path: root/plotlib/ps_subs_old.f
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2009-05-11 00:27:49 +0000
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2009-05-11 00:27:49 +0000
commit0d4f43d355de79178b1142e9735902cf641670b6 (patch)
tree2ced2323f6351db2a51090b3fd13eb11f69ff53f /plotlib/ps_subs_old.f
Xfoil 6.97
Diffstat (limited to 'plotlib/ps_subs_old.f')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plotlib/ps_subs_old.f b/plotlib/ps_subs_old.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35becd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotlib/ps_subs_old.f
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+C Module: ps_subs.f
+C Copyright (C) 1996 Harold Youngren, Mark Drela
+C This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+C modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+C License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+C version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+C This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+C Library General Public License for more details.
+C You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+C License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+C Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+C Report problems to: guppy@maine.com
+C or drela@mit.edu
+C --- Xplot11 driver for postscript output to file
+C Version 4.46 11/28/01
+C Notes: PS Plotting coordinates in points (1pt=1/72in.)
+C are multiplied by 10 and truncated as integers to
+C eliminate extra characters (decimal pts.) in plot file.
+C Coordinates are converted to points again by output macros.
+C Landscape orientation is done by translation and rotation
+C of upright plot.
+C The option exists to check before overwriting all old
+C postscript output files (including the default file
+C "plot.ps") see the commented section below.
+ subroutine ps_setup(nunit)
+C---Sets defaults for Postscript output
+C nunit specifies logical unit and suffix for name for .ps output file
+C if nunit<0 output file is named "plotXXX.ps" where XXX is the
+C plot sequential number (i.e. separate plot files are created
+C for each plot)
+C if nunit=0 output file is named "plot.ps"
+C if nunit>0 output file is named "plotUUU.ps" where UUU is the
+C nunit unit number
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ character numunit*3
+ PX_ORG = 10.
+ PY_ORG = 10.
+ P_SCALE = 0.
+ I_PAGES = 0
+C---Default postscript output file is "plot.ps", specified if nunit=0,
+C with logical IO to Fortran unit NPS_UNIT_DEFAULT.
+C (Note that unit NPRIM_UNIT_DEFAULT is also reserved and is dedicated
+C to the primitives overflow file)
+C If user specifies nunit<0 each plot will be printed to a separate
+C file with name assigned as "plotNNN.ps" where NNN is the sequential
+C plot number
+C If user specifies a logical unit to use for the plot file the logical
+C unit is used for IO and the name assigned is "plotNNN.ps" where
+C NNN is the logical unit number (0>NNN<1000)
+ nunit0 = nunit
+ if(nunit.EQ.0) then
+ PS_FILE = 'plot.ps'
+ elseif(nunit.EQ.NPRIM_UNIT_DEFAULT .OR. nunit.GT.999) then
+ write(*,*) 'PS_SETUP: PS file unit out of bounds: ',nunit
+ write(*,*) ' Using default unit ',NPS_UNIT_DEFAULT
+ write(*,*) ' Using default file "plot.ps"'
+ PS_FILE = 'plot.ps'
+ elseif(nunit.LT.0) then
+c write(*,*) 'PS_SETUP: separate PS files used for each plot'
+c write(*,*) ' Using unit ',NPS_UNIT_DEFAULT
+c write(*,*) ' Using file "plot###.ps"'
+ PS_FILE = 'plot000.ps'
+ else
+ write(numunit,10) nunit0
+ PS_FILE = 'plotunit' // numunit // '.ps'
+ endif
+ NPS_UNIT = nunit0
+ 10 format(I3.3)
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_init
+C---Initializes Postscript plotting and global plot variables
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+C---Change page orientation if required
+ IPS_MODE = 0
+ if(I_PAGETYPE.EQ.Page_Landscape) IPS_MODE = 1
+ N_VECS = 0
+C...P_SCALE set so user graphics scales to 1.0inch/(absolute unit) on page
+ if(P_SCALE.EQ.0.) P_SCALE = 72.
+ call ps_open
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_open
+C...Initializes PostScript file for plotting commands
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ logical LEXIST, LOPEN
+ character*80 PS_FILE2
+ character*1 ans
+ character numpage*3
+ call a_strip(' ',PS_FILE)
+ NCH = index(PS_FILE,' ') - 1
+C---Check status on PS file
+C---PS file NOT OPENED.
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN) then
+C---Check unit to see if user opened it already (set status flag LPS_EXTERNAL)
+C if file is already open skip opening the file, just use it
+C if unit is unopened then open a file for output
+ if(LPS_EXTERNAL) go to 10
+C---Check if file pre-opened outside of Xplot11
+ inquire(unit=NPS_UNIT,opened=LPS_EXTERNAL,err=1)
+ 1 if(.NOT.LPS_EXTERNAL) then
+C---If we are writing separate plotxxx.ps files create plot file name for
+C this plot using cumulative plot number
+ if(.NOT.LPS_ONEFILE) then
+ write(numpage,100) N_PAGES
+ PS_FILE = 'plot' // numpage // '.ps'
+ endif
+ 100 format(I3.3)
+C.....PS_FILE doesn't exist, so open it and proceed
+ 2 open(unit=NPS_UNIT,file=PS_FILE,status='UNKNOWN',err=3)
+ rewind(NPS_UNIT)
+ go to 10
+C....On open error get some other name and try again...
+ 3 write(*,1020)
+ read (*,1100) PS_FILE2
+ call a_strip(' ',PS_FILE2)
+ if(PS_FILE2.EQ.' ') go to 3
+ NCH = index(PS_FILE,' ') - 1
+ go to 2
+ endif
+ 1010 format(/' PostScript output file ',A,
+ & ' exists. Overwrite? [Y] ',$)
+ 1020 format(' Specify new output file: ',$)
+C...Write Postscript file header to identify this as a .ps file
+ 10 write(NPS_UNIT,1030) PS_FILE
+ if(IPS_MODE.EQ.1) write(NPS_UNIT,1040)
+ write(NPS_UNIT,1050)
+ 1030 format('%!PS-Adobe-2.0'/
+ & '%%Title: ',A/
+ & '%%Creator: Xplot11'/
+ & '%%Pages: (atend)'/
+ & '%%BoundingBox: (atend)')
+ 1040 format('%%Orientation: Landscape')
+ 1050 format('%%EndComments'/)
+ endif
+C...For any ps_open -> Initialize Postscript last point and bounding box
+ PS_LSTX = -99999.
+ PS_LSTY = -99999.
+ BB_XMIN = 99999.
+ BB_YMIN = 99999.
+ BB_XMAX = -99999.
+ BB_YMAX = -99999.
+ if(LOPEN) then
+ if(LPS_EXTERNAL) then
+ write(*,1064)
+ else
+ write(*,1065) PS_FILE(1:NCH)
+ endif
+ else
+ if(LPS_EXTERNAL) then
+ write(*,1059)
+ else
+ write(*,1060) PS_FILE(1:NCH)
+ endif
+ endif
+ 1059 format(' Writing PostScript to external file ...')
+ 1060 format(' Writing PostScript to file ',A,' ...')
+ 1064 format(' Appending PostScript to external file ...')
+ 1065 format(' Appending PostScript to file ',A,' ...')
+C...Put out a page preamble
+ write(NPS_UNIT,1070) I_PAGES, I_PAGES
+ 1070 format('%%Page: ',I4,2X,I4/
+ & 'gsave %Save current context'/
+ & '% Define macros for drawing'/
+ & '/rscal {10 div exch 10 div exch } bind def'/
+ & '/M { rscal moveto } bind def'/
+ & '/L { rscal lineto } bind def'/
+ & '/SG { setgray } bind def'/
+ & '/NP { newpath } bind def'/
+ & '/SL { setlinewidth } bind def'/
+ & '/CPSM { currentpoint stroke moveto } bind def'/
+ & '/CFS { closepath fill stroke } bind def'/
+ & '/CO { 2 index 255 div 2 index 255 div 2 index 255 div'/
+ & ' setrgbcolor pop pop pop } bind def'/
+ & '/LAND { 0 790 translate -90 rotate } bind def'//
+ & '% Set up for default line type and width'/
+ & ' 1 setlinejoin 0.25 SL [ ] 0 setdash 0 SG')
+C---Use one of these sets for rotating/translating to landscape, depending
+C on your postscript screen viewer (right-side up/upside-down)
+c ixtrans = 0
+c iytrans = ifix(P_SCALE*X_PAGE)
+c irotate = -90
+ ixtrans = ifix(P_SCALE*Y_PAGE)
+ iytrans = 0
+ irotate = 90
+ 1080 format('% Rotate and translate for Landscape format'/
+ & I4,1X,I4,' translate ',I4,' rotate')
+ if(IPS_MODE.EQ.1) write(NPS_UNIT,1080) ixtrans,iytrans,irotate
+ N_VECS = 0
+ 1100 format(a)
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine a_strip(ALPH,STRING)
+C---- Strips all leading ALPH characters from STRING
+ character*(*) STRING
+ character*1 ALPH
+ num = len(STRING)
+ do k=1, num
+ if(INDEX(STRING(k:k),ALPH) .EQ. 0) go to 10
+ enddo
+ return
+ 10 STRING = STRING(k:num)
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_close
+C...Closes PostScript file for plotting
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN) return
+C...Put out page count
+ write(NPS_UNIT,30) I_PAGES
+ 30 format('%%Trailer'/'%%Pages: ',I4)
+C...Don't mess with external supplied units
+ if(.NOT.LPS_EXTERNAL) then
+ close(NPS_UNIT)
+ NPS_UNIT = -1
+ endif
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_endpage
+C...Ends PostScript page
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN ) return
+ if(.NOT.LPS_UNSTROKED) return
+C...If a page has already been plotted, finish it
+ endif
+ 20 format('stroke showpage grestore'/'%%BoundingBox: ',4F8.1/)
+ N_VECS = 0
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_flush
+C...Flushes out buffered plot output to PostScript file
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_color(icolor)
+C...Sets PostScript foreground color from stored RGB colormap
+C Note: The background color for PS is always white
+C the foreground color is normally black
+C you get color when color PS printing is enabled
+C and the color is set to one of the colors in the color tables
+C icolor = 1 mapped to black
+C icolor = 2 mapped to white
+C ...
+C icolor = N_COLOR mapped to last color in color table
+C See the colormapping routines in plt_color.f for assigned colors
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ character*22 colorname
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN .OR. .NOT.LPS_COLOR) return
+C...Flush out existing lines at old color
+ if(N_VECS.GT.0) then
+ write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ N_VECS = 0
+ endif
+C---Consult color map for RGB values
+ icol = icolor
+ if(N_COLOR.LE.0) icol = 1
+ call GETCOLORRGB(icol,ired,igrn,iblu,colorname)
+C---RGB goes directly into postscript as color spec
+ write(NPS_UNIT,20) ired,igrn,iblu
+ 10 format(' CPSM')
+ 20 format(' ',3(I5),' CO')
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_pen(jpen)
+C...Sets PostScript line width
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN) return
+C...Change the line width for new lines
+ if(N_VECS.GT.0) then
+ write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ N_VECS = 0
+ endif
+ write(NPS_UNIT,20) 0.25*float(jpen)
+ 10 format(' CPSM')
+ 20 format(' ',F5.2,' SL')
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_linepattern(lmask)
+C...Sets Postscript line pattern
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ dimension iseg(32)
+ data mskall /-1/
+ data nsegmax / 8 /
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN) return
+ if(lmask.EQ.0 .OR. lmask.eq.mskall) then
+ if(N_VECS.GT.0) write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ write(NPS_UNIT,20)
+ else
+C...Set line pattern from lower 16 bits of line mask (integer)
+C Note: no more than 10 pattern elements can be written to PS!
+ call bitpat(lmask,nseg,iseg)
+ nsg = min(nseg,nsegmax)
+ if(N_VECS.GT.0) write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ write(NPS_UNIT,30) (iseg(i),i=1,nsg)
+ write(NPS_UNIT,40)
+ endif
+ N_VECS = 0
+ 10 format(' CPSM')
+ 20 format(' [ ] 0 setdash')
+ 30 format(' [',10I3)
+ 40 format(' ] 0 setdash')
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_line(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
+C...Plots vector in absolute coordinates to PostScript file
+C Note: coordinates are multiplied by 10 and truncated to integers (now
+C accurate to 1/10 of a point, or 1/720 in) to reduce the size of
+C the ascii plot file. Note that the moveto and lineto commands
+C defined in the preamble divide these by 10 before they hit the
+C paper.
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ if(.NOT.LPS_OPEN) return
+ ipx1 = ifix(10.0*PX1)
+ ipy1 = ifix(10.0*PY1)
+ ipx2 = ifix(10.0*PX2)
+ ipy2 = ifix(10.0*PY2)
+ if(N_VECS.GE.500) then
+ write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ N_VECS = 0
+ endif
+ write(NPS_UNIT,30) ipx2,ipy2
+ else
+ write(NPS_UNIT,20) ipx1,ipy1,ipx2,ipy2
+ endif
+ N_VECS = N_VECS + 1
+ 10 format(' CPSM')
+ 20 format(i5,1x,i5,' M ',i5,1x,i5,' L')
+ 30 format(i5,1x,i5,' L')
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_setscale(factor)
+C---Resets postscript plot scaling to factor*72pts/in
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+C...P_SCALE set so user graphics scales to factor of 1.0inch/(absolute unit)
+ P_SCALE = factor*72.
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine ps_polyline(X,Y,n,ifill)
+C...Plots polyline to postscript output
+C Note for non-color postscript plots, colors in the colormap spectrum
+C can be used to shade filled polylines with a grey fill spectrum.
+C Note: this simply uses the ps_line routine to put up the path,
+C then fills and strokes the path. It is important that
+C the number of points not exceed the stroke limit in ps_line
+C or it will try to stroke the path we need to fill...
+ include 'pltlib.inc'
+ real mingrey, maxgrey
+ dimension X(n), Y(n)
+ data mingrey, maxgrey / 0.10, 0.95 /
+ if(n.LE.1) return
+C...If this is a filled polyline flush out existing lines
+ if(N_VECS.GT.0) then
+ write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ N_VECS = 0
+ endif
+ X1 = X(1)
+ Y1 = Y(1)
+ do i = 2, n
+ X2 = X(I)
+ Y2 = Y(i)
+ call ps_line(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
+ X1 = X2
+ Y1 = Y2
+ end do
+C...If this is not a color PS plot, shade any Spectrum color indices with
+C a grey shade from light grey to near black to replace the color shading
+ if(ifill.eq.0) then
+ write(NPS_UNIT,10)
+ else
+ grey = 0.0
+ if(.NOT.LPS_COLOR .AND. N_COLOR.GT.0) then
+ call GETCOLOR(icol)
+ if(icol.EQ.2) then
+ grey = 1.0
+ elseif(icol.LT.0) then
+ ispec = -icol
+ greyfrac = float(ispec-1)/float(N_SPECTRUM-1)
+ grey = mingrey + (maxgrey-mingrey)*greyfrac
+ else
+ grey = 0.0
+ endif
+ write(NPS_UNIT,15) grey
+ endif
+ write(NPS_UNIT,20)
+ endif
+C...Flush vector count since we are shading this now
+ N_VECS = 0
+ if(grey.NE.0.0) then
+ grey = 0.0
+ write(NPS_UNIT,15) grey
+ endif
+ 10 format(' CPSM')
+ 15 format(' ',F5.2,' SG')
+ 20 format(' CFS')
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine bitpat(mask,nout,iout)
+c--- Takes an integer mask and returns an integer array which contains
+c the on/off bit pattern,
+c for example: a mask with 0001000100010001 returns 8 integers
+c in the iout array (1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3)
+c a mask with 1110111011101110 returns 8 integers
+c in the iout array (3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1)
+c Note: the bit mask is shifted to always start counting on a '1' bit.
+c--- Uses the library routines and() and rshift() for bit manipulation
+c which are present in most fortran libraries as extensions to f77.
+ dimension iout(*)
+c--- Shift the mask until the low order bit is 1 to start...
+ imask = mask
+ do n = 1, 16
+ ibitold = and(1,imask)
+ if(ibitold.NE.0) go to 5
+ nshft = n
+ imask = rshift(imask,1)
+ end do
+ 5 nout = 0
+ if(nshft.GE.16) return
+ nbits = 0
+c--- Cycle through 16 shifts to the right looking at the lower bit
+c and comparing with the previous one. If the bit changes record
+c the number of preceding contiguous bits in the output array.
+ do n = 1, 16-nshft
+ ibit = and(1,imask)
+ccc write(*,*) 'n, imask,ibit,ibitold ',n,imask,ibit,ibitold
+ if(ibit.ne.ibitold) then
+ nout = nout + 1
+ iout(nout) = nbits
+ccc write(*,*) 'nout ',nout,' adding nbits to iout ',nbits
+ nbits = 0
+ endif
+ ibitold = ibit
+ nbits = nbits + 1
+ imask = rshift(imask,1)
+ end do
+c--- Add final bit(s) to end of 16 bits checked
+c--- Now append any zero bits shifted out originally
+ if(ibit.EQ.1) then
+ nout = nout + 1
+ iout(nout) = nbits
+ if(nshft.GT.0) then
+ nout = nout + 1
+ iout(nout) = nshft
+ endif
+ else
+ nout = nout + 1
+ iout(nout) = nbits + nshft
+ endif
+ return
+ end