path: root/j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <ds@doozer.de>2017-05-23 17:06:09 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <ds@doozer.de>2017-05-23 17:06:09 +0200
commit6f86ce7057dd7cd1b491e8f09501258822d2ea74 (patch)
treeb3bfa11f0f72d0e1ca7c84d948af20b7494dd26b /j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs
Import j1demo
Diffstat (limited to 'j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs b/j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f501a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/j1demo/firmware/invaders.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+( Space invaders JCB 10:43 11/18/10)
+: whereis ( t -- x y )
+ >r
+ d# 384 r@ sin* d# 384 +
+ r@ d# 4 rshift d# 32 r> 2* sin* +
+56 constant nsprites
+nsprites array invx
+nsprites array invy
+nsprites array alive
+nsprites array invnext
+nsprites array anim
+: invload ( i -- ) \ load sprite i
+ \ s" sprite " type dup . s" at " type dup invx @ . dup invy @ . cr
+ dup invx @ swap
+ dup invy @ swap
+ dup anim @ swap
+ d# 7 and
+ tuck cells vga_spritep + !
+ sprite!
+: inv-makedl ( -- )
+ erasedl
+ nsprites 0do
+ \ invy -ve load sprite; +ve gives the dl offset
+ i alive @ if
+ i invy @ dup 0< if
+ drop i invload
+ else
+ dup d# 512 < if
+ \ dl[y] -> invnext[i]
+ \ i -> dl[y]
+ cells dl + dup
+ @ i invnext !
+ i swap !
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ then
+ then
+ loop
+: inv-chase
+ d# 512 0do
+ begin vga-line@ i = until
+ \ s" line" type i . cr
+ i cells dl + @
+ begin
+ dup d# 0 >=
+ while
+ dup invload
+ invnext @
+ repeat
+ loop
+: born ( x y i ) \ sprite i born
+ dup alive on
+ tuck invy !
+ invx !
+: kill ( i -- ) \ kill sprite i
+ d# 512 over invy !
+ alive off
+: isalien ( u -- f)
+ d# 6 and d# 6 <> ;
+: moveto ( i -- ) \ move invader i to current position
+ dup d# 6 and d# 6 <>
+ over alive @ and if
+ >r
+ frame @ r@ d# 7 and d# 8 * + whereis
+ r@ d# 3 rshift d# 40 * +
+ r@ invy !
+ r> invx !
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+: bomb ( u -- u ) d# 3 lshift d# 6 + ;
+: shot ( u -- u ) d# 3 lshift d# 7 + ;
+8 array lowest
+: findlowest
+ d# 8 0do d# -1 i lowest ! loop
+ d# 48 0do
+ i alive @ if
+ i dup d# 7 and lowest !
+ then
+ loop
+create bias 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 5 ,
+: rand6
+ time @ d# 7 and cells bias + @
+2variable bombalarm
+variable nextbomb
+2variable shotalarm
+variable nextshot
+variable playerx
+variable lives
+2variable score
+variable dying
+32 constant girth
+: 1+mod6 ( a )
+ dup @ dup d# 5 = if d# -5 else d# 1 then + swap ! ;
+: .status
+ 'emit @ >r ['] vga-emit 'emit !
+ home
+ s" LIVES " type lives @ .
+ d# 38 d# 0 vga-at-xy
+ s" SCORE " type score 2@ <# # # # # # # #> type
+ cr
+ lives @ 0= if
+ ['] vga-bigemit 'emit !
+ d# 8 d# 7 vga-at-xy s" GAME" type
+ d# 8 d# 17 vga-at-xy s" OVER" type
+ then
+ r> 'emit !
+: newlife
+ d# -1 lives +! .status
+ d# 0 dying !
+ d# 100 playerx !
+: parabolic ( dx dy i -- ) \ move sprite i in parabolic path
+ >r
+ swap r@ invx +!
+ dying @ d# 3 rshift +
+ r> invy +!
+: exploding
+ d# 3 d# -4 d# 48 parabolic
+ d# -3 d# -4 d# 49 parabolic
+ d# -4 d# -3 d# 50 parabolic
+ d# 4 d# -3 d# 51 parabolic
+ d# -5 d# -2 d# 52 parabolic
+ d# 5 d# -2 d# 53 parabolic
+ d# 1 d# -2 d# 55 parabolic
+: @xy ( i -- x y )
+ dup invx @ swap invy @ ;
+: dist ( u1 u2 )
+ invert + dup 0< xor ;
+: fall
+ d# 6 0do
+ i bomb
+ d# 4 over invy +!
+ @xy d# 470 dist d# 16 < swap
+ playerx @ dist girth < and
+ dying @ 0= and if
+ d# 1 dying !
+ then
+ loop
+: trigger \ if shotalarm expired, launch new shot
+ shotalarm isalarm if
+ d# 400000. shotalarm setalarm
+ playerx @ d# 480
+ nextshot @ shot born
+ nextshot 1+mod6
+ then
+: collide ( x y -- u )
+ d# 48 0do
+ i isalien i alive @ and if
+ over i invx @ dist d# 16 <
+ over i invy @ dist d# 16 < and if
+ 2drop i unloop exit
+ then
+ then
+ loop
+ 2drop
+ d# -1
+: rise
+ d# 6 0do
+ i shot >r r@ alive @ if
+ d# -5 r@ invy +!
+ r@ invy @ d# -30 < if r@ kill then
+ r@ @xy collide dup 0< if
+ drop
+ else
+ kill r@ kill
+ d# 10. score 2@ d+ score 2!
+ .status
+ then
+ then
+ r> drop
+ loop
+: doplayer
+ lives @ if
+ dying @ 0= if
+ buttons >r
+ girth 2/ playerx @ <
+ r@ pb2 and and if
+ d# -4 playerx +!
+ then
+ playerx @ d# 800 girth 2/ - <
+ r@ pb3 and and if
+ d# 4 playerx +!
+ then
+ r> pb4 and if
+ trigger
+ \ else trigger
+ then
+ d# 6 0do
+ frame @ d# 3 lshift i d# 42 * +
+ girth swap sin* playerx @ +
+ d# 480
+ i d# 48 +
+ dup anim on
+ born
+ loop
+ playerx @ d# 470 d# 55 born
+ else
+ exploding
+ d# 1 dying +!
+ dying @ d# 100 > if
+ newlife
+ then
+ then
+ then
+create cscheme
+ h# 400 ,
+ h# 440 ,
+ h# 040 ,
+ h# 044 ,
+ h# 004 ,
+ h# 404 ,
+ h# 340 ,
+ h# 444 ,
+: invaders-cold
+ vga-page
+ d# 16384 0do
+ h# 208000. 2/ i s>d d+ flash@
+ i vga_spritea ! vga_spriteport !
+ loop
+ vga_addsprites on
+ rainbow
+ \ vga_spritep d# 6 cells + on
+ \ everything dead
+ nsprites 0do
+ i kill
+ loop
+ \ all aliens alive
+ d# 48 0do
+ i isalien i alive !
+ loop
+ d# 500000. bombalarm setalarm
+ d# 0 nextbomb !
+ d# 100000. shotalarm setalarm
+ d# 0 nextshot !
+ d# 4 lives !
+ d# 0. score 2!
+ newlife
+ time@ xor seed !
+ d# 0 frame !
+ d# 48 0do i moveto loop
+0 [IF]
+: escape
+ vision isalarm next? or ;
+: restart
+ vision isalarm sw2_n @ 0= or ;
+: escape
+ next? ;
+: restart
+ sw2_n @ 0= ;
+: gameloop
+ invaders-cold
+ begin
+depth if snap then
+ inv-makedl
+depth if snap then
+ inv-chase
+depth if snap then
+ frame @ 1+ frame !
+ d# 48 0do i moveto loop
+ findlowest
+ bombalarm isalarm if
+ d# 800000. bombalarm setalarm
+ rand6 lowest @ dup 0< if
+ drop
+ else
+ dup invx @ swap invy @
+ dup d# 460 > if d# 1 dying ! then
+ nextbomb @ bomb born
+ nextbomb 1+mod6
+ then
+ then
+depth if snap then
+ fall
+depth if snap then
+ rise
+depth if snap then
+ doplayer
+depth if snap then
+ escape if exit then
+ again
+: invaders-main
+ invaders-cold
+ d# 9000000. vision setalarm
+ gameloop
+ snap
+ frame @ . s" frames" type cr