path: root/amforth-6.5/common/lib/forth2012/tester/doubletest.fth
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Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/common/lib/forth2012/tester/doubletest.fth')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/common/lib/forth2012/tester/doubletest.fth b/amforth-6.5/common/lib/forth2012/tester/doubletest.fth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..523b110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amforth-6.5/common/lib/forth2012/tester/doubletest.fth
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+\ To test the ANS Forth Double-Number word set and double number extensions
+\ This program was written by Gerry Jackson in 2006, with contributions from
+\ others where indicated, and is in the public domain - it can be distributed
+\ and/or modified in any way but please retain this notice.
+\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+\ The tests are not claimed to be comprehensive or correct
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Version 0.6 1 April 2012 Tests placed in the public domain.
+\ Immediate 2CONSTANTs and 2VARIABLEs tested
+\ 0.5 20 November 2009 Various constants renamed to avoid
+\ redefinition warnings. <true> and <false> replaced
+\ with TRUE and FALSE
+\ 0.4 6 March 2009 { and } replaced with T{ and }T
+\ Tests rewritten to be independent of word size and
+\ tests re-ordered
+\ 0.3 20 April 2007 ANS Forth words changed to upper case
+\ 0.2 30 Oct 2006 Updated following GForth test to include
+\ various constants from core.fr
+\ 0.1 Oct 2006 First version released
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ The tests are based on John Hayes test program for the core word set
+\ Words tested in this file are:
+\ Also tests the interpreter and compiler reading a double number
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Assumptions and dependencies:
+\ - tester.fr or ttester.fs has been included prior to this file
+\ - core words and core extension words have been tested
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Constant definitions
+1sd 1 RSHIFT CONSTANT max-intd \ 01...1
+max-intd INVERT CONSTANT min-intd \ 10...0
+max-intd 2/ CONSTANT hi-int \ 001...1
+min-intd 2/ CONSTANT lo-int \ 110...1
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TESTING interpreter and compiler reading a double number
+T{ 1. -> 1 0 }T
+T{ -2. -> -2 -1 }T
+T{ : rdl1 3. ; rdl1 -> 3 0 }T
+T{ : rdl2 -4. ; rdl2 -> -4 -1 }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 1 2 2CONSTANT 2c1 -> }T
+T{ 2c1 -> 1 2 }T
+T{ : cd1 2c1 ; -> }T
+T{ cd1 -> 1 2 }T
+T{ : cd2 2CONSTANT ; -> }T
+T{ -1 -2 cd2 2c2 -> }T
+T{ 2c2 -> -1 -2 }T
+T{ 4 5 2CONSTANT 2c3 IMMEDIATE 2c3 -> 4 5 }T
+T{ : cd6 2c3 2LITERAL ; cd6 -> 4 5 }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Some 2CONSTANTs for the following tests
+1sd max-intd 2CONSTANT max-2int \ 01...1
+0 min-intd 2CONSTANT min-2int \ 10...0
+max-2int 2/ 2CONSTANT hi-2int \ 001...1
+min-2int 2/ 2CONSTANT lo-2int \ 110...0
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 0. DNEGATE -> 0. }T
+T{ 1. DNEGATE -> -1. }T
+T{ -1. DNEGATE -> 1. }T
+T{ max-2int DNEGATE -> min-2int SWAP 1+ SWAP }T
+T{ min-2int SWAP 1+ SWAP DNEGATE -> max-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TESTING D+ with small integers
+T{ 0. 5. D+ -> 5. }T
+T{ -5. 0. D+ -> -5. }T
+T{ 1. 2. D+ -> 3. }T
+T{ 1. -2. D+ -> -1. }T
+T{ -1. 2. D+ -> 1. }T
+T{ -1. -2. D+ -> -3. }T
+T{ -1. 1. D+ -> 0. }T
+TESTING D+ with mid range integers
+T{ 0 0 0 5 D+ -> 0 5 }T
+T{ -1 5 0 0 D+ -> -1 5 }T
+T{ 0 0 0 -5 D+ -> 0 -5 }T
+T{ 0 -5 -1 0 D+ -> -1 -5 }T
+T{ 0 1 0 2 D+ -> 0 3 }T
+T{ -1 1 0 -2 D+ -> -1 -1 }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 2 D+ -> 0 1 }T
+T{ 0 -1 -1 -2 D+ -> -1 -3 }T
+T{ -1 -1 0 1 D+ -> -1 0 }T
+T{ min-intd 0 2DUP D+ -> 0 1 }T
+T{ min-intd S>D min-intd 0 D+ -> 0 0 }T
+TESTING D+ with large double integers
+T{ hi-2int 1. D+ -> 0 hi-int 1+ }T
+T{ hi-2int 2DUP D+ -> 1sd 1- max-intd }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int D+ -> -1. }T
+T{ max-2int lo-2int D+ -> hi-2int }T
+T{ hi-2int min-2int D+ 1. D+ -> lo-2int }T
+T{ lo-2int 2DUP D+ -> min-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TESTING D- with small integers
+T{ 0. 5. D- -> -5. }T
+T{ 5. 0. D- -> 5. }T
+T{ 0. -5. D- -> 5. }T
+T{ 1. 2. D- -> -1. }T
+T{ 1. -2. D- -> 3. }T
+T{ -1. 2. D- -> -3. }T
+T{ -1. -2. D- -> 1. }T
+T{ -1. -1. D- -> 0. }T
+TESTING D- with mid-range integers
+T{ 0 0 0 5 D- -> 0 -5 }T
+T{ -1 5 0 0 D- -> -1 5 }T
+T{ 0 0 -1 -5 D- -> 1 4 }T
+T{ 0 -5 0 0 D- -> 0 -5 }T
+T{ -1 1 0 2 D- -> -1 -1 }T
+T{ 0 1 -1 -2 D- -> 1 2 }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 2 D- -> 0 -3 }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 -2 D- -> 0 1 }T
+T{ 0 0 0 1 D- -> 0 -1 }T
+T{ min-intd 0 2DUP D- -> 0. }T
+T{ min-intd S>D max-intd 0 D- -> 1 1sd }T
+TESTING D- with large integers
+T{ max-2int max-2int D- -> 0. }T
+T{ min-2int min-2int D- -> 0. }T
+T{ max-2int hi-2int D- -> lo-2int DNEGATE }T
+T{ hi-2int lo-2int D- -> max-2int }T
+T{ lo-2int hi-2int D- -> min-2int 1. D+ }T
+T{ min-2int min-2int D- -> 0. }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int D- -> lo-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 0. D0< -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. D0< -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-intd 0 D0< -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 max-intd D0< -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int D0< -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1. D0< -> TRUE }T
+T{ min-2int D0< -> TRUE }T
+T{ 1. D0= -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-intd 0 D0= -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int D0= -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1 max-intd D0= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0. D0= -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. D0= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 min-intd D0= -> FALSE }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 0. D2* -> 0. D2* }T
+T{ min-intd 0 D2* -> 0 1 }T
+T{ hi-2int D2* -> max-2int 1. D- }T
+T{ lo-2int D2* -> min-2int }T
+T{ 0. D2/ -> 0. }T
+T{ 1. D2/ -> 0. }T
+T{ 0 1 D2/ -> min-intd 0 }T
+T{ max-2int D2/ -> hi-2int }T
+T{ -1. D2/ -> -1. }T
+T{ min-2int D2/ -> lo-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 0. 1. D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ 0. 0. D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. 0. D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1. 1. D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. 0. D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ -2. -1. D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. -2. D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1. max-2int D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ min-2int max-2int D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ max-2int -1. D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int 2DUP -1. D+ D< -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-2int 2DUP 1. D+ D< -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. -1. D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. 0. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1. 1. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0. -1. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0. 0. D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ 0. 1. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. -1. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. 0. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. 1. D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 -1 D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 0 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 -1 0 1 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 0 0 -1 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 0 0 0 D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ 0 0 0 1 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 1 0 -1 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 1 0 0 D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ 0 1 0 1 D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int 0. D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int max-2int D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ max-2int hi-2int D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-2int min-2int D= -> TRUE }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int D= -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-2int max-2int D= -> FALSE }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ : cd3 [ max-2int ] 2LITERAL ; -> }T
+T{ cd3 -> max-2int }T
+T{ 2VARIABLE 2v1 -> }T
+T{ 0. 2v1 2! -> }T
+T{ 2v1 2@ -> 0. }T
+T{ -1 -2 2v1 2! -> }T
+T{ 2v1 2@ -> -1 -2 }T
+T{ : cd4 2VARIABLE ; -> }T
+T{ cd4 2v2 -> }T
+T{ : cd5 2v2 2! ; -> }T
+T{ -2 -1 cd5 -> }T
+T{ 2v2 2@ -> -2 -1 }T
+T{ 2VARIABLE 2v3 IMMEDIATE 5 6 2v3 2! -> }T
+T{ 2v3 2@ -> 5 6 }T
+T{ : cd7 2v3 [ 2@ ] 2LITERAL ; cd7 -> 5 6 }T
+T{ : cd8 [ 6 7 ] 2v3 [ 2! ] ; 2v3 2@ -> 6 7 }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 1. 2. DMAX -> 2. }T
+T{ 1. 0. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ 1. -1. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ 1. 1. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ 0. 1. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ 0. -1. DMAX -> 0. }T
+T{ -1. 1. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ -1. -2. DMAX -> -1. }T
+T{ max-2int hi-2int DMAX -> max-2int }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int DMAX -> max-2int }T
+T{ min-2int max-2int DMAX -> max-2int }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int DMAX -> lo-2int }T
+T{ max-2int 1. DMAX -> max-2int }T
+T{ max-2int -1. DMAX -> max-2int }T
+T{ min-2int 1. DMAX -> 1. }T
+T{ min-2int -1. DMAX -> -1. }T
+T{ 1. 2. DMIN -> 1. }T
+T{ 1. 0. DMIN -> 0. }T
+T{ 1. -1. DMIN -> -1. }T
+T{ 1. 1. DMIN -> 1. }T
+T{ 0. 1. DMIN -> 0. }T
+T{ 0. -1. DMIN -> -1. }T
+T{ -1. 1. DMIN -> -1. }T
+T{ -1. -2. DMIN -> -2. }T
+T{ max-2int hi-2int DMIN -> hi-2int }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int DMIN -> min-2int }T
+T{ min-2int max-2int DMIN -> min-2int }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int DMIN -> min-2int }T
+T{ max-2int 1. DMIN -> 1. }T
+T{ max-2int -1. DMIN -> -1. }T
+T{ min-2int 1. DMIN -> min-2int }T
+T{ min-2int -1. DMIN -> min-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ 1234 0 D>S -> 1234 }T
+T{ -1234 -1 D>S -> -1234 }T
+T{ max-intd 0 D>S -> max-intd }T
+T{ min-intd -1 D>S -> min-intd }T
+T{ 1. DABS -> 1. }T
+T{ -1. DABS -> 1. }T
+T{ max-2int DABS -> max-2int }T
+T{ min-2int 1. D+ DABS -> max-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T{ hi-2int 1 M+ -> hi-2int 1. D+ }T
+T{ max-2int -1 M+ -> max-2int -1. D+ }T
+T{ min-2int 1 M+ -> min-2int 1. D+ }T
+T{ lo-2int -1 M+ -> lo-2int -1. D+ }T
+\ To correct the result if the division is floored, only used when
+\ necessary i.e. negative quotient and remainder <> 0
+: ?floored [ -3 2 / -2 = ] LITERAL IF 1. D- THEN ;
+T{ 5. 7 11 M*/ -> 3. }T
+T{ 5. -7 11 M*/ -> -3. ?floored }T \ floored -4.
+T{ -5. 7 11 M*/ -> -3. ?floored }T \ floored -4.
+T{ -5. -7 11 M*/ -> 3. }T
+T{ max-2int 8 16 M*/ -> hi-2int }T
+T{ max-2int -8 16 M*/ -> hi-2int DNEGATE ?floored }T \ floored subtract 1
+T{ min-2int 8 16 M*/ -> lo-2int }T
+T{ min-2int -8 16 M*/ -> lo-2int DNEGATE }T
+T{ max-2int max-intd max-intd M*/ -> max-2int }T
+T{ max-2int max-intd 2/ max-intd M*/ -> max-intd 1- hi-2int NIP }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int NIP DUP NEGATE M*/ -> min-2int }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int NIP 1- max-intd M*/ -> min-intd 3 + hi-2int NIP 2 + }T
+T{ max-2int lo-2int NIP DUP NEGATE M*/ -> max-2int DNEGATE }T
+T{ min-2int max-intd DUP M*/ -> min-2int }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Create some large double numbers
+max-2int 71 73 M*/ 2CONSTANT dbl1
+min-2int 73 79 M*/ 2CONSTANT dbl2
+: d>ascii ( d -- caddr u )
+ DUP >R <# DABS #S R> SIGN #> ( -- caddr1 u )
+dbl1 d>ascii 2CONSTANT "dbl1"
+dbl2 d>ascii 2CONSTANT "dbl2"
+: DoubleOutput
+ CR ." You should see lines duplicated:" CR
+ 5 SPACES "dbl1" TYPE CR
+ 5 SPACES dbl1 D. CR
+ 8 SPACES "dbl1" DUP >R TYPE CR
+ 5 SPACES dbl1 R> 3 + D.R CR
+ 5 SPACES "dbl2" TYPE CR
+ 5 SPACES dbl2 D. CR
+ 10 SPACES "dbl2" DUP >R TYPE CR
+ 5 SPACES dbl2 R> 5 + D.R CR
+T{ DoubleOutput -> }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TESTING 2ROT DU< (Double Number extension words)
+T{ 1. 2. 3. 2ROT -> 2. 3. 1. }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int 1. 2ROT -> min-2int 1. max-2int }T
+T{ 1. 1. DU< -> FALSE }T
+T{ 1. -1. DU< -> TRUE }T
+T{ -1. 1. DU< -> FALSE }T
+T{ -1. -2. DU< -> FALSE }T
+T{ max-2int hi-2int DU< -> FALSE }T
+T{ hi-2int max-2int DU< -> TRUE }T
+T{ max-2int min-2int DU< -> TRUE }T
+T{ min-2int max-2int DU< -> FALSE }T
+T{ min-2int lo-2int DU< -> TRUE }T
+\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CR .( End of Double-Number word tests) CR