path: root/j1demo/firmware/nuc.fs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'j1demo/firmware/nuc.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 546 deletions
diff --git a/j1demo/firmware/nuc.fs b/j1demo/firmware/nuc.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index deadcc7..0000000
--- a/j1demo/firmware/nuc.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-( Nucleus: ANS Forth core and ext words JCB 13:11 08/24/10)
-module[ nuc"
-32 constant sp
-0 constant false ( 6.2.1485 )
-: depth dsp h# ff and ;
-: true ( 6.2.2298 ) d# -1 ;
-: 1+ d# 1 + ;
-: rot >r swap r> swap ;
-: -rot swap >r swap r> ;
-: 0= d# 0 = ;
-: tuck swap over ;
-: 2drop drop drop ;
-: ?dup dup if dup then ;
-: split ( a m -- a&m a&~m )
- over \ a m a
- and \ a a&m
- tuck \ a&m a a&m
- xor \ a&m a&~m
-: merge ( a b m -- m?b:a )
- >r \ a b
- over xor \ a a^b
- r> and \ a (a^b)&m
- xor \ ((a^b)&m)^a
-: c@ dup @ swap d# 1 and if d# 8 rshift else d# 255 and then ;
-: c! ( u c-addr )
- swap h# ff and dup d# 8 lshift or swap
- tuck dup @ swap ( c-addr u v c-addr )
- d# 1 and d# 0 = h# ff xor
- merge swap !
-: c!be d# 1 xor c! ;
-: looptest ( -- FIN )
- r> ( xt )
- r> ( xt i )
- 1+
- r@ over = ( xt i FIN )
- dup if
- nip r> drop
- else
- swap >r
- then ( xt FIN )
- swap
- >r
-\ Stack
-: 2dup over over ;
-: +! tuck @ + swap ! ;
-\ Comparisons
-: <> = invert ;
-: 0<> 0= invert ;
-: 0< d# 0 < ;
-: 0>= 0< invert ;
-: 0> d# 0 ;fallthru
-: > swap < ;
-: >= < invert ;
-: <= > invert ;
-: u> swap u< ;
-\ Arithmetic
-: negate invert 1+ ;
-: - negate + ;
-: abs dup 0< if negate then ;
-: min 2dup < ;fallthru
-: ?: ( xt xf f -- xt | xf) if drop else nip then ;
-: max 2dup > ?: ;
-code cells end-code
-code addrcells end-code
-: 2* d# 1 lshift ;
-code cell+ end-code
-code addrcell+ end-code
-: 2+ d# 2 + ;
-: 2- 1- 1- ;
-: 2/ d# 1 rshift ;
-: c+! tuck c@ + swap c! ;
-: count dup 1+ swap c@ ;
-: /string dup >r - swap r> + swap ;
-: aligned 1+ h# fffe and ;
-: sliteral
- r>
- count
- 2dup
- +
- aligned
-: execute >r ;
-: 15down down1 ;fallthru
-: 14down down1 ;fallthru
-: 13down down1 ;fallthru
-: 12down down1 ;fallthru
-: 11down down1 ;fallthru
-: 10down down1 ;fallthru
-: 9down down1 ;fallthru
-: 8down down1 ;fallthru
-: 7down down1 ;fallthru
-: 6down down1 ;fallthru
-: 5down down1 ;fallthru
-: 4down down1 ;fallthru
-: 3down down1 ;fallthru
-: 2down down1 ;fallthru
-: 1down down1 ;fallthru
-: 0down copy ;
-: 15up up1 ;fallthru
-: 14up up1 ;fallthru
-: 13up up1 ;fallthru
-: 12up up1 ;fallthru
-: 11up up1 ;fallthru
-: 10up up1 ;fallthru
-: 9up up1 ;fallthru
-: 8up up1 ;fallthru
-: 7up up1 ;fallthru
-: 6up up1 ;fallthru
-: 5up up1 ;fallthru
-: 4up up1 ;fallthru
-: 3up up1 ;fallthru
-: 2up up1 ;fallthru
-: 1up up1 ;fallthru
-: 0up ;
-code pickbody
- copy return
- 1down scall 1up ubranch
- 2down scall 2up ubranch
- 3down scall 3up ubranch
- 4down scall 4up ubranch
- 5down scall 5up ubranch
- 6down scall 6up ubranch
- 7down scall 7up ubranch
- 8down scall 8up ubranch
- 9down scall 9up ubranch
- 10down scall 10up ubranch
- 11down scall 11up ubranch
- 12down scall 12up ubranch
- 13down scall 13up ubranch
- 14down scall 14up ubranch
- 15down scall 15up ubranch
-: pick
- dup 2* 2* ['] pickbody + execute ;
-: swapdown
- ]asm
- N T->N alu
- T d-1 alu
- asm[
-: swapdowns
- swapdown swapdown swapdown swapdown
- swapdown swapdown swapdown swapdown
- swapdown swapdown swapdown swapdown
- swapdown swapdown swapdown swapdown ;fallthru
-: swapdown0 ;
-: roll
- 2*
- ['] 0up over - >r
- ['] swapdown0 swap - execute
-\ ========================================================================
-\ Double
-\ ========================================================================
-: d= ( a b c d -- f )
- >r \ a b c
- rot xor \ b a^c
- swap r> xor \ a^c b^d
- or 0=
-: 2@ ( ptr -- lo hi )
- dup @ swap 2+ @
-: 2! ( lo hi ptr -- )
- rot over \ hi ptr lo ptr
- ! 2+ !
-: 2over >r >r 2dup r> r> ;fallthru
-: 2swap rot >r rot r> ;
-: 2nip rot drop rot drop ;
-: 2rot ( d1 d2 d3 -- d2 d3 d1 ) 2>r 2swap 2r> 2swap ;
-: 2pick
- 2* 1+ dup 1+ \ lo hi ... 2k+1 2k+2
- pick \ lo hi ... 2k+1 lo
- swap \ lo hi ... lo 2k+1
- pick \ lo hi ... lo hi
-: d+ ( augend . addend . -- sum . )
- rot + >r ( augend addend)
- over + ( augend sum)
- dup rot ( sum sum augend)
- u< if ( sum)
- r> 1+
- else
- r>
- then ( sum . )
-: +h ( u1 u2 -- u1+u2/2**16 )
- over + ( a a+b )
- u> d# 1 and
-: +1c \ one's complement add, as in TCP checksum
- 2dup +h + +
-: s>d dup 0< ;
-: d1+ d# 1. d+ ;
-: dnegate
- invert swap invert swap
- d1+
-: DABS ( d -- ud ) ( ) DUP 0< IF DNEGATE THEN ;
-: d- dnegate d+ ;
-\ Write zero to double
-: dz d# 0 dup rot 2! ;
-: dxor \ ( a b c d -- e f )
- rot xor \ a c b^d
- -rot xor \ b^d a^c
- swap
-: dand rot and -rot and swap ;
-: dor rot or -rot or swap ;
-: dinvert invert swap invert swap ;
-: d< \ ( al ah bl bh -- flag )
- rot \ al bl bh ah
- 2dup =
- if
- 2drop u<
- else
- 2nip >
- then
-: d> 2swap d< ;
-: d0<= d# 0. ;fallthru
-: d<= d> invert ;
-: d>= d< invert ;
-: d0= or 0= ;
-: d0< d# 0. d< ;
-: d0<> d0= invert ;
-: d<> d= invert ;
-: d2* 2dup d+ ;
-: d2/ dup d# 15 lshift >r 2/ swap 2/ r> or swap ;
-: dmax 2over 2over d< if 2swap then 2drop ;
-: d1- d# -1. d+ ;
-: d+! ( v. addr -- )
- dup >r
- 2@
- d+
- r>
- 2!
-: move ( addr1 addr2 u -- )
- d# 0 do
- over @ over !
- 2+ swap 2+ swap
- loop
- 2drop
-: cmove ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- )
- d# 0 do
- over c@ over c!
- 1+ swap 1+ swap
- loop
- 2drop
-: bounds ( a n -- a+n a ) OVER + SWAP ;
-: fill ( c-addr u char -- ) ( 6.1.1540 )
- >R bounds
- BEGIN 2dupxor
-\ Math
-0 [IF]
-create scratch d# 2 allot
-: um* ( u1 u2 -- ud )
- scratch !
- d# 0.
- d# 16 0do
- 2dup d+
- rot dup 0< if
- 2* -rot
- scratch @ d# 0 d+
- else
- 2* -rot
- then
- loop
- rot drop
-: um* mult_a ! mult_b ! mult_p 2@ ;
-: * um* drop ;
-: abssgn ( a b -- |a| |b| negf )
- 2dup xor 0< >r abs swap abs swap r> ;
-: m* abssgn >r um* r> if dnegate then ;
-: divstep
- ( divisor dq hi )
- 2*
- over 0< if 1+ then
- swap 2* swap
- rot ( dq hi divisor )
- 2dup >= if
- tuck ( dq divisor hi divisor )
- -
- swap ( dq hi divisor )
- rot 1+ ( hi divisor dq )
- rot ( divisor dq hi )
- else
- -rot
- then
- ;
-: um/mod ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 ) ( 6.1.2370 )
- -rot
- divstep divstep divstep divstep
- divstep divstep divstep divstep
- divstep divstep divstep divstep
- divstep divstep divstep divstep
- rot drop swap
-: /mod >R S>D R> ;fallthru
-: SM/REM ( d n -- r q ) ( 6.1.2214 ) ( symmetric )
-: / /mod nip ;
-: mod /mod drop ;
-: */mod >R M* R> SM/REM ;
-: */ */mod nip ;
-: t2* over >r >r d2*
- r> 2* r> 0< d# 1 and + ;
-variable divisor
-: m*/mod
- divisor !
- tuck um* 2swap um* ( hi. lo. )
- ( m0 h l m1 )
- swap >r d# 0 d+ r> ( m h l )
- -rot ( l m h )
- d# 32 0do
- t2*
- dup divisor @ >= if
- divisor @ -
- rot 1+ -rot
- then
- loop
-: m*/ m*/mod drop ;
-\ Numeric output - from eforth
-variable base
-variable hld
-create pad 84 allot create pad|
-: <# ( -- ) ( 6.1.0490 )( h# 96 ) pad| HLD ! ;
-: DIGIT ( u -- c ) d# 9 OVER < d# 7 AND + [CHAR] 0 + ;
-: HOLD ( c -- ) ( 6.1.1670 ) HLD @ 1- DUP HLD ! C! ;
-: # ( d -- d ) ( 6.1.0030 )
-: #S ( d -- d ) ( 6.1.0050 ) BEGIN # 2DUP OR 0= UNTIL ;
-: #> ( d -- a u ) ( 6.1.0040 ) 2DROP HLD @ pad| OVER - ;
-: SIGN ( n -- ) ( 6.1.2210 ) 0< IF [CHAR] - HOLD THEN ;
-\ hex(int((1<<24) * (115200 / 2400.) / (WB_CLOCK_FREQ / 2400.)))
-\ d# 42000000 constant WB_CLOCK_FREQ
-[ 48000000 17 12 */ ] constant WB_CLOCK_FREQ
-0 [IF]
-: uartbase
- [ $100000000. 115200 WB_CLOCK_FREQ m*/ drop $ffffff00 and dup swap 16 rshift ] 2literal
-: emit-uart
- begin uart_0 @ 0= until
- s>d
- uartbase dor
- uart_1 ! uart_0 !
-: emit-uart drop ;
-create 'emit
-meta emit-uart t, target
-: emit 'emit @ execute ;
-: cr d# 13 emit d# 10 emit ;
-d# 32 constant bl
-: space bl emit ;
-: spaces begin dup 0> while space 1- repeat drop ;
-: hex1 d# 15 and dup d# 10 < if d# 48 else d# 55 then + emit ;
-: hex2
- dup
- d# 4 rshift
- hex1 hex1
-: hex4
- dup
- d# 8 rshift
- hex2 hex2 ;
-: hex8 hex4 hex4 ;
-: type
- d# 0 do
- dup c@ emit
- 1+
- loop
- drop
-: dump
- ( addr u )
- 0do
- dup d# 15 and 0= if dup cr hex4 [char] : emit space space then
- dup c@ hex2 space 1+
- loop
- cr drop
-: dump16
- ( addr u )
- 0do
- dup hex4 [char] : emit space dup @ hex4 cr 2+
- loop
- drop
-: decimal d# 10 base ! ;
-: hex d# 16 base ! ;
-: S.R ( a u n -- ) OVER - SPACES TYPE ;
-: D.R ( d n -- ) ( ) >R DUP >R DABS <# #S R> SIGN #> R> S.R ;
-: U.R ( u n -- ) ( 6.2.2330 ) d# 0 SWAP D.R ;
-: .R ( n n -- ) ( 6.2.0210 ) >R S>D R> D.R ;
-: D. ( d -- ) ( ) d# 0 D.R SPACE ;
-: U. ( u -- ) ( 6.1.2320 ) d# 0 D. ;
-: . ( n -- ) ( 6.1.0180 ) BASE @ d# 10 XOR IF U. EXIT THEN S>D D. ;
-: ? ( a -- ) ( ) @ . ;
-( Numeric input )
-: DIGIT? ( c base -- u f ) ( 0xA3 )
- >R [CHAR] 0 - D# 9 OVER <
- IF D# 7 - DUP D# 10 < OR THEN DUP R> U< ;
-: >number ( ud a u -- ud a u ) ( 6.1.0570 )
- begin
- dup 0= if exit then
- over c@ base @ digit? if
- >r 2swap
- drop base @ um*
- r> s>d d+ 2swap
- d# 1 /string >number
- else
- drop exit
- then
- again
-: .s
- [char] < emit
- depth dup hex2
- [char] > emit
- d# 8 min
- ?dup if
- 0do
- i pick hex4 space
- loop
- then
-build-debug? [IF]
-: (assert)
- s" **** ASSERTION FAILED **** " type
- ;fallthru
-: (snap)
- type space
- s" LINE " type
- .
- [char] : emit
- space
- .s
- cr
-\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
-: endian dup d# 8 lshift swap d# 8 rshift or ;
-: 2endian endian swap endian ;
-: swab endian ;
-: typepad ( c-addr u w ) over - >r type r> spaces ;
-: even? d# 1 and 0= ;
-\ rise? and fall? act like ! - except that they leave a true
-\ if the value rose or fell, respectively.
-: rise? ( u a -- f ) 2dup @ u> >r ! r> ;
-: fall? ( u a -- f ) 2dup @ u< >r ! r> ;