path: root/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega1284rfr2/blocks/USART1.frt
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Diffstat (limited to 'amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega1284rfr2/blocks/USART1.frt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega1284rfr2/blocks/USART1.frt b/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega1284rfr2/blocks/USART1.frt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9656f84..0000000
--- a/amforth-6.5/avr8/devices/atmega1284rfr2/blocks/USART1.frt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-\ Generated automatically for atmega1284rfr2
-\ #require bitnames.frt
-$ce constant UDR1 \ USART1 I/O Data Register
-$c8 constant UCSR1A \ USART1 Control and Status Regi
- $80 constant UCSR1A_RXC1 \ USART Receive Complete
- c8 $80 bitmask: UCSR1A.RXC1 \ USART Receive Complete
- $40 constant UCSR1A_TXC1 \ USART Transmit Complete
- c8 $40 bitmask: UCSR1A.TXC1 \ USART Transmit Complete
- $20 constant UCSR1A_UDRE1 \ USART Data Register Empty
- c8 $20 bitmask: UCSR1A.UDRE1 \ USART Data Register Empty
- $10 constant UCSR1A_FE1 \ Frame Error
- c8 $10 bitmask: UCSR1A.FE1 \ Frame Error
- $8 constant UCSR1A_DOR1 \ Data OverRun
- c8 $8 bitmask: UCSR1A.DOR1 \ Data OverRun
- $4 constant UCSR1A_UPE1 \ USART Parity Error
- c8 $4 bitmask: UCSR1A.UPE1 \ USART Parity Error
- $2 constant UCSR1A_U2X1 \ Double the USART Transmission
- c8 $2 bitmask: UCSR1A.U2X1 \ Double the USART Transmission
- $1 constant UCSR1A_MPCM1 \ Multi-processor Communication
- c8 $1 bitmask: UCSR1A.MPCM1 \ Multi-processor Communication
-$c9 constant UCSR1B \ USART1 Control and Status Regi
- $80 constant UCSR1B_RXCIE1 \ RX Complete Interrupt Enable
- c9 $80 bitmask: UCSR1B.RXCIE1 \ RX Complete Interrupt Enable
- $40 constant UCSR1B_TXCIE1 \ TX Complete Interrupt Enable
- c9 $40 bitmask: UCSR1B.TXCIE1 \ TX Complete Interrupt Enable
- $20 constant UCSR1B_UDRIE1 \ USART Data Register Empty Inte
- c9 $20 bitmask: UCSR1B.UDRIE1 \ USART Data Register Empty Inte
- $10 constant UCSR1B_RXEN1 \ Receiver Enable
- c9 $10 bitmask: UCSR1B.RXEN1 \ Receiver Enable
- $8 constant UCSR1B_TXEN1 \ Transmitter Enable
- c9 $8 bitmask: UCSR1B.TXEN1 \ Transmitter Enable
- $4 constant UCSR1B_UCSZ12 \ Character Size
- c9 $4 bitmask: UCSR1B.UCSZ12 \ Character Size
- $2 constant UCSR1B_RXB81 \ Receive Data Bit 8
- c9 $2 bitmask: UCSR1B.RXB81 \ Receive Data Bit 8
- $1 constant UCSR1B_TXB81 \ Transmit Data Bit 8
- c9 $1 bitmask: UCSR1B.TXB81 \ Transmit Data Bit 8
-$ca constant UCSR1C \ USART1 Control and Status Regi
- $c0 constant UCSR1C_UMSEL1 \ USART Mode Select
- ca $c0 bitmask: UCSR1C.UMSEL1 \ USART Mode Select
- $30 constant UCSR1C_UPM1 \ Parity Mode
- ca $30 bitmask: UCSR1C.UPM1 \ Parity Mode
- $8 constant UCSR1C_USBS1 \ Stop Bit Select
- ca $8 bitmask: UCSR1C.USBS1 \ Stop Bit Select
- $6 constant UCSR1C_UCSZ1 \ Character Size
- ca $6 bitmask: UCSR1C.UCSZ1 \ Character Size
- $1 constant UCSR1C_UCPOL1 \ Clock Polarity
- ca $1 bitmask: UCSR1C.UCPOL1 \ Clock Polarity
-$cc constant UBRR1 \ USART1 Baud Rate Register Byt