path: root/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint b/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint
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index b0fe22b..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Best Language Tool:
- Sean Barrett
- Software Construction Company
- 430 Southwest Parkway, #1906
- College Station, TX 77840
-Judges' comments:
- First:
- make first
- Second:
- echo help | cat third help.th - | first
- cat third demo5.th | first
- Third:
- cat third help.th - | first
- Wait until Ok is printed and the type:
- 2 3 + . cr <-- yes you should really type the 2 letters: cr
- Forth:
- Sorry, this is third!
-Selected notes from the author:
- What it does:
- first implements a relatively primitive stack machine. How
- primitive? It supplies 13 visible primitives: 3 arithmetic,
- 1 comparison, 2 memory-access, 2 character I/O, 3 primitives
- for defining new words, 1 tokenizing, and 1 special stack
- operation. (There are also three internal operations for
- the stack machine: 'push this integer', 'call this code',
- and 'compile a call to this code'.)
- It is very difficult to accomplish anything with this set
- of primitives, but they do have an interesting property.
- This--what this interesting property is, or in other words
- what first is good for--is the major obfuscation; there are
- also minor source obfuscations, as well as some design tricks
- that are effectively obfuscations. Details on the obfuscations
- are below, and the interesting property is discussed much
- further down.
- How to run it:
- first expects you to first enter the names of the 13 primitives,
- separated by whitespace--it doesn't care what you name them, but
- if all the names aren't unique, you won't be able to use some of
- them. After this you may type any sequence of valid first input.
- Valid first input is defined as any sequence of whitespace-delimited
- tokens which consist of primitives, new words you've defined, and
- integers (as parsed by "%d"). Invalid input behaves unpredictably,
- but gives no warning messages. A sample program, demo1.1st, is
- included, but it only works on ASCII systems.
- Do not expect to be able to do anything interesting with first.
- To do something interesting, you need to feed first the file
- third first. In unix, you can do
- % cat third help.th - | first
- to do this. Hopefully most operating systems will provide a
- way to do this. It may take some time for this to complete
- (I seem to remember it taking several minutes on an 8086 PC);
- THIRD will prompt you when it is finished. The file third has
- not been obfuscated, due to sheer kindness on the author's part.
- For more information on what you can do once you've piped
- THIRD into first, type 'help' and consult FORTH manuals for
- further reference. Six sample THIRD programs are included
- in the files demo[1-6].th. buzzard.2.README has more
- information.
- Keep in mind that you are still running first, and
- are for the most part limited by first's tokenizer
- (notably, unknown words will attempt to be parsed as
- integers.) It is possible to build a new parser that
- parses by hand, reading a single character at a time;
- however, such a parser cannot easily use the existing
- dictionary, and so would have to implement its own,
- thus requiring reimplementing all of first and third
- a second time--I did not care to tackle this project.
- Compiling:
- first is reasonably portable. You may need to adjust the
- size of the buffers on smaller machines; m[] needs to be
- at least 2000 long, though.
- I say first is portable mainly because it uses native types.
- Unlike FORTH, which traditionally allows byte and multi-byte
- operations, all operations are performed on C 'int's. That
- means first code is only as portable as the same code would
- be in C. As in C, the result of dividing -1 by 2 is machine
- (or rather compiler) dependent.
- How is first obfuscated?
- first is obfuscated in several ways. Some minor obfuscations
- like &w[&m[1]][s] for s+m[w+1] were in the original source
- but are no longer because, apparently, ANSI doesn't allow it
- (gcc -ansi -pedantic doesn't mind it, though.)
- Other related obfuscations are still present. The top of the
- stack is cached in a variable, which increases performance
- massively if the compiler can figure out to keep it in a register;
- it also obfuscates the code. (Unfortunately, the top of stack
- is a global variable and neither gcc nor most bundled compilers
- seem to register allocate it.)
- More significant are the design obfuscations. m[0] is the
- "dictionary pointer", used when compiling words, and m[1] is
- the return stack index. Both are used as integer offsets into
- m. Both are kept in m, instead of as separate pointers,
- because they are then accessible to first programs, which is a
- crucial property of first. Similarly the way words are stored
- in the dictionary is not obvious, so it can be difficult to
- follow exactly what the compiler words are doing.
- Assuming you've waded through all that, you still have
- to penetrate the most significant obfuscation. Traditionally,
- the question is whether a reader can answer the question "what
- will this do when I run it". A reader who has deciphered first
- to this point may think they know the answer to this question,
- but they may not know the answer to the more important question,
- "what will this program do when given the right input?" FORTH
- afficianados, and especially FORTH implementors, may recognize
- the similarity of the internal compiler format to many FORTH
- interal representations, and, being aware that FORTH interpreters
- can often by self-compiling, may be suspicious that this program
- can compile FORTH, or a significant subset of it, or at least be
- capable of doing so if fed the right input. Of course, the name
- "THIRD" should be a dead giveaway, if the name "first" wasn't.
- (These numbers were largely chosed because they were five letters
- long, like "FORTH", and would not require truncation to five
- letters, which would be a dead giveaway. Besides, THIRD represents
- a step backwards, in more ways than one.)
- What exactly is first, then?
- first is a tiny interpreter which implements a sufficient
- pseudo-subset of FORTH to allow it to bootstrap a relatively
- complete version of FORTH (based loosely on forth79), which
- I call THIRD. Complete relative to what, I'm not sure.
- I believe first is close to the smallest amount of code possible
- to get this effect *using forth-style primitives*, and still have
- some efficiency (it is possible to get by without multiplication
- if you have addition, obviously). In the design file, design,
- I give a justification for why each primitive in first was included.
- THIRD is sorta slow, because first has so few primitives that
- many things that are primitives in FORTH (like swap) take a
- significant amount of time in THIRD.
- When you get the 'Ok.' message from third, try out some sample
- FORTH code (first has no way of knowing if keyboard input is
- waiting, so it can't actually prompt you in a normal way. It
- only prints 'Ok.' after you define a word).
- 2 3 + . cr ( add 2 and 3, and print it and a newline.)
- and THIRD responds
- 5
- Now try:
- : test 11 1 do i . loop cr ;
- test
- and THIRD responds
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- When in THIRD, you can see how much space you're currently
- using by typing
- here .
- The number THIRD replies is the number of machine words (ints)
- that the dictionary (the first code) takes up, plus the
- 512 ints for the return stack. If you compile the basic
- THIRD system without the help word (strings take up one
- int per character in the string!), you should find that
- you're using around 1000 ints (plus the return stack).
- Thus THIRD gives you a relatively complete FORTH system in
- less than 700 chars of C source + about 1000 ints of
- memory--and it's portable too (you could copy over the
- THIRD memory dump to another machine, in theory). If the
- above numbers seem to you to be mixing apples and oranges
- (C source and compiled THIRD code), note that you should
- in theory be able to stick the compiled THIRD code into
- the C source.
- Software Construction Company gets credit for rekindling
- my interest in FORTH and thus indirectly inspiring me
- to write this program.
-Copyright (c) 1992, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel.
-All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is
-granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety
-and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing
-from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.