path: root/orrs/src/roll.f
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Diffstat (limited to 'orrs/src/roll.f')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/orrs/src/roll.f b/orrs/src/roll.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d56667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orrs/src/roll.f
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ program roll
+c Computes mean profile and Reynolds stress tensor components
+c of Lamb vortex "roller" street.
+ parameter (nx=100,ny=200)
+ real x(nx,ny), y(nx,ny), u(nx,ny), v(nx,ny), w(nx,ny)
+ real uavg(ny), yavg(ny)
+ real uu(ny), vv(ny), uv(ny), qq(ny)
+ St = 0.19
+ccc Wmax = 4.45
+ Wmax = 0.90
+ vfrac = 0.75
+ pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
+ xmin = -0.5*pi/St
+ xmax = 0.5*pi/St
+ ymin = -0.75*pi/St
+ ymax = 0.75*pi/St
+ do i=1, nx
+ do j=1, ny
+ x(i,j) = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*float(i-1)/float(nx-1)
+ y(i,j) = ymin + (ymax-ymin)*float(j-1)/float(ny-1)
+ usum = 0.
+ vsum = 0.
+ do k = -100, 100
+ xb = x(i,j) + float(k)*pi/St
+ yb = y(i,j)
+ rsq = xb**2 + yb**2
+ arg = Wmax*St*rsq
+ arg = min( arg , 30.0 )
+ ex1 = 1.0 - exp(-arg)
+ usum = usum + yb/rsq * ex1
+ vsum = vsum - xb/rsq * ex1
+ enddo
+ u(i,j) = usum * 0.5/St
+ v(i,j) = vsum * 0.5/St
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j=1, ny
+ yavg(j) = y(1,j)
+ uavg(j) = 0.
+ do i=1, nx-1
+ uavg(j) = uavg(j) + u(i,j)/float(nx-1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=1, nx
+ do j=1, ny
+ u(i,j) = vfrac*u(i,j) + (1.0-vfrac)*uavg(j)
+ v(i,j) = vfrac*v(i,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do i=2, nx-1
+ do j=2, ny-1
+ dx = x(i+1,j) - x(i-1,j)
+ dy = y(i,j+1) - y(i,j-1)
+ dv = v(i+1,j) - v(i-1,j)
+ du = u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1)
+ w(i,j) = du/dy - dv/dx
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ theta = 0.0
+ do j=1, ny-1
+ ua = (uavg(j+1) + uavg(j))*0.5 + 0.5
+ dy = yavg(j+1) - yavg(j)
+ theta = theta + (1.0 - ua)*ua*dy
+ enddo
+ write(*,*) 'Theta = ', theta
+ do j=1, ny
+ uu(j) = 0.
+ vv(j) = 0.
+ uv(j) = 0.
+ do i=1, nx-1
+ up = u(i,j) - uavg(j)
+ vp = v(i,j)
+ uu(j) = uu(j) + up*up / float(nx-1)
+ vv(j) = vv(j) + vp*vp / float(nx-1)
+ uv(j) = uv(j) + up*vp / float(nx-1)
+ enddo
+ qq(j) = uu(j) + vv(j)
+ enddo
+ qint = 0.
+ do j=2, ny-1
+ qint = qint + uavg(j)*(uu(j) + vv(j)) / float(ny-2)
+ enddo
+ idev = 1
+ size = 7.0
+ ncolor = 64
+ ch = 0.01
+ XOFF = 0.
+ YOFF = 0.
+ GWT = 0.8 / (YMAX-YMIN)
+ call plinitialize
+ call colorspectrumhues(ncolor,'ROYGCB')
+ call plopen(0.8,0,idev)
+ call newfactor(size)
+ call plot(0.1,0.1,-3)
+ call plot(-xmin*GWT,-ymin*GWT,-3)
+ do ic=1, ncolor
+ wcon = Wmax * float(ic-1)/float(ncolor-1)
+ call newcolor(-ic)
+ enddo
+ call newcolorname('black')
+ ydel = 2.0
+ y1 = -12.0
+ y2 = 12.0
+ call plot(xmax*GWT+0.1,0.0,-3)
+ uwt = 0.3
+ udel = 0.2
+ u1 = 0.
+ u2 = 1.0
+ call yaxis(0.0,y1*gwt,(y2-y1)*gwt,ydel*gwt,y1,ydel,ch,-2)
+ call xaxis(0.0,0.0,-uwt*(u2-u1),uwt*udel,u1,udel,ch,1)
+ call xyline(ny,uavg,yavg,-0.5,uwt,0.0,gwt,1)
+ call plot(uwt+0.1,0.0,-3)
+ twt = 3.0
+ tdel = 0.02
+ t1 = 0.
+ t2 = 0.1
+ call yaxis(0.0,y1*gwt,(y2-y1)*gwt,ydel*gwt,y1,ydel,ch,-2)
+ call xaxis(0.0,0.0,-twt*(t2-t1),twt*tdel,t1,tdel,ch,-2)
+ call xyline(ny,qq,yavg,0.0,twt,0.0,gwt,1)
+ call xyline(ny,uu,yavg,0.0,twt,0.0,gwt,2)
+ call xyline(ny,vv,yavg,0.0,twt,0.0,gwt,3)
+ call xyline(ny,uv,yavg,0.0,10.0*twt,0.0,gwt,4)
+ call plflush
+ pause
+ call plend
+ call plopen(0.8,0,idev)
+ call newfactor(size)
+ call plot(0.1,0.1,-3)
+ call plot(-xmin*GWT,-ymin*GWT,-3)
+ do ic=1, ncolor
+ Ucon = -2.0 + 4.0*float(ic-1)/float(ncolor-1)
+ call newcolor(-ic)
+ enddo
+ call plflush
+ pause
+ call plclose
+ stop
+ end