diff options
6 files changed, 1608 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ast/ast.go b/ast/ast.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8c133f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast.go
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package ast
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "monkey/token"
+ "strings"
+// The base Node interface
+type Node interface {
+ TokenLiteral() string
+ String() string
+// All statement nodes implement this
+type Statement interface {
+ Node
+ statementNode()
+// All expression nodes implement this
+type Expression interface {
+ Node
+ expressionNode()
+type Program struct {
+ Statements []Statement
+func (p *Program) TokenLiteral() string {
+ if len(p.Statements) > 0 {
+ return p.Statements[0].TokenLiteral()
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
+func (p *Program) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ for _, s := range p.Statements {
+ out.WriteString(s.String())
+ }
+ return out.String()
+// Statements
+type LetStatement struct {
+ Token token.Token // the token.LET token
+ Name *Identifier
+ Value Expression
+func (ls *LetStatement) statementNode() {}
+func (ls *LetStatement) TokenLiteral() string { return ls.Token.Literal }
+func (ls *LetStatement) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.WriteString(ls.TokenLiteral() + " ")
+ out.WriteString(ls.Name.String())
+ out.WriteString(" = ")
+ if ls.Value != nil {
+ out.WriteString(ls.Value.String())
+ }
+ out.WriteString(";")
+ return out.String()
+type ReturnStatement struct {
+ Token token.Token // the 'return' token
+ ReturnValue Expression
+func (rs *ReturnStatement) statementNode() {}
+func (rs *ReturnStatement) TokenLiteral() string { return rs.Token.Literal }
+func (rs *ReturnStatement) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.WriteString(rs.TokenLiteral() + " ")
+ if rs.ReturnValue != nil {
+ out.WriteString(rs.ReturnValue.String())
+ }
+ out.WriteString(";")
+ return out.String()
+type ExpressionStatement struct {
+ Token token.Token // the first token of the expression
+ Expression Expression
+func (es *ExpressionStatement) statementNode() {}
+func (es *ExpressionStatement) TokenLiteral() string { return es.Token.Literal }
+func (es *ExpressionStatement) String() string {
+ if es.Expression != nil {
+ return es.Expression.String()
+ }
+ return ""
+type BlockStatement struct {
+ Token token.Token // the { token
+ Statements []Statement
+func (bs *BlockStatement) statementNode() {}
+func (bs *BlockStatement) TokenLiteral() string { return bs.Token.Literal }
+func (bs *BlockStatement) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ for _, s := range bs.Statements {
+ out.WriteString(s.String())
+ }
+ return out.String()
+// Expressions
+type Identifier struct {
+ Token token.Token // the token.IDENT token
+ Value string
+func (i *Identifier) expressionNode() {}
+func (i *Identifier) TokenLiteral() string { return i.Token.Literal }
+func (i *Identifier) String() string { return i.Value }
+type Boolean struct {
+ Token token.Token
+ Value bool
+func (b *Boolean) expressionNode() {}
+func (b *Boolean) TokenLiteral() string { return b.Token.Literal }
+func (b *Boolean) String() string { return b.Token.Literal }
+type IntegerLiteral struct {
+ Token token.Token
+ Value int64
+func (il *IntegerLiteral) expressionNode() {}
+func (il *IntegerLiteral) TokenLiteral() string { return il.Token.Literal }
+func (il *IntegerLiteral) String() string { return il.Token.Literal }
+type PrefixExpression struct {
+ Token token.Token // The prefix token, e.g. !
+ Operator string
+ Right Expression
+func (pe *PrefixExpression) expressionNode() {}
+func (pe *PrefixExpression) TokenLiteral() string { return pe.Token.Literal }
+func (pe *PrefixExpression) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.WriteString("(")
+ out.WriteString(pe.Operator)
+ out.WriteString(pe.Right.String())
+ out.WriteString(")")
+ return out.String()
+type InfixExpression struct {
+ Token token.Token // The operator token, e.g. +
+ Left Expression
+ Operator string
+ Right Expression
+func (oe *InfixExpression) expressionNode() {}
+func (oe *InfixExpression) TokenLiteral() string { return oe.Token.Literal }
+func (oe *InfixExpression) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.WriteString("(")
+ out.WriteString(oe.Left.String())
+ out.WriteString(" " + oe.Operator + " ")
+ out.WriteString(oe.Right.String())
+ out.WriteString(")")
+ return out.String()
+type IfExpression struct {
+ Token token.Token // The 'if' token
+ Condition Expression
+ Consequence *BlockStatement
+ Alternative *BlockStatement
+func (ie *IfExpression) expressionNode() {}
+func (ie *IfExpression) TokenLiteral() string { return ie.Token.Literal }
+func (ie *IfExpression) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ out.WriteString("if")
+ out.WriteString(ie.Condition.String())
+ out.WriteString(" ")
+ out.WriteString(ie.Consequence.String())
+ if ie.Alternative != nil {
+ out.WriteString("else ")
+ out.WriteString(ie.Alternative.String())
+ }
+ return out.String()
+type FunctionLiteral struct {
+ Token token.Token // The 'fn' token
+ Parameters []*Identifier
+ Body *BlockStatement
+func (fl *FunctionLiteral) expressionNode() {}
+func (fl *FunctionLiteral) TokenLiteral() string { return fl.Token.Literal }
+func (fl *FunctionLiteral) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ params := []string{}
+ for _, p := range fl.Parameters {
+ params = append(params, p.String())
+ }
+ out.WriteString(fl.TokenLiteral())
+ out.WriteString("(")
+ out.WriteString(strings.Join(params, ", "))
+ out.WriteString(") ")
+ out.WriteString(fl.Body.String())
+ return out.String()
+type CallExpression struct {
+ Token token.Token // The '(' token
+ Function Expression // Identifier or FunctionLiteral
+ Arguments []Expression
+func (ce *CallExpression) expressionNode() {}
+func (ce *CallExpression) TokenLiteral() string { return ce.Token.Literal }
+func (ce *CallExpression) String() string {
+ var out bytes.Buffer
+ args := []string{}
+ for _, a := range ce.Arguments {
+ args = append(args, a.String())
+ }
+ out.WriteString(ce.Function.String())
+ out.WriteString("(")
+ out.WriteString(strings.Join(args, ", "))
+ out.WriteString(")")
+ return out.String()
diff --git a/ast/ast_test.go b/ast/ast_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a49dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/ast_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package ast
+import (
+ "monkey/token"
+ "testing"
+func TestString(t *testing.T) {
+ program := &Program{
+ Statements: []Statement{
+ &LetStatement{
+ Token: token.Token{Type: token.LET, Literal: "let"},
+ Name: &Identifier{
+ Token: token.Token{Type: token.IDENT, Literal: "myVar"},
+ Value: "myVar",
+ },
+ Value: &Identifier{
+ Token: token.Token{Type: token.IDENT, Literal: "anotherVar"},
+ Value: "anotherVar",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ if program.String() != "let myVar = anotherVar;" {
+ t.Errorf("program.String() wrong. got=%q", program.String())
+ }
diff --git a/parser/parser.go b/parser/parser.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c4a9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+package parser
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "monkey/ast"
+ "monkey/lexer"
+ "monkey/token"
+ "strconv"
+const (
+ _ int = iota
+ EQUALS // ==
+ LESSGREATER // > or <
+ SUM // +
+ PRODUCT // *
+ PREFIX // -X or !X
+ CALL // myFunction(X)
+var precedences = map[token.TokenType]int{
+ token.EQ: EQUALS,
+ token.NOT_EQ: EQUALS,
+ token.PLUS: SUM,
+ token.MINUS: SUM,
+ token.LPAREN: CALL,
+type (
+ prefixParseFn func() ast.Expression
+ infixParseFn func(ast.Expression) ast.Expression
+type Parser struct {
+ l *lexer.Lexer
+ errors []string
+ curToken token.Token
+ peekToken token.Token
+ prefixParseFns map[token.TokenType]prefixParseFn
+ infixParseFns map[token.TokenType]infixParseFn
+func New(l *lexer.Lexer) *Parser {
+ p := &Parser{
+ l: l,
+ errors: []string{},
+ }
+ p.prefixParseFns = make(map[token.TokenType]prefixParseFn)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.IDENT, p.parseIdentifier)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.INT, p.parseIntegerLiteral)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.BANG, p.parsePrefixExpression)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.MINUS, p.parsePrefixExpression)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.TRUE, p.parseBoolean)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.FALSE, p.parseBoolean)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.LPAREN, p.parseGroupedExpression)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.IF, p.parseIfExpression)
+ p.registerPrefix(token.FUNCTION, p.parseFunctionLiteral)
+ p.infixParseFns = make(map[token.TokenType]infixParseFn)
+ p.registerInfix(token.PLUS, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.MINUS, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.SLASH, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.ASTERISK, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.EQ, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.NOT_EQ, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.LT, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.GT, p.parseInfixExpression)
+ p.registerInfix(token.LPAREN, p.parseCallExpression)
+ // Read two tokens, so curToken and peekToken are both set
+ p.nextToken()
+ p.nextToken()
+ return p
+func (p *Parser) nextToken() {
+ p.curToken = p.peekToken
+ p.peekToken = p.l.NextToken()
+func (p *Parser) curTokenIs(t token.TokenType) bool {
+ return p.curToken.Type == t
+func (p *Parser) peekTokenIs(t token.TokenType) bool {
+ return p.peekToken.Type == t
+func (p *Parser) expectPeek(t token.TokenType) bool {
+ if p.peekTokenIs(t) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ return true
+ } else {
+ p.peekError(t)
+ return false
+ }
+func (p *Parser) Errors() []string {
+ return p.errors
+func (p *Parser) peekError(t token.TokenType) {
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf("expected next token to be %s, got %s instead",
+ t, p.peekToken.Type)
+ p.errors = append(p.errors, msg)
+func (p *Parser) noPrefixParseFnError(t token.TokenType) {
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf("no prefix parse function for %s found", t)
+ p.errors = append(p.errors, msg)
+func (p *Parser) ParseProgram() *ast.Program {
+ program := &ast.Program{}
+ program.Statements = []ast.Statement{}
+ for !p.curTokenIs(token.EOF) {
+ stmt := p.parseStatement()
+ if stmt != nil {
+ program.Statements = append(program.Statements, stmt)
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ }
+ return program
+func (p *Parser) parseStatement() ast.Statement {
+ switch p.curToken.Type {
+ case token.LET:
+ return p.parseLetStatement()
+ case token.RETURN:
+ return p.parseReturnStatement()
+ default:
+ return p.parseExpressionStatement()
+ }
+func (p *Parser) parseLetStatement() *ast.LetStatement {
+ stmt := &ast.LetStatement{Token: p.curToken}
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.IDENT) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ stmt.Name = &ast.Identifier{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curToken.Literal}
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.ASSIGN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ stmt.Value = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ }
+ return stmt
+func (p *Parser) parseReturnStatement() *ast.ReturnStatement {
+ stmt := &ast.ReturnStatement{Token: p.curToken}
+ p.nextToken()
+ stmt.ReturnValue = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ }
+ return stmt
+func (p *Parser) parseExpressionStatement() *ast.ExpressionStatement {
+ stmt := &ast.ExpressionStatement{Token: p.curToken}
+ stmt.Expression = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ }
+ return stmt
+func (p *Parser) parseExpression(precedence int) ast.Expression {
+ prefix := p.prefixParseFns[p.curToken.Type]
+ if prefix == nil {
+ p.noPrefixParseFnError(p.curToken.Type)
+ return nil
+ }
+ leftExp := prefix()
+ for !p.peekTokenIs(token.SEMICOLON) && precedence < p.peekPrecedence() {
+ infix := p.infixParseFns[p.peekToken.Type]
+ if infix == nil {
+ return leftExp
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ leftExp = infix(leftExp)
+ }
+ return leftExp
+func (p *Parser) peekPrecedence() int {
+ if p, ok := precedences[p.peekToken.Type]; ok {
+ return p
+ }
+ return LOWEST
+func (p *Parser) curPrecedence() int {
+ if p, ok := precedences[p.curToken.Type]; ok {
+ return p
+ }
+ return LOWEST
+func (p *Parser) parseIdentifier() ast.Expression {
+ return &ast.Identifier{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curToken.Literal}
+func (p *Parser) parseIntegerLiteral() ast.Expression {
+ lit := &ast.IntegerLiteral{Token: p.curToken}
+ value, err := strconv.ParseInt(p.curToken.Literal, 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf("could not parse %q as integer", p.curToken.Literal)
+ p.errors = append(p.errors, msg)
+ return nil
+ }
+ lit.Value = value
+ return lit
+func (p *Parser) parsePrefixExpression() ast.Expression {
+ expression := &ast.PrefixExpression{
+ Token: p.curToken,
+ Operator: p.curToken.Literal,
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ expression.Right = p.parseExpression(PREFIX)
+ return expression
+func (p *Parser) parseInfixExpression(left ast.Expression) ast.Expression {
+ expression := &ast.InfixExpression{
+ Token: p.curToken,
+ Operator: p.curToken.Literal,
+ Left: left,
+ }
+ precedence := p.curPrecedence()
+ p.nextToken()
+ expression.Right = p.parseExpression(precedence)
+ return expression
+func (p *Parser) parseBoolean() ast.Expression {
+ return &ast.Boolean{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curTokenIs(token.TRUE)}
+func (p *Parser) parseGroupedExpression() ast.Expression {
+ p.nextToken()
+ exp := p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return exp
+func (p *Parser) parseIfExpression() ast.Expression {
+ expression := &ast.IfExpression{Token: p.curToken}
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.LPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ expression.Condition = p.parseExpression(LOWEST)
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ expression.Consequence = p.parseBlockStatement()
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.ELSE) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ expression.Alternative = p.parseBlockStatement()
+ }
+ return expression
+func (p *Parser) parseBlockStatement() *ast.BlockStatement {
+ block := &ast.BlockStatement{Token: p.curToken}
+ block.Statements = []ast.Statement{}
+ p.nextToken()
+ for !p.curTokenIs(token.RBRACE) {
+ stmt := p.parseStatement()
+ if stmt != nil {
+ block.Statements = append(block.Statements, stmt)
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ }
+ return block
+func (p *Parser) parseFunctionLiteral() ast.Expression {
+ lit := &ast.FunctionLiteral{Token: p.curToken}
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.LPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ lit.Parameters = p.parseFunctionParameters()
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.LBRACE) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ lit.Body = p.parseBlockStatement()
+ return lit
+func (p *Parser) parseFunctionParameters() []*ast.Identifier {
+ identifiers := []*ast.Identifier{}
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.RPAREN) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ return identifiers
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ ident := &ast.Identifier{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curToken.Literal}
+ identifiers = append(identifiers, ident)
+ for p.peekTokenIs(token.COMMA) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ p.nextToken()
+ ident := &ast.Identifier{Token: p.curToken, Value: p.curToken.Literal}
+ identifiers = append(identifiers, ident)
+ }
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return identifiers
+func (p *Parser) parseCallExpression(function ast.Expression) ast.Expression {
+ exp := &ast.CallExpression{Token: p.curToken, Function: function}
+ exp.Arguments = p.parseCallArguments()
+ return exp
+func (p *Parser) parseCallArguments() []ast.Expression {
+ args := []ast.Expression{}
+ if p.peekTokenIs(token.RPAREN) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ return args
+ }
+ p.nextToken()
+ args = append(args, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
+ for p.peekTokenIs(token.COMMA) {
+ p.nextToken()
+ p.nextToken()
+ args = append(args, p.parseExpression(LOWEST))
+ }
+ if !p.expectPeek(token.RPAREN) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return args
+func (p *Parser) registerPrefix(tokenType token.TokenType, fn prefixParseFn) {
+ p.prefixParseFns[tokenType] = fn
+func (p *Parser) registerInfix(tokenType token.TokenType, fn infixParseFn) {
+ p.infixParseFns[tokenType] = fn
diff --git a/parser/parser_test.go b/parser/parser_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa080aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+package parser
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "monkey/ast"
+ "monkey/lexer"
+ "testing"
+func TestLetStatements(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expectedIdentifier string
+ expectedValue interface{}
+ }{
+ {"let x = 5;", "x", 5},
+ {"let y = true;", "y", true},
+ {"let foobar = y", "foobar", "y"},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=%d",
+ len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt := program.Statements[0]
+ if !testLetStatement(t, stmt, tt.expectedIdentifier) {
+ return
+ }
+ val := stmt.(*ast.LetStatement).Value
+ if !testLiteralExpression(t, val, tt.expectedValue) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func TestReturnStatements(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expectedValue interface{}
+ }{
+ {"return 5;", 5},
+ {"return true;", true},
+ {"return foobar;", "foobar"},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=%d",
+ len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt := program.Statements[0]
+ returnStmt, ok := stmt.(*ast.ReturnStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt not *ast.returnStatement. got=%T", stmt)
+ }
+ if returnStmt.TokenLiteral() != "return" {
+ t.Fatalf("returnStmt.TokenLiteral not 'return', got %q",
+ returnStmt.TokenLiteral())
+ }
+ if testLiteralExpression(t, returnStmt.ReturnValue, tt.expectedValue) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func TestIdentifierExpression(t *testing.T) {
+ input := "foobar;"
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program has not enough statements. got=%d",
+ len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ ident, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.Identifier)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if ident.Value != "foobar" {
+ t.Errorf("ident.Value not %s. got=%s", "foobar", ident.Value)
+ }
+ if ident.TokenLiteral() != "foobar" {
+ t.Errorf("ident.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", "foobar",
+ ident.TokenLiteral())
+ }
+func TestIntegerLiteralExpression(t *testing.T) {
+ input := "5;"
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program has not enough statements. got=%d",
+ len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ literal, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IntegerLiteral)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.IntegerLiteral. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if literal.Value != 5 {
+ t.Errorf("literal.Value not %d. got=%d", 5, literal.Value)
+ }
+ if literal.TokenLiteral() != "5" {
+ t.Errorf("literal.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", "5",
+ literal.TokenLiteral())
+ }
+func TestParsingPrefixExpressions(t *testing.T) {
+ prefixTests := []struct {
+ input string
+ operator string
+ value interface{}
+ }{
+ {"!5;", "!", 5},
+ {"-15;", "-", 15},
+ {"!foobar;", "!", "foobar"},
+ {"-foobar;", "-", "foobar"},
+ {"!true;", "!", true},
+ {"!false;", "!", false},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range prefixTests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.PrefixExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt is not ast.PrefixExpression. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if exp.Operator != tt.operator {
+ t.Fatalf("exp.Operator is not '%s'. got=%s",
+ tt.operator, exp.Operator)
+ }
+ if !testLiteralExpression(t, exp.Right, tt.value) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func TestParsingInfixExpressions(t *testing.T) {
+ infixTests := []struct {
+ input string
+ leftValue interface{}
+ operator string
+ rightValue interface{}
+ }{
+ {"5 + 5;", 5, "+", 5},
+ {"5 - 5;", 5, "-", 5},
+ {"5 * 5;", 5, "*", 5},
+ {"5 / 5;", 5, "/", 5},
+ {"5 > 5;", 5, ">", 5},
+ {"5 < 5;", 5, "<", 5},
+ {"5 == 5;", 5, "==", 5},
+ {"5 != 5;", 5, "!=", 5},
+ {"foobar + barfoo;", "foobar", "+", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar - barfoo;", "foobar", "-", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar * barfoo;", "foobar", "*", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar / barfoo;", "foobar", "/", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar > barfoo;", "foobar", ">", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar < barfoo;", "foobar", "<", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar == barfoo;", "foobar", "==", "barfoo"},
+ {"foobar != barfoo;", "foobar", "!=", "barfoo"},
+ {"true == true", true, "==", true},
+ {"true != false", true, "!=", false},
+ {"false == false", false, "==", false},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range infixTests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ if !testInfixExpression(t, stmt.Expression, tt.leftValue,
+ tt.operator, tt.rightValue) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func TestOperatorPrecedenceParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expected string
+ }{
+ {
+ "-a * b",
+ "((-a) * b)",
+ },
+ {
+ "!-a",
+ "(!(-a))",
+ },
+ {
+ "a + b + c",
+ "((a + b) + c)",
+ },
+ {
+ "a + b - c",
+ "((a + b) - c)",
+ },
+ {
+ "a * b * c",
+ "((a * b) * c)",
+ },
+ {
+ "a * b / c",
+ "((a * b) / c)",
+ },
+ {
+ "a + b / c",
+ "(a + (b / c))",
+ },
+ {
+ "a + b * c + d / e - f",
+ "(((a + (b * c)) + (d / e)) - f)",
+ },
+ {
+ "3 + 4; -5 * 5",
+ "(3 + 4)((-5) * 5)",
+ },
+ {
+ "5 > 4 == 3 < 4",
+ "((5 > 4) == (3 < 4))",
+ },
+ {
+ "5 < 4 != 3 > 4",
+ "((5 < 4) != (3 > 4))",
+ },
+ {
+ "3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5",
+ "((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))",
+ },
+ {
+ "3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5",
+ "((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))",
+ },
+ {
+ "true",
+ "true",
+ },
+ {
+ "false",
+ "false",
+ },
+ {
+ "3 > 5 == false",
+ "((3 > 5) == false)",
+ },
+ {
+ "3 < 5 == true",
+ "((3 < 5) == true)",
+ },
+ {
+ "1 + (2 + 3) + 4",
+ "((1 + (2 + 3)) + 4)",
+ },
+ {
+ "(5 + 5) * 2",
+ "((5 + 5) * 2)",
+ },
+ {
+ "2 / (5 + 5)",
+ "(2 / (5 + 5))",
+ },
+ {
+ "(5 + 5) * 2 * (5 + 5)",
+ "(((5 + 5) * 2) * (5 + 5))",
+ },
+ {
+ "-(5 + 5)",
+ "(-(5 + 5))",
+ },
+ {
+ "!(true == true)",
+ "(!(true == true))",
+ },
+ {
+ "a + add(b * c) + d",
+ "((a + add((b * c))) + d)",
+ },
+ {
+ "add(a, b, 1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5, add(6, 7 * 8))",
+ "add(a, b, 1, (2 * 3), (4 + 5), add(6, (7 * 8)))",
+ },
+ {
+ "add(a + b + c * d / f + g)",
+ "add((((a + b) + ((c * d) / f)) + g))",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ actual := program.String()
+ if actual != tt.expected {
+ t.Errorf("expected=%q, got=%q", tt.expected, actual)
+ }
+ }
+func TestBooleanExpression(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expectedBoolean bool
+ }{
+ {"true;", true},
+ {"false;", false},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program has not enough statements. got=%d",
+ len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ boolean, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.Boolean)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("exp not *ast.Boolean. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if boolean.Value != tt.expectedBoolean {
+ t.Errorf("boolean.Value not %t. got=%t", tt.expectedBoolean,
+ boolean.Value)
+ }
+ }
+func TestIfExpression(t *testing.T) {
+ input := `if (x < y) { x }`
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Body does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IfExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.IfExpression. got=%T",
+ stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if !testInfixExpression(t, exp.Condition, "x", "<", "y") {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(exp.Consequence.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("consequence is not 1 statements. got=%d\n",
+ len(exp.Consequence.Statements))
+ }
+ consequence, ok := exp.Consequence.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ exp.Consequence.Statements[0])
+ }
+ if !testIdentifier(t, consequence.Expression, "x") {
+ return
+ }
+ if exp.Alternative != nil {
+ t.Errorf("exp.Alternative.Statements was not nil. got=%+v", exp.Alternative)
+ }
+func TestIfElseExpression(t *testing.T) {
+ input := `if (x < y) { x } else { y }`
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Body does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.IfExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.IfExpression. got=%T", stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if !testInfixExpression(t, exp.Condition, "x", "<", "y") {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(exp.Consequence.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("consequence is not 1 statements. got=%d\n",
+ len(exp.Consequence.Statements))
+ }
+ consequence, ok := exp.Consequence.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ exp.Consequence.Statements[0])
+ }
+ if !testIdentifier(t, consequence.Expression, "x") {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(exp.Alternative.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("exp.Alternative.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=%d\n",
+ len(exp.Alternative.Statements))
+ }
+ alternative, ok := exp.Alternative.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ exp.Alternative.Statements[0])
+ }
+ if !testIdentifier(t, alternative.Expression, "y") {
+ return
+ }
+func TestFunctionLiteralParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ input := `fn(x, y) { x + y; }`
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Body does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ function, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.FunctionLiteral)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.FunctionLiteral. got=%T",
+ stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if len(function.Parameters) != 2 {
+ t.Fatalf("function literal parameters wrong. want 2, got=%d\n",
+ len(function.Parameters))
+ }
+ testLiteralExpression(t, function.Parameters[0], "x")
+ testLiteralExpression(t, function.Parameters[1], "y")
+ if len(function.Body.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("function.Body.Statements has not 1 statements. got=%d\n",
+ len(function.Body.Statements))
+ }
+ bodyStmt, ok := function.Body.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("function body stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ function.Body.Statements[0])
+ }
+ testInfixExpression(t, bodyStmt.Expression, "x", "+", "y")
+func TestFunctionParameterParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expectedParams []string
+ }{
+ {input: "fn() {};", expectedParams: []string{}},
+ {input: "fn(x) {};", expectedParams: []string{"x"}},
+ {input: "fn(x, y, z) {};", expectedParams: []string{"x", "y", "z"}},
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ function := stmt.Expression.(*ast.FunctionLiteral)
+ if len(function.Parameters) != len(tt.expectedParams) {
+ t.Errorf("length parameters wrong. want %d, got=%d\n",
+ len(tt.expectedParams), len(function.Parameters))
+ }
+ for i, ident := range tt.expectedParams {
+ testLiteralExpression(t, function.Parameters[i], ident)
+ }
+ }
+func TestCallExpressionParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ input := "add(1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5);"
+ l := lexer.New(input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ if len(program.Statements) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("program.Statements does not contain %d statements. got=%d\n",
+ 1, len(program.Statements))
+ }
+ stmt, ok := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%T",
+ program.Statements[0])
+ }
+ exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.CallExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.CallExpression. got=%T",
+ stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if !testIdentifier(t, exp.Function, "add") {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(exp.Arguments) != 3 {
+ t.Fatalf("wrong length of arguments. got=%d", len(exp.Arguments))
+ }
+ testLiteralExpression(t, exp.Arguments[0], 1)
+ testInfixExpression(t, exp.Arguments[1], 2, "*", 3)
+ testInfixExpression(t, exp.Arguments[2], 4, "+", 5)
+func TestCallExpressionParameterParsing(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ expectedIdent string
+ expectedArgs []string
+ }{
+ {
+ input: "add();",
+ expectedIdent: "add",
+ expectedArgs: []string{},
+ },
+ {
+ input: "add(1);",
+ expectedIdent: "add",
+ expectedArgs: []string{"1"},
+ },
+ {
+ input: "add(1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5);",
+ expectedIdent: "add",
+ expectedArgs: []string{"1", "(2 * 3)", "(4 + 5)"},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ l := lexer.New(tt.input)
+ p := New(l)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ checkParserErrors(t, p)
+ stmt := program.Statements[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement)
+ exp, ok := stmt.Expression.(*ast.CallExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("stmt.Expression is not ast.CallExpression. got=%T",
+ stmt.Expression)
+ }
+ if !testIdentifier(t, exp.Function, tt.expectedIdent) {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(exp.Arguments) != len(tt.expectedArgs) {
+ t.Fatalf("wrong number of arguments. want=%d, got=%d",
+ len(tt.expectedArgs), len(exp.Arguments))
+ }
+ for i, arg := range tt.expectedArgs {
+ if exp.Arguments[i].String() != arg {
+ t.Errorf("argument %d wrong. want=%q, got=%q", i,
+ arg, exp.Arguments[i].String())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func testLetStatement(t *testing.T, s ast.Statement, name string) bool {
+ if s.TokenLiteral() != "let" {
+ t.Errorf("s.TokenLiteral not 'let'. got=%q", s.TokenLiteral())
+ return false
+ }
+ letStmt, ok := s.(*ast.LetStatement)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("s not *ast.LetStatement. got=%T", s)
+ return false
+ }
+ if letStmt.Name.Value != name {
+ t.Errorf("letStmt.Name.Value not '%s'. got=%s", name, letStmt.Name.Value)
+ return false
+ }
+ if letStmt.Name.TokenLiteral() != name {
+ t.Errorf("s.Name not '%s'. got=%s", name, letStmt.Name)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func testInfixExpression(t *testing.T, exp ast.Expression, left interface{},
+ operator string, right interface{}) bool {
+ opExp, ok := exp.(*ast.InfixExpression)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("exp is not ast.OperatorExpression. got=%T(%s)", exp, exp)
+ return false
+ }
+ if !testLiteralExpression(t, opExp.Left, left) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if opExp.Operator != operator {
+ t.Errorf("exp.Operator is not '%s'. got=%q", operator, opExp.Operator)
+ return false
+ }
+ if !testLiteralExpression(t, opExp.Right, right) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func testLiteralExpression(
+ t *testing.T,
+ exp ast.Expression,
+ expected interface{},
+) bool {
+ switch v := expected.(type) {
+ case int:
+ return testIntegerLiteral(t, exp, int64(v))
+ case int64:
+ return testIntegerLiteral(t, exp, v)
+ case string:
+ return testIdentifier(t, exp, v)
+ case bool:
+ return testBooleanLiteral(t, exp, v)
+ }
+ t.Errorf("type of exp not handled. got=%T", exp)
+ return false
+func testIntegerLiteral(t *testing.T, il ast.Expression, value int64) bool {
+ integ, ok := il.(*ast.IntegerLiteral)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("il not *ast.IntegerLiteral. got=%T", il)
+ return false
+ }
+ if integ.Value != value {
+ t.Errorf("integ.Value not %d. got=%d", value, integ.Value)
+ return false
+ }
+ if integ.TokenLiteral() != fmt.Sprintf("%d", value) {
+ t.Errorf("integ.TokenLiteral not %d. got=%s", value,
+ integ.TokenLiteral())
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func testIdentifier(t *testing.T, exp ast.Expression, value string) bool {
+ ident, ok := exp.(*ast.Identifier)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%T", exp)
+ return false
+ }
+ if ident.Value != value {
+ t.Errorf("ident.Value not %s. got=%s", value, ident.Value)
+ return false
+ }
+ if ident.TokenLiteral() != value {
+ t.Errorf("ident.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s", value,
+ ident.TokenLiteral())
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func testBooleanLiteral(t *testing.T, exp ast.Expression, value bool) bool {
+ bo, ok := exp.(*ast.Boolean)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("exp not *ast.Boolean. got=%T", exp)
+ return false
+ }
+ if bo.Value != value {
+ t.Errorf("bo.Value not %t. got=%t", value, bo.Value)
+ return false
+ }
+ if bo.TokenLiteral() != fmt.Sprintf("%t", value) {
+ t.Errorf("bo.TokenLiteral not %t. got=%s",
+ value, bo.TokenLiteral())
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func checkParserErrors(t *testing.T, p *Parser) {
+ errors := p.Errors()
+ if len(errors) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ t.Errorf("parser has %d errors", len(errors))
+ for _, msg := range errors {
+ t.Errorf("parser error: %q", msg)
+ }
+ t.FailNow()
diff --git a/parser/parser_tracing.go b/parser/parser_tracing.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fc569b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/parser_tracing.go
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package parser
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+var traceLevel int = 0
+const traceIdentPlaceholder string = "\t"
+func identLevel() string {
+ return strings.Repeat(traceIdentPlaceholder, traceLevel-1)
+func tracePrint(fs string) {
+ fmt.Printf("%s%s\n", identLevel(), fs)
+func incIdent() { traceLevel = traceLevel + 1 }
+func decIdent() { traceLevel = traceLevel - 1 }
+func trace(msg string) string {
+ incIdent()
+ tracePrint("BEGIN " + msg)
+ return msg
+func untrace(msg string) {
+ tracePrint("END " + msg)
+ decIdent()
diff --git a/repl/repl.go b/repl/repl.go
index 337be46..7fa3e42 100644
--- a/repl/repl.go
+++ b/repl/repl.go
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
- "monkey/token"
+ "monkey/parser"
const PROMPT = ">> "
@@ -22,9 +22,37 @@ func Start(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) {
line := scanner.Text()
l := lexer.New(line)
+ p := parser.New(l)
- for tok := l.NextToken(); tok.Type != token.EOF; tok = l.NextToken() {
- fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tok)
+ program := p.ParseProgram()
+ if len(p.Errors()) != 0 {
+ printParserErrors(out, p.Errors())
+ continue
+ io.WriteString(out, program.String())
+ io.WriteString(out, "\n")
+ }
+const MONKEY_FACE = ` __,__
+ .--. .-" "-. .--.
+ / .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \
+ | | '| / Y \ |' | |
+ | \ \ \ 0 | 0 / / / |
+ \ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
+ ''-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-''
+ | \._ _./ |
+ \ \ '~' / /
+ '._ '-=-' _.'
+ '-----'
+func printParserErrors(out io.Writer, errors []string) {
+ io.WriteString(out, MONKEY_FACE)
+ io.WriteString(out, "Woops! We ran into some monkey business here!\n")
+ io.WriteString(out, " parser errors:\n")
+ for _, msg := range errors {
+ io.WriteString(out, "\t"+msg+"\n")