path: root/j1eforth/ipv4.4th
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authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2019-10-30 20:04:56 +0100
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2019-10-30 20:04:56 +0100
commita76977af62010a392c16010c367185e61e856ffe (patch)
tree56cf4177d5bc0e3ead781d1c60818c13b1df0f3c /j1eforth/ipv4.4th
parentc0165d167d7cb40d80028bcf7a4a6b160b5a7e83 (diff)
mv to docs
Diffstat (limited to 'j1eforth/ipv4.4th')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/j1eforth/ipv4.4th b/j1eforth/ipv4.4th
deleted file mode 100644
index 080686c..0000000
--- a/j1eforth/ipv4.4th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- I feel that the Kernel is at it's best for now and that I can proceed
- to do some other things. Note that version 1 is just to make the whole
- thing work, later on I might look at optimisation where I might have to move
- some stuff around so that memory utilization and execution speed efficiency is
- achieved.So far the Kernel works without needing tweaks.
- Work in progress: Implementing simple ipv4 for the j1eforth model
- 7 project targets:
- 1. Add multi-tasking support to the Kernel - 0%
- 2. Modify j1 sim to use pcap interface for network tx and rx - 0%
- 3. ARP - 0%
- 4. ICMP - 0%
- 5. IP - 0%
- 6. UDP - 0%
- 7. TCP - 0%
- Hopefully I will get time to do all this and also document the design of
- the j1eforth Kernel for those who are starting out with forth and also those
- who wish to tinker with the Kernel for fun.
-forth-wordlist >voc forth
-vocabulary ipv4.1
-only forth also ipv4.1
-ipv4.1 definitions
-variable active_struct
-: field
- create over , +
- does>
- @ active_struct @ + ;
-( ethernet frame )
- 6 field eth_dest ( 48 bit source address )
- 6 field eth_src ( 48 bit destination address )
- 2 field eth_type ( 16 bit type )
-constant eth_frame%
-( arp message )
- 2 field arp_hw ( 16 bit hw type )
- 2 field arp_proto ( 16 bit protocol )
- 1 field arp_hlen ( 8 bit hw address length )
- 1 field arp_plen ( 8 bit protocol address length )
- 2 field arp_op ( 16 bit operation )
- 6 field arp_shw ( 48 bit sender hw address )
- 4 field arp_sp ( 32 bit sender ipv4 address )
- 6 field arp_thw ( 48 bit target hw address )
- 4 field arp_tp ( 32 bit target ipv4 address )
-constant arp_message%
-( arp cache )
- 4 field ac_ip ( 32 bit protocol address )
- 6 field ac_hw ( 48 bit hw address )
-constant arp_cache%
-( ipv4 datagram header )
- 1 field ip_vhl ( 4 bit version and 4 bit header length )
- 1 field ip_tos ( 8 bit type of service )
- 2 field ip_len ( 16 bit length )
- 2 field ip_id ( 16 bit identification )
- 2 field ip_frags ( 3 bit flags 13 bit fragment offset )
- 1 field ip_ttl ( 8 bit time to live )
- 1 field ip_proto ( 8 bit protocol number )
- 2 field ip_checksum ( 16 bit checksum )
- 4 field ip_source ( 32 bit source address )
- 4 field ip_dest ( 32 bit destination address )
-constant ip_header%
-( icmp header )
- 1 field icmp_type ( 8 bits type )
- 1 field icmp_code ( 8 bits code )
- 2 field icmp_checksum ( 16 bits checksum )
-constant icmp_header%
-( udp datagram )
- 2 field udp_source ( 16 bit source port )
- 2 field udp_dest ( 16 bit destination port )
- 2 field udp_len ( 16 bit length )
- 2 field udp_checksum ( 16 bit checksum )
-constant udp_datagram%
-( tcp header )
- 2 field tcp_source ( 16 bit source port )
- 2 field tcp_dest ( 16 bit destination port )
- 4 field tcp_seq ( 32 bit sequence number )
- 4 field tcp_ack ( 32 bit acknowledgement )
- 1 field tcp_offset ( 8 bit offset )
- 2 field tcp_flags ( 16 bit flags )
- 1 field tcp_window ( 8 bit window size )
- 2 field tcp_checksum ( 16 bit checksum )
- 2 field tcp_urgent ( 16 bit urgent pointer )
-constant tcp_header%
-4000 constant eth_rx_buf
-: htons ( n -- n )
- dup ff and 8 lshift swap ff00 and 8 rshift or ;
-create ip_addr a8c0 , fe0b ,
-create ip_netmask ffff , 00ff ,
-create hw_addr bd00 , 333b , 7f05 ,
- 8 constant eth_ip_type
- 608 constant eth_arp_type
-3580 constant eth_rarp_type
-100 constant arp_request_type
-200 constant arp_reply_type
-0 constant icmp_echo_reply
-8 constant icmp_echo
-0 constant arp_action
-: arp_lookup 0 to arp_action ;
-: arp_update 1 to arp_action ;
-: arp_insert 2 to arp_action ;
-: arp_delete 3 to arp_action ;
-: +arp_age 4 to arp_action ;
-: (arp_lookup) cr ." compare" . . ;
-: (arp_update) cr ." update" . . ;
-: (arp_insert) cr ." insert" ;
-: (arp_delete) cr ." delete" ;
-: (+arp_age) cr ." age" ;
-: arp_table ( u -- )
- create here over allot swap erase
- does>
- swap arp_cache% * +
- arp_action 0 to arp_action
- case
- 0 of (arp_lookup) endof
- 1 of (arp_update) endof
- 2 of (arp_insert) endof
- 3 of (arp_delete) endof
- 4 of (+arp_age) endof
- ." unknown cache option"
- endcase ;
-arp_cache% 8 * arp_table arp_cache
-: eth_rx f008 @ ;
-: eth_tx f008 ! ;
-: checksum ( address count -- checksum)
- over + 0 -rot
- do
- i @ + i @ over u> if 1+ then
- -2 +loop
- dup 10 rshift swap ffff and +
- dup 10 rshift +
- ffff xor ;
-: arp_in ( -- )
- eth_frame% active_struct +!
- arp_op @ arp_request_type = if
- 100 arp_hw !
- eth_ip_type arp_proto !
- 6 arp_hlen c!
- 4 arp_plen c!
- arp_reply_type arp_op !
- arp_shw arp_thw 6 cmove
- hw_addr arp_shw 6 cmove
- arp_sp arp_tp 4 cmove
- ip_addr arp_sp 4 cmove
- arp_thw
- eth_rx_buf active_struct !
- eth_dest 6 cmove
- hw_addr eth_src 6 cmove
- eth_arp_type eth_type !
- eth_tx
- else
- ( arp_update )
- then ;
-: icmp_in
- ip_len @ htons
- ip_header% active_struct +!
- icmp_type c@ 8 = if
- 0 icmp_type c!
- icmp_checksum @ fff7 = if
- 9 icmp_checksum +!
- else 8 icmp_checksum +! then
- else
- cr ." weird icmp packet"
- then eth_tx ;
-: udp_in cr ." got udp packet." ;
-: tcp_in cr ." got tcp packet." ;
-: ip_in ( -- )
- eth_frame% active_struct +!
- ip_vhl @ 45 = if
- ip_proto c@ case
- 1 of
- ip_source dup ip_dest 4 cmove
- ip_addr swap 4 cmove
- icmp_in
- endof
- 6 of tcp_in endof
- 17 of udp_in endof
- cr ." unknown ip protocol:"
- endcase
- else
- cr ." unsupported ip version detected"
- then ;
-: process ( -- )
- eth_type @ case
- eth_arp_type of arp_in endof
- eth_ip_type of ip_in endof
- cr ." unknown ethernet protocol"
- endcase ;
-: pcap_poll
- eth_rx_buf active_struct !
- active_struct @ 5dc erase
- eth_rx ;
-: round
- pcap_poll 0 <> if
- process
- then ;
-: main
- begin
- round
- again
-( main )
-forth definitions
-ipv4.1 definitions