path: root/amforth-6.5/examples/life.frt
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Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/examples/life.frt')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/examples/life.frt b/amforth-6.5/examples/life.frt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8543c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amforth-6.5/examples/life.frt
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+\ Conway's Game of Life, or Occam's Razor Dulled
+\ The original ANS Forth version by Leo Wong (see bottom)
+\ has been modified slightly to allow it to run under
+\ kForth. Also, delays have been changed from 1000 ms to
+\ 100 ms for faster update --- K. Myneni, 12-26-2001
+marker Genesis
+\ needs portpone.frt, marker.frt, 2x.frt, ans.frt
+\ and finally vt100.frt already loaded
+\ ANS Forth this life is remains and
+1 chars constant /char
+: c+! ( char c-addr -- ) dup >r c@ + r> c! ;
+\ the universal pattern; optimum is 25x80, but that
+\ requires memory. The 10x20 screen works on an Atmega16
+&10 constant How-Deep
+&20 constant How-Wide
+\ nothing beyound this line should be changed
+How-Wide How-Deep * 1- \ 1- prevents scrolling on my screen
+ constant Homes
+\ world wrap
+: World
+ variable ( -- ) Homes chars allot
+ does> ( u -- c-addr ) @i swap Homes + Homes mod chars + ;
+World old
+World new
+\ biostatistics
+\ begin hexadecimal numbering
+hex \ hex xy : x holds life , y holds neighbors count
+10 constant Alive \ 0y = not alive
+\ Conway's rules:
+\ a life depends on the number of its next-door neighbors
+\ it dies if it has fewer than 2 neighbors
+: Lonely ( char -- flag ) 12 < ;
+\ it dies if it has more than 3 neighbors
+: Crowded ( char -- flag ) 13 > ;
+: -Sustaining ( char -- flag )
+ dup Lonely swap Crowded or ;
+\ it is born if it has exactly 3 neighbors
+: Quickening ( char -- flag )
+ 03 = ;
+\ back to decimal
+\ compass points
+: N ( i -- j ) How-Wide - ;
+: S ( i -- j ) How-Wide + ;
+: E ( i -- j ) 1+ ;
+: W ( i -- j ) 1- ;
+\ census
+: Home+! ( -1|1 i -- ) >r Alive * r> new c+! ;
+: Neighbors+! ( -1|0|1 i -- )
+ 2dup N W new c+! 2dup N new c+! 2dup N E new c+!
+ 2dup W new c+! ( i ) 2dup E new c+!
+ 2dup S W new c+! 2dup S new c+! S E new c+! ;
+: Bureau-of-Vital-Statistics ( -1|1 i -- )
+ 2dup Home+! Neighbors+! ;
+\ mortal coils
+char ? constant Soul
+ bl constant Body
+\ at home
+: Home ( char i -- ) How-Wide /mod at-xy emit ;
+\ changes, changes
+: Is-Born ( i -- )
+ Soul over Home
+ 1 swap Bureau-of-Vital-Statistics ;
+: Dies ( i -- )
+ Body over Home
+ -1 swap Bureau-of-Vital-Statistics ;
+\ the one and the many
+: One ( c-addr -- i )
+ 0 old - /char / ;
+: Everything ( -- )
+ 0 old Homes
+ begin dup
+ while over c@ dup Alive and
+ if -Sustaining if over One Dies then
+ else Quickening if over One Is-Born then then
+ 1 /string
+ repeat 2drop
+ How-Wide 1- How-Deep 1- at-xy ;
+\ in the beginning
+: Void ( -- )
+ 0 old Homes blank ;
+\ spirit
+: Voice ( -- c-addr u )
+ page
+ ." Say: " 0 new dup Homes accept ;
+\ subtlety
+: Serpent ( -- )
+ 0 2 at-xy ." Press a key for knowledge." key drop
+ 0 2 at-xy ." Press space to re-start, Esc to escape life." ;
+\ the primal state
+: Innocence ( -- )
+ Homes 0
+ do i new c@ Alive / i Neighbors+! loop ;
+\ children become parents
+: Passes ( -- ) 0 new 0 old Homes cmove ;
+\ a garden
+: Paradise ( c-addr u -- )
+ >r How-Deep How-Wide * How-Deep 2 mod 0= How-Wide and -
+ r@ - 2/ old
+ r> cmove
+ 0 old Homes 0
+ do count bl <>
+ dup if Soul i Home then
+ Alive and i new c!
+ loop drop
+ Serpent
+ Innocence Passes ;
+: Creation ( -- ) Void Voice Paradise ;
+\ the human element
+( 1000) 100 constant Ideas
+: Dreams ( -- ) Ideas ms ;
+( 1000) 100 constant Images
+: Meditation ( -- ) Images ms ;
+\ free will
+: Action ( -- char )
+ key? dup
+ if drop key
+ dup bl = if Creation then
+ then ;
+\ environmental dependence
+27 constant Escape
+\ history
+: Goes-On ( -- )
+ begin Everything Passes
+ Dreams Action Meditation
+ Escape = until ;
+\ a vision
+: Life ( -- ) Creation Goes-On ;
+\ run the word Life and enjoy
+\ Copyright 1995 Leo Wong
+\ hello@albany.net
+\ http://www.albany.net/~hello/