * 500
-type Config struct {
- Name string
- Baud int
- ReadTimeout time.Duration // Total timeout
- // Size is the number of data bits. If 0, DefaultSize is used.
- Size byte
- // Parity is the bit to use and defaults to ParityNone (no parity bit).
- Parity Parity
- // Number of stop bits to use. Default is 1 (1 stop bit).
- StopBits StopBits
- // RTSFlowControl bool
- // DTRFlowControl bool
- // XONFlowControl bool
- // CRLFTranslate bool
-// ErrBadSize is returned if Size is not supported.
-var ErrBadSize error = errors.New("unsupported serial data size")
-// ErrBadStopBits is returned if the specified StopBits setting not supported.
-var ErrBadStopBits error = errors.New("unsupported stop bit setting")
-// ErrBadParity is returned if the parity is not supported.
-var ErrBadParity error = errors.New("unsupported parity setting")
-// OpenPort opens a serial port with the specified configuration
-func OpenPort(c *Config) (*Port, error) {
- size, par, stop := c.Size, c.Parity, c.StopBits
- if size == 0 {
- size = DefaultSize
- }
- if par == 0 {
- par = ParityNone
- }
- if stop == 0 {
- stop = Stop1
- }
- return openPort(c.Name, c.Baud, size, par, stop, c.ReadTimeout)
-// Converts the timeout values for Linux / POSIX systems
-func posixTimeoutValues(readTimeout time.Duration) (vmin uint8, vtime uint8) {
- const MAXUINT8 = 1<<8 - 1 // 255
- // set blocking / non-blocking read
- var minBytesToRead uint8 = 1
- var readTimeoutInDeci int64
- if readTimeout > 0 {
- // EOF on zero read
- minBytesToRead = 0
- // convert timeout to deciseconds as expected by VTIME
- readTimeoutInDeci = (readTimeout.Nanoseconds() / 1e6 / 100)
- // capping the timeout
- if readTimeoutInDeci < 1 {
- // min possible timeout 1 Deciseconds (0.1s)
- readTimeoutInDeci = 1
- } else if readTimeoutInDeci > MAXUINT8 {
- // max possible timeout is 255 deciseconds (25.5s)
- readTimeoutInDeci = MAXUINT8
- }
- }
- return minBytesToRead, uint8(readTimeoutInDeci)
-// func SendBreak()
-// func RegisterBreakHandler(func())