path: root/orig/pq-web/newguy.js
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <>2016-08-12 14:05:45 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <>2016-08-12 14:05:45 +0200
commit14a6aa4c488bcd2d49103cbee1424b2769d77ce0 (patch)
tree93e3875919eeb0e60d0a8da70f5d96152a4e527a /orig/pq-web/newguy.js
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'orig/pq-web/newguy.js')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/orig/pq-web/newguy.js b/orig/pq-web/newguy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4289b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orig/pq-web/newguy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/* copyright (c)2002-2010 Eric Fredricksen all rights reserved */
+function Roll(stat) {
+ stats[stat] = 3 + Random(6) + Random(6) + Random(6);
+ if (document)
+ $("#"+stat).text(stats[stat]);
+ return stats[stat];
+function Choose(n, k) {
+ var result = n;
+ var d = 1;
+ for (var i = 2; i <= k; ++i) {
+ result *= (1+n-i);
+ d = d * i;
+ }
+ return result / d;
+var stats = {};
+var traits = {};
+var total = 0;
+var seedHistory = [];
+function RollEm() {
+ stats.seed = randseed();
+ total = 0;
+ var best = -1;
+ $.each(K.PrimeStats, function () {
+ total += Roll(this);
+ if (best < stats[this]) {
+ best = stats[this];
+ = this;
+ }
+ });
+ stats['HP Max'] = Random(8) + stats.CON.div(6);
+ stats['MP Max'] = Random(8) + stats.INT.div(6);
+ var color =
+ (total >= (63+18)) ? 'red' :
+ (total > (4 * 18)) ? 'yellow' :
+ (total <= (63-18)) ? 'grey' :
+ (total < (3 * 18)) ? 'silver' :
+ 'white';
+ if (document) {
+ var Total = $("#Total");
+ Total.text(total);
+ Total.css("background-color", color);
+ $("#Unroll").attr("disabled", !seedHistory.length);
+ }
+function RerollClick() {
+ seedHistory.push(stats.seed);
+ RollEm();
+function UnrollClick() {
+ randseed(seedHistory.pop());
+ RollEm();
+function fill(e, a, n) {
+ var def = Random(a.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
+ var v = a[i].split("|")[0];
+ var check = (def == i) ? " checked " : " ";
+ if (def == i) traits[n] = v;
+ if (document) {
+ $("<div><input type=radio id='" + v + "' name=\"" + n + "\" value=\"" + v + "\" " +
+ check +"><label for='" + v + "'>" + v + "</label></div>").appendTo(e);
+ }
+ }
+function NewGuyFormLoad() {
+ seed = new Alea();
+ RollEm();
+ GenClick();
+ fill("#races", K.Races, "Race");
+ fill("#classes", K.Klasses, "Class");
+ if (document) {
+ $("#Reroll").click(RerollClick);
+ $("#Unroll").click(UnrollClick);
+ $("#RandomName").click(GenClick);
+ $('#Sold').click(sold);
+ $('#quit').click(cancel);
+ //var caption = 'Progress Quest - New Character';
+ //if (MainForm.GetHostName != '')
+ // caption = caption + ' [' + MainForm.GetHostName + ']';
+ $("#Name").focus();
+ $("#Name").select();
+ }
+ if (window.location.href.indexOf("?sold") > 0)
+ sold(); // TODO: cheesy
+if (document)
+ $(document).ready(NewGuyFormLoad);
+/* Multiplayer:
+function TNewGuyForm_ParseSoldResponse(body) {
+ if ((LowerCase(Split(body,0)) == 'ok')) {
+ MainForm.SetPasskey(Split(body,1));
+ MainForm.SetLogin(GetAccount);
+ MainForm.SetPassword(GetPassword);
+ ModalResult = mrOk;
+ } else {
+ ShowMessage(body);
+ }
+function TNewGuyForm_GetAccount() {
+ return Account.Visible ? Account.Text : '';
+function TNewGuyForm_GetPassword() {
+ return (Password.Visible) ? Password.Text : '';
+function TNewGuyForm_SoldClick() {
+ if (MainForm.GetHostAddr == '') {
+ ModalResult = mrOk;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ Screen.Cursor = crHourglass;
+ try {
+ if ((MainForm.Label8.Tag && 16) == 0
+ ) url = MainForm.GetHostAddr
+ else url = '';
+ // url = StringReplace(url, '.com/', '.com/dev/', []);
+ if ((GetAccount() != '') || (GetPassword != ''))
+ url = StuffString(url, 8, 0, GetAccount() + ':' + GetPassword() + '@');
+ args = 'cmd=create' +
+ '&name=' + escape(Name.Text) +
+ '&realm=' + escape(MainForm.GetHostName) +
+ RevString;
+ ParseSoldResponse(DownloadString(url + args));
+ } catch (EWebError) {
+ ShowMessage('Error connecting to server');
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Screen.Cursor = crDefault;
+ }
+ }
+function sold() {
+ var newguy = {
+ Traits: traits,
+ dna: stats.seed,
+ seed: stats.seed,
+ birthday: ''+new Date(),
+ birthstamp: +new Date(),
+ Stats: stats,
+ beststat: + " " + stats[],
+ task: "",
+ tasks: 0,
+ elapsed: 0,
+ bestequip: "Sharp Rock",
+ Equips: {},
+ Inventory: [['Gold', 0]],
+ Spells: [],
+ act: 0,
+ bestplot: "Prologue",
+ Quests: [],
+ questmonster: "",
+ kill: "Loading....",
+ ExpBar: { position: 0, max: LevelUpTime(1) },
+ EncumBar: { position: 0, max: stats.STR + 10 },
+ PlotBar: { position: 0, max: 26 },
+ QuestBar: { position: 0, max: 1 },
+ TaskBar: { position: 0, max: 2000 },
+ queue: [
+ 'task|10|Experiencing an enigmatic and foreboding night vision',
+ "task|6|Much is revealed about that wise old bastard you'd underestimated",
+ 'task|6|A shocking series of events leaves you alone and bewildered, but resolute',
+ 'task|4|Drawing upon an unrealized reserve of determination, you set out on a long and dangerous journey',
+ 'plot|2|Loading'
+ ]
+ };
+ if (document) {
+ newguy.Traits.Name = $("#Name").val();
+ newguy.Traits.Race = $("input:radio[name=Race]:checked").val();
+ newguy.Traits.Class = $("input:radio[name=Class]:checked").val();
+ }
+ newguy.Traits.Level = 1;
+ = newguy.birthday;
+ newguy.stamp = newguy.birthstamp;
+ $.each(K.Equips, function (i,equip) { newguy.Equips[equip] = ''; });
+ newguy.Equips.Weapon = newguy.bestequip;
+ newguy.Equips.Hauberk = "-3 Burlap";
+ storage.addToRoster(newguy, function () {
+ window.location.href = "main.html#" + escape(newguy.Traits.Name);
+ });
+function cancel() {
+ window.location.href = "roster.html";
+function GenClick() {
+ traits.Name = GenerateName();
+ if (document)
+ $("#Name").attr("value", traits.Name);