path: root/orig/pq-web/config.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'orig/pq-web/config.js')
1 files changed, 1001 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/orig/pq-web/config.js b/orig/pq-web/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb38e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orig/pq-web/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+// TODO These code bits don't really belong here, but this is the only
+// shared bit of js
+function tabulate(list) {
+ var result = '';
+ $.each(list, function (index) {
+ if (this.length == 2) {
+ if (this[1].length)
+ result += " " + this[0] + ": " + this[1] + "\n";
+ } else {
+ result += " " + this + "\n";
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+String.prototype.escapeHtml = function () {
+ return this.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
+function template(tmpl, data) {
+ var brag = tmpl.replace(/\$([_A-Za-z.]+)/g, function (str, p1) {
+ var dict = data;
+ $.each(p1.split("."), function (i,v) {
+ if (!dict) return true;
+ if (v == "___") {
+ dict = tabulate(dict);
+ } else {
+ dict = dict[v.replace("_"," ")];
+ if (typeof dict == typeof "")
+ dict = dict.escapeHtml();
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ if (dict === undefined) dict = '';
+ return dict;
+ });
+ return brag;
+// From
+ // Johannes Baagøe <>, 2010
+function Mash() {
+ var n = 0xefc8249d;
+ var mash = function(data) {
+ data = data.toString();
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ n += data.charCodeAt(i);
+ var h = 0.02519603282416938 * n;
+ n = h >>> 0;
+ h -= n;
+ h *= n;
+ n = h >>> 0;
+ h -= n;
+ n += h * 0x100000000; // 2^32
+ }
+ return (n >>> 0) * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32
+ };
+ mash.version = 'Mash 0.9';
+ return mash;
+// From
+function Alea() {
+ return (function(args) {
+ // Johannes Baagøe <>, 2010
+ var s0 = 0;
+ var s1 = 0;
+ var s2 = 0;
+ var c = 1;
+ if (!args.length) {
+ args = [+new Date];
+ }
+ var mash = Mash();
+ s0 = mash(' ');
+ s1 = mash(' ');
+ s2 = mash(' ');
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ s0 -= mash(args[i]);
+ if (s0 < 0) {
+ s0 += 1;
+ }
+ s1 -= mash(args[i]);
+ if (s1 < 0) {
+ s1 += 1;
+ }
+ s2 -= mash(args[i]);
+ if (s2 < 0) {
+ s2 += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ mash = null;
+ var random = function() {
+ var t = 2091639 * s0 + c * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32
+ s0 = s1;
+ s1 = s2;
+ return s2 = t - (c = t | 0);
+ };
+ random.uint32 = function() {
+ return random() * 0x100000000; // 2^32
+ };
+ random.fract53 = function() {
+ return random() +
+ (random() * 0x200000 | 0) * 1.1102230246251565e-16; // 2^-53
+ };
+ random.version = 'Alea 0.9';
+ random.args = args;
+ random.state = function (newstate) {
+ if (newstate) {
+ s0 = newstate[0];
+ s1 = newstate[1];
+ s2 = newstate[2];
+ c = newstate[3];
+ }
+ return [s0,s1,s2,c];
+ };
+ return random;
+ } (;
+var seed = new Alea();
+function Random(n) {
+ return seed.uint32() % n;
+function randseed(set) {
+ return seed.state(set);
+function Pick(a) {
+ return a[Random(a.length)];
+var KParts = [
+ 'br|cr|dr|fr|gr|j|kr|l|m|n|pr||||r|sh|tr|v|wh|x|y|z'.split('|'),
+ 'a|a|e|e|i|i|o|o|u|u|ae|ie|oo|ou'.split('|'),
+ 'b|ck|d|g|k|m|n|p|t|v|x|z'.split('|')];
+function GenerateName() {
+ var result = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i <= 5; ++i)
+ result += Pick(KParts[i % 3]);
+ return result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1);
+function LocalStorage() {
+ this.getItem = function (key, callback) {
+ var result = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
+ if (callback)
+ callback(result);
+ };
+ this.setItem = function (key, value, callback) {
+ window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
+ if (callback)
+ callback();
+ };
+ this.removeItem = function (key) {
+ window.localStorage.removeItem(key);
+ };
+function CookieStorage() {
+ this.getItem = function(key, callback) {
+ var result;
+ $.each(document.cookie.split(";"), function (i,cook) {
+ if (cook.split("=")[0] === key)
+ result = unescape(cook.split("=")[1]);
+ });
+ if (callback)
+ setTimeout(function () { callback(result); }, 0);
+ return result;
+ };
+ this.setItem = function (key, value, callback) {
+ document.cookie = key + "=" + escape(value);
+ if (callback)
+ setTimeout(callback, 0);
+ };
+ this.removeItem = function (key) {
+ document.cookie = key + "=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;";
+ };
+function SqlStorage() {
+ this.async = true;
+ this.db = window.openDatabase("pq", "", "Progress Quest", 2500);
+ this.db.transaction(function(tx) {
+ tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Storage(key TEXT UNIQUE, value TEXT)");
+ });
+ this.getItem = function(key, callback) {
+ this.db.transaction(function (tx) {
+ tx.executeSql("SELECT value FROM Storage WHERE key=?", [key], function(tx, rs) {
+ if (rs.rows.length)
+ callback(rs.rows.item(0).value);
+ else
+ callback();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ this.setItem = function (key, value, callback) {
+ this.db.transaction(function (tx) {
+ tx.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Storage (key,value) VALUES (?,?)",
+ [key, value],
+ callback);
+ });
+ };
+ this.removeItem = function (key) {
+ this.db.transaction(function (tx) {
+ tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM Storage WHERE key=?", [key]);
+ });
+ };
+var iPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/);
+var iPod = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/);
+var iPhone = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/);
+var iOS = iPad || iPod || iPhone;
+var storage = ((window.localStorage && !iOS) ? new LocalStorage() :
+ window.openDatabase ? new SqlStorage() :
+ new CookieStorage());
+storage.loadRoster = function (callback) {
+ function gotItem(value) {
+ if (value) {
+ try {
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (err) {
+ // aight
+ }
+ }
+ = value || {};
+ callback(;
+ }
+ this.getItem("roster", gotItem);
+storage.loadSheet = function (name, callback) {
+ return this.loadRoster(function (games) {
+ if (callback)
+ callback(games[name]);
+ });
+storage.storeRoster = function (roster, callback) {
+ = roster;
+ try {
+ this.setItem("roster", JSON.stringify(roster), callback);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (err.toString().indexOf("QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR") != -1) {
+ alert("This browser lacks storage capacity to save this game. This game can continue but cannot be saved. (Mobile Safari, I'll wager?)");
+ this.storeRoster = function (roster, callback) {
+ setTimeout(callback, 0);
+ };
+ setTimeout(callback, 0);
+ } else {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+storage.addToRoster = function (newguy, callback) {
+ if ( {
+[newguy.Traits.Name] = newguy;
+ this.storeRoster(, callback);
+ } else {
+ this.loadRoster(function () {
+ if ( // should always be true
+ storage.addToRoster(newguy, callback);
+ });
+ }
+Number.prototype.div = function (divisor) {
+ var dividend = this / divisor;
+ return (dividend < 0 ? Math.ceil : Math.floor)(dividend);
+function LevelUpTime(level) { // seconds
+ // 20 minutes per level
+ return 20 * level * 60;
+var K = {};
+K.Traits = ["Name", "Race", "Class", "Level"];
+K.PrimeStats = ["STR","CON","DEX","INT","WIS","CHA"];
+K.Stats = K.PrimeStats.slice(0).concat(["HP Max","MP Max"]);
+K.Equips = ["Weapon",
+ "Shield",
+ "Helm",
+ "Hauberk",
+ "Brassairts",
+ "Vambraces",
+ "Gauntlets",
+ "Gambeson",
+ "Cuisses",
+ "Greaves",
+ "Sollerets"];
+K.Spells = [
+ "Slime Finger",
+ "Rabbit Punch",
+ "Hastiness",
+ "Good Move",
+ "Sadness",
+ "Seasick",
+ "Gyp",
+ "Shoelaces",
+ "Innoculate",
+ "Cone of Annoyance",
+ "Magnetic Orb",
+ "Invisible Hands",
+ "Revolting Cloud",
+ "Aqueous Humor",
+ "Spectral Miasma",
+ "Clever Fellow",
+ "Lockjaw",
+ "History Lesson",
+ "Hydrophobia",
+ "Big Sister",
+ "Cone of Paste",
+ "Mulligan",
+ "Nestor's Bright Idea",
+ "Holy Batpole",
+ "Tumor (Benign)",
+ "Braingate",
+ "Summon a Bitch",
+ "Nonplus",
+ "Animate Nightstand",
+ "Eye of the Troglodyte",
+ "Curse Name",
+ "Dropsy",
+ "Vitreous Humor",
+ "Roger's Grand Illusion",
+ "Covet",
+ "Black Idaho",
+ "Astral Miasma",
+ "Spectral Oyster",
+ "Acrid Hands",
+ "Angioplasty",
+ "Grognor's Big Day Off",
+ "Tumor (Malignant)",
+ "Animate Tunic",
+ "Ursine Armor",
+ "Holy Roller",
+ "Tonsilectomy",
+ "Curse Family",
+ "Infinite Confusion"];
+K.OffenseAttrib = [
+ "Polished|+1",
+ "Serrated|+1",
+ "Heavy|+1",
+ "Pronged|+2",
+ "Steely|+2",
+ "Vicious|+3",
+ "Venomed|+4",
+ "Stabbity|+4",
+ "Dancing|+5",
+ "Invisible|+6",
+ "Vorpal|+7"];
+K.DefenseAttrib = [
+ "Studded|+1",
+ "Banded|+2",
+ "Gilded|+2",
+ "Festooned|+3",
+ "Holy|+4",
+ "Cambric|+1",
+ "Fine|+4",
+ "Impressive|+5",
+ "Custom|+3"];
+K.Shields = [
+ "Parasol|0",
+ "Pie Plate|1",
+ "Garbage Can Lid|2",
+ "Buckler|3",
+ "Plexiglass|4",
+ "Fender|4",
+ "Round Shield|5",
+ "Carapace|5",
+ "Scutum|6",
+ "Propugner|6",
+ "Kite Shield|7",
+ "Pavise|8",
+ "Tower Shield|9",
+ "Baroque Shield|11",
+ "Aegis|12",
+ "Magnetic Field|18"];
+K.Armors = [
+ "Lace|1",
+ "Macrame|2",
+ "Burlap|3",
+ "Canvas|4",
+ "Flannel|5",
+ "Chamois|6",
+ "Pleathers|7",
+ "Leathers|8",
+ "Bearskin|9",
+ "Ringmail|10",
+ "Scale Mail|12",
+ "Chainmail|14",
+ "Splint Mail|15",
+ "Platemail|16",
+ "ABS|17",
+ "Kevlar|18",
+ "Titanium|19",
+ "Mithril Mail|20",
+ "Diamond Mail|25",
+ "Plasma|30"];
+K.Weapons = [
+ "Stick|0",
+ "Broken Bottle|1",
+ "Shiv|1",
+ "Sprig|1",
+ "Oxgoad|1",
+ "Eelspear|2",
+ "Bowie Knife|2",
+ "Claw Hammer|2",
+ "Handpeen|2",
+ "Andiron|3",
+ "Hatchet|3",
+ "Tomahawk|3",
+ "Hackbarm|3",
+ "Crowbar|4",
+ "Mace|4",
+ "Battleadze|4",
+ "Leafmace|5",
+ "Shortsword|5",
+ "Longiron|5",
+ "Poachard|5",
+ "Baselard|5",
+ "Whinyard|6",
+ "Blunderbuss|6",
+ "Longsword|6",
+ "Crankbow|6",
+ "Blibo|7",
+ "Broadsword|7",
+ "Kreen|7",
+ "Warhammer|7",
+ "Morning Star|8",
+ "Pole-adze|8",
+ "Spontoon|8",
+ "Bastard Sword|9",
+ "Peen-arm|9",
+ "Culverin|10",
+ "Lance|10",
+ "Halberd|11",
+ "Poleax|12",
+ "Bandyclef|15"];
+K.Specials = [
+ "Diadem",
+ "Festoon",
+ "Gemstone",
+ "Phial",
+ "Tiara",
+ "Scabbard",
+ "Arrow",
+ "Lens",
+ "Lamp",
+ "Hymnal",
+ "Fleece",
+ "Laurel",
+ "Brooch",
+ "Gimlet",
+ "Cobble",
+ "Albatross",
+ "Brazier",
+ "Bandolier",
+ "Tome",
+ "Garnet",
+ "Amethyst",
+ "Candelabra",
+ "Corset",
+ "Sphere",
+ "Sceptre",
+ "Ankh",
+ "Talisman",
+ "Orb",
+ "Gammel",
+ "Ornament",
+ "Brocade",
+ "Galoon",
+ "Bijou",
+ "Spangle",
+ "Gimcrack",
+ "Hood",
+ "Vulpeculum"];
+K.ItemAttrib = [
+ "Golden",
+ "Gilded",
+ "Spectral",
+ "Astral",
+ "Garlanded",
+ "Precious",
+ "Crafted",
+ "Dual",
+ "Filigreed",
+ "Cruciate",
+ "Arcane",
+ "Blessed",
+ "Reverential",
+ "Lucky",
+ "Enchanted",
+ "Gleaming",
+ "Grandiose",
+ "Sacred",
+ "Legendary",
+ "Mythic",
+ "Crystalline",
+ "Austere",
+ "Ostentatious",
+ "One True",
+ "Proverbial",
+ "Fearsome",
+ "Deadly",
+ "Benevolent",
+ "Unearthly",
+ "Magnificent",
+ "Iron",
+ "Ormolu",
+ "Puissant"];
+K.ItemOfs = [
+ "Foreboding",
+ "Foreshadowing",
+ "Nervousness",
+ "Happiness",
+ "Torpor",
+ "Danger",
+ "Craft",
+ "Silence",
+ "Invisibility",
+ "Rapidity",
+ "Pleasure",
+ "Practicality",
+ "Hurting",
+ "Joy",
+ "Petulance",
+ "Intrusion",
+ "Chaos",
+ "Suffering",
+ "Extroversion",
+ "Frenzy",
+ "Sisu",
+ "Solitude",
+ "Punctuality",
+ "Efficiency",
+ "Comfort",
+ "Patience",
+ "Internment",
+ "Incarceration",
+ "Misapprehension",
+ "Loyalty",
+ "Envy",
+ "Acrimony",
+ "Worry",
+ "Fear",
+ "Awe",
+ "Guile",
+ "Prurience",
+ "Fortune",
+ "Perspicacity",
+ "Domination",
+ "Submission",
+ "Fealty",
+ "Hunger",
+ "Despair",
+ "Cruelty",
+ "Grob",
+ "Dignard",
+ "Ra",
+ "the Bone",
+ "Diamonique",
+ "Electrum",
+ "Hydragyrum"];
+K.BoringItems = [
+ "nail",
+ "lunchpail",
+ "sock",
+ "I.O.U.",
+ "cookie",
+ "pint",
+ "toothpick",
+ "writ",
+ "newspaper",
+ "letter",
+ "plank",
+ "hat",
+ "egg",
+ "coin",
+ "needle",
+ "bucket",
+ "ladder",
+ "chicken",
+ "twig",
+ "dirtclod",
+ "counterpane",
+ "vest",
+ "teratoma",
+ "bunny",
+ "rock",
+ "pole",
+ "carrot",
+ "canoe",
+ "inkwell",
+ "hoe",
+ "bandage",
+ "trowel",
+ "towel",
+ "planter box",
+ "anvil",
+ "axle",
+ "tuppence",
+ "casket",
+ "nosegay",
+ "trinket",
+ "credenza",
+ "writ"];
+K.Monsters = [
+ "Anhkheg|6|chitin",
+ "Ant|0|antenna",
+ "Ape|4|ass",
+ "Baluchitherium|14|ear",
+ "Beholder|10|eyestalk",
+ "Black Pudding|10|saliva",
+ "Blink Dog|4|eyelid",
+ "Cub Scout|1|neckerchief",
+ "Girl Scout|2|cookie",
+ "Boy Scout|3|merit badge",
+ "Eagle Scout|4|merit badge",
+ "Bugbear|3|skin",
+ "Bugboar|3|tusk",
+ "Boogie|3|slime",
+ "Camel|2|hump",
+ "Carrion Crawler|3|egg",
+ "Catoblepas|6|neck",
+ "Centaur|4|rib",
+ "Centipede|0|leg",
+ "Cockatrice|5|wattle",
+ "Couatl|9|wing",
+ "Crayfish|0|antenna",
+ "Demogorgon|53|tentacle",
+ "Jubilex|17|gel",
+ "Manes|1|tooth",
+ "Orcus|27|wand",
+ "Succubus|6|bra",
+ "Vrock|8|neck",
+ "Hezrou|9|leg",
+ "Glabrezu|10|collar",
+ "Nalfeshnee|11|tusk",
+ "Marilith|7|arm",
+ "Balor|8|whip",
+ "Yeenoghu|25|flail",
+ "Asmodeus|52|leathers",
+ "Baalzebul|43|pants",
+ "Barbed Devil|8|flame",
+ "Bone Devil|9|hook",
+ "Dispater|30|matches",
+ "Erinyes|6|thong",
+ "Geryon|30|cornucopia",
+ "Malebranche|5|fork",
+ "Ice Devil|11|snow",
+ "Lemure|3|blob",
+ "Pit Fiend|13|seed",
+ "Anklyosaurus|9|tail",
+ "Brontosaurus|30|brain",
+ "Diplodocus|24|fin",
+ "Elasmosaurus|15|neck",
+ "Gorgosaurus|13|arm",
+ "Iguanadon|6|thumb",
+ "Megalosaurus|12|jaw",
+ "Monoclonius|8|horn",
+ "Pentasaurus|12|head",
+ "Stegosaurus|18|plate",
+ "Triceratops|16|horn",
+ "Tyranosauraus Rex|18|forearm",
+ "Djinn|7|lamp",
+ "Doppleganger|4|face",
+ "Black Dragon|7|*",
+ "Plaid Dragon|7|sporrin",
+ "Blue Dragon|9|*",
+ "Beige Dragon|9|*",
+ "Brass Dragon|7|pole",
+ "Tin Dragon|8|*",
+ "Bronze Dragon|9|medal",
+ "Chromatic Dragon|16|scale",
+ "Copper Dragon|8|loafer",
+ "Gold Dragon|8|filling",
+ "Green Dragon|8|*",
+ "Platinum Dragon|21|*",
+ "Red Dragon|10|cocktail",
+ "Silver Dragon|10|*",
+ "White Dragon|6|tooth",
+ "Dragon Turtle|13|shell",
+ "Dryad|2|acorn",
+ "Dwarf|1|drawers",
+ "Eel|2|sashimi",
+ "Efreet|10|cinder",
+ "Sand Elemental|8|glass",
+ "Bacon Elemental|10|bit",
+ "Porn Elemental|12|lube",
+ "Cheese Elemental|14|curd",
+ "Hair Elemental|16|follicle",
+ "Swamp Elf|1|lilypad",
+ "Brown Elf|1|tusk",
+ "Sea Elf|1|jerkin",
+ "Ettin|10|fur",
+ "Frog|0|leg",
+ "Violet Fungi|3|spore",
+ "Gargoyle|4|gravel",
+ "Gelatinous Cube|4|jam",
+ "Ghast|4|vomit",
+ "Ghost|10|*",
+ "Ghoul|2|muscle",
+ "Humidity Giant|12|drops",
+ "Beef Giant|11|steak",
+ "Quartz Giant|10|crystal",
+ "Porcelain Giant|9|fixture",
+ "Rice Giant|8|grain",
+ "Cloud Giant|12|condensation",
+ "Fire Giant|11|cigarettes",
+ "Frost Giant|10|snowman",
+ "Hill Giant|8|corpse",
+ "Stone Giant|9|hatchling",
+ "Storm Giant|15|barometer",
+ "Mini Giant|4|pompadour",
+ "Gnoll|2|collar",
+ "Gnome|1|hat",
+ "Goblin|1|ear",
+ "Grid Bug|1|carapace",
+ "Jellyrock|9|seedling",
+ "Beer Golem|15|foam",
+ "Oxygen Golem|17|platelet",
+ "Cardboard Golem|14|recycling",
+ "Rubber Golem|16|ball",
+ "Leather Golem|15|fob",
+ "Gorgon|8|testicle",
+ "Gray Ooze|3|gravy",
+ "Green Slime|2|sample",
+ "Griffon|7|nest",
+ "Banshee|7|larynx",
+ "Harpy|3|mascara",
+ "Hell Hound|5|tongue",
+ "Hippocampus|4|mane",
+ "Hippogriff|3|egg",
+ "Hobgoblin|1|patella",
+ "Homonculus|2|fluid",
+ "Hydra|8|gyrum",
+ "Imp|2|tail",
+ "Invisible Stalker|8|*",
+ "Iron Peasant|3|chaff",
+ "Jumpskin|3|shin",
+ "Kobold|1|penis",
+ "Leprechaun|1|wallet",
+ "Leucrotta|6|hoof",
+ "Lich|11|crown",
+ "Lizard Man|2|tail",
+ "Lurker|10|sac",
+ "Manticore|6|spike",
+ "Mastodon|12|tusk",
+ "Medusa|6|eye",
+ "Multicell|2|dendrite",
+ "Pirate|1|booty",
+ "Berserker|1|shirt",
+ "Caveman|2|club",
+ "Dervish|1|robe",
+ "Merman|1|trident",
+ "Mermaid|1|gills",
+ "Mimic|9|hinge",
+ "Mind Flayer|8|tentacle",
+ "Minotaur|6|map",
+ "Yellow Mold|1|spore",
+ "Morkoth|7|teeth",
+ "Mummy|6|gauze",
+ "Naga|9|rattle",
+ "Nebbish|1|belly",
+ "Neo-Otyugh|11|organ ",
+ "Nixie|1|webbing",
+ "Nymph|3|hanky",
+ "Ochre Jelly|6|nucleus",
+ "Octopus|2|beak",
+ "Ogre|4|talon",
+ "Ogre Mage|5|apparel",
+ "Orc|1|snout",
+ "Otyugh|7|organ",
+ "Owlbear|5|feather",
+ "Pegasus|4|aileron",
+ "Peryton|4|antler",
+ "Piercer|3|tip",
+ "Pixie|1|dust",
+ "Man-o-war|3|tentacle",
+ "Purple Worm|15|dung",
+ "Quasit|3|tail",
+ "Rakshasa|7|pajamas",
+ "Rat|0|tail",
+ "Remorhaz|11|protrusion",
+ "Roc|18|wing",
+ "Roper|11|twine",
+ "Rot Grub|1|eggsac",
+ "Rust Monster|5|shavings",
+ "Satyr|5|hoof",
+ "Sea Hag|3|wart",
+ "Silkie|3|fur",
+ "Shadow|3|silhouette",
+ "Shambling Mound|10|mulch",
+ "Shedu|9|hoof",
+ "Shrieker|3|stalk",
+ "Skeleton|1|clavicle",
+ "Spectre|7|vestige",
+ "Sphinx|10|paw",
+ "Spider|0|web",
+ "Sprite|1|can",
+ "Stirge|1|proboscis",
+ "Stun Bear|5|tooth",
+ "Stun Worm|2|trode",
+ "Su-monster|5|tail",
+ "Sylph|3|thigh",
+ "Titan|20|sandal",
+ "Trapper|12|shag",
+ "Treant|10|acorn",
+ "Triton|3|scale",
+ "Troglodyte|2|tail",
+ "Troll|6|hide",
+ "Umber Hulk|8|claw",
+ "Unicorn|4|blood",
+ "Vampire|8|pancreas",
+ "Wight|4|lung",
+ "Will-o'-the-Wisp|9|wisp",
+ "Wraith|5|finger",
+ "Wyvern|7|wing",
+ "Xorn|7|jaw",
+ "Yeti|4|fur",
+ "Zombie|2|forehead",
+ "Wasp|0|stinger",
+ "Rat|1|tail",
+ "Bunny|0|ear",
+ "Moth|0|dust",
+ "Beagle|0|collar",
+ "Midge|0|corpse",
+ "Ostrich|1|beak",
+ "Billy Goat|1|beard",
+ "Bat|1|wing",
+ "Koala|2|heart",
+ "Wolf|2|paw",
+ "Whippet|2|collar",
+ "Uruk|2|boot",
+ "Poroid|4|node",
+ "Moakum|8|frenum",
+ "Fly|0|*",
+ "Hogbird|3|curl",
+ "Wolog|4|lemma"];
+K.MonMods = [
+ "-4 fœtal *",
+ "-4 dying *",
+ "-3 crippled *",
+ "-3 baby *",
+ "-2 adolescent",
+ "-2 very sick *",
+ "-1 lesser *",
+ "-1 undernourished *",
+ "+1 greater *",
+ "+1 * Elder",
+ "+2 war *",
+ "+2 Battle-*",
+ "+3 Were-*",
+ "+3 undead *",
+ "+4 giant *",
+ "+4 * Rex"];
+K.OffenseBad = [
+ "Dull|-2",
+ "Tarnished|-1",
+ "Rusty|-3",
+ "Padded|-5",
+ "Bent|-4",
+ "Mini|-4",
+ "Rubber|-6",
+ "Nerf|-7",
+ "Unbalanced|-2"];
+K.DefenseBad = [
+ "Holey|-1",
+ "Patched|-1",
+ "Threadbare|-2",
+ "Faded|-1",
+ "Rusty|-3",
+ "Motheaten|-3",
+ "Mildewed|-2",
+ "Torn|-3",
+ "Dented|-3",
+ "Cursed|-5",
+ "Plastic|-4",
+ "Cracked|-4",
+ "Warped|-3",
+ "Corroded|-3"];
+K.Races = [
+ "Half Orc|HP Max",
+ "Half Man|CHA",
+ "Half Halfling|DEX",
+ "Double Hobbit|STR",
+ "Hob-Hobbit|DEX,CON",
+ "Low Elf|CON",
+ "Dung Elf|WIS",
+ "Talking Pony|MP Max,INT",
+ "Gyrognome|DEX",
+ "Lesser Dwarf|CON",
+ "Crested Dwarf|CHA",
+ "Eel Man|DEX",
+ "Panda Man|CON,STR",
+ "Trans-Kobold|WIS",
+ "Enchanted Motorcycle|MP Max",
+ "Will o' the Wisp|WIS",
+ "Battle-Finch|DEX,INT",
+ "Double Wookiee|STR",
+ "Skraeling|WIS",
+ "Demicanadian|CON",
+ "Land Squid|STR,HP Max"];
+K.Klasses = [
+ "Ur-Paladin|WIS,CON",
+ "Voodoo Princess|INT,CHA",
+ "Robot Monk|STR",
+ "Mu-Fu Monk|DEX",
+ "Mage Illusioner|INT,MP Max",
+ "Shiv-Knight|DEX",
+ "Inner Mason|CON",
+ "Fighter/Organist|CHA,STR",
+ "Puma Burgular|DEX",
+ "Runeloremaster|WIS",
+ "Hunter Strangler|DEX,INT",
+ "Battle-Felon|STR",
+ "Tickle-Mimic|WIS,INT",
+ "Slow Poisoner|CON",
+ "Bastard Lunatic|CON",
+ "Lowling|WIS",
+ "Birdrider|WIS",
+ "Vermineer|INT"];
+K.Titles = [
+ "Mr.",
+ "Mrs.",
+ "Sir",
+ "Sgt.",
+ "Ms.",
+ "Captain",
+ "Chief",
+ "Admiral",
+ "Saint"];
+K.ImpressiveTitles = [
+ "King",
+ "Queen",
+ "Lord",
+ "Lady",
+ "Viceroy",
+ "Mayor",
+ "Prince",
+ "Princess",
+ "Chief",
+ "Boss",
+ "Archbishop"];