path: root/orig/pq/Login.dfm
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <>2016-08-12 14:05:45 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <>2016-08-12 14:05:45 +0200
commit14a6aa4c488bcd2d49103cbee1424b2769d77ce0 (patch)
tree93e3875919eeb0e60d0a8da70f5d96152a4e527a /orig/pq/Login.dfm
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'orig/pq/Login.dfm')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/orig/pq/Login.dfm b/orig/pq/Login.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e9a09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orig/pq/Login.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+object LoginForm: TLoginForm
+ Left = 314
+ Top = 162
+ Width = 265
+ Height = 448
+ Caption = 'Progress Quest Login'
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
+ Left = 12
+ Top = 176
+ Width = 237
+ Height = 69
+ Caption = 'New Users'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 2
+ Top = 15
+ Width = 233
+ Height = 18
+ Align = alTop
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption = ' To sign up for a new account, visit'
+ Layout = tlBottom
+ end
+ object Label2: TLabel
+ Left = 2
+ Top = 33
+ Width = 233
+ Height = 25
+ Cursor = crHandPoint
+ Align = alTop
+ Alignment = taCenter
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption = ''
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clActiveCaption
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline]
+ ParentColor = False
+ ParentFont = False
+ Layout = tlCenter
+ OnClick = Label2Click
+ end
+ end
+ object Login: TButton
+ Left = 88
+ Top = 388
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Login'
+ Default = True
+ Enabled = False
+ TabOrder = 1
+ OnClick = LoginClick
+ end
+ object Button1: TButton
+ Left = 172
+ Top = 388
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Cancel'
+ ModalResult = 2
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
+ object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
+ Left = 12
+ Top = 256
+ Width = 237
+ Height = 121
+ Caption = 'Proxy Settings'
+ TabOrder = 3
+ object Label3: TLabel
+ Left = 12
+ Top = 20
+ Width = 213
+ Height = 45
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption =
+ 'Most people can leave this blank, but if you use a proxy to conn' +
+ 'ect to the Web, or wish to use a proxy to cheat, enter it here.'
+ WordWrap = True
+ end
+ object LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit
+ Left = 12
+ Top = 84
+ Width = 149
+ Height = 21
+ EditLabel.Width = 31
+ EditLabel.Height = 13
+ EditLabel.Caption = 'Server'
+ LabelPosition = lpAbove
+ LabelSpacing = 3
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ object LabeledEdit2: TLabeledEdit
+ Left = 164
+ Top = 84
+ Width = 57
+ Height = 21
+ EditLabel.Width = 19
+ EditLabel.Height = 13
+ EditLabel.Caption = 'Port'
+ LabelPosition = lpAbove
+ LabelSpacing = 3
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ end
+ object GroupBox3: TGroupBox
+ Left = 12
+ Top = 12
+ Width = 237
+ Height = 157
+ Caption = 'Account Info'
+ TabOrder = 4
+ object Label4: TLabel
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 20
+ Width = 221
+ Height = 45
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption =
+ 'Some realms are open to the public riffraff, but others may requ' +
+ 'ire a valid account. You can enter default account information h' +
+ 'ere.'
+ WordWrap = True
+ end
+ object Account: TLabeledEdit
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 84
+ Width = 221
+ Height = 21
+ EditLabel.Width = 40
+ EditLabel.Height = 13
+ EditLabel.Caption = 'Account'
+ LabelPosition = lpAbove
+ LabelSpacing = 3
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnChange = AccountChange
+ end
+ object Password: TLabeledEdit
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 124
+ Width = 221
+ Height = 21
+ EditLabel.Width = 46
+ EditLabel.Height = 13
+ EditLabel.Caption = 'Password'
+ LabelPosition = lpAbove
+ LabelSpacing = 3
+ PasswordChar = '*'
+ TabOrder = 1
+ OnChange = AccountChange
+ end
+ end