path: root/orig/pq/ZLIBEX.PAS
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'orig/pq/ZLIBEX.PAS')
1 files changed, 777 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/orig/pq/ZLIBEX.PAS b/orig/pq/ZLIBEX.PAS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e47ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orig/pq/ZLIBEX.PAS
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+* ZLibEx.pas *
+* *
+* copyright (c) 2000-2002 base2 technologies *
+* copyright (c) 1997 Borland International *
+* *
+* revision history *
+* 2002.03.15 updated to zlib version 1.1.4 *
+* 2001.11.27 enhanced TZDecompressionStream.Read to adjust source *
+* stream position upon end of compression data *
+* fixed endless loop in TZDecompressionStream.Read when *
+* destination count was greater than uncompressed data *
+* 2001.10.26 renamed unit to integrate "nicely" with delphi 6 *
+* 2000.11.24 added soFromEnd condition to TZDecompressionStream.Seek *
+* added ZCompressStream and ZDecompressStream *
+* 2000.06.13 optimized, fixed, rewrote, and enhanced the zlib.pas unit *
+* included on the delphi cd (zlib version 1.1.3) *
+* *
+* acknowledgements *
+* erik turner Z*Stream routines *
+* david bennion finding the nastly little endless loop quirk with the *
+* TZDecompressionStream.Read method *
+* burak kalayci informing me about the zlib 1.1.4 update *
+unit ZLibEx;
+ Sysutils, Classes;
+ ZLIB_VERSION = '1.1.4';
+ TZAlloc = function (opaque: Pointer; items, size: Integer): Pointer;
+ TZFree = procedure (opaque, block: Pointer);
+ TZCompressionLevel = (zcNone, zcFastest, zcDefault, zcMax);
+ {** TZStreamRec ***********************************************************}
+ TZStreamRec = packed record
+ next_in : PChar; // next input byte
+ avail_in : Longint; // number of bytes available at next_in
+ total_in : Longint; // total nb of input bytes read so far
+ next_out : PChar; // next output byte should be put here
+ avail_out: Longint; // remaining free space at next_out
+ total_out: Longint; // total nb of bytes output so far
+ msg : PChar; // last error message, NULL if no error
+ state : Pointer; // not visible by applications
+ zalloc : TZAlloc; // used to allocate the internal state
+ zfree : TZFree; // used to free the internal state
+ opaque : Pointer; // private data object passed to zalloc and zfree
+ data_type: Integer; // best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
+ adler : Longint; // adler32 value of the uncompressed data
+ reserved : Longint; // reserved for future use
+ end;
+ {** TCustomZStream ********************************************************}
+ TCustomZStream = class(TStream)
+ private
+ FStream : TStream;
+ FStreamPos : Integer;
+ FOnProgress: TNotifyEvent;
+ FZStream : TZStreamRec;
+ FBuffer : Array [Word] of Char;
+ protected
+ constructor Create(stream: TStream);
+ procedure DoProgress; dynamic;
+ property OnProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
+ end;
+ {** TZCompressionStream ***************************************************}
+ TZCompressionStream = class(TCustomZStream)
+ private
+ function GetCompressionRate: Single;
+ public
+ constructor Create(dest: TStream; compressionLevel: TZCompressionLevel = zcDefault);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Read(var buffer; count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Write(const buffer; count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Seek(offset: Longint; origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ property CompressionRate: Single read GetCompressionRate;
+ property OnProgress;
+ end;
+ {** TZDecompressionStream *************************************************}
+ TZDecompressionStream = class(TCustomZStream)
+ public
+ constructor Create(source: TStream);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Read(var buffer; count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Write(const buffer; count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Seek(offset: Longint; origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ property OnProgress;
+ end;
+{** zlib public routines ****************************************************}
+* ZCompress *
+* *
+* pre-conditions *
+* inBuffer = pointer to uncompressed data *
+* inSize = size of inBuffer (bytes) *
+* outBuffer = pointer (unallocated) *
+* level = compression level *
+* *
+* post-conditions *
+* outBuffer = pointer to compressed data (allocated) *
+* outSize = size of outBuffer (bytes) *
+procedure ZCompress(const inBuffer: Pointer; inSize: Integer;
+ out outBuffer: Pointer; out outSize: Integer;
+ level: TZCompressionLevel = zcDefault);
+* ZDecompress *
+* *
+* pre-conditions *
+* inBuffer = pointer to compressed data *
+* inSize = size of inBuffer (bytes) *
+* outBuffer = pointer (unallocated) *
+* outEstimate = estimated size of uncompressed data (bytes) *
+* *
+* post-conditions *
+* outBuffer = pointer to decompressed data (allocated) *
+* outSize = size of outBuffer (bytes) *
+procedure ZDecompress(const inBuffer: Pointer; inSize: Integer;
+ out outBuffer: Pointer; out outSize: Integer; outEstimate: Integer = 0);
+{** string routines *********************************************************}
+function ZCompressStr(const s: String; level: TZCompressionLevel = zcDefault): String;
+function ZDecompressStr(const s: String): String;
+{** stream routines *********************************************************}
+procedure ZCompressStream(inStream, outStream: TStream;
+ level: TZCompressionLevel = zcDefault);
+procedure ZDecompressStream(inStream, outStream: TStream);
+ EZLibError = class(Exception);
+ EZCompressionError = class(EZLibError);
+ EZDecompressionError = class(EZLibError);
+{** link zlib code **********************************************************}
+{$L deflate.obj}
+{$L inflate.obj}
+{$L infblock.obj}
+{$L inftrees.obj}
+{$L infcodes.obj}
+{$L infutil.obj}
+{$L inffast.obj}
+{$L trees.obj}
+{$L adler32.obj}
+* note: do not reorder the above -- doing so will result in external *
+* functions being undefined *
+ {** flush constants *******************************************************}
+ Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
+ Z_FINISH = 4;
+ {** return codes **********************************************************}
+ Z_OK = 0;
+ Z_NEED_DICT = 2;
+ Z_ERRNO = (-1);
+ Z_STREAM_ERROR = (-2);
+ Z_DATA_ERROR = (-3);
+ Z_MEM_ERROR = (-4);
+ Z_BUF_ERROR = (-5);
+ {** compression levels ****************************************************}
+ {** compression strategies ************************************************}
+ {** data types ************************************************************}
+ Z_BINARY = 0;
+ Z_ASCII = 1;
+ Z_UNKNOWN = 2;
+ {** compression methods ***************************************************}
+ {** return code messages **************************************************}
+ _z_errmsg: array[0..9] of PChar = (
+ 'need dictionary', // Z_NEED_DICT (2)
+ 'stream end', // Z_STREAM_END (1)
+ '', // Z_OK (0)
+ 'file error', // Z_ERRNO (-1)
+ 'stream error', // Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
+ 'data error', // Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)
+ 'insufficient memory', // Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)
+ 'buffer error', // Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)
+ 'incompatible version', // Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
+ ''
+ );
+ ZLevels: array [TZCompressionLevel] of Shortint = (
+ );
+ SZInvalid = 'Invalid ZStream operation!';
+{** deflate routines ********************************************************}
+function deflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; level: Integer; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
+function deflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer;
+ external;
+function deflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+{** inflate routines ********************************************************}
+function inflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; version: PChar;
+ recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
+function inflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer;
+ external;
+function inflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+function inflateReset(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
+{** zlib function implementations *******************************************}
+function zcalloc(opaque: Pointer; items, size: Integer): Pointer;
+ GetMem(result,items * size);
+procedure zcfree(opaque, block: Pointer);
+ FreeMem(block);
+{** c function implementations **********************************************}
+procedure _memset(p: Pointer; b: Byte; count: Integer); cdecl;
+ FillChar(p^,count,b);
+procedure _memcpy(dest, source: Pointer; count: Integer); cdecl;
+ Move(source^,dest^,count);
+{** custom zlib routines ****************************************************}
+function DeflateInit(var stream: TZStreamRec; level: Integer): Integer;
+ result := DeflateInit_(stream,level,ZLIB_VERSION,SizeOf(TZStreamRec));
+// function DeflateInit2(var stream: TZStreamRec; level, method, windowBits,
+// memLevel, strategy: Integer): Integer;
+// begin
+// result := DeflateInit2_(stream,level,method,windowBits,memLevel,
+// strategy,ZLIB_VERSION,SizeOf(TZStreamRec));
+// end;
+function InflateInit(var stream: TZStreamRec): Integer;
+ result := InflateInit_(stream,ZLIB_VERSION,SizeOf(TZStreamRec));
+// function InflateInit2(var stream: TZStreamRec; windowBits: Integer): Integer;
+// begin
+// result := InflateInit2_(stream,windowBits,ZLIB_VERSION,SizeOf(TZStreamRec));
+// end;
+function ZCompressCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
+ result := code;
+ if code < 0 then
+ begin
+ raise EZCompressionError.Create(_z_errmsg[2 - code]);
+ end;
+function ZDecompressCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := code;
+ if code < 0 then
+ begin
+ raise EZDecompressionError.Create(_z_errmsg[2 - code]);
+ end;
+procedure ZCompress(const inBuffer: Pointer; inSize: Integer;
+ out outBuffer: Pointer; out outSize: Integer;
+ level: TZCompressionLevel);
+ delta = 256;
+ zstream: TZStreamRec;
+ FillChar(zstream,SizeOf(TZStreamRec),0);
+ outSize := ((inSize + (inSize div 10) + 12) + 255) and not 255;
+ GetMem(outBuffer,outSize);
+ try
+ zstream.next_in := inBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_in := inSize;
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := outSize;
+ ZCompressCheck(DeflateInit(zstream,ZLevels[level]));
+ try
+ while ZCompressCheck(deflate(zstream,Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
+ begin
+ Inc(outSize,delta);
+ ReallocMem(outBuffer,outSize);
+ zstream.next_out := PChar(Integer(outBuffer) + zstream.total_out);
+ zstream.avail_out := delta;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ZCompressCheck(deflateEnd(zstream));
+ end;
+ ReallocMem(outBuffer,zstream.total_out);
+ outSize := zstream.total_out;
+ except
+ FreeMem(outBuffer);
+ raise;
+ end;
+procedure ZDecompress(const inBuffer: Pointer; inSize: Integer;
+ out outBuffer: Pointer; out outSize: Integer; outEstimate: Integer);
+ zstream: TZStreamRec;
+ delta : Integer;
+ FillChar(zstream,SizeOf(TZStreamRec),0);
+ delta := (inSize + 255) and not 255;
+ if outEstimate = 0 then outSize := delta
+ else outSize := outEstimate;
+ GetMem(outBuffer,outSize);
+ try
+ zstream.next_in := inBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_in := inSize;
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := outSize;
+ ZDecompressCheck(InflateInit(zstream));
+ try
+ while ZDecompressCheck(inflate(zstream,Z_NO_FLUSH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
+ begin
+ Inc(outSize,delta);
+ ReallocMem(outBuffer,outSize);
+ zstream.next_out := PChar(Integer(outBuffer) + zstream.total_out);
+ zstream.avail_out := delta;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ZDecompressCheck(inflateEnd(zstream));
+ end;
+ ReallocMem(outBuffer,zstream.total_out);
+ outSize := zstream.total_out;
+ except
+ FreeMem(outBuffer);
+ raise;
+ end;
+{** string routines *********************************************************}
+function ZCompressStr(const s: String; level: TZCompressionLevel): String;
+ buffer: Pointer;
+ size : Integer;
+ ZCompress(PChar(s),Length(s),buffer,size,level);
+ SetLength(result,size);
+ Move(buffer^,result[1],size);
+ FreeMem(buffer);
+function ZDecompressStr(const s: String): String;
+ buffer: Pointer;
+ size : Integer;
+ ZDecompress(PChar(s),Length(s),buffer,size);
+ SetLength(result,size);
+ Move(buffer^,result[1],size);
+ FreeMem(buffer);
+{** stream routines *********************************************************}
+procedure ZCompressStream(inStream, outStream: TStream;
+ level: TZCompressionLevel);
+ bufferSize = 32768;
+ zstream : TZStreamRec;
+ zresult : Integer;
+ inBuffer : Array [0..bufferSize-1] of Char;
+ outBuffer: Array [0..bufferSize-1] of Char;
+ inSize : Integer;
+ outSize : Integer;
+ FillChar(zstream,SizeOf(TZStreamRec),0);
+ ZCompressCheck(DeflateInit(zstream,ZLevels[level]));
+ inSize := inStream.Read(inBuffer,bufferSize);
+ while inSize > 0 do
+ begin
+ zstream.next_in := inBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_in := inSize;
+ repeat
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := bufferSize;
+ ZCompressCheck(deflate(zstream,Z_NO_FLUSH));
+ // outSize := zstream.next_out - outBuffer;
+ outSize := bufferSize - zstream.avail_out;
+ outStream.Write(outBuffer,outSize);
+ until (zstream.avail_in = 0) and (zstream.avail_out > 0);
+ inSize := inStream.Read(inBuffer,bufferSize);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := bufferSize;
+ zresult := ZCompressCheck(deflate(zstream,Z_FINISH));
+ // outSize := zstream.next_out - outBuffer;
+ outSize := bufferSize - zstream.avail_out;
+ outStream.Write(outBuffer,outSize);
+ until (zresult = Z_STREAM_END) and (zstream.avail_out > 0);
+ ZCompressCheck(deflateEnd(zstream));
+procedure ZDecompressStream(inStream, outStream: TStream);
+ bufferSize = 32768;
+ zstream : TZStreamRec;
+ zresult : Integer;
+ inBuffer : Array [0..bufferSize-1] of Char;
+ outBuffer: Array [0..bufferSize-1] of Char;
+ inSize : Integer;
+ outSize : Integer;
+ FillChar(zstream,SizeOf(TZStreamRec),0);
+ ZCompressCheck(InflateInit(zstream));
+ inSize := inStream.Read(inBuffer,bufferSize);
+ while inSize > 0 do
+ begin
+ zstream.next_in := inBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_in := inSize;
+ repeat
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := bufferSize;
+ ZCompressCheck(inflate(zstream,Z_NO_FLUSH));
+ // outSize := zstream.next_out - outBuffer;
+ outSize := bufferSize - zstream.avail_out;
+ outStream.Write(outBuffer,outSize);
+ until (zstream.avail_in = 0) and (zstream.avail_out > 0);
+ inSize := inStream.Read(inBuffer,bufferSize);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ zstream.next_out := outBuffer;
+ zstream.avail_out := bufferSize;
+ zresult := ZCompressCheck(inflate(zstream,Z_FINISH));
+ // outSize := zstream.next_out - outBuffer;
+ outSize := bufferSize - zstream.avail_out;
+ outStream.Write(outBuffer,outSize);
+ until (zresult = Z_STREAM_END) and (zstream.avail_out > 0);
+ ZCompressCheck(inflateEnd(zstream));
+{** TCustomZStream **********************************************************}
+constructor TCustomZStream.Create(stream: TStream);
+ inherited Create;
+ FStream := stream;
+ FStreamPos := stream.Position;
+procedure TCustomZStream.DoProgress;
+ if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Self);
+{** TZCompressionStream *****************************************************}
+constructor TZCompressionStream.Create(dest: TStream;
+ compressionLevel: TZCompressionLevel);
+ inherited Create(dest);
+ FZStream.next_out := FBuffer;
+ FZStream.avail_out := SizeOf(FBuffer);
+ ZCompressCheck(DeflateInit(FZStream,ZLevels[compressionLevel]));
+destructor TZCompressionStream.Destroy;
+ FZStream.next_in := Nil;
+ FZStream.avail_in := 0;
+ try
+ if FStream.Position <> FStreamPos then FStream.Position := FStreamPos;
+ while ZCompressCheck(deflate(FZStream,Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
+ begin
+ FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer,SizeOf(FBuffer) - FZStream.avail_out);
+ FZStream.next_out := FBuffer;
+ FZStream.avail_out := SizeOf(FBuffer);
+ end;
+ if FZStream.avail_out < SizeOf(FBuffer) then
+ begin
+ FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer,SizeOf(FBuffer) - FZStream.avail_out);
+ end;
+ finally
+ deflateEnd(FZStream);
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TZCompressionStream.Read(var buffer; count: Longint): Longint;
+ raise EZCompressionError.Create(SZInvalid);
+function TZCompressionStream.Write(const buffer; count: Longint): Longint;
+ FZStream.next_in := @buffer;
+ FZStream.avail_in := count;
+ if FStream.Position <> FStreamPos then FStream.Position := FStreamPos;
+ while FZStream.avail_in > 0 do
+ begin
+ ZCompressCheck(deflate(FZStream,Z_NO_FLUSH));
+ if FZStream.avail_out = 0 then
+ begin
+ FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer,SizeOf(FBuffer));
+ FZStream.next_out := FBuffer;
+ FZStream.avail_out := SizeOf(FBuffer);
+ FStreamPos := FStream.Position;
+ DoProgress;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := Count;
+function TZCompressionStream.Seek(offset: Longint; origin: Word): Longint;
+ if (offset = 0) and (origin = soFromCurrent) then
+ begin
+ result := FZStream.total_in;
+ end
+ else raise EZCompressionError.Create(SZInvalid);
+function TZCompressionStream.GetCompressionRate: Single;
+ if FZStream.total_in = 0 then result := 0
+ else result := (1.0 - (FZStream.total_out / FZStream.total_in)) * 100.0;
+{** TZDecompressionStream ***************************************************}
+constructor TZDecompressionStream.Create(source: TStream);
+ inherited Create(source);
+ FZStream.next_in := FBuffer;
+ FZStream.avail_in := 0;
+ ZDecompressCheck(InflateInit(FZStream));
+destructor TZDecompressionStream.Destroy;
+ inflateEnd(FZStream);
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TZDecompressionStream.Read(var buffer; count: Longint): Longint;
+ zresult: Integer;
+ FZStream.next_out := @buffer;
+ FZStream.avail_out := count;
+ if FStream.Position <> FStreamPos then FStream.Position := FStreamPos;
+ zresult := Z_OK;
+ while (FZStream.avail_out > 0) and (zresult <> Z_STREAM_END) do
+ begin
+ if FZStream.avail_in = 0 then
+ begin
+ FZStream.avail_in := FStream.Read(FBuffer,SizeOf(FBuffer));
+ if FZStream.avail_in = 0 then
+ begin
+ result := count - FZStream.avail_out;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ FZStream.next_in := FBuffer;
+ FStreamPos := FStream.Position;
+ DoProgress;
+ end;
+ zresult := ZDecompressCheck(inflate(FZStream,Z_NO_FLUSH));
+ end;
+ if (zresult = Z_STREAM_END) and (FZStream.avail_in > 0) then
+ begin
+ FStream.Position := FStream.Position - FZStream.avail_in;
+ FStreamPos := FStream.Position;
+ FZStream.avail_in := 0;
+ end;
+ result := count - FZStream.avail_out;
+function TZDecompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
+ raise EZDecompressionError.Create(SZInvalid);
+function TZDecompressionStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
+ buf: Array [0..8191] of Char;
+ i : Integer;
+ if (offset = 0) and (origin = soFromBeginning) then
+ begin
+ ZDecompressCheck(inflateReset(FZStream));
+ FZStream.next_in := FBuffer;
+ FZStream.avail_in := 0;
+ FStream.Position := 0;
+ FStreamPos := 0;
+ end
+ else if ((offset >= 0) and (origin = soFromCurrent)) or
+ (((offset - FZStream.total_out) > 0) and (origin = soFromBeginning)) then
+ begin
+ if origin = soFromBeginning then Dec(offset,FZStream.total_out);
+ if offset > 0 then
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to offset div SizeOf(buf) do ReadBuffer(buf,SizeOf(buf));
+ ReadBuffer(buf,offset mod SizeOf(buf));
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (offset = 0) and (origin = soFromEnd) then
+ begin
+ while Read(buf,SizeOf(buf)) > 0 do ;
+ end
+ else raise EZDecompressionError.Create(SZInvalid);
+ result := FZStream.total_out;