path: root/plotlib/Xwin1.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'plotlib/Xwin1.c')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plotlib/Xwin1.c b/plotlib/Xwin1.c
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/plotlib/Xwin1.c
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+ Module: Xwin.c
+ Copyright (C) 1996 Harold Youngren, Mark Drela
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ Report problems to: guppy@maine.com
+ or drela@mit.edu
+* Xplot11 C-level X11 interface
+C Version 4.46 11/28/01
+* Defines graphics primitives for window management and line drawing
+* Primitives include:
+* gwxrevflag - checks environment variables for background color
+* gwxopen - initializes X display and returns size and depth of display
+* gwxwinopen - opens X plotting window with specified x,y size and position
+* gwxclear - clears plotting window
+* gwxstatus - gets current window size and location
+* gwxresize - resizes current window to specified size
+* gwxreset - resets plotting defaults for window
+* gwxclose - closes plotting to X display
+* gwxflush - flushes out graphics primitives in buffers
+* gwxline - plots line segment
+* gwxdash - sets line pattern from integer mask
+* gwxcurs - gets graphics cursor position and key pressed
+* gwxpen - sets line width in pixels
+* More advanced routines beyond the original PLOT-10 requirements
+* gwxdestroy - closes plot window
+* gwxlinez - plots polyline
+* gwxpoly - plots filled polygon
+* gwxstring - plots string
+* Color routines
+* gwxsetcolor - sets foreground color from color map
+* gwxsetbgcolor - sets background color from color map
+* gwxcolorname2rgb - find color components of color specified by name string
+* gwxallocrgbcolor - allocate a color specified by r,g,b components
+* gwxfreecolor - frees an allocated color from colormap
+* Utility routines
+* mskbits - converts integer mask into dot/dash array
+* Double-buffer routines
+* gwxdisplaybuffer - switches background buffer with foreground window
+* gwxdrawtobuffer - sets drawing to background buffer
+* gwxdrawtowindow - sets drawing to foreground window
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+/* Handle various system requirements for trailing underscores, or other
+ fortran-to-C interface shenanigans thru defines for routine names
+ The provided set gives the option of setting a compile flag -DUNDERSCORE
+ to include underscores on C routine name symbols */
+#define MSKBITS mskbits_
+#define GWXREVFLAG gwxrevflag_
+#define GWXOPEN gwxopen_
+#define GWXWINOPEN gwxwinopen_
+#define GWXCLEAR gwxclear_
+#define GWXSTATUS gwxstatus_
+#define GWXRESIZE gwxresize_
+#define GWXRESET gwxreset_
+#define GWXCLOSE gwxclose_
+#define GWXFLUSH gwxflush_
+#define GWXLINE gwxline_
+#define GWXDASH gwxdash_
+#define GWXCURS gwxcurs_
+#define GWXPEN gwxpen_
+#define GWXDESTROY gwxdestroy_
+#define GWXLINEZ gwxlinez_
+#define GWXPOLY gwxpoly_
+#define GWXSTRING gwxstring_
+#define GWXSETCOLOR gwxsetcolor_
+#define GWXSETBGCOLOR gwxsetbgcolor_
+#define GWXCOLORNAME2RGB gwxcolorname2rgb_
+#define GWXALLOCRGBCOLOR gwxallocrgbcolor_
+#define GWXFREECOLOR gwxfreecolor_
+#define GWXDISPLAYBUFFER gwxdisplaybuffer_
+#define GWXDRAWTOBUFFER gwxdrawtobuffer_
+#define GWXDRAWTOWINDOW gwxdrawtowindow_
+#define MSKBITS mskbits
+#define GWXREVFLAG gwxrevflag
+#define GWXOPEN gwxopen
+#define GWXWINOPEN gwxwinopen
+#define GWXCLEAR gwxclear
+#define GWXSTATUS gwxstatus
+#define GWXRESIZE gwxresize
+#define GWXRESET gwxreset
+#define GWXCLOSE gwxclose
+#define GWXFLUSH gwxflush
+#define GWXLINE gwxline
+#define GWXDASH gwxdash
+#define GWXCURS gwxcurs
+#define GWXPEN gwxpen
+#define GWXDESTROY gwxdestroy
+#define GWXLINEZ gwxlinez
+#define GWXPOLY gwxpoly
+#define GWXSTRING gwxstring
+#define GWXSETCOLOR gwxsetcolor
+#define GWXSETBGCOLOR gwxsetbgcolor
+#define GWXCOLORNAME2RGB gwxcolorname2rgb
+#define GWXALLOCRGBCOLOR gwxallocrgbcolor
+#define GWXFREECOLOR gwxfreecolor
+#define GWXDISPLAYBUFFER gwxdisplaybuffer
+#define GWXDRAWTOBUFFER gwxdrawtobuffer
+#define GWXDRAWTOWINDOW gwxdrawtowindow
+/* Maximum number of polyline points per polyline call,
+ increase if necessary */
+#define MAXPTS 1000
+#define argc 0
+#define argv (char **) NULL
+Display *display;
+Window window;
+Pixmap pixmap;
+Drawable buffer;
+Cursor cursor;
+GC gc;
+unsigned long fgcolor, bgcolor;
+int height, width;
+int line_width;
+int root_width, root_height, root_depth;
+int reversevideo;
+static Window parent_window;
+Colormap cmap;
+void MSKBITS(int*,int*,int*);
+/* gwxrevflag
+ Get XPLOT11 background default from users environment
+ Parameters:
+ revflag (int*) reverse video flag (0 for white, 1 for black)
+ int *revflag;
+ char *bufp, *tmp;
+/* check environment variable XPLOT11_BACKGROUND for background color
+ XPLOT11_BACKGROUND = white gives black on white plotting (like paper)
+ XPLOT11_BACKGROUND != white gives white on black plotting (reverse video)
+ *revflag = 1;
+ bufp = getenv("XPLOT11_BACKGROUND");
+/* check lowercased environment for "white" for non-reverse video */
+ if(bufp) {
+ for(tmp = bufp; *tmp; tmp++)
+ *tmp = tolower(*tmp);
+ *revflag = (strcmp(bufp,"white")!=0);
+ }
+/* gwxopen
+ Open X window display and get size and depth of root window
+ Parameters:
+ xsize,ysize (int*) desired window size
+ idepth (int*) screen color depth (pixel depth)
+ revflag (int*) reverse video flag
+GWXOPEN(xsizeroot, ysizeroot, depth)
+ int *xsizeroot, *ysizeroot, *depth;
+ int revert,i;
+/* check environment variables for default background color
+ XPLOT11_BACKGROUND != black gives black on white plotting (like paper)
+ XPLOT11_BACKGROUND = black gives white on black plotting (reverse video) */
+ GWXREVFLAG(&reversevideo);
+/* open the display */
+ display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+ /* XSynchronize(display,1); */
+ if (display == NULL)
+ {printf(" Cannot open display...aborting\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+/* get old window focus to use later for cursor positioning */
+ XGetInputFocus(display,&parent_window,&revert);
+/* get root window size and depth attributes */
+ root_width = DisplayWidth(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ root_height = DisplayHeight(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ root_depth = DefaultDepth(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ *xsizeroot = root_width;
+ *ysizeroot = root_height;
+ *depth = root_depth;
+/* gwxwinopen
+ Open window of specified size and position, return size and depth
+ Parameters:
+ xstart,ystart (int*) upper left corner coordinates in root
+ xsize,ysize (int*) desired window size
+GWXWINOPEN(xstart, ystart, xsize, ysize)
+ int *xstart, *ystart, *xsize, *ysize;
+ XSizeHints hints;
+ XSetWindowAttributes wattrib;
+ unsigned long wattrib_mask;
+ int x,y,win_x,win_y;
+ unsigned long pixel_white,pixel_black;
+ XEvent event;
+ XColor fgcurs, bgcurs;
+ Font font;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long gcv_mask;
+ char *fontname = "6x12";
+/* Define a crosshair cursor */
+ Pixmap curs;
+ unsigned int curs_width=16;
+ unsigned int curs_height=16;
+ unsigned int curs_x_hot=7;
+ unsigned int curs_y_hot=8; /* Was: curs_y_hot=7 MD 3/12/96 */
+ static unsigned char curs_bits[] =
+ { 0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,
+ 0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0xff,0x7f,
+ 0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,
+ 0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
+/* check for open display */
+ if (display == NULL)
+ {printf(" Cannot open display...aborting in gwxwinopen\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ width = *xsize;
+ height = *ysize;
+/* printf("gwxwinopen size x %d y %d \n",width,height); */
+/* set up window attributes and create window */
+ pixel_white = WhitePixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ pixel_black = BlackPixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ if(reversevideo) {
+ fgcolor = pixel_white;
+ bgcolor = pixel_black;
+ }
+ else {
+ fgcolor = pixel_black;
+ bgcolor = pixel_white;
+ }
+/* define a colormap and window attributes*/
+ cmap = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));
+ wattrib.colormap = cmap;
+ wattrib.background_pixel = bgcolor;
+ wattrib.border_pixel = fgcolor;
+ wattrib.event_mask = ExposureMask | ConfigureNotify |
+ KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask;
+ wattrib_mask = CWColormap | CWEventMask |
+ CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel;
+/* Use backing store (if Expose events are to regen the display,
+ comment out these references to backing store */
+ wattrib.backing_store = WhenMapped;
+ wattrib.backing_planes = AllPlanes;
+ wattrib.bit_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
+ wattrib.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+ wattrib_mask = wattrib_mask |
+ CWBitGravity | CWBackingStore |
+ CWWinGravity | CWBackingPlanes;
+/* create the window using these parameters */
+ window = XCreateWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
+ *xstart, *ystart, width, height, 2, root_depth,
+ InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
+ wattrib_mask, &wattrib);
+/* Set pixmap initally pointing to NULL to indicate it is yet not created
+ to do double buffering */
+ pixmap = (Pixmap) NULL;
+/* set initial drawing destination to foreground window */
+ buffer = window;
+/* set up interaction with the window manager */
+ hints.flags = USPosition | USSize;
+ hints.width = width;
+ hints.height = height;
+ hints.x = *xstart;
+ hints.y = *ystart;
+ XSetNormalHints(display, window, &hints);
+ XSetStandardProperties(display, window, "Xplot11\0", "Xplot11\0",
+ None, argv, argc, &hints);
+/* set up cursor */
+ fgcurs.pixel = fgcolor;
+ bgcurs.pixel = bgcolor;
+ XQueryColor(display,cmap,&fgcurs);
+ XQueryColor(display,cmap,&bgcurs);
+ if((curs=XCreateBitmapFromData(display,window,(char*) curs_bits,
+ curs_width,curs_height))!= None)
+ { cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display,curs,curs,
+ &fgcurs,&bgcurs,curs_x_hot,curs_y_hot); }
+ else
+ { cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_draft_small); };
+ XDefineCursor(display, window, cursor);
+ XRecolorCursor(display, cursor, &fgcurs, &bgcurs);
+/* create the gc */
+ line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.foreground = fgcolor;
+ gcv.background = bgcolor;
+ gcv.line_width = line_width;
+ gcv.line_style = LineSolid;
+ gcv.cap_style = CapButt;
+ gcv.fill_style = FillSolid;
+ gcv.join_style = JoinMiter;
+ gcv_mask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCLineWidth |
+ GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCFillStyle | GCJoinStyle;
+ gc = XCreateGC(display, window, gcv_mask, &gcv);
+/* load the font */
+ font = XLoadFont(display, fontname);
+ XSetFont(display, gc, font);
+/* map the window and wait for an expose event to proceed */
+ XMapWindow(display, window);
+ while(1)
+ { XNextEvent(display, &event);
+ if(event.type==Expose) break; }
+/* clear the window */
+/* XClearWindow(display,window); */
+/* gwxclear
+ Clear current plot window
+ Parameters: None
+ if(buffer == window)
+ { XClearWindow(display,window);
+/* printf("clearing window\n"); */
+ }
+ else
+ { XSetForeground(display, gc, bgcolor);
+ XFillRectangle(display, buffer, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, fgcolor);
+/* printf("clearing buffer\n"); */
+ };
+/* gwxstatus
+ Return current window status (position, size)
+ Parameters:
+ xstart,ystart (int*) upper left corner coordinates in root
+ xsize,ysize (int*) desired window size
+GWXSTATUS(xstart, ystart, xsize, ysize)
+ int *xstart, *ystart, *xsize, *ysize;
+ XWindowAttributes xwa;
+ Window w_root, w_parent, *w_children;
+ unsigned int nchildren;
+ XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, &xwa);
+ *xsize = xwa.width;
+ *ysize = xwa.height;
+ *xstart = xwa.x;
+ *ystart = xwa.y;
+/* printf("gwxstatus size x %d y %d \n",*xsize,*ysize); */
+/* Position of window is meaningless under window manager, which remaps each
+ window under a new parent. Find parent, if not root, get the parent's
+ position */
+ if(XQueryTree(display,window,&w_root,&w_parent,&w_children,&nchildren))
+ {
+ XFree((void*) w_children); /* Free the list of child windows */
+ if(w_parent!=DefaultRootWindow(display))
+ { XGetWindowAttributes(display, w_parent, &xwa);
+ *xstart = xwa.x;
+ *ystart = xwa.y;
+ }
+ }
+/* gwxclose
+ Close current windows, buffers and display
+ Parameters: None
+ XFreeCursor(display, cursor);
+ XFreeGC(display, gc);
+ if(pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL) XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
+ XCloseDisplay(display);
+/* gwxdestroy
+ Close current window and display
+ Parameters: None
+{ XDestroyWindow(display,window);
+/* gwxflush
+ Flush all pending graphics requests to the screen
+ Parameters: None
+{ if(buffer == pixmap)
+ { XCopyArea(display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);
+/* printf("copying pixmap to window x %d y %d\n",width,height); */
+ };
+ XFlush(display);
+/* gwxdisplaybuffer
+ Switches background buffer onto foreground window, displaying accumulated
+ graphics
+ Parameters: None
+/* gwxdrawtobuffer
+ Switches graphics to draw to the background buffer
+ Parameters: None
+/* create and clear the pixmap */
+ if(pixmap == (Pixmap) NULL)
+ { pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, window, width, height, root_depth);
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, bgcolor);
+ XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, fgcolor);
+ }
+/* point graphics to the pixmap */
+ buffer = pixmap;
+/* printf("called gwxdrawtobuffer\n"); */
+/* gwxdrawtowindow
+ Switches graphics to draw to the foreground window
+ Parameters: None
+{ buffer = window;
+/* printf("called gwxdrawtowindow\n"); */
+/* gwxline
+ Draw line from x1,y1 to x2,y2
+ Parameters:
+ x1,y1 (int*) starting position for line
+ x2,y2 (int*) ending position for line
+GWXLINE(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ int *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;
+{ XDrawLine(display, buffer, gc, *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2);
+/* gwxresize
+ Resize screen window to x width, y height
+ Parameters:
+ x (int*) new width
+ y (int*) new height
+ int *x, *y;
+{ unsigned int xsiz, ysiz;
+ unsigned int xsize, ysize, xstart, ystart;
+ int i;
+ XEvent event;
+ long event_mask;
+/* printf("called gwxresize\n"); */
+ event_mask = ExposureMask | ResizeRedirectMask;
+/* Clear the window events before resizing to setup for post resize Expose */
+ while(XPending(display))
+ XNextEvent(display, &event);
+ xsiz = *x;
+ ysiz = *y;
+/* printf("gwxresize to x %d y %d\n",xsiz,ysiz); */
+ XResizeWindow(display, window, xsiz, ysiz);
+ XMapRaised(display, window);
+ XFlush(display);
+/* check for window size change */
+ i = 0;
+ while(1)
+ { GWXSTATUS(&xstart, &ystart, &xsize, &ysize);
+ if( (xsize==xsiz) && (ysize==ysiz) )
+ break;
+/* printf("resize status check count = %d\n",i++); */
+ }
+/* update window size */
+ width = xsiz;
+ height = ysiz;
+/* destroy old back buffer pixmap and create new one in proper size */
+ if(pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL)
+ { XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
+/* printf("create new pixmap sized to x %d y %d\n",width,height); */
+ pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, window, width, height, root_depth);
+ if(buffer != window) buffer = pixmap;
+/* clear the pixmap */
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, bgcolor);
+ XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, fgcolor);
+ }
+/* Raise the window and wait for an expose event to do anything in it */
+/* while(1)
+ { XWindowEvent(display, window, event_mask, &event);
+ switch(event.type) {
+ case Expose:
+ printf("Expose event \n");
+ break;
+ case NoExpose:
+ printf("NoExpose event \n");
+ break;
+ case ResizeRequest:
+ printf("resizerequest event \n");
+ break;
+ }
+ } */
+/* gwxlinez
+ Draw polyline on display window in current color and pen
+ Parameters:
+ ix (int*) array of x coordinates on polyline
+ iy (int*) array of y coordinates on polyline
+ n (int*) number of coordinate points
+ (see define for MAXPTS at start of this file)
+GWXLINEZ(ix, iy, n)
+ int *n, *ix, *iy;
+{ XPoint points[MAXPTS];
+ int i;
+ if (*n > MAXPTS) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Xplot11.gwxlinez: Too many points in polyline\n");
+ printf("Xplot11.gwxlinez: Too many points in polyline\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i < *n; i++) {
+ points[i].x = ix[i];
+ points[i].y = iy[i];
+/* printf("gwxlinez x %d y %d \n",ix[i],iy[i]); */
+ }
+ XDrawLines(display, buffer, gc, points, *n, CoordModeOrigin);
+/* gwxpoly
+ Draw filled polyline on display window in current color and pen
+ Parameters:
+ x_coord (int*) array of x coordinates on polyline
+ y_coord (int*) array of y coordinates on polyline
+ n_coord (int*) number of coordinate points
+ (see define for MAXPTS at start of this file)
+GWXPOLY(x_coord, y_coord, n_coord)
+ int *x_coord, *y_coord, *n_coord;
+{ XPoint points[MAXPTS];
+ int i,n;
+ if (*n_coord >= MAXPTS) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Xplot11.gwxpoly: Too many points in polyline\n");
+ printf("Xplot11.gwxpoly: Too many points in polyline\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < *n_coord; i++) {
+ points[i].x = x_coord[i];
+ points[i].y = y_coord[i];
+ }
+ n = *n_coord;
+/* if the polyline is not closed, duplicate first point to ensure closed
+ perimeter (speeds up X graphics drastically) */
+ if ( (points[n-1].x != points[0].x) ||
+ (points[n-1].y != points[0].y) ) {
+ points[n].x = points[0].x;
+ points[n].y = points[0].y;
+ n++;
+ }
+ XFillPolygon(display, buffer, gc, points, n,
+ Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
+/* gwxsetcolor
+ Set foreground color to pixel value
+ Parameters:
+ pixel (int*) pixel value (mapped in colormap)
+ int *pixel;
+{ fgcolor = *pixel;
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, fgcolor);
+/* gwxsetbgcolor
+ Set background color to pixel value
+ Parameters:
+ pixel (int*) pixel value (mapped in colormap)
+ int *pixel;
+{ bgcolor = *pixel;
+ XSetForeground(display, gc, bgcolor);
+/* gwxcolorname2rgb
+ Find r,g,b components for color specified by name string
+ Parameters:
+ red,grn,blu (int*) output color components (0-255)
+ nc (int*) string length (# of chars)
+ colorname (char*) string containing name of valid color
+ Note: color names are not case sensitive
+ len (int) fortran appended string length (passed by value)
+ Valid color names are any color name that is known to X11 color database
+ Examples are "Black","White","Yellow","Orange","Red","Green",
+ "Cyan","Blue","Magenta", "ivory", etc.
+GWXCOLORNAME2RGB(int *red, int *grn, int *blu,
+ int *nc, char *colorname, int len)
+ XColor color_def;
+ char cname[32];
+ int i,n;
+ n = *nc;
+ /* copy string to avoid overwriting possibly static input string
+ Note that string length is explicitly passed to avoid compatibility
+ problems with by fortran character arg length */
+ if(n>31) {
+ n = 31;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Xplot11.gwxcolorname2rgb: color name '%s' truncated\n",
+ cname);
+ printf("Xplot11.gwxcolorname2rgb: color name '%s' truncated\n",cname);
+ }
+ strncpy(cname,colorname,n);
+ cname[n] = '\0';
+ *red = -1;
+ *grn = -1;
+ *blu = -1;
+ if (!XParseColor(display, cmap,cname,&color_def)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Xplot11.gwxcolorname2rgb: color name '%s' not found\n",
+ cname);
+ printf("Xplot11.gwxcolorname2rgb: color name '%s' not found\n",cname);
+ return;
+ }
+ *red = color_def.red /256;
+ *grn = color_def.green/256;
+ *blu = color_def.blue /256;
+/* gwxallocrgbcolor
+ Allocate a color in colormap specified by r,g,b components
+ Parameters:
+ red,grn,blu (int*) input color components (0-255)
+ ic (int*) returned color index or pixel value
+GWXALLOCRGBCOLOR(int *red, int *grn, int *blu, int *ic)
+ XColor color_def;
+ color_def.red = *red * 256;
+ color_def.green = *grn * 256;
+ color_def.blue = *blu * 256;
+ *ic = -1;
+ if (!XAllocColor (display, cmap, &color_def)) {
+ fprintf (stderr,"Xplot11.gwxallocrgbcolor: can't allocate color.\n");
+ printf ("Xplot11.gwxallocrgbcolor: can't allocate color.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ *ic = color_def.pixel;
+/* gwxfreecolor
+ Free a color from color map
+ Parameters:
+ pix (int*) pixel in colormap
+{ unsigned long lpix;
+ lpix = *pix;
+ XFreeColors(display,cmap,&lpix,1,0L);
+/* gwxstring
+ Draw string on display at specified position in current font and color
+ Parameters:
+ x (int*) array of x coordinates on polyline
+ y (int*) array of y coordinates on polyline
+ string (char*) character string
+ length (int*) length of string
+GWXSTRING(x, y, string, length)
+ int *x, *y, *length;
+ char *string;
+{ XDrawString(display, buffer, gc, *x, *y, string, *length);
+/* gwxdash
+ Set line drawing pattern to mask pattern
+ Parameters:
+ mask (int*) integer mask value (bits set pen pattern for lines)
+GWXDASH(int* lmask)
+char dashes[16];
+int idash[16], nchrs, ioff, i;
+ if(*lmask==0)
+ XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, line_width,
+ LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
+ else if(*lmask==-1)
+ XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, line_width,
+ LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
+ else
+ {
+ (void) MSKBITS(lmask,idash,&nchrs);
+ for(i=1;i<=nchrs;i++) dashes[i-1]=idash[i-1];
+/* for(i=1;i<=nchrs;i++) printf("%d dashes %d\n",i,dashes[i-1]); */
+ ioff = 0;
+ XSetDashes(display, gc, ioff, dashes, nchrs);
+/* use LineOnOffDash to only write "on" pixels in dashed lines (fg only) */
+/* use LineDoubleDash to overwrite all pixels in dashed lines (fg AND bg) */
+ XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, line_width,
+ LineOnOffDash, CapButt, JoinMiter);
+ }
+/* gwxreset
+ Reset graphics context to default
+ Parameters: None
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long gcv_mask;
+ line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.foreground = fgcolor;
+ gcv.background = bgcolor;
+ gcv.line_width = line_width;
+ gcv.line_style = LineSolid;
+ gcv.cap_style = CapButt;
+ gcv.fill_style = FillSolid;
+ gcv.join_style = JoinMiter;
+ gcv_mask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCLineWidth |
+ GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCFillStyle | GCJoinStyle;
+ XChangeGC(display, gc, gcv_mask, &gcv);
+/* gwxpen
+ Set pen width for line drawing
+ Parameters:
+ ipen (int*) integer pen width
+GWXPEN(int* ipen)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long gcv_mask;
+ line_width = *ipen;
+ gcv.line_width = line_width;
+ gcv.cap_style = CapButt;
+ gcv.join_style = JoinMiter;
+ gcv_mask = GCLineWidth | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle;
+ XChangeGC(display, gc, gcv_mask, &gcv);
+/* gwxcurs
+ Get cursor position and key pressed (waits for keypress or buttonpress)
+ Parameters:
+ x (int*) output cursor x coordinate
+ y (int*) output cursor y coordinate
+ state (int*) key pressed
+GWXCURS(x, y, state)
+ int *x, *y, *state;
+{ XEvent report;
+ KeySym key;
+ int count,buffer_len,last_event;
+ long event_mask;
+ char buffer[2];
+/* int idev = 1; */
+/* XRaiseWindow(display,window); */
+ /* XSetInputFocus(display,window,RevertToNone,CurrentTime); */
+/* warp to passed-in x,y (typ. previous cursor location) */
+/* printf("GWXCURS input x %d y %d\n",*x,*y); */
+ XWarpPointer(display, None, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, *x, *y);
+ event_mask = ExposureMask | ConfigureNotify |
+ KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask;
+/* clear any pending events */
+ while(XPending(display))
+ XNextEvent(display, &report);
+ *state = 0;
+ last_event = 0;
+ while(! *state)
+ { XWindowEvent(display, window, event_mask, &report);
+ switch(report.type) {
+ case Expose:
+ if(last_event != Expose)
+ { /* replot_(&idev); */
+ XSetInputFocus(display,window,RevertToNone,CurrentTime); }
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ break;
+ case ButtonPress:
+ *state = report.xbutton.button;
+ *x = report.xbutton.x;
+ *y = report.xbutton.y;
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ *x = report.xkey.x;
+ *y = report.xkey.y;
+ buffer_len = 1;
+ count = XLookupString(&report.xkey, buffer, buffer_len, &key, NULL);
+ if (count == 0) printf("gwxcurs: Zero length string returned.\n");
+ *state = key;
+ break;
+ }
+ last_event = report.type;
+ }
+/* XRaiseWindow(display,parent_window); */
+/* XSetInputFocus(display,parent_window,RevertToNone,CurrentTime); */
+ }
+/* mskbits
+ Utility routine to convert lower 16 bits of pattern mask
+ into pattern array of on/off bit lengths. The 16
+ bits of ipat can contain up to 16 on/off bit lengths.
+ i.e. 0XAAAAAAA produces ibits=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
+ i.e. 0XCCCCCCC produces ibits=(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
+ The output pattern stored in integer array ibits=(#on,#off,#on,#off,etc.)
+ Parameters:
+ mask (int*) input mask
+ ibits (int*) output pattern string (#on, #off...)
+ ndash (int*) number of entries in pattern array
+MSKBITS(int* mask, int* ibits, int* ndash)
+#define BITSINMASK 16 /* use only lower 16 bits of mask word */
+int i,ic,ibit,ibitold;
+int nbits, nshft;
+unsigned short lmask;
+/* shift mask until low bit is 1, filling high bits with 0's */
+ lmask = *mask;
+ nshft = 0;
+ if(lmask!=0) {
+ while (!(ibitold = (lmask & 0x01)))
+ lmask >>= 1;
+ nshft++;
+ }
+/* if no 1 bits just exit with no dashes set */
+ if(ibitold==0) {
+ *ndash = 0;
+ exit;
+ }
+/* cycle through the lower 'length-nshft' bits
+ checking for number of contiguous same bits,
+ store into ibits array */
+ nbits = ic = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<(BITSINMASK-nshft); ++i) {
+ ibit=(lmask & 0x01);
+ if(ibit != ibitold) {
+ ibits[ic++] = nbits;
+ nbits = 0;
+ }
+ ibitold = ibit;
+ nbits++;
+ lmask >>= 1;
+ }
+/* add bits at end of shifted bits including any initial shift
+ to find the first 1 in the low bit */
+ if(ibit==1) {
+ ibits[ic++] = nbits;
+ if(nshft>0)
+ ibits[ic++] = nshft;
+ }
+ else
+ ibits[ic++] = nbits + nshft;
+ *ndash = ic;