path: root/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-08-26 20:31:40 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <demon@dim13.org>2017-08-26 20:31:40 +0200
commitd80736ab6e8e3cad2f1a30c6eaba2d6883dbe967 (patch)
tree15962f3d8542ae182d88ac5913a3c4bfce6f2b03 /amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt
parent530a312ee523a25e5df475341d201e5bb1296c41 (diff)
Remove AmForth
Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt
deleted file mode 100644
index 118eaba..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega32c1/atmega32c1.frt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-\ Partname: ATmega32C1
-\ generated automatically
-&37 constant PORTB \ Port B Data Register
-&36 constant DDRB \ Port B Data Direction Register
-&35 constant PINB \ Port B Input Pins
-&40 constant PORTC \ Port C Data Register
-&39 constant DDRC \ Port C Data Direction Register
-&38 constant PINC \ Port C Input Pins
-&43 constant PORTD \ Port D Data Register
-&42 constant DDRD \ Port D Data Direction Register
-&41 constant PIND \ Port D Input Pins
-\ CAN
-&216 constant CANGCON \ CAN General Control Register
- $80 constant CANGCON_ABRQ \ Abort Request
- $40 constant CANGCON_OVRQ \ Overload Frame Request
- $20 constant CANGCON_TTC \ Time Trigger Communication
- $10 constant CANGCON_SYNTTC \ Synchronization of TTC
- $08 constant CANGCON_LISTEN \ Listening Mode
- $04 constant CANGCON_TEST \ Test Mode
- $02 constant CANGCON_ENASTB \ Enable / Standby
- $01 constant CANGCON_SWRES \ Software Reset Request
-&217 constant CANGSTA \ CAN General Status Register
- $40 constant CANGSTA_OVFG \ Overload Frame Flag
- $10 constant CANGSTA_TXBSY \ Transmitter Busy
- $08 constant CANGSTA_RXBSY \ Receiver Busy
- $04 constant CANGSTA_ENFG \ Enable Flag
- $02 constant CANGSTA_BOFF \ Bus Off Mode
- $01 constant CANGSTA_ERRP \ Error Passive Mode
-&218 constant CANGIT \ CAN General Interrupt Register Flags
- $80 constant CANGIT_CANIT \ General Interrupt Flag
- $40 constant CANGIT_BOFFIT \ Bus Off Interrupt Flag
- $20 constant CANGIT_OVRTIM \ Overrun CAN Timer Flag
- $10 constant CANGIT_BXOK \ Burst Receive Interrupt Flag
- $08 constant CANGIT_SERG \ Stuff Error General Flag
- $04 constant CANGIT_CERG \ CRC Error General Flag
- $02 constant CANGIT_FERG \ Form Error General Flag
- $01 constant CANGIT_AERG \ Ackknowledgement Error General Flag
-&219 constant CANGIE \ CAN General Interrupt Enable Register
- $80 constant CANGIE_ENIT \ Enable all Interrupts
- $40 constant CANGIE_ENBOFF \ Enable Bus Off Interrupt
- $20 constant CANGIE_ENRX \ Enable Receive Interrupt
- $10 constant CANGIE_ENTX \ Enable Transmitt Interrupt
- $08 constant CANGIE_ENERR \ Enable MOb Error Interrupt
- $04 constant CANGIE_ENBX \ Enable Burst Receive Interrupt
- $02 constant CANGIE_ENERG \ Enable General Error Interrupt
- $01 constant CANGIE_ENOVRT \ Enable CAN Timer Overrun Interrupt
-&220 constant CANEN2 \ Enable MOb Register 2
- $3F constant CANEN2_ENMOB \ Enable MObs
-&221 constant CANEN1 \ Enable MOb Register 1(empty)
-&222 constant CANIE2 \ Enable Interrupt MOb Register 2
- $3F constant CANIE2_IEMOB \ Interrupt Enable MObs
-&223 constant CANIE1 \ Enable Interrupt MOb Register 1 (empty)
-&224 constant CANSIT2 \ CAN Status Interrupt MOb Register 2
- $3F constant CANSIT2_SIT \ Status of Interrupt MObs
-&225 constant CANSIT1 \ CAN Status Interrupt MOb Register 1 (empty)
-&226 constant CANBT1 \ CAN Bit Timing Register 1
- $7E constant CANBT1_BRP \ Baud Rate Prescaler bits
-&227 constant CANBT2 \ CAN Bit Timing Register 2
- $60 constant CANBT2_SJW \ Re-Sync Jump Width bits
- $0E constant CANBT2_PRS \ Propagation Time Segment bits
-&228 constant CANBT3 \ CAN Bit Timing Register 3
- $70 constant CANBT3_PHS2 \ Phase Segment 2 bits
- $0E constant CANBT3_PHS1 \ Phase Segment 1 bits
- $01 constant CANBT3_SMP \ Sample Type
-&229 constant CANTCON \ Timer Control Register
-&230 constant CANTIML \ Timer Register Low
-&231 constant CANTIMH \ Timer Register High
-&232 constant CANTTCL \ TTC Timer Register Low
-&233 constant CANTTCH \ TTC Timer Register High
-&234 constant CANTEC \ Transmit Error Counter Register
-&235 constant CANREC \ Receive Error Counter Register
-&236 constant CANHPMOB \ Highest Priority MOb Register
- $F0 constant CANHPMOB_HPMOB \ Highest Priority MOb Number bits
- $0F constant CANHPMOB_CGP \ CAN General Purpose bits
-&237 constant CANPAGE \ Page MOb Register
- $F0 constant CANPAGE_MOBNB \ MOb Number bits
- $08 constant CANPAGE_AINC \ MOb Data Buffer Auto Increment (Active Low)
- $07 constant CANPAGE_INDX \ Data Buffer Index bits
-&238 constant CANSTMOB \ MOb Status Register
- $80 constant CANSTMOB_DLCW \ Data Length Code Warning on MOb
- $40 constant CANSTMOB_TXOK \ Transmit OK on MOb
- $20 constant CANSTMOB_RXOK \ Receive OK on MOb
- $10 constant CANSTMOB_BERR \ Bit Error on MOb
- $08 constant CANSTMOB_SERR \ Stuff Error on MOb
- $04 constant CANSTMOB_CERR \ CRC Error on MOb
- $02 constant CANSTMOB_FERR \ Form Error on MOb
- $01 constant CANSTMOB_AERR \ Ackknowledgement Error on MOb
-&239 constant CANCDMOB \ MOb Control and DLC Register
- $C0 constant CANCDMOB_CONMOB \ MOb Config bits
- $20 constant CANCDMOB_RPLV \ Reply Valid
- $10 constant CANCDMOB_IDE \ Identifier Extension
- $0F constant CANCDMOB_DLC \ Data Length Code bits
-&240 constant CANIDT4 \ Identifier Tag Register 4
- $F8 constant CANIDT4_IDT \
- $04 constant CANIDT4_RTRTAG \
- $02 constant CANIDT4_RB1TAG \
- $01 constant CANIDT4_RB0TAG \
-&241 constant CANIDT3 \ Identifier Tag Register 3
-&242 constant CANIDT2 \ Identifier Tag Register 2
-&243 constant CANIDT1 \ Identifier Tag Register 1
-&244 constant CANIDM4 \ Identifier Mask Register 4
-&245 constant CANIDM3 \ Identifier Mask Register 3
-&246 constant CANIDM2 \ Identifier Mask Register 2
-&247 constant CANIDM1 \ Identifier Mask Register 1
-&248 constant CANSTML \ Time Stamp Register Low
-&249 constant CANSTMH \ Time Stamp Register High
-&250 constant CANMSG \ Message Data Register
-&148 constant AC0CON \ Analog Comparator 0 Control Register
- $80 constant AC0CON_AC0EN \ Analog Comparator 0 Enable Bit
- $40 constant AC0CON_AC0IE \ Analog Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable Bit
- $30 constant AC0CON_AC0IS \ Analog Comparator 0 Interrupt Select Bits
- $08 constant AC0CON_ACCKSEL \ Analog Comparator Clock Select
- $07 constant AC0CON_AC0M \ Analog Comparator 0 Multiplexer Register
-&149 constant AC1CON \ Analog Comparator 1 Control Register
- $80 constant AC1CON_AC1EN \ Analog Comparator 1 Enable Bit
- $40 constant AC1CON_AC1IE \ Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable Bit
- $30 constant AC1CON_AC1IS \ Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt Select Bit
- $08 constant AC1CON_AC1ICE \ Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt Capture Enable Bit
- $07 constant AC1CON_AC1M \ Analog Comparator 1 Multiplexer Register
-&150 constant AC2CON \ Analog Comparator 2 Control Register
- $80 constant AC2CON_AC2EN \ Analog Comparator 2 Enable Bit
- $40 constant AC2CON_AC2IE \ Analog Comparator 2 Interrupt Enable Bit
- $30 constant AC2CON_AC2IS \ Analog Comparator 2 Interrupt Select Bit
- $07 constant AC2CON_AC2M \ Analog Comparator 2 Multiplexer Register
-&151 constant AC3CON \ Analog Comparator 3 Control Register
- $80 constant AC3CON_AC3EN \ Analog Comparator 3 Enable Bit
- $40 constant AC3CON_AC3IE \ Analog Comparator 3 Interrupt Enable Bit
- $30 constant AC3CON_AC3IS \ Analog Comparator 3 Interrupt Select Bit
- $07 constant AC3CON_AC3M \ Analog Comparator 3 Multiplexer Register
-&80 constant ACSR \ Analog Comparator Status Register
- $80 constant ACSR_AC3IF \ Analog Comparator 3 Interrupt Flag Bit
- $40 constant ACSR_AC2IF \ Analog Comparator 2 Interrupt Flag Bit
- $20 constant ACSR_AC1IF \ Analog Comparator 1 Interrupt Flag Bit
- $10 constant ACSR_AC0IF \ Analog Comparator 0 Interrupt Flag Bit
- $08 constant ACSR_AC3O \ Analog Comparator 3 Output Bit
- $04 constant ACSR_AC2O \ Analog Comparator 2 Output Bit
- $02 constant ACSR_AC1O \ Analog Comparator 1 Output Bit
- $01 constant ACSR_AC0O \ Analog Comparator 0 Output Bit
-&146 constant DACH \ DAC Data Register High Byte
- $FF constant DACH_DACH \ DAC Data Register High Byte Bits
-&145 constant DACL \ DAC Data Register Low Byte
- $FF constant DACL_DACL \ DAC Data Register Low Byte Bits
-&144 constant DACON \ DAC Control Register
- $80 constant DACON_DAATE \ DAC Auto Trigger Enable Bit
- $70 constant DACON_DATS \ DAC Trigger Selection Bits
- $04 constant DACON_DALA \ DAC Left Adjust
- $01 constant DACON_DAEN \ DAC Enable Bit
-\ CPU
-&87 constant SPMCSR \ Store Program Memory Control Register
- $80 constant SPMCSR_SPMIE \ SPM Interrupt Enable
- $40 constant SPMCSR_RWWSB \ Read While Write Section Busy
- $20 constant SPMCSR_SIGRD \ Signature Row Read
- $10 constant SPMCSR_RWWSRE \ Read While Write section read enable
- $08 constant SPMCSR_BLBSET \ Boot Lock Bit Set
- $04 constant SPMCSR_PGWRT \ Page Write
- $02 constant SPMCSR_PGERS \ Page Erase
- $01 constant SPMCSR_SPMEN \ Store Program Memory Enable
-&95 constant SREG \ Status Register
- $80 constant SREG_I \ Global Interrupt Enable
- $40 constant SREG_T \ Bit Copy Storage
- $20 constant SREG_H \ Half Carry Flag
- $10 constant SREG_S \ Sign Bit
- $08 constant SREG_V \ Two's Complement Overflow Flag
- $04 constant SREG_N \ Negative Flag
- $02 constant SREG_Z \ Zero Flag
- $01 constant SREG_C \ Carry Flag
-&93 constant SP \ Stack Pointer
-&85 constant MCUCR \ MCU Control Register
- $80 constant MCUCR_SPIPS \ SPI Pin Select
- $10 constant MCUCR_PUD \ Pull-up disable
- $02 constant MCUCR_IVSEL \ Interrupt Vector Select
- $01 constant MCUCR_IVCE \ Interrupt Vector Change Enable
-&84 constant MCUSR \ MCU Status Register
- $08 constant MCUSR_WDRF \ Watchdog Reset Flag
- $04 constant MCUSR_BORF \ Brown-out Reset Flag
- $02 constant MCUSR_EXTRF \ External Reset Flag
- $01 constant MCUSR_PORF \ Power-on reset flag
-&102 constant OSCCAL \ Oscillator Calibration Value
-&97 constant CLKPR \
- $80 constant CLKPR_CLKPCE \
- $0F constant CLKPR_CLKPS \
-&83 constant SMCR \ Sleep Mode Control Register
- $0E constant SMCR_SM \ Sleep Mode Select bits
- $01 constant SMCR_SE \ Sleep Enable
-&58 constant GPIOR2 \ General Purpose IO Register 2
- $FF constant GPIOR2_GPIOR \ General Purpose IO Register 2 bis
-&57 constant GPIOR1 \ General Purpose IO Register 1
- $FF constant GPIOR1_GPIOR \ General Purpose IO Register 1 bis
-&62 constant GPIOR0 \ General Purpose IO Register 0
- $80 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR07 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 7
- $40 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR06 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 6
- $20 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR05 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 5
- $10 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR04 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 4
- $08 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR03 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 3
- $04 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR02 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 2
- $02 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR01 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 1
- $01 constant GPIOR0_GPIOR00 \ General Purpose IO Register 0 bit 0
-&73 constant PLLCSR \ PLL Control And Status Register
- $04 constant PLLCSR_PLLF \ PLL Factor
- $02 constant PLLCSR_PLLE \ PLL Enable
- $01 constant PLLCSR_PLOCK \ PLL Lock Detector
-&100 constant PRR \ Power Reduction Register
- $40 constant PRR_PRCAN \ Power Reduction CAN
- $20 constant PRR_PRPSC \ Power Reduction PSC
- $10 constant PRR_PRTIM1 \ Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
- $08 constant PRR_PRTIM0 \ Power Reduction Timer/Counter0
- $04 constant PRR_PRSPI \ Power Reduction Serial Peripheral Interface
- $02 constant PRR_PRLIN \ Power Reduction LIN UART
- $01 constant PRR_PRADC \ Power Reduction ADC
-&46 constant PORTE \ Port E Data Register
-&45 constant DDRE \ Port E Data Direction Register
-&44 constant PINE \ Port E Input Pins
-&110 constant TIMSK0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Mask Register
- $04 constant TIMSK0_OCIE0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
- $02 constant TIMSK0_OCIE0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
- $01 constant TIMSK0_TOIE0 \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
-&53 constant TIFR0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Flag register
- $04 constant TIFR0_OCF0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0B
- $02 constant TIFR0_OCF0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0A
- $01 constant TIFR0_TOV0 \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
-&68 constant TCCR0A \ Timer/Counter Control Register A
- $C0 constant TCCR0A_COM0A \ Compare Output Mode, Phase Correct PWM Mode
- $30 constant TCCR0A_COM0B \ Compare Output Mode, Fast PWm
- $03 constant TCCR0A_WGM0 \ Waveform Generation Mode
-&69 constant TCCR0B \ Timer/Counter Control Register B
- $80 constant TCCR0B_FOC0A \ Force Output Compare A
- $40 constant TCCR0B_FOC0B \ Force Output Compare B
- $08 constant TCCR0B_WGM02 \
- $07 constant TCCR0B_CS0 \ Clock Select
-&70 constant TCNT0 \ Timer/Counter0
-&71 constant OCR0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
-&72 constant OCR0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
-&67 constant GTCCR \ General Timer/Counter Control Register
- $80 constant GTCCR_TSM \ Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode
- $40 constant GTCCR_ICPSEL1 \ Timer1 Input Capture Selection Bit
- $01 constant GTCCR_PSR10 \ Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0
-&111 constant TIMSK1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
- $20 constant TIMSK1_ICIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable
- $04 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1B \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable
- $02 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1A \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable
- $01 constant TIMSK1_TOIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
-&54 constant TIFR1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
- $20 constant TIFR1_ICF1 \ Input Capture Flag 1
- $04 constant TIFR1_OCF1B \ Output Compare Flag 1B
- $02 constant TIFR1_OCF1A \ Output Compare Flag 1A
- $01 constant TIFR1_TOV1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
-&128 constant TCCR1A \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
- $C0 constant TCCR1A_COM1A \ Compare Output Mode 1A, bits
- $30 constant TCCR1A_COM1B \ Compare Output Mode 1B, bits
- $03 constant TCCR1A_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode
-&129 constant TCCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
- $80 constant TCCR1B_ICNC1 \ Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler
- $40 constant TCCR1B_ICES1 \ Input Capture 1 Edge Select
- $18 constant TCCR1B_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode
- $07 constant TCCR1B_CS1 \ Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
-&130 constant TCCR1C \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
- $80 constant TCCR1C_FOC1A \
- $40 constant TCCR1C_FOC1B \
-&132 constant TCNT1 \ Timer/Counter1 Bytes
-&136 constant OCR1A \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes
-&138 constant OCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes
-&134 constant ICR1 \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes
-&124 constant ADMUX \ The ADC multiplexer Selection Register
- $C0 constant ADMUX_REFS \ Reference Selection Bits
- $20 constant ADMUX_ADLAR \ Left Adjust Result
- $1F constant ADMUX_MUX \ Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
-&122 constant ADCSRA \ The ADC Control and Status register
- $80 constant ADCSRA_ADEN \ ADC Enable
- $40 constant ADCSRA_ADSC \ ADC Start Conversion
- $20 constant ADCSRA_ADATE \ ADC Auto Trigger Enable
- $10 constant ADCSRA_ADIF \ ADC Interrupt Flag
- $08 constant ADCSRA_ADIE \ ADC Interrupt Enable
- $07 constant ADCSRA_ADPS \ ADC Prescaler Select Bits
-&120 constant ADC \ ADC Data Register Bytes
-&123 constant ADCSRB \ ADC Control and Status Register B
- $80 constant ADCSRB_ADHSM \ ADC High Speed Mode
- $40 constant ADCSRB_ISRCEN \ Current Source Enable
- $20 constant ADCSRB_AREFEN \ Analog Reference pin Enable
- $0F constant ADCSRB_ADTS \ ADC Auto Trigger Sources
-&126 constant DIDR0 \ Digital Input Disable Register 0
- $80 constant DIDR0_ADC7D \ ADC7 Digital input Disable
- $40 constant DIDR0_ADC6D \ ADC6 Digital input Disable
- $20 constant DIDR0_ADC5D \ ADC5 Digital input Disable
- $10 constant DIDR0_ADC4D \ ADC4 Digital input Disable
- $08 constant DIDR0_ADC3D \ ADC3 Digital input Disable
- $04 constant DIDR0_ADC2D \ ADC2 Digital input Disable
- $02 constant DIDR0_ADC1D \ ADC1 Digital input Disable
- $01 constant DIDR0_ADC0D \ ADC0 Digital input Disable
-&127 constant DIDR1 \ Digital Input Disable Register 0
- $40 constant DIDR1_AMP2PD \ AMP2P Pin Digital input Disable
- $20 constant DIDR1_ACMP0D \ ACMP0 Pin Digital input Disable
- $10 constant DIDR1_AMP0PD \ AMP0P Pin Digital input Disable
- $08 constant DIDR1_AMP0ND \ AMP0N Pin Digital input Disable
- $04 constant DIDR1_ADC10D \ ADC10 Pin Digital input Disable
- $02 constant DIDR1_ADC9D \ ADC9 Pin Digital input Disable
- $01 constant DIDR1_ADC8D \ ADC8 Pin Digital input Disable
-&117 constant AMP0CSR \
- $80 constant AMP0CSR_AMP0EN \
- $40 constant AMP0CSR_AMP0IS \
- $30 constant AMP0CSR_AMP0G \
- $08 constant AMP0CSR_AMPCMP0 \ Amplifier 0 - Comparator 0 Connection
- $07 constant AMP0CSR_AMP0TS \
-&118 constant AMP1CSR \
- $80 constant AMP1CSR_AMP1EN \
- $40 constant AMP1CSR_AMP1IS \
- $30 constant AMP1CSR_AMP1G \
- $08 constant AMP1CSR_AMPCMP1 \ Amplifier 1 - Comparator 1 Connection
- $07 constant AMP1CSR_AMP1TS \
-&119 constant AMP2CSR \
- $80 constant AMP2CSR_AMP2EN \
- $40 constant AMP2CSR_AMP2IS \
- $30 constant AMP2CSR_AMP2G \
- $08 constant AMP2CSR_AMPCMP2 \ Amplifier 2 - Comparator 2 Connection
- $07 constant AMP2CSR_AMP2TS \
-&200 constant LINCR \ LIN Control Register
- $80 constant LINCR_LSWRES \ Software Reset
- $40 constant LINCR_LIN13 \ LIN Standard
- $30 constant LINCR_LCONF \ LIN Configuration bits
- $08 constant LINCR_LENA \ LIN or UART Enable
- $07 constant LINCR_LCMD \ LIN Command and Mode bits
-&201 constant LINSIR \ LIN Status and Interrupt Register
- $E0 constant LINSIR_LIDST \ Identifier Status bits
- $10 constant LINSIR_LBUSY \ Busy Signal
- $08 constant LINSIR_LERR \ Error Interrupt
- $04 constant LINSIR_LIDOK \ Identifier Interrupt
- $02 constant LINSIR_LTXOK \ Transmit Performed Interrupt
- $01 constant LINSIR_LRXOK \ Receive Performed Interrupt
-&202 constant LINENIR \ LIN Enable Interrupt Register
- $08 constant LINENIR_LENERR \ Enable Error Interrupt
- $04 constant LINENIR_LENIDOK \ Enable Identifier Interrupt
- $02 constant LINENIR_LENTXOK \ Enable Transmit Performed Interrupt
- $01 constant LINENIR_LENRXOK \ Enable Receive Performed Interrupt
-&203 constant LINERR \ LIN Error Register
- $80 constant LINERR_LABORT \ Abort Flag
- $40 constant LINERR_LTOERR \ Frame Time Out Error Flag
- $20 constant LINERR_LOVERR \ Overrun Error Flag
- $10 constant LINERR_LFERR \ Framing Error Flag
- $08 constant LINERR_LSERR \ Synchronization Error Flag
- $04 constant LINERR_LPERR \ Parity Error Flag
- $02 constant LINERR_LCERR \ Checksum Error Flag
- $01 constant LINERR_LBERR \ Bit Error Flag
-&204 constant LINBTR \ LIN Bit Timing Register
- $80 constant LINBTR_LDISR \ Disable Bit Timing Resynchronization
- $3F constant LINBTR_LBT \ LIN Bit Timing bits
-&205 constant LINBRRL \ LIN Baud Rate Low Register
- $FF constant LINBRRL_LDIV \
-&206 constant LINBRRH \ LIN Baud Rate High Register
- $0F constant LINBRRH_LDIV \
-&207 constant LINDLR \ LIN Data Length Register
- $F0 constant LINDLR_LTXDL \ LIN Transmit Data Length bits
- $0F constant LINDLR_LRXDL \ LIN Receive Data Length bits
-&208 constant LINIDR \ LIN Identifier Register
- $C0 constant LINIDR_LP \ Parity bits
- $3F constant LINIDR_LID \ Identifier bit 5 or Data Length bits
-&209 constant LINSEL \ LIN Data Buffer Selection Register
- $08 constant LINSEL_LAINC \ Auto Increment of Data Buffer Index (Active Low)
- $07 constant LINSEL_LINDX \ FIFO LIN Data Buffer Index bits
-&210 constant LINDAT \ LIN Data Register
- $FF constant LINDAT_LDATA \
-\ SPI
-&76 constant SPCR \ SPI Control Register
- $80 constant SPCR_SPIE \ SPI Interrupt Enable
- $40 constant SPCR_SPE \ SPI Enable
- $20 constant SPCR_DORD \ Data Order
- $10 constant SPCR_MSTR \ Master/Slave Select
- $08 constant SPCR_CPOL \ Clock polarity
- $04 constant SPCR_CPHA \ Clock Phase
- $03 constant SPCR_SPR \ SPI Clock Rate Selects
-&77 constant SPSR \ SPI Status Register
- $80 constant SPSR_SPIF \ SPI Interrupt Flag
- $40 constant SPSR_WCOL \ Write Collision Flag
- $01 constant SPSR_SPI2X \ Double SPI Speed Bit
-&78 constant SPDR \ SPI Data Register
-&96 constant WDTCSR \ Watchdog Timer Control Register
- $80 constant WDTCSR_WDIF \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag
- $40 constant WDTCSR_WDIE \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable
- $27 constant WDTCSR_WDP \ Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bits
- $10 constant WDTCSR_WDCE \ Watchdog Change Enable
- $08 constant WDTCSR_WDE \ Watch Dog Enable
-&105 constant EICRA \ External Interrupt Control Register
- $C0 constant EICRA_ISC3 \ External Interrupt Sense Control Bit
- $30 constant EICRA_ISC2 \ External Interrupt Sense Control Bit
- $0C constant EICRA_ISC1 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bits
- $03 constant EICRA_ISC0 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bits
-&61 constant EIMSK \ External Interrupt Mask Register
- $0F constant EIMSK_INT \ External Interrupt Request 3 Enable
-&60 constant EIFR \ External Interrupt Flag Register
- $0F constant EIFR_INTF \ External Interrupt Flags
-&104 constant PCICR \ Pin Change Interrupt Control Register
- $0F constant PCICR_PCIE \ Pin Change Interrupt Enables
-&109 constant PCMSK3 \ Pin Change Mask Register 3
- $07 constant PCMSK3_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
-&108 constant PCMSK2 \ Pin Change Mask Register 2
- $FF constant PCMSK2_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
-&107 constant PCMSK1 \ Pin Change Mask Register 1
- $FF constant PCMSK1_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
-&106 constant PCMSK0 \ Pin Change Mask Register 0
- $FF constant PCMSK0_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
-&59 constant PCIFR \ Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register
- $0F constant PCIFR_PCIF \ Pin Change Interrupt Flags
-&65 constant EEAR \ EEPROM Read/Write Access
-&64 constant EEDR \ EEPROM Data Register
-&63 constant EECR \ EEPROM Control Register
- $30 constant EECR_EEPM \
- $08 constant EECR_EERIE \ EEProm Ready Interrupt Enable
- $04 constant EECR_EEMWE \ EEPROM Master Write Enable
- $02 constant EECR_EEWE \ EEPROM Write Enable
- $01 constant EECR_EERE \ EEPROM Read Enable
-\ Interrupts
-&2 constant ANACOMP0Addr \ Analog Comparator 0
-&4 constant ANACOMP1Addr \ Analog Comparator 1
-&6 constant ANACOMP2Addr \ Analog Comparator 2
-&8 constant ANACOMP3Addr \ Analog Comparator 3
-&10 constant PSC_FAULTAddr \ PSC Fault
-&12 constant PSC_ECAddr \ PSC End of Cycle
-&14 constant INT0Addr \ External Interrupt Request 0
-&16 constant INT1Addr \ External Interrupt Request 1
-&18 constant INT2Addr \ External Interrupt Request 2
-&20 constant INT3Addr \ External Interrupt Request 3
-&22 constant TIMER1_CAPTAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
-&24 constant TIMER1_COMPAAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
-&26 constant TIMER1_COMPBAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
-&28 constant TIMER1_OVFAddr \ Timer1/Counter1 Overflow
-&30 constant TIMER0_COMPAAddr \ Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A
-&32 constant TIMER0_COMPBAddr \ Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B
-&34 constant TIMER0_OVFAddr \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow
-&36 constant CAN_INTAddr \ CAN MOB, Burst, General Errors
-&38 constant CAN_TOVFAddr \ CAN Timer Overflow
-&40 constant LIN_TCAddr \ LIN Transfer Complete
-&42 constant LIN_ERRAddr \ LIN Error
-&44 constant PCINT0Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
-&46 constant PCINT1Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
-&48 constant PCINT2Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 2
-&50 constant PCINT3Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 3
-&52 constant SPI__STCAddr \ SPI Serial Transfer Complete
-&54 constant ADCAddr \ ADC Conversion Complete
-&56 constant WDTAddr \ Watchdog Time-Out Interrupt
-&58 constant EE_READYAddr \ EEPROM Ready
-&60 constant SPM_READYAddr \ Store Program Memory Read